BEGIN { if ($ENV{TEST_NGINX_CHECK_LEAK}) { $SkipReason = "unavailable for the hup tests"; } else { $ENV{TEST_NGINX_USE_HUP} = 1; undef $ENV{TEST_NGINX_USE_STAP}; } } use t::APISIX 'no_plan'; repeat_each(1); no_long_string(); no_shuffle(); no_root_location(); log_level('debug'); run_tests; __DATA__ === TEST 1: set proto(id: 1) --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/proto/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "content" : "syntax = \"proto3\"; package helloworld; service Greeter { rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {} } message HelloRequest { string name = 1; } message HelloReply { string message = 1; }" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 2: set routes(id: 1) --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "methods": ["GET"], "uri": "/grpctest", "service_protocol": "grpc", "plugins": { "grpc-transcode": { "proto_id": "1", "service": "helloworld.Greeter", "method": "SayHello" } }, "upstream": { "type": "roundrobin", "nodes": { "": 1 } } }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 3: hit route --- request GET /grpctest?name=world --- response_body eval qr/\{"message":"Hello world"\}/ --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 4: wrong service protocol --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "methods": ["GET"], "uri": "/grpctest", "service_protocol": "asf", "plugins": { "grpc-transcode": { "proto_id": "1", "service": "helloworld.Greeter", "method": "SayHello" } }, "upstream": { "type": "roundrobin", "nodes": { "": 1 } } }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- error_code: 400 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 5: wrong upstream address --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "methods": ["GET"], "uri": "/grpctest", "service_protocol": "grpc", "plugins": { "grpc-transcode": { "proto_id": "1", "service": "helloworld.Greeter", "method": "SayHello" } }, "upstream": { "type": "roundrobin", "nodes": { "": 1 } } }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 6: hit route (Connection refused) --- request GET /grpctest --- response_body eval qr/502 Bad Gateway/ --- error_log Connection refused) while connecting to upstream --- error_code: 502 === TEST 7: update proto(id: 1) --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/proto/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "content" : "syntax = \"proto3\"; package helloworld; service Greeter { rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {} rpc Plus (PlusRequest) returns (PlusReply) {} } message HelloRequest { string name = 1; } message HelloReply { string message = 1; } message PlusRequest { int32 a = 1; int32 b = 2; } message PlusReply { int32 result = 1; }" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 8: set routes(id: 2) --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/2', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "methods": ["GET"], "uri": "/grpc_plus", "service_protocol": "grpc", "plugins": { "grpc-transcode": { "proto_id": "1", "service": "helloworld.Greeter", "method": "Plus" } }, "upstream": { "type": "roundrobin", "nodes": { "": 1 } } }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 9: hit route --- request GET /grpc_plus?a=1&b=2 --- response_body eval qr/\{"result":3\}/ --- no_error_log [error]