# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # use t::APISIX 'no_plan'; repeat_each(1); no_long_string(); no_root_location(); no_shuffle(); add_block_preprocessor(sub { my ($block) = @_; my $inside_lua_block = $block->inside_lua_block // ""; chomp($inside_lua_block); my $http_config = $block->http_config // <<_EOC_; server { listen 8765; location /httptrigger { content_by_lua_block { ngx.req.read_body() local msg = "faas invoked" ngx.header['Content-Length'] = #msg + 1 ngx.header['X-Extra-Header'] = "MUST" ngx.header['Connection'] = "Keep-Alive" ngx.say(msg) } } location /api { content_by_lua_block { ngx.say("invocation /api successful") } } location /api/httptrigger { content_by_lua_block { ngx.say("invocation /api/httptrigger successful") } } location /api/http/trigger { content_by_lua_block { ngx.say("invocation /api/http/trigger successful") } } location /azure-demo { content_by_lua_block { $inside_lua_block } } } _EOC_ $block->set_value("http_config", $http_config); if (!$block->request) { $block->set_value("request", "GET /t"); } if (!$block->no_error_log && !$block->error_log) { $block->set_value("no_error_log", "[error]\n[alert]"); } }); run_tests; __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local plugin = require("apisix.plugins.azure-functions") local conf = { function_uri = "http://some-url.com" } local ok, err = plugin.check_schema(conf) if not ok then ngx.say(err) end ngx.say("done") } } --- response_body done === TEST 2: function_uri missing --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local plugin = require("apisix.plugins.azure-functions") local ok, err = plugin.check_schema({}) if not ok then ngx.say(err) else ngx.say("done") end } } --- response_body property "function_uri" is required === TEST 3: create route with azure-function plugin enabled --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "azure-functions": { "function_uri": "http://localhost:8765/httptrigger" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/azure" }]], [[{ "node": { "value": { "plugins": { "azure-functions": { "keepalive": true, "timeout": 3000, "ssl_verify": true, "keepalive_timeout": 60000, "keepalive_pool": 5, "function_uri": "http://localhost:8765/httptrigger" } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/azure" }, "key": "/apisix/routes/1" }, "action": "set" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say("fail") return end ngx.say(body) } } --- response_body passed === TEST 4: Test plugin endpoint --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local core = require("apisix.core") local code, _, body, headers = t("/azure", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end -- headers proxied 2 times -- one by plugin, another by this test case core.response.set_header(headers) ngx.print(body) } } --- response_body faas invoked --- response_headers Content-Length: 13 X-Extra-Header: MUST === TEST 5: http2 check response body and headers --- http2 --- request GET /azure --- response_body faas invoked === TEST 6: check HTTP/2 response headers (must not contain any connection specific info) First fetch the header from curl with -I then check the count of Connection The full header looks like the format shown below HTTP/2 200 content-type: text/plain x-extra-header: MUST content-length: 13 date: Wed, 17 Nov 2021 13:53:08 GMT server: APISIX/2.10.2 --- http2 --- request HEAD /azure --- response_headers Connection: Upgrade: Keep-Alive: content-type: text/plain x-extra-header: MUST content-length: 13 === TEST 7: check authz header --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test -- passing an apikey local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "azure-functions": { "function_uri": "http://localhost:8765/azure-demo", "authorization": { "apikey": "test_key" } } }, "upstream": { "nodes": { "": 1 }, "type": "roundrobin" }, "uri": "/azure" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say("fail") return end ngx.say(body) local code, _, body = t("/azure", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- inside_lua_block local headers = ngx.req.get_headers() or {} ngx.say("Authz-Header - " .. headers["x-functions-key"] or "") --- response_body passed Authz-Header - test_key === TEST 8: check if apikey doesn't get overrided passed by client to the gateway --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local header = {} header["x-functions-key"] = "must_not_be_overrided" -- plugin schema already contains apikey with value "test_key" which won't be respected local code, _, body = t("/azure", "GET", nil, nil, header) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- inside_lua_block local headers = ngx.req.get_headers() or {} ngx.say("Authz-Header - " .. headers["x-functions-key"] or "") --- response_body Authz-Header - must_not_be_overrided === TEST 9: fall back to metadata master key --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, meta_body = t('/apisix/admin/plugin_metadata/azure-functions', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "master_apikey":"metadata_key" }]], [[{ "node": { "value": { "master_apikey": "metadata_key", "master_clientid": "" }, "key": "/apisix/plugin_metadata/azure-functions" }, "action": "set" }]]) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say("fail") return end ngx.say(meta_body) -- update plugin attribute local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "azure-functions": { "function_uri": "http://localhost:8765/azure-demo" } }, "uri": "/azure" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say("fail") return end ngx.say(body) -- plugin schema already contains apikey with value "test_key" which won't be respected local code, _, body = t("/azure", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- inside_lua_block local headers = ngx.req.get_headers() or {} ngx.say("Authz-Header - " .. headers["x-functions-key"] or "") --- response_body passed passed Authz-Header - metadata_key === TEST 10: check if url path being forwarded correctly by creating a semi correct path uri --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test -- creating a semi path route local code, body = t('/apisix/admin/routes/1', ngx.HTTP_PUT, [[{ "plugins": { "azure-functions": { "function_uri": "http://localhost:8765/api" } }, "uri": "/azure/*" }]] ) if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say("fail") return end ngx.say(body) local code, _, body = t("/azure/httptrigger", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- response_body passed invocation /api/httptrigger successful === TEST 11: check multilevel url path forwarding --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, _, body = t("/azure/http/trigger", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- response_body invocation /api/http/trigger successful === TEST 12: check url path forwarding containing multiple slashes --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, _, body = t("/azure///http////trigger", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- response_body invocation /api/http/trigger successful === TEST 13: check url path forwarding with no excess path --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local t = require("lib.test_admin").test local code, _, body = t("/azure/", "GET") if code >= 300 then ngx.status = code ngx.say(body) return end ngx.print(body) } } --- response_body invocation /api successful