This plugin provides the ability to push Log data as a batch to you're external Kafka topics. In case if you did not receive the log data don't worry give it some time it will automatically send the logs after the timer function expires in our Batch Processor.
| name | string | optional | "kafka logger" | | A unique identifier to identity the batch processor. |
| meta_format | enum | optional | "default" | ["default","origin"] | `default`: collect the request information with detfault JSON way. `origin`: collect the request information with original HTTP request. [example](#examples-of-meta_format)|
| batch_max_size | integer | optional | 1000 | [1,...] | Set the maximum number of logs sent in each batch. When the number of logs reaches the set maximum, all logs will be automatically pushed to the `Kafka` service. |
| inactive_timeout | integer | optional | 5 | [1,...] | The maximum time to refresh the buffer (in seconds). When the maximum refresh time is reached, all logs will be automatically pushed to the `Kafka` service regardless of whether the number of logs in the buffer reaches the set maximum number. |
| buffer_duration | integer | optional | 60 | [1,...] | Maximum age in seconds of the oldest entry in a batch before the batch must be processed.|
| max_retry_count | integer | optional | 0 | [0,...] | Maximum number of retries before removing from the processing pipe line. |
| retry_delay | integer | optional | 1 | [0,...] | Number of seconds the process execution should be delayed if the execution fails. |
| include_req_body | boolean | optional | false | [false, true] | Whether to include the request body. false: indicates that the requested body is not included; true: indicates that the requested body is included. |