/** * File: demo_ui_old_app.c * Author: AWTK Develop Team * Brief: demoui old * * Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co.,Ltd. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * License file for more details. * */ /** * History: * ================================================================ * 2018-02-16 Li XianJing created * */ /* * XXX: 本示例只是为了展示功能,不适合作为编写代码参考,编写代码请参考:https://github.com/zlgopen/awtk-c-demos */ #include "awtk.h" #include "ext_widgets.h" #include "base/font_manager.h" #include "base/event_recorder_player.h" #include "remote_ui/service/remote_ui_service.h" #define DEMOUI_MAIN_WINDOW_NAME "main" #define SCROLL_BAR_H_WIDGT_NAME "bar_h" #define SCROLL_BAR_V_WIDGT_NAME "bar_v" #define SCROLL_GRID_SCROLL_WIDGT_NAME "grid_scroll_view" static ret_t on_clone_tab(void* ctx, event_t* e); static ret_t widget_clone_tab(widget_t* widget); static void install_click_hander(widget_t* widget); static void open_window(const char* name, widget_t* to_close); static ret_t window_on_drop_file(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* label = widget_lookup(win, "filename", TRUE); drop_file_event_t* drop = drop_file_event_cast(e); widget_set_text_utf8(label, drop->filename); return RET_OK; } uint32_t tk_mem_speed_test(void* buffer, uint32_t length, uint32_t* pmemcpy_speed, uint32_t* pmemset_speed) { uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t cost = 0; uint32_t total_cost = 0; uint32_t memcpy_speed = 0; uint32_t memset_speed = 0; uint32_t max_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024; uint64_t start = time_now_ms(); uint32_t nr = max_size / length; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { memset(buffer, 0x00, length); } cost = time_now_ms() - start; total_cost = cost; if (cost) { memset_speed = ((max_size / cost) * 1000) / 1024; } start = time_now_ms(); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { uint32_t half = length >> 1; memcpy(buffer, (char*)buffer + half, half); memcpy((char*)buffer + half, buffer, half); } cost = time_now_ms() - start; total_cost += cost; if (cost) { memcpy_speed = ((max_size / cost) * 1000) / 1024; } if (pmemset_speed != NULL) { *pmemset_speed = memset_speed; } if (pmemcpy_speed != NULL) { *pmemcpy_speed = memcpy_speed; } return total_cost; } static ret_t main_window_on_key_up(void* ctx, event_t* e) { key_event_t* evt = (key_event_t*)e; if (evt->key == TK_KEY_s) { system_info_t* info = system_info(); window_manager_resize(window_manager(), tk_max(160, info->lcd_w / 2), tk_max(160, info->lcd_h / 2)); } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_d) { system_info_t* info = system_info(); window_manager_resize(window_manager(), tk_min(1920, info->lcd_w * 2), tk_min(1920, info->lcd_h * 2)); } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_a) { native_window_t* nw = widget_get_native_window(widget_get_child(window_manager(), 0)); native_window_set_title(nw, "AWTK Simulator"); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t window_to_background(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(e->target); log_debug("%s to_background\n", win->name); (void)win; return RET_OK; } static ret_t window_to_foreground(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(e->target); log_debug("%s to_foreground\n", win->name); (void)win; return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_context_menu(void* ctx, event_t* e) { open_window("menu_point", NULL); return RET_OK; } static ret_t update_title_on_timer(const timer_info_t* info) { char text[128]; tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "change title:%ld", random() % 100); widget_set_text_utf8(WIDGET(info->ctx), text); return RET_REPEAT; } static void open_window(const char* name, widget_t* to_close) { bool_t is_single_main_win = widget_lookup(window_manager(), DEMOUI_MAIN_WINDOW_NAME, FALSE) == NULL; widget_t* win = to_close ? window_open_and_close(name, to_close) : window_open(name); if ((tk_str_eq(name, DEMOUI_MAIN_WINDOW_NAME) && is_single_main_win) || widget_is_support_highlighter(win)) { widget_on(win, EVT_KEY_UP, main_window_on_key_up, win); } widget_on(win, EVT_WINDOW_TO_BACKGROUND, window_to_background, win); widget_on(win, EVT_WINDOW_TO_FOREGROUND, window_to_foreground, win); install_click_hander(win); if (tk_str_eq(name, "tab_scrollable")) { widget_clone_tab(win); widget_clone_tab(win); widget_clone_tab(win); widget_clone_tab(win); } if (tk_str_eq(name, "list_view")) { widget_add_timer(win, update_title_on_timer, 1000); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "drop_file")) { widget_on(win, EVT_DROP_FILE, window_on_drop_file, win); } if (tk_str_eq(widget_get_type(win), WIDGET_TYPE_DIALOG)) { int32_t ret = dialog_modal(win); if (tk_str_eq(win->name, "back_to_home") && ret == 0) { window_manager_back_to_home(window_manager()); } } tk_mem_dump(); } static ret_t on_paint_linear_gradient(void* ctx, event_t* e) { paint_event_t* evt = paint_event_cast(e); canvas_t* c = evt->c; widget_t* widget = WIDGET(e->target); vgcanvas_t* vg = canvas_get_vgcanvas(c); color_t scolor = color_init(0xff, 0, 0, 0xff); color_t ecolor = color_init(0xff, 0, 0, 0x0); uint32_t spacing = 10; uint32_t w = (widget->w - 3 * spacing) >> 1; uint32_t h = (widget->h - 3 * spacing) >> 1; rect_t r = rect_init(spacing, spacing, w, h); vgcanvas_save(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, c->ox, c->oy); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); vgcanvas_set_fill_linear_gradient(vg, r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, r.x + r.w, 0); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); ecolor = color_init(0, 0, 0xff, 0xff); vgcanvas_set_fill_linear_gradient(vg, r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 0, r.y + r.h); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); ecolor = color_init(0, 0, 0xff, 0xff); vgcanvas_set_fill_linear_gradient(vg, r.x + r.w * 0.6, r.y, r.x + r.w * 0.4, r.y, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, -(r.x + r.w), 0); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); ecolor = color_init(0, 0, 0xff, 0xff); vgcanvas_set_fill_linear_gradient(vg, r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.h, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_restore(vg); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_paint_radial_gradient(void* ctx, event_t* e) { paint_event_t* evt = paint_event_cast(e); canvas_t* c = evt->c; widget_t* widget = WIDGET(e->target); vgcanvas_t* vg = canvas_get_vgcanvas(c); color_t scolor = color_init(0xff, 0, 0, 0xff); color_t ecolor = color_init(0xff, 0, 0, 0); uint32_t spacing = 10; uint32_t w = (widget->w - 3 * spacing) >> 1; uint32_t h = (widget->h - 3 * spacing) >> 1; rect_t r = rect_init(spacing, spacing, w, h); uint32_t radial = tk_min(w, h) / 2; vgcanvas_save(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, c->ox, c->oy); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); vgcanvas_set_fill_radial_gradient(vg, r.x + w / 2, r.y + h / 2, 0, radial, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, r.x + r.w, 0); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); ecolor = color_init(0, 0, 0xff, 0xff); vgcanvas_set_fill_radial_gradient(vg, r.x + w / 2, r.y + h / 2, radial / 4, radial, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 0, r.y + r.h); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); ecolor = color_init(0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); vgcanvas_set_fill_radial_gradient(vg, r.x + w / 2, r.y + h / 2, radial / 3, radial, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, -(r.x + r.w), 0); vgcanvas_rect(vg, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); ecolor = color_init(0, 0, 0xff, 0xff); vgcanvas_set_fill_radial_gradient(vg, r.x + w / 2, r.y + h / 2, radial / 2, radial, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_fill(vg); vgcanvas_restore(vg); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_paint_stroke_gradient(void* ctx, event_t* e) { paint_event_t* evt = paint_event_cast(e); canvas_t* c = evt->c; widget_t* widget = WIDGET(e->target); vgcanvas_t* vg = canvas_get_vgcanvas(c); color_t scolor = color_init(0xff, 0, 0, 0xff); color_t