# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package t::APISIX; use lib 'lib'; use Cwd qw(cwd); use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua::Stream -Base; repeat_each(1); log_level('info'); no_long_string(); no_shuffle(); worker_connections(128); my $apisix_home = $ENV{APISIX_HOME} || cwd(); sub read_file($) { my $infile = shift; open my $in, "$apisix_home/$infile" or die "cannot open $infile for reading: $!"; my $data = do { local $/; <$in> }; close $in; $data; } sub local_dns_resolver() { open my $in, "/etc/resolv.conf" or die "cannot open /etc/resolv.conf"; my @lines = <$in>; my @dns_addrs = (); foreach my $line (@lines){ $line =~ m/^nameserver\s+(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)\s*$/; if ($1) { push(@dns_addrs, $1); } } close($in); return @dns_addrs } my $dns_addrs_str = ""; my $dns_addrs_tbl_str = ""; my $enable_local_dns = $ENV{"ENABLE_LOCAL_DNS"}; if ($enable_local_dns) { my @dns_addrs = local_dns_resolver(); $dns_addrs_tbl_str = "{"; foreach my $addr (@dns_addrs){ $dns_addrs_str = "$dns_addrs_str $addr"; $dns_addrs_tbl_str = "$dns_addrs_tbl_str\"$addr\", "; } $dns_addrs_tbl_str = "$dns_addrs_tbl_str}"; } else { $dns_addrs_str = ""; $dns_addrs_tbl_str = "{\"\", \"\"}"; } my $default_yaml_config = read_file("conf/config-default.yaml"); my $user_yaml_config = read_file("conf/config.yaml"); my $ssl_crt = read_file("conf/cert/apisix.crt"); my $ssl_key = read_file("conf/cert/apisix.key"); my $ssl_ecc_crt = read_file("conf/cert/apisix_ecc.crt"); my $ssl_ecc_key = read_file("conf/cert/apisix_ecc.key"); my $test2_crt = read_file("conf/cert/test2.crt"); my $test2_key = read_file("conf/cert/test2.key"); $user_yaml_config = <<_EOC_; apisix: node_listen: 1984 stream_proxy: tcp: - 9100 admin_key: null _EOC_ my $etcd_enable_auth = $ENV{"ETCD_ENABLE_AUTH"} || "false"; if ($etcd_enable_auth eq "true") { $user_yaml_config .= <<_EOC_; etcd: user: root password: 5tHkHhYkjr6cQY _EOC_ } my $custom_hmac_auth = $ENV{"CUSTOM_HMAC_AUTH"} || "false"; if ($custom_hmac_auth eq "true") { $user_yaml_config .= <<_EOC_; plugin_attr: hmac-auth: signature_key: X-APISIX-HMAC-SIGNATURE algorithm_key: X-APISIX-HMAC-ALGORITHM date_key: X-APISIX-DATE access_key: X-APISIX-HMAC-ACCESS-KEY signed_headers_key: X-APISIX-HMAC-SIGNED-HEADERS _EOC_ } my $profile = $ENV{"APISIX_PROFILE"}; my $apisix_file; my $debug_file; my $config_file; if ($profile) { $apisix_file = "apisix-$profile.yaml"; $debug_file = "debug-$profile.yaml"; $config_file = "config-$profile.yaml"; } else { $apisix_file = "apisix.yaml"; $debug_file = "debug.yaml"; $config_file = "config.yaml"; } add_block_preprocessor(sub { my ($block) = @_; my $wait_etcd_sync = $block->wait_etcd_sync // 0.1; my $main_config = $block->main_config // <<_EOC_; worker_rlimit_core 500M; env ENABLE_ETCD_AUTH; env APISIX_PROFILE; _EOC_ # set default `timeout` to 5sec my $timeout = $block->timeout // 5; $block->set_value("timeout", $timeout); $block->set_value("main_config", $main_config); my $stream_enable = $block->stream_enable; my $stream_config = $block->stream_config // <<_EOC_; lua_package_path "$apisix_home/?.lua;$apisix_home/?