use t::APISix 'no_plan'; repeat_each(1); no_long_string(); no_shuffle(); no_root_location(); run_tests; __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local plugin = require("apisix.plugins.limit-req") local ok, err = plugin.check_schema({rate = 1, burst = 0, rejected_code = 503, key = 'remote_addr'}) if not ok then ngx.say(err) end ngx.say("done") } } --- request GET /t --- response_body done --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 2: wrong value of key --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local plugin = require("apisix.plugins.limit-conn") local ok, err = plugin.check_schema({burst = 0, rejected_code = 503, key = 'remote_addr'}) if not ok then ngx.say(err) end ngx.say("done") } } --- request GET /t --- response_body invalid "required" in docuement at pointer "#" done --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 3: add plugin --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "limit-req": { "rate": 4, "burst": 2, "rejected_code": 503, "key": "remote_addr" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }]], [[{ "node": { "value": { "plugins": { "limit-req": { "rate": 4, "burst": 2, "rejected_code": 503, "key": "remote_addr" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }, "key": "/apisix/routes/1" }, "action": "set" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 4: not exceeding the burst --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /hello", "GET /hello", "GET /hello", "GET /hello"] --- error_code eval [200, 200, 200, 200] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 5: update plugin --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "limit-req": { "rate": 0.1, "burst": 0.1, "rejected_code": 503, "key": "remote_addr" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }]], [[{ "node": { "value": { "plugins": { "limit-req": { "rate": 0.1, "burst": 0.1, "rejected_code": 503, "key": "remote_addr" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }, "key": "/apisix/routes/1" }, "action": "set" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 6: exceeding the burst --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /hello", "GET /hello", "GET /hello", "GET /hello"] --- error_code eval [200, 503, 503, 503] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 7: wrong type --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "limit-req": { "rate": -1, "burst": 0.1, "rejected_code": 503, "key": "remote_addr" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }]], [[{ "node": { "value": { "plugins": { "limit-req": { "rate": -1, "burst": 0.1, "rejected_code": 503, "key": "remote_addr" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }, "key": "/apisix/routes/1" }, "action": "set" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.print(body) } } --- request GET /t --- error_code: 400 --- response_body {"error_msg":"failed to check the configuration of plugin limit-req err: invalid \"minimum\" in docuement at pointer \"#\/rate\""} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 8: disable plugin --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/hello" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code end ngx.say(body) } } --- request GET /t --- response_body passed --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 9: exceeding the burst --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /hello", "GET /hello", "GET /hello", "GET /hello"] --- error_code eval [200, 200, 200, 200] --- no_error_log [error]