apisix: node_listen: 9080 # APISIX listening port node_ssl_listen: 9443 enable_heartbeat: true enable_admin: true enable_debug: false enable_ipv6: true config_center: etcd # etcd: use etcd to store the config value # yaml: fetch the config value from local yaml file `/your_path/conf/apisix.yaml` # allow_admin: # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_access_module.html#allow # - # If we don't set any IP list, then any IP access is allowed by default. # - "::/64" # port_admin: 9180 # use a separate port real_ip_header: "X-Real-IP" # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#real_ip_header real_ip_from: # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#set_real_ip_from - - 'unix:' router: http: 'radixtree_uri' # r3_uri: match route by uri(base on r3) # r3_host_uri: match route by host + uri(base on r3) # radixtree_uri: match route by uri(base on radixtree) ssl: 'radixtree_sni' # r3_sni: match route by SNI(base on r3) # radixtree_sni: match route by SNI(base on radixtree) # stream_proxy: # TCP/UDP proxy # tcp: # TCP proxy port list # - 9100 # - 9101 # udp: # UDP proxy port list # - 9200 # - 9211 etcd: host: "" # etcd address prefix: "/apisix" # apisix configurations prefix timeout: 1 # 1 seconds plugins: # plugin list - example-plugin - limit-req - limit-count - limit-conn - key-auth - prometheus - node-status - jwt-auth - zipkin - ip-restriction - grpc-transcode - serverless-pre-function - serverless-post-function - openid-connect stream_plugins: - mqtt-proxy