ecolor = color_init(0, 0xff, 0, 0xff); uint32_t r = tk_min(widget->w, widget->h) / 3; vgcanvas_save(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, c->ox, c->oy); vgcanvas_set_stroke_linear_gradient(vg, 0, 0, widget->w, widget->h, scolor, ecolor); vgcanvas_move_to(vg, 0, 0); vgcanvas_set_line_width(vg, 5); vgcanvas_line_to(vg, widget->w / 2, widget->h); vgcanvas_line_to(vg, widget->w / 2, 0); vgcanvas_line_to(vg, widget->w, widget->h); vgcanvas_stroke(vg); vgcanvas_begin_path(vg); vgcanvas_arc(vg, widget->w / 2, widget->h / 2, r, 0, M_PI * 2, FALSE); vgcanvas_stroke(vg); vgcanvas_restore(vg); return RET_OK; } #include "vg_common.inc" static ret_t on_paint_vgcanvas(void* ctx, event_t* e) { paint_event_t* evt = paint_event_cast(e); canvas_t* c = evt->c; vgcanvas_t* vg = canvas_get_vgcanvas(c); vgcanvas_save(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, c->ox, c->oy); vgcanvas_set_line_width(vg, 1); vgcanvas_set_stroke_color(vg, color_init(0, 0xff, 0, 0xff)); vgcanvas_set_fill_color(vg, color_init(0xff, 0, 0, 0xff)); draw_basic_shapes(vg, FALSE); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 0, 50); draw_basic_shapes(vg, TRUE); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 0, 50); stroke_lines(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 0, 50); draw_image(vg, "bricks"); draw_image(vg, "message"); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 50, 100); draw_matrix(vg); vgcanvas_translate(vg, 0, 100); draw_text(vg); vgcanvas_restore(vg); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_timer_show_toast_when_opening(const timer_info_t* info) { dialog_toast("Hello AWTK!\nThis is a toast(2)!", 2000); return RET_REMOVE; } static ret_t on_timer_show_toast_when_closing(const timer_info_t* info) { dialog_toast("Hello AWTK!\nThis is a toast(3)!", 2000); return RET_REMOVE; } static ret_t on_switch_to_window(void* ctx, event_t* e) { const char* name = (const char*)ctx; widget_t* win = widget_get_window(WIDGET(e->target)); widget_t* home = widget_lookup(window_manager(), name, TRUE); window_manager_switch_to(window_manager(), win, home, TRUE); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_open_window(void* ctx, event_t* e) { const char* name = (const char*)ctx; if (tk_str_eq(name, "toast")) { timer_add(on_timer_show_toast_when_opening, NULL, 0); timer_add(on_timer_show_toast_when_closing, NULL, 4700); dialog_toast("Hello AWTK!\nThis is a toast(1)!", 4000); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "info")) { dialog_info("info", "hello awtk"); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "warn")) { dialog_warn(NULL, "Hello AWTK!\nDanger!!!"); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "confirm")) { dialog_confirm(NULL, "Hello AWTK!\nAre you sure to close?"); } else { widget_t* target = widget_lookup(window_manager(), name, TRUE); if (target != NULL && !(widget_is_overlay(target) && !widget_is_always_on_top(target))) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(WIDGET(e->target)); window_manager_switch_to(window_manager(), win, target, FALSE); } else { open_window(name, NULL); } } (void)e; #if 0 /*for test only*/ widget_on(WIDGET(e->target), EVT_CLICK, on_open_window, (void*)name); return RET_REMOVE; #else return RET_OK; #endif } static ret_t on_fullscreen(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* btn = WIDGET(ctx); window_t* win = WINDOW(widget_get_window(btn)); if (win->fullscreen) { window_set_fullscreen(WIDGET(win), FALSE); widget_set_text_utf8(btn, "Fullscreen"); } else { window_set_fullscreen(WIDGET(win), TRUE); widget_set_text_utf8(btn, "Unfullscreen"); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_unload_image(void* ctx, event_t* e) { image_manager_unload_unused(image_manager(), 0); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_close(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); (void)e; return window_close(win); } static ret_t on_widget_layout(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); (void)e; return widget_layout(win); } static ret_t