| timeout | integer | optional | 3 | [1,...] | Time to keep the connection alive after sending a request. |
| name | string | optional | "http logger" | | A unique identifier to identity the logger. |
| batch_max_size | integer | optional | 1000 | [1,...] | Set the maximum number of logs sent in each batch. When the number of logs reaches the set maximum, all logs will be automatically pushed to the `HTTP/HTTPS` service. |
| inactive_timeout | integer | optional | 5 | [1,...] | The maximum time to refresh the buffer (in seconds). When the maximum refresh time is reached, all logs will be automatically pushed to the `HTTP/HTTPS` service regardless of whether the number of logs in the buffer reaches the maximum number set. |
| buffer_duration | integer | optional | 60 | [1,...] | Maximum age in seconds of the oldest entry in a batch before the batch must be processed.|
| max_retry_count | integer | optional | 0 | [0,...] | Maximum number of retries before removing from the processing pipe line. |
| retry_delay | integer | optional | 1 | [0,...] | Number of seconds the process execution should be delayed if the execution fails. |
| include_req_body | boolean | optional | false | [false, true] | Whether to include the request body. false: indicates that the requested body is not included; true: indicates that the requested body is included. |
| concat_method | string | optional | "json" | ["json", "new_line"] | Enum type: `json` and `new_line`. **json**: use `json.encode` for all pending logs. **new_line**: use `json.encode` for each pending log and concat them with "\n" line. |
The following is an example of how to enable the `http-logger` for a specific route. You could generate a mock HTTP server at [mockbin](http://mockbin.org/bin/create) to view the logs.
| log_format | object | optional | {"host": "$host", "@timestamp": "$time_iso8601", "client_ip": "$remote_addr"} | | Log format declared as JSON object. Only string is supported in the `value` part. If the value starts with `$`, it means to get `APISIX` variables or [Nginx variable](http://nginx.org/en/docs/varindex.html). |