# Running APISIX in AWS with AWS CDK [APISIX](https://github.com/apache/apisix) is a cloud-native microservices API gateway, delivering the ultimate performance, security, open source and scalable platform for all your APIs and microservices. ## Architecture This reference architecture walks you through building **APISIX** as a serverless container API Gateway on top of AWS Fargate with AWS CDK. ![](images/aws-fargate-cdk.png) ## Generate an AWS CDK project with `projen` ```bash $ mkdir apisix-aws $ cd $_ $ npx projen new awscdk-app-ts ``` update the `.projenrc.js` with the following content: ```js const { AwsCdkTypeScriptApp } = require('projen'); const project = new AwsCdkTypeScriptApp({ cdkVersion: "1.70.0", name: "apisix-aws", cdkDependencies: [ '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2', '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs', '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs-patterns', ] }); project.synth(); ``` update the project: ```ts $ npx projen ``` ## update `src/main.ts` ```ts import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'; import { Vpc, Port } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2'; import { Cluster, ContainerImage, TaskDefinition, Compatibility } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs'; import { ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService, NetworkLoadBalancedFargateService } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs-patterns'; export class ApiSixStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); const vpc = Vpc.fromLookup(this, 'VPC', { isDefault: true }) const cluster = new Cluster(this, 'Cluster', { vpc }) /** * ApiSix service */ const taskDefinition = new TaskDefinition(this, 'TaskApiSix', { compatibility: Compatibility.FARGATE, memoryMiB: '512', cpu: '256' }) taskDefinition .addContainer('apisix', { image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('iresty/apisix'), }) .addPortMappings({ containerPort: 9080 }) taskDefinition .addContainer('etcd', { image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('gcr.azk8s.cn/etcd-development/etcd:v3.3.12'), // image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('gcr.io/etcd-development/etcd:v3.3.12'), }) .addPortMappings({ containerPort: 2379 }) const svc = new ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService(this, 'ApiSixService', { cluster, taskDefinition, }) svc.targetGroup.setAttribute('deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds', '30') svc.targetGroup.configureHealthCheck({ interval: cdk.Duration.seconds(5), healthyHttpCodes: '404', healthyThresholdCount: 2, unhealthyThresholdCount: 3, timeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(4) }) /** * PHP service */ const taskDefinitionPHP = new TaskDefinition(this, 'TaskPHP', { compatibility: Compatibility.FARGATE, memoryMiB: '512', cpu: '256' }) taskDefinitionPHP .addContainer('php', { image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('abiosoft/caddy:php'), }) .addPortMappings({ containerPort: 2015 }) const svcPHP = new NetworkLoadBalancedFargateService(this, 'PhpService', { cluster, taskDefinition: taskDefinitionPHP, assignPublicIp: true, }) // allow Fargate task behind NLB to accept all traffic svcPHP.service.connections.allowFromAnyIpv4(Port.tcp(2015)) svcPHP.targetGroup.setAttribute('deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds', '30') svcPHP.loadBalancer.setAttribute('load_balancing.cross_zone.enabled', 'true') new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'ApiSixDashboardURL', { value: `http://${svc.loadBalancer.loadBalancerDnsName}/apisix/dashboard/` }) } } const devEnv = { account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, region: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION, }; const app = new cdk.App(); new ApiSixStack(app, 'apisix-stack-dev', { env: devEnv }); app.synth(); ``` ## Deploy the APISIX Stack with AWS CDK ```bash $ cdk diff $ cdk deploy ``` On deployment complete, some outputs will be returned: ```bash Outputs: apiSix.PhpServiceLoadBalancerDNS5E5BAB1B = apiSi-PhpSe-FOL2MM4TW7G8-09029e095ab36fcc.