/init.lua;$apisix_home/deps/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;$apisix_home/apisix/?.lua;$apisix_home/t/?.lua;;"; lua_package_cpath "$apisix_home/?.so;$apisix_home/deps/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;$apisix_home/deps/lib64/lua/5.1/?.so;;"; lua_socket_log_errors off; lua_shared_dict lrucache-lock-stream 10m; upstream apisix_backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { apisix.stream_balancer_phase() } } init_by_lua_block { if os.getenv("APISIX_ENABLE_LUACOV") == "1" then require("luacov.runner")("t/apisix.luacov") jit.off() end require "resty.core" apisix = require("apisix") apisix.stream_init() } init_worker_by_lua_block { apisix.stream_init_worker() } # fake server, only for test server { listen 1995; content_by_lua_block { local sock = ngx.req.socket() local data = sock:receive("1") ngx.say("hello world") } } _EOC_ if (defined $stream_enable) { $block->set_value("stream_config", $stream_config); } my $stream_server_config = $block->stream_server_config // <<_EOC_; preread_by_lua_block { -- wait for etcd sync ngx.sleep($wait_etcd_sync) apisix.stream_preread_phase() } proxy_pass apisix_backend; log_by_lua_block { apisix.stream_log_phase() } _EOC_ if (defined $stream_enable) { $block->set_value("stream_server_config", $stream_server_config); } my $init_by_lua_block = $block->init_by_lua_block // <<_EOC_; if os.getenv("APISIX_ENABLE_LUACOV") == "1" then require("luacov.runner")("t/apisix.luacov") jit.off() end require "resty.core" apisix = require("apisix") local args = { dns_resolver = $dns_addrs_tbl_str, } apisix.http_init(args) _EOC_ my $http_config = $block->http_config // ''; $http_config .= <<_EOC_; lua_package_path "$apisix_home/?.lua;$apisix_home/?/init.lua;$apisix_home/deps/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;$apisix_home/apisix/?.lua;$apisix_home/t/?.lua;;"; lua_package_cpath "$apisix_home/?.so;$apisix_home/deps/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;$apisix_home/deps/lib64/lua/5.1/?.so;;"; lua_shared_dict plugin-limit-req 10m; lua_shared_dict plugin-limit-count 10m; lua_shared_dict plugin-limit-conn 10m; lua_shared_dict prometheus-metrics 10m; lua_shared_dict upstream-healthcheck 32m; lua_shared_dict worker-events 10m; lua_shared_dict lrucache-lock 10m; lua_shared_dict skywalking-tracing-buffer 100m; lua_shared_dict balancer_ewma 1m; lua_shared_dict balancer_ewma_locks 1m; lua_shared_dict balancer_ewma_last_touched_at 1m; lua_shared_dict plugin-limit-count-redis-cluster-slot-lock 1m; lua_shared_dict plugin-api-breaker 10m; resolver $dns_addrs_str; resolver_timeout 5; underscores_in_headers on; lua_socket_log_errors off; upstream apisix_backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { apisix.http_balancer_phase() } keepalive 32; } init_by_lua_block { $init_by_lua_block } init_worker_by_lua_block { require("apisix").http_init_worker() } # fake server, only for test server { listen 1980; listen 1981; listen 1982; listen 5044; _EOC_ my $ipv6_fake_server = ""; if (defined $block->listen_ipv6) { $ipv6_fake_server = "listen \[::1\]:1980;"; } $http_config .= <<_EOC_; $ipv6_fake_server server_tokens off; location / { content_by_lua_block { require("lib.server").go() } more_clear_headers Date; } } server { listen 1983 ssl; ssl_certificate cert/apisix.crt; ssl_certificate_key cert/apisix.key; lua_ssl_trusted_certificate cert/apisix.crt; server_tokens off; location / { content_by_lua_block { require("lib.server").go() } more_clear_headers Date; } } _EOC_ $block->set_value("http_config", $http_config); my $TEST_NGINX_HTML_DIR = $ENV{TEST_NGINX_HTML_DIR} ||= html_dir(); my $ipv6_listen_conf = ''; if (defined $block->listen_ipv6) { $ipv6_listen_conf = "listen \[::1\]:12345;" } my $config = $block->config // ''; $config .