Recommend to use [``]( to package, which will auto-install the latest Arthas to local `~/.arthas` and when debugging, Arthas will auto-load the latest version.
1. when using [``]( to start Arthas, it will get the latest version under `~/.arthas/lib`;
2. when [``]( packaging, it will get the version from `pom.xml` and suffix it with the current timestamp e.g. ``.
You can also use `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests` to package and generate a `zip` under `packaging/target/` but remember when `` starts, it load the version under `~/.arthas/lib`.
### Start Arthas in specified version
When there are several different version, you can use `--use-version` to specify the version of Arthas to start your debug.
./ --use-version
Tip: you can use `--versions` to list all available versions.
* Arthas is using [Sphinx]( to generate the static site
*`sphinx-maven-plugin` configured in [`site/pom.xml`](
*`sphinx-maven-plugin` executes by downloading`sphinx-binary/`
* a [bug]( in Sphinx plugin `recommonmark`; we fix it by packaging another [version](
* when packaging the whole project (Packaging All), you need to (Only Unix/Linux/Mac supported):
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests -P full -Dsphinx.binUrl=