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com apiSix.ApiSixDashboardURL = http://apiSi-ApiSi-1TM103DN35GRY-1477666967.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/apisix/dashboard/ apiSix.ApiSixServiceLoadBalancerDNSD4E5B8CB = apiSi-ApiSi-1TM103DN35GRY-1477666967.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com apiSix.ApiSixServiceServiceURLF6EC7872 = http://apiSi-ApiSi-1TM103DN35GRY-1477666967.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com ``` Open the `apiSix.ApiSixDashboardURL` from your browser and you will see the login prompt. ### Configure the upstream nodes All upstream nodes are running as **AWS Fargate** tasks and registered to the **NLB(Network Load Balancer)** exposing multiple static IP addresses. We can query the IP addresses by **nslookup** the **apiSix.PhpServiceLoadBalancerDNS5E5BAB1B** like this: ```bash $ nslookup apiSi-PhpSe-FOL2MM4TW7G8-09029e095ab36fcc.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: apiSi-PhpSe-FOL2MM4TW7G8-09029e095ab36fcc.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Address: Name: apiSi-PhpSe-FOL2MM4TW7G8-09029e095ab36fcc.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Address: Name: apiSi-PhpSe-FOL2MM4TW7G8-09029e095ab36fcc.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Address: Name: apiSi-PhpSe-FOL2MM4TW7G8-09029e095ab36fcc.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com Address: ``` Configure the IP addresses returned as your upstream nodes in your **APISIX** dashboard followed by the **Services** and **Routes** configuration. Let's say we have a `/index.php` as the URI for the first route for our first **Service** from the **Upstream** IP adddresses. ![](images/aws-nlb-ip-addr.png) ![](images/aws-define-service.png) ![](images/aws-define-route.png) ## Validation OK. Let's test the `/index.php` on `{apiSix.ApiSixServiceServiceURL}/index.php` ![](images/aws-caddy-php-welcome-page.png) Now we have been successfully running **APISIX** in AWS Fargate as serverless container API Gateway service. ## Clean up ```bash $ cdk destroy ``` ## Running APISIX in AWS China Regions update `src/main.ts` ```js taskDefinition .addContainer('etcd', { image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('gcr.azk8s.cn/etcd-development/etcd:v3.3.12'), // image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry('gcr.io/etcd-development/etcd:v3.3.12'), }) .addPortMappings({ containerPort: 2379 }) ``` _(read [here](https://github.com/iresty/docker-apisix/blob/9a731f698171f4838e9bc0f1c05d6dda130ca89b/example/docker-compose.yml#L18-L19) for more reference)_ Run `cdk deploy` and specify your preferred AWS region in China. ```bash # let's say we have another AWS_PROFILE for China regions called 'cn' # make sure you have aws configure --profile=cn properly. # # deploy to NingXia region $ cdk deploy --profile cn -c region=cn-northwest-1 # deploy to Beijing region $ cdk deploy --profile cn -c region=cn-north-1 ``` In the following case, we got the `Outputs` returned for **AWS Ningxia region(cn-northwest-1)**: ```bash Outputs: apiSix.PhpServiceLoadBalancerDNS5E5BAB1B = apiSi-PhpSe-1760FFS3K7TXH-562fa1f7f642ec24.elb.cn-northwest-1.amazonaws.com.cn apiSix.ApiSixDashboardURL = http://apiSi-ApiSi-123HOROQKWZKA-1268325233.cn-northwest-1.elb.amazonaws.com.cn/apisix/dashboard/ apiSix.ApiSixServiceLoadBalancerDNSD4E5B8CB = apiSi-ApiSi-123HOROQKWZKA-1268325233.cn-northwest-1.elb.amazonaws.com.cn apiSix.ApiSixServiceServiceURLF6EC7872 = http://apiSi-ApiSi-123HOROQKWZKA-1268325233.cn-northwest-1.elb.amazonaws.com.cn ``` Open the `apiSix.ApiSixDashboardURL` URL and log in to configure your **APISIX** in AWS China region. _TBD_ ## Decouple APISIX and etcd3 on AWS For high availability and state consistency consideration, you might be interested to decouple the **etcd3** as a separate cluster from **APISIX** not only for performance but also high availability and fault tolerance yet with highly reliable state consistency. _TBD_