# Powered by APISIX This page documents an **alphabetical list** of institutions that are using APISIX for research and production, or providing commercial products including APISIX. Users are encouraged to add themselves to this page, [issue](https://github.com/iresty/apisix/issues/487) and PR are welcomed. 1. cunw 湖南新云网 http://www.cunw.com.cn/ 1. fansup.mobi https://fansup.mobi/ 1. ke.com 贝壳找房 https://www.ke.com/ 1. Meizu 魅族 https://www.meizu.com/ 1. sinovatech 炎黄新星 https://www.sinovatech.com 1. souche 大搜车 https://www.souche.com/ 1. Tencent Cloud 腾讯云 https://cloud.tencent.com/ 1. zuzuche 租租车 https://www.zuzuche.com/ 1. chaolian 超链云商 https://www.chaolian360.com/ # User Cases ## ke.com Using APISIX as traffic entry gateway ## meizu Using APISIX as api gateway (limit, grpc transcode, abtest, dynamic configures ...) ## zuzuche.com Using APISIX as a gateway, it uses the functions of current limiting, speed limiting, black-and-white list and so on. In the later stage, it also wants to add gRPC protocol, Serverless, custom plug-in, and other functions to meet business needs. ## souche.com Using APISIX as a Web ACL gateway to deal with backend OA systems traffic.