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2024-07-10 15:23:16 +08:00
2024-07-11 15:59:57 +08:00
Description="Simplest Usage. Badge will be hidden when count is 0, but we can use showZero to show it.">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20">
<atom:CountBadge Count="5">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
<atom:CountBadge Count="0">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
2024-07-10 15:23:16 +08:00
2024-07-11 08:55:46 +08:00
2024-07-10 14:20:11 +08:00
2024-07-11 15:59:57 +08:00
Title="Overflow Count"
Description="${overflowCount}+ is displayed when count is larger than overflowCount. The default value of overflowCount is 99.">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20">
<atom:CountBadge Count="99">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
<atom:CountBadge Count="100">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
<atom:CountBadge Count="99" OverflowCount="10">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
<atom:CountBadge Count="1000" OverflowCount="999">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
2024-07-10 14:20:11 +08:00
2024-07-11 08:55:46 +08:00
2024-07-11 15:59:57 +08:00
Description="Set offset of the badge dot, the format is [left, top], which represents the offset of the status dot from the left and top of the default position.">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20">
<atom:CountBadge Count="5" Offset="10, 10">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
Description="Set size of numeral Badge.">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20">
<atom:CountBadge Count="5">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
<atom:CountBadge Count="5" Size="Small">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
2024-07-11 08:55:46 +08:00
2024-07-10 14:20:11 +08:00
2024-07-11 15:59:57 +08:00
Description="Used in standalone when children is empty.">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="10">
2024-07-11 16:41:34 +08:00
<atom:ToggleSwitch IsChecked="{Binding StandaloneSwitchChecked}"/>
<atom:CountBadge Count="{Binding StandaloneBadgeCount1}" BadgeColor="#faad14" ShowZero="True"/>
<atom:CountBadge Count="{Binding StandaloneBadgeCount2}"/>
<atom:CountBadge Count="{Binding StandaloneBadgeCount3}" BadgeColor="#52c41a"/>
2024-07-10 14:20:11 +08:00
2024-07-11 15:59:57 +08:00
Description="The count will be animated as it changes.">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="20">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20">
<atom:CountBadge Count="{Binding DynamicBadgeCount}" OverflowCount="99">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="10" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<atom:Button SizeType="Small" Command="{Binding AddDynamicBadgeCount}">Add</atom:Button>
<atom:Button SizeType="Small" Command="{Binding SubDynamicBadgeCount}">Sub</atom:Button>
<atom:Button SizeType="Small" Command="{Binding RandomDynamicBadgeCount}">Random</atom:Button>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20">
<atom:DotBadge BadgeIsVisible="{Binding DynamicDotBadgeVisible}">
<Border Width="40" Height="40" CornerRadius="8" Background="rgb(191,191,191)"/>
<atom:ToggleSwitch VerticalAlignment="Center" IsChecked="{Binding DynamicDotBadgeVisible, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<!-- <showcase:ShowCaseItem -->
<!-- Title="Red badge" -->
<!-- Description="This will simply display a red badge, without a specific count. If count equals 0, it won't display the dot."> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="20"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Offset="15,9"> -->
<!-- <atom:Button ButtonType="Link" Icon="{atom:IconProvider Kind=NotificationOutlined}" /> -->
<!-- </atom:DotBadge> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Offset="15,12"> -->
<!-- <atom:Button ButtonType="Link" Text="Link something" /> -->
<!-- </atom:DotBadge> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </showcase:ShowCaseItem> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <showcase:ShowCaseItem -->
<!-- Title="Status" -->
<!-- Description="Standalone badge with status."> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="20"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="10"> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Success" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Error" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Default" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Processing" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Warning" /> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10"> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Success" Text="Success" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Error" Text="Error" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Default" Text="Default" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Processing" Text="Processing" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Status="Warning" Text="Warning" /> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </showcase:ShowCaseItem> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <showcase:ShowCaseItem -->
<!-- Title="Ribbon" -->
<!-- Description="Use ribbon badge."> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="20" Margin="20, 0, 20, 0"> -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="精益求精,打造体验优秀的 UISDK"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="甲辰计划雄起" RibbonColor="Pink"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="Avalonia 非常优秀" RibbonColor="Cyan"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="Hippies" RibbonColor="Green"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="Hippies" RibbonColor="purple" Placement="Start"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="Hippies" RibbonColor="volcano" Placement="Start"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <atom:RibbonBadge Text="Hippies" RibbonColor="magenta" Placement="Start"> -->
<!-- <Border Height="80" BorderBrush="#d9d9d9" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="6" -->
<!-- Padding="10, 0, 10, 0"> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> -->
<!-- <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Height="38" LineHeight="38">Pushes open the window</TextBlock> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Orientation="Horizontal" LineColor="#d9d9d9" /> -->
<!-- <TextBlock Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">and raises the spyglass.</TextBlock> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </Border> -->
<!-- </atom:RibbonBadge> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </showcase:ShowCaseItem> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <showcase:ShowCaseItem -->
<!-- Title="Colorful Badge" -->
<!-- Description="We preset a series of colorful Badge styles for use in different situations. You can also set it to a hex color string for custom color."> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="20" > -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Title="Presets" FontWeight="SemiBold" TitlePosition="Left" /> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10"> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Pink" DotColor="Pink" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Red" DotColor="Red" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Yellow" DotColor="Yellow" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Orange" DotColor="Orange" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Cyan" DotColor="Cyan" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Green" DotColor="Green" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Blue" DotColor="Blue" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Purple" DotColor="Purple" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="GeekBlue" DotColor="GeekBlue" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Magenta" DotColor="Magenta" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Volcano" DotColor="Volcano" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Gold" DotColor="Gold" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="Lime" DotColor="Lime" /> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- <atom:Separator Title="Custom" FontWeight="SemiBold" TitlePosition="Left" /> -->
<!-- <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="10"> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="#f50" DotColor="#f50" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="rgb(45, 183, 245)" DotColor="rgb(45, 183, 245)" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="hsl(102, 53%, 61%)" DotColor="hsl(102, 53%, 61%)" /> -->
<!-- <atom:DotBadge Text="rgb(15, 141, 230)" DotColor="rgb(15, 141, 230)" /> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </StackPanel> -->
<!-- </showcase:ShowCaseItem> -->