on_start(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_start_animator(NULL, NULL); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_pause(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_pause_animator(NULL, NULL); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_stop(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_stop_animator(NULL, NULL); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_send_key(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* button = WIDGET(e->target); char text[2]; text[0] = (char)button->text.str[0]; text[1] = '\0'; input_method_commit_text(input_method(), text); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_backspace(void* ctx, event_t* e) { input_method_dispatch_key(input_method(), TK_KEY_BACKSPACE); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_quit(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* dialog = WIDGET(ctx); dialog_quit(dialog, 0); (void)e; return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_back_to_home(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* dialog = WIDGET(ctx); dialog_quit(dialog, 0); (void)e; return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_quit_app(void* ctx, event_t* e) { tk_quit(); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_change_cursor(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(e->target); widget_set_pointer_cursor(widget, widget->name); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_combo_box_will_change(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* combo_box = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* win = widget_get_window(combo_box); widget_t* value = widget_lookup(win, "old_value", TRUE); if (value != NULL) { widget_set_tr_text(value, combo_box_get_text(combo_box)); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_image_animation_set_interval(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* s_image_animation = WIDGET(ctx); int32_t interval = widget_get_prop_int(s_image_animation, "interval", 0); widget_set_prop_int(s_image_animation, "interval", interval / 100); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_pages_add_child(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_t* close_btn = widget_lookup(win, "close", TRUE); widget_t* text_label = widget_lookup(win, "text", TRUE); widget_t* tab_button_parent = widget_lookup_by_type(win, "tab_button", TRUE)->parent; if (close_btn != NULL) { widget_on(close_btn, EVT_CLICK, on_close, win); } if (text_label != NULL) { WIDGET_FOR_EACH_CHILD_BEGIN(tab_button_parent, iter, i) if (tk_str_eq(iter->vt->type, "tab_button")) { if (TAB_BUTTON(iter)->value) { widget_set_text_utf8(text_label, iter->name); } } WIDGET_FOR_EACH_CHILD_END(); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_combo_box_changed(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* combo_box = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* win = widget_get_window(combo_box); widget_t* value = widget_lookup(win, "value", TRUE); if (value != NULL) { widget_set_tr_text(value, combo_box_get_text(combo_box)); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_combo_box_item_click(void* ctx, event_t* e) { char name[10] = ""; char price[10] = ""; char fruit_price[20] = ""; widget_t* combo_box = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* combo_box_item = e->target; widget_t* name_label = widget_lookup(combo_box_item, "name", FALSE); widget_t* price_label = widget_lookup(combo_box_item, "price", FALSE); widget_get_text_utf8(name_label, name, sizeof(name)); widget_get_text_utf8(price_label, price, sizeof(price)); tk_snprintf(fruit_price, sizeof(fruit_price), "%s %s", name, price); widget_set_text_utf8(combo_box, fruit_price); combo_box_set_selected_index(combo_box, widget_index_of(combo_box_item)); combo_box->target = NULL; combo_box->key_target = NULL; window_close(widget_get_window(combo_box_item)); widget_set_focused_internal(combo_box, TRUE); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_combo_box_ex_item_click(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* combo_box_item = e->target; widget_t* value = widget_lookup(win, "value", TRUE); return_value_if_fail(win != NULL && combo_box_item != NULL && value != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); widget_set_text(value, widget_get_text(combo_box_item)); return RET_CONTINUE; } static ret_t on_remove_self(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); widget_destroy(widget); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_remove_view(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* iter = widget; while (iter != NULL) { if (tk_str_eq(widget_get_type(iter), WIDGET_TYPE_VIEW)) { if (iter->parent != NULL && tk_str_eq(widget_get_type(iter->parent), WIDGET_TYPE_SLIDE_VIEW)) { slide_view_remove_index(iter->parent, widget_index_of(iter)); } else { widget_destroy(iter); } return RET_OK; } iter = iter->parent; } return RET_FAIL; } static ret_t on_clone_self(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* clone = widget_clone(widget, NULL); widget_insert_child(widget->parent, widget_index_of(widget) + 1, clone); widget_on(clone, EVT_CLICK, on_clone_self, clone); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_clone_view(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* iter = widget; widget_t* native_window = widget_get_window(widget); while (iter != NULL) { if (tk_str_eq(widget_get_type(iter), WIDGET_TYPE_VIEW)) { widget_t* clone = widget_clone(iter, iter->parent); widget_t* lb_view_index = widget_lookup(clone, "view_index", TRUE); if (lb_view_index != NULL) { char text[32]; tk_snprintf(text, ARRAY_SIZE(text), "%d", widget_index_of(clone)); widget_set_text_utf8(lb_view_index, text); } install_click_hander(clone); return widget_invalidate(native_window, NULL); } iter = iter->parent; } return RET_FAIL; } static ret_t on_remove_tab_by_index(void* ctx, event_t* e) { char buff[MAX_PATH] = {0}; widget_t* iter = WIDGET(e->target); widget_t* win = widget_get_window(iter); widget_t* edit = widget_lookup(win, "remove_tab_index", TRUE); widget_t* tab_button_group = widget_lookup_by_type(win, WIDGET_TYPE_TAB_BUTTON_GROUP, FALSE); if (edit != NULL && widget_get_text_utf8(edit, buff, sizeof(buff)) == RET_OK) { return tab_button_group_remove_index(tab_button_group, tk_atoi(buff)); } return RET_FAIL; } static ret_t on_remove_tab_idle(const idle_info_t* idle) { widget_t* iter = WIDGET(idle->ctx); int32_t remove_index = widget_index_of(iter); widget_t* pages = widget_lookup_by_type(iter->parent->parent, WIDGET_TYPE_PAGES, FALSE); widget_t* tab_btn_group = widget_lookup_by_type(iter->parent->parent, WIDGET_TYPE_TAB_BUTTON_GROUP, FALSE); return_value_if_fail(remove_index >= 0, RET_BAD_PARAMS); if (tab_btn_group != NULL) { widget_t* tab_btn = widget_get_child(tab_btn_group, remove_index); if (tab_btn != NULL) { widget_destroy(tab_btn); } } if (pages != NULL) { widget_t* page = widget_get_child(pages, remove_index); if (page != NULL) { widget_destroy(page); } } return RET_REMOVE; } static ret_t on_remove_tab(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* iter = WIDGET(e->target); while (iter != NULL && iter->parent != NULL && iter->parent->parent != NULL) { if (tk_str_eq(widget_get_type(iter->parent), WIDGET_TYPE_PAGES) || tk_str_eq(widget_get_type(iter->parent), WIDGET_TYPE_TAB_BUTTON_GROUP)) { widget_add_idle(iter, on_remove_tab_idle); return RET_STOP; } iter = iter->parent; } return RET_STOP; } static ret_t widget_clone_tab(widget_t* widget) { char text[32]; widget_t* view = widget_lookup(widget, "clone_view", TRUE); widget_t* button = widget_lookup(widget, "clone_button", TRUE); widget_t* new_view = widget_clone(view, view->parent); widget_t* new_button = widget_clone(button, button->parent); widget_t* remove_tab_btn = widget_lookup(new_button, "remove_tab", TRUE); if (remove_tab_btn != NULL) { widget_on(remove_tab_btn, EVT_POINTER_UP, on_remove_tab, widget); tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Clone(%d) ", widget_index_of(new_button)); } else { tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Clone(%d)", widget_index_of(new_button)); } widget_set_text_utf8(new_button, text); WIDGET_FOR_EACH_CHILD_BEGIN(new_button->parent, iter, i) if (widget_get_value(iter)) { widget_set_value(iter, FALSE); } WIDGET_FOR_EACH_CHILD_END(); widget_layout_children(new_button->parent); widget_set_value(new_button, TRUE); remove_tab_btn = widget_lookup(new_view, "remove_tab", TRUE); if (remove_tab_btn != NULL) { widget_on(remove_tab_btn, EVT_CLICK, on_remove_tab, widget); } widget_child_on(new_view, "clone_tab", EVT_CLICK, on_clone_tab, widget_get_window(widget)); widget_set_text_utf8(widget_lookup_by_type(new_view, WIDGET_TYPE_LABEL, TRUE), text); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_clone_tab(void* ctx, event_t* e) { return widget_clone_tab(WIDGET(ctx)); } static widget_t* find_tab_visible_target(widget_t* widget, const char* name) { widget_t* tab_btn_group = widget_lookup_by_type(widget->parent, WIDGET_TYPE_TAB_BUTTON_GROUP, FALSE); if (tab_btn_group != NULL) { return widget_lookup(tab_btn_group, name, FALSE); } return NULL; } static ret_t on_tab_visible_changed(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* target = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* widget = WIDGET(e->target); bool_t tab_visible = widget_get_value_int(widget) != 0; widget_set_visible(target, tab_visible); widget_set_enable(target, tab_visible); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_show_fps(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* button = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* widget = window_manager(); window_manager_t* wm = WINDOW_MANAGER(widget); widget_invalidate(widget, NULL); window_manager_set_show_fps(widget, !wm->show_fps); window_manager_set_show_fps_position(window_manager(), (window_manager()->w - 60) / 2, 0); widget_set_text(button, wm->show_fps ? L"Hide FPS" : L"Show FPS"); return RET_OK; } extern ret_t assets_set_global_theme(const char* name); static ret_t on_reload_theme_test(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(e->target); assets_manager_t* am = widget_get_assets_manager(widget); const char* theme = "default"; if (tk_str_eq(am->theme, theme)) { theme = "dark"; } assets_set_global_theme(theme); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_snapshot(void* ctx, event_t* e) { #ifndef AWTK_WEB bitmap_t* bitmap = widget_take_snapshot(window_manager()); bitmap_save_png(bitmap, "test.png"); bitmap_destroy(bitmap); #endif /*AWTK_WEB*/ return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_mem_test(void* ctx, event_t* e) { char text[32]; uint32_t size = 100 * 1024; uint32_t memset_speed = 0; uint32_t memcpy_speed = 0; widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* label_memset = widget_lookup(win, "memset", TRUE); widget_t* label_cost = widget_lookup(win, "cost", TRUE); widget_t* label_memcpy = widget_lookup(win, "memcpy", TRUE); void* buff = TKMEM_ALLOC(size); uint32_t cost = tk_mem_speed_test(buff, size, &memcpy_speed, &memset_speed); TKMEM_FREE(buff); tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%ums", cost); widget_set_text_utf8(label_cost, text); tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "memset: %uK/s", memset_speed); widget_set_text_utf8(label_memset, text); tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "memcpy: %uK/s", memcpy_speed); widget_set_text_utf8(label_memcpy, text); font_manager_shrink_cache(font_manager(), 1); return RET_OK; } static ret_t progress_bar_animate_delta(widget_t* win, const char* name, int32_t delta) { widget_t* progress_bar = widget_lookup(win, name, TRUE); int32_t value = (PROGRESS_BAR(progress_bar)->value + delta); widget_animate_value_to(progress_bar, tk_max(0, tk_min(100, value)), 500); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_inc(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); progress_bar_animate_delta(win, "bar1", 10); progress_bar_animate_delta(win, "bar2", 10); (void)e; return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_dec(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); progress_bar_animate_delta(win, "bar1", -10); progress_bar_animate_delta(win, "bar2", -10); (void)e; return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_change_font_size(void* ctx, event_t* e) { float_t