= <<_EOC_; $ipv6_listen_conf ssl_certificate cert/apisix.crt; ssl_certificate_key cert/apisix.key; lua_ssl_trusted_certificate cert/apisix.crt; ssl_certificate_by_lua_block { apisix.http_ssl_phase() } location = /apisix/nginx_status { allow; access_log off; stub_status; } location /apisix/admin { content_by_lua_block { apisix.http_admin() } } location / { set \$upstream_mirror_host ''; set \$upstream_scheme 'http'; set \$upstream_host \$host; set \$upstream_upgrade ''; set \$upstream_connection ''; set \$upstream_uri ''; set \$upstream_cache_zone off; set \$upstream_cache_key ''; set \$upstream_cache_bypass ''; set \$upstream_no_cache ''; set \$upstream_hdr_expires ''; set \$upstream_hdr_cache_control ''; proxy_cache \$upstream_cache_zone; proxy_cache_valid any 10s; proxy_cache_min_uses 1; proxy_cache_methods GET HEAD; proxy_cache_lock_timeout 5s; proxy_cache_use_stale off; proxy_cache_key \$upstream_cache_key; proxy_no_cache \$upstream_no_cache; proxy_cache_bypass \$upstream_cache_bypass; proxy_hide_header Cache-Control; proxy_hide_header Expires; add_header Cache-Control \$upstream_hdr_cache_control; add_header Expires \$upstream_hdr_expires; add_header Apisix-Cache-Status \$upstream_cache_status always; access_by_lua_block { -- wait for etcd sync ngx.sleep($wait_etcd_sync) apisix.http_access_phase() } proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Host \$upstream_host; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$upstream_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection \$upstream_connection; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_pass_header Server; proxy_pass_header Date; proxy_pass \$upstream_scheme://apisix_backend\$upstream_uri; mirror /proxy_mirror; header_filter_by_lua_block { apisix.http_header_filter_phase() } body_filter_by_lua_block { apisix.http_body_filter_phase() } log_by_lua_block { apisix.http_log_phase() } } location \@grpc_pass { access_by_lua_block { apisix.grpc_access_phase() } grpc_set_header Content-Type application/grpc; grpc_socket_keepalive on; grpc_pass grpc://apisix_backend; header_filter_by_lua_block { apisix.http_header_filter_phase() } body_filter_by_lua_block { apisix.http_body_filter_phase() } log_by_lua_block { apisix.http_log_phase() } } location = /proxy_mirror { internal; if (\$upstream_mirror_host = "") { return 200; } proxy_pass \$upstream_mirror_host\$request_uri; } _EOC_ $block->set_value("config", $config); my $user_apisix_yaml = $block->apisix_yaml // ""; if ($user_apisix_yaml) { $user_apisix_yaml = <<_EOC_; >>> ../conf/$apisix_file $user_apisix_yaml _EOC_ } my $yaml_config = $block->yaml_config // $user_yaml_config; my $user_debug_config = $block->debug_config // ""; my $user_files = $block->user_files; $user_files .= <<_EOC_; >>> ../conf/$debug_file $user_debug_config >>> ../conf/config-default.yaml $default_yaml_config >>> ../conf/$config_file $yaml_config >>> ../conf/cert/apisix.crt $ssl_crt >>> ../conf/cert/apisix.key $ssl_key >>> ../conf/cert/apisix_ecc.crt $ssl_ecc_crt >>> ../conf/cert/apisix_ecc.key $ssl_ecc_key >>> ../conf/cert/test2.crt $test2_crt >>> ../conf/cert/test2.key $test2_key $user_apisix_yaml _EOC_ $block->set_value("user_files", $user_files); $block; }); 1;