package = "apisix-dev" version = "1.0-0" supported_platforms = {"linux", "macosx"} source = { url = "git://", branch = "master", } description = { summary = "APISIX is a cloud-native microservices API gateway, delivering the ultimate performance, security, open source and scalable platform for all your APIs and microservices.", homepage = "", license = "Apache License 2.0", maintainer = "Yuansheng Wang " } dependencies = { "lua-resty-template = 1.9", "lua-resty-etcd = 0.7", "lua-resty-balancer = 0.02rc5", "lua-resty-ngxvar = 0.4", "lua-resty-jit-uuid = 0.0.7", "rapidjson = 0.6.1", "lua-resty-healthcheck-iresty = 1.0.1", "lua-resty-jwt = 0.2.0", "lua-resty-cookie = 0.1.0", "lua-resty-session = 2.24", "opentracing-openresty = 0.1", "lua-resty-radixtree = 1.2", "lua-protobuf = 0.3.1", "lua-resty-openidc = 1.7.2-1", "luafilesystem = 1.7.0-2", "lua-tinyyaml = 0.1", "iresty-nginx-lua-prometheus = 0.20190917", } build = { type = "make", build_variables = { CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)", LIBFLAG="$(LIBFLAG)", LUA_LIBDIR="$(LUA_LIBDIR)", LUA_BINDIR="$(LUA_BINDIR)", LUA_INCDIR="$(LUA_INCDIR)", LUA="$(LUA)", }, install_variables = { INST_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)", INST_BINDIR="$(BINDIR)", INST_LIBDIR="$(LIBDIR)", INST_LUADIR="$(LUADIR)", INST_CONFDIR="$(CONFDIR)", }, }