font_scale = 1; widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); if (widget_get_value(widget_lookup(win, "font_small", TRUE))) { font_scale = 0.9; } else if (widget_get_value(widget_lookup(win, "font_big", TRUE))) { font_scale = 1.1; } system_info_set_font_scale(system_info(), font_scale); widget_invalidate_force(win, NULL); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_change_locale(void* ctx, event_t* e) { char country[3]; char language[3]; const char* str = (const char*)ctx; tk_strncpy(language, str, 2); tk_strncpy(country, str + 3, 2); locale_info_change(locale_info(), language, country); return RET_OK; } static widget_t* find_bind_value_target(widget_t* widget, const char* name) { widget_t* target = NULL; return_value_if_fail(widget != NULL && name != NULL, NULL); if (tk_str_start_with(name, "bind_value:")) { widget_t* parent = widget->parent; const char* subname = NULL; tokenizer_t t; name += 11; tokenizer_init(&t, name, tk_strlen(name), "/"); while ((subname = tokenizer_next(&t)) != NULL) { if (tokenizer_has_more(&t)) { if (tk_str_eq(subname, "..")) { parent = parent->parent; } else { while (parent != NULL) { widget_t* tmp = widget_lookup(parent, subname, FALSE); if (tmp != NULL) { parent = tmp; break; } else { parent = parent->parent; } } } } else { target = widget_lookup(parent, subname, FALSE); } } tokenizer_deinit(&t); } return target; } static ret_t on_bind_value_changed(void* ctx, event_t* e) { char prop_name[16] = {0}; widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* target = WIDGET(e->target); return_value_if_fail(widget != NULL && target != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); tk_snprintf(prop_name, sizeof(prop_name), "%s%s", WIDGET_PROP_ANIMATE_PREFIX, WIDGET_PROP_VALUE); return widget_set_prop_float(widget, prop_name, widget_get_value(target)); } static ret_t on_action_list(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* target = NULL; const char* name = NULL; widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); return_value_if_fail(widget != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); name = widget->name; if (name != NULL) { name = name + sizeof("action_list:"); do { if (strstr(name, "open:") == name) { char win_name[128] = {0}; uint32_t win_name_len = 0; name = name + sizeof("open:") - 1; win_name_len = strchr(name, ',') - name; win_name_len = tk_min(win_name_len, strchr(name, ')') - name); tk_strncpy(win_name, name, win_name_len); target = window_open(win_name); install_click_hander(target); name = name + win_name_len + 1; } else if (strstr(name, "close") == name) { name = name + sizeof("close"); if (target != NULL) { window_close(target); } } else if (strstr(name, "quit") == name) { name = name + sizeof("quit"); if (strstr(name, "this")) { widget_t* this_win = widget_get_window(widget); name = name + sizeof("this"); if (this_win != NULL) { dialog_quit(this_win, 0); } } else { if (target != NULL) { dialog_quit(target, 0); } } } else { break; } } while (1); } return RET_OK; } static int32_t scroll_bar_value_to_scroll_view_offset_y(scroll_bar_t* scroll_bar, scroll_view_t* sv) { int32_t range = 0; float_t percent = 0; range = scroll_bar->virtual_size; percent = range > 0 ? (float_t)scroll_bar->value / (float_t)(range) : 0; return percent * (sv->virtual_h - sv->widget.h); } static int32_t scroll_bar_value_to_scroll_view_offset_x(scroll_bar_t* scroll_bar, scroll_view_t* sv) { int32_t range = 0; float_t percent = 0; range = scroll_bar->virtual_size; percent = range > 0 ? (float_t)scroll_bar->value / (float_t)(range) : 0; return percent * (sv->virtual_w - sv->widget.w); } static ret_t scroll_bar_on_value_changed(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* tmp = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* parent = tmp->parent; scroll_view_t* sv = SCROLL_VIEW(widget_lookup(parent, SCROLL_GRID_SCROLL_WIDGT_NAME, FALSE)); scroll_bar_t* scroll_bar_h = SCROLL_BAR(widget_lookup(parent, SCROLL_BAR_H_WIDGT_NAME, FALSE)); scroll_bar_t* scroll_bar_v = SCROLL_BAR(widget_lookup(parent, SCROLL_BAR_V_WIDGT_NAME, FALSE)); int32_t