INST_PREFIX ?= /usr INST_LIBDIR ?= $(INST_PREFIX)/lib64/lua/5.1 INST_LUADIR ?= $(INST_PREFIX)/share/lua/5.1 INST_BINDIR ?= /usr/bin INSTALL ?= install .PHONY: default default: ### help: Show Makefile rules. .PHONY: help help: @echo Makefile rules: @echo @grep -E '^### [-A-Za-z0-9_]+:' Makefile | sed 's/###/ /' ### dev: Create a development ENV .PHONY: dev dev: ./utils/ sudo luarocks install apisix-*.rockspec --only-deps --tree deps ### check: Check Lua srouce code .PHONY: check check: luacheck -q lua ./utils/lj-releng lua/*.lua lua/apisix/*.lua \ lua/apisix/admin/*.lua \ lua/apisix/core/*.lua \ lua/apisix/plugins/*.lua > \ /tmp/check.log 2>&1 || (cat /tmp/check.log && exit 1) ### run: Start the apisix server .PHONY: run run: mkdir -p logs mkdir -p /tmp/cores/ $$(which openresty) -p $$PWD/ ### stop: Stop the apisix server .PHONY: stop stop: $$(which openresty) -p $$PWD/ -s stop ### clean: Remove generated files .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf logs/ ### reload: Reload the apisix server .PHONY: reload reload: $$(which openresty) -p $$PWD/ -s reload ### install: Install the apisix .PHONY: install install: $(INSTALL) -d /usr/local/apisix/logs/ $(INSTALL) -d /usr/local/apisix/conf/ $(INSTALL) conf/mime.types /usr/local/apisix/conf/mime.types $(INSTALL) conf/config.yaml /usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml $(INSTALL) -d $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/core $(INSTALL) lua/*.lua $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/ $(INSTALL) lua/apisix/core/*.lua $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/core/ $(INSTALL) lua/apisix/*.lua $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/ $(INSTALL) -d $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/plugins/prometheus/ $(INSTALL) lua/apisix/plugins/prometheus/*.lua $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/plugins/prometheus/ $(INSTALL) -d $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/plugins $(INSTALL) lua/apisix/plugins/*.lua $(INST_LUADIR)/apisix/lua/apisix/plugins/ $(INSTALL) COPYRIGHT $(INST_CONFDIR)/COPYRIGHT $(INSTALL) $(INST_CONFDIR)/ $(INSTALL) bin/apisix $(INST_BINDIR)/apisix test: prove -I../test-nginx/lib -r -s t/