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## Issue
Welcome to use [issue tracker](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues) to give us :bowtie::
* feedbacks - what you would like to have;
* usage tips - what usages you have found splendid;
* experiences - how you use Arthas to do **effective** troubleshooting;
## Documentation
Welcome PR to further improve English [documentation](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/tree/master/site/src/site/sphinx/en).
## Online Tutorials
Please refer to [README.MD at tutorials/katacoda](tutorials/katacoda/README.md#contribution-guide)
## Developer
* Arthas runtime supports JDK6+
* To build Arthas requires JDK7+, because of the source code import JDK7 classes, such as `java.lang.management.BufferPoolMXBean`.
### Local Installation
Recommend to use [`as-package.sh`](as-package.sh) to package, which will auto-install the latest Arthas to local `~/.arthas` and when debugging, Arthas will auto-load the latest version.
* To support jni, cpp compiling environment support is required
* mac needs to install xcode
* windows need to install gcc
1. when using [`as.sh`](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/blob/master/bin/as.sh) to start Arthas, it will get the latest version under `~/.arthas/lib`;
2. when [`as-package.sh`](as-package.sh) packaging, it will get the version from `pom.xml` and suffix it with the current timestamp e.g. ``.
You can also use `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests` to package and generate a `zip` under `packaging/target/` but remember when `as.sh` starts, it load the version under `~/.arthas/lib`.
### Start Arthas in specified version
When there are several different version, you can use `--use-version` to specify the version of Arthas to start your debug.
./as.sh --use-version
Tip: you can use `--versions` to list all available versions.
./as.sh --versions
### Debug
* [Debug Arthas In IDEA](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues/222)
### Packaging All
* Arthas is using [Sphinx](http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/) to generate the static site
* `sphinx-maven-plugin` configured in [`site/pom.xml`](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/tree/master/site)
* `sphinx-maven-plugin` executes by downloading`sphinx-binary/`
* when packaging the whole project (Packaging All), you need to execute:
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests -P full
## Issue
* https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues
## 改进用户文档
## 改进在线教程
## 开发者相关
* Arthas运行支持JDK6+
* 编译Arthas要求JDK7+,因为使用到了jdk7里的`java.lang.management.BufferPoolMXBean`。
### 安装到本地
* 代码里要编译jni,需要cpp编译环境支持
* mac需要安装xcode
* windows需要安装gcc
`as.sh`在启动时,会对`~/.arthas/lib`下面的目录排序,取最新的版本。`as-package.sh`在打包时,会取`pom.xml`里的版本号,再拼接上当前时间,比如: ``,这样子排序时取的就是最新的版本。
也可以直接 `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests`打包,生成的zip在 `packaging/target/` 下面。但是注意`as.sh`启动加载的是`~/.arthas/lib`下面的版本。
### 启动指定版本的arthas
本地开发时,可能会产生多个版本,可以用 `--use-version` 参数来指定版本,比如
./as.sh --use-version
./as.sh --versions
### Debug
* [Debug Arthas In IDEA](https://github.com/alibaba/arthas/issues/222)
### 全量打包
* arthas是用sphinx来生成静态网站
* 在`site/pom.xml`里配置了`sphinx-maven-plugin`
* `sphinx-maven-plugin`通过下载`sphinx-binary/`来执行
* 全量打包时,需要配置下面的参数:
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests -P full
#### 当 sphinx-maven-plugin 下载出错时,可以用下面的方式
到 https://github.com/trustin/sphinx-binary/releases 下载对应版本的二进制文件,并在本地加上可执行权限。例如:
wget https://github.com/hengyunabc/sphinx-binary/releases/download/v0.4.0.1/sphinx.osx-x86_64 -o /tmp/sphinx.osx-x86_64
chmod +x /tmp/sphinx.osx-x86_64
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests -P full -Dsphinx.binUrl=file:/tmp/sphinx.osx-x86_64
### Release Steps
* 修改`as.sh`里的版本,最后修改日期, `Bootstrap.java`里的版本,Dockerfile里的版本
* 修改本地的maven settings.xml
* mvn clean deploy -DskipTests -P full -P release
如果在下载 sphinx-binary 出错,参考上面的 全量打包 的说明。
* 到 https://oss.sonatype.org/ 上,“Staging Repositories”然后close掉自己的,再release
* 发布后,可以到这里查看是否同步到仓库里了: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/taobao/arthas/arthas-packaging/
* 发布完maven仓库之后,需要到阿里云的仓库里检查是否同步,有可能有延时
比如下载地址: https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public/com/taobao/arthas/arthas-packaging/3.x.x/arthas-packaging-3.x.x-bin.zip
版本号信息地址: https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public/com/taobao/arthas/arthas-packaging/maven-metadata.xml
* 打上tag,push tag到仓库上
* 需要更新 gh-pages 分支下面的 arthas-boot.jar/math-game.jar/as.sh ,下载 doc.zip,解压覆盖掉文档的更新
* 需要更新docker镜像,push新的tag:https://hub.docker.com/r/hengyunabc/arthas/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated
以 3.1.0 版本为例:
docker build . --build-arg ARTHAS_VERSION=3.1.0 -t hengyunabc/arthas:3.1.0
docker tag hengyunabc/arthas:3.1.0 hengyunabc/arthas:latest
docker push hengyunabc/arthas:3.1.0
docker push hengyunabc/arthas:latest
docker build . --build-arg ARTHAS_VERSION=3.1.0 -f Dockerfile-No-Jdk -t hengyunabc/arthas:3.1.0-no-jdk
docker push hengyunabc/arthas:3.1.0-no-jdk
* 更新README.md,比如增加了新命令,要加上说明,更新wiki的链接
* 更新release页面的 issue信息,修改信息等
* 更新内部的版本