offset_x = scroll_bar_value_to_scroll_view_offset_x(scroll_bar_h, sv); int32_t offset_y = scroll_bar_value_to_scroll_view_offset_y(scroll_bar_v, sv); scroll_view_set_offset(WIDGET(sv), offset_x, offset_y); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_idle_scroll_view_set_virtual_wh(const idle_info_t* idle) { scroll_view_t* sv = SCROLL_VIEW(idle->ctx); widget_t* parent = sv->widget.parent; widget_t* bar_h = widget_lookup(parent, SCROLL_BAR_H_WIDGT_NAME, FALSE); widget_t* bar_v = widget_lookup(parent, SCROLL_BAR_V_WIDGT_NAME, FALSE); scroll_bar_set_params(bar_h, sv->virtual_w, 10); scroll_bar_set_params(bar_v, sv->virtual_h, 10); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_click_next_page(void* ctx, event_t* e) { const char* name = (const char*)ctx; widget_t* pages = widget_lookup(window_manager(), name, TRUE); int32_t curr_page = widget_get_prop_int(pages, WIDGET_PROP_CURR_PAGE, 0); int32_t max_page = widget_get_prop_int(pages, WIDGET_PROP_PAGE_MAX_NUMBER, 0); int32_t next_page = (curr_page + 1) % max_page; return widget_set_prop_int(pages, WIDGET_PROP_CURR_PAGE, next_page); } static ret_t on_click_prev_page(void* ctx, event_t* e) { const char* name = (const char*)ctx; widget_t* pages = widget_lookup(window_manager(), name, TRUE); int32_t curr_page = widget_get_prop_int(pages, WIDGET_PROP_CURR_PAGE, 0); int32_t max_page = widget_get_prop_int(pages, WIDGET_PROP_PAGE_MAX_NUMBER, 0); int32_t next_page = curr_page == 0 ? max_page - 1 : (curr_page - 1) % max_page; return widget_set_prop_int(pages, WIDGET_PROP_CURR_PAGE, next_page); } static ret_t on_click_clone_combo_box_ex(void* ctx, event_t* e) { int32_t x = 0; int32_t y = 0; widget_t* clone = NULL; widget_t* win = WIDGET(ctx); widget_t* combo_box = widget_lookup(win, "combo_box_ex_for_clone", TRUE); return_value_if_fail(combo_box != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); clone = widget_clone(combo_box, win); x = win->w - clone->w; x = x > 0 ? x : 0; y = clone->y; widget_move(clone, x, y); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_click_scroll(void* ctx, event_t* e) { const char* name = (const char*)ctx; widget_t* scroll_bar = widget_lookup(window_manager(), "scroll_bar", TRUE); widget_t* scroll_view = widget_lookup(window_manager(), "scroll_view", TRUE); return_value_if_fail(name != NULL && scroll_bar != NULL && scroll_view != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); if (tk_str_eq(name, "bar_top")) { widget_set_prop_int(scroll_bar, WIDGET_PROP_VALUE, 0); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "view_top")) { widget_set_prop_int(scroll_view, WIDGET_PROP_YOFFSET, 0); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "bar_bot")) { int32_t max = widget_get_prop_int(scroll_bar, WIDGET_PROP_MAX, 0); widget_set_prop_int(scroll_bar, WIDGET_PROP_VALUE, max); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "view_bot")) { int32_t h = widget_get_prop_int(scroll_view, WIDGET_PROP_H, 0); int32_t vh = widget_get_prop_int(scroll_view, WIDGET_PROP_VIRTUAL_H, 0); widget_set_prop_int(scroll_view, WIDGET_PROP_YOFFSET, vh - h); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "item1") || tk_str_eq(name, "item2")) { widget_t* item = widget_lookup(window_manager(), name, TRUE); widget_ensure_visible_in_viewport(item); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_click_slide_view_appoint_remove_evt(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(ctx); return_value_if_fail(widget != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); widget_t* native_window = widget_get_window(widget); widget_t* slide_view = widget_lookup(widget->parent, "appoint_view", TRUE); return_value_if_fail(slide_view != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); widget_t* spin_box = widget_lookup(widget->parent, "spin_appoint_index", TRUE); return_value_if_fail(spin_box != NULL, RET_BAD_PARAMS); int32_t val = edit_get_int(WIDGET(&SPIN_BOX(spin_box)->edit)); slide_view_remove_index(slide_view, val - 1); return widget_invalidate(native_window, NULL); } static ret_t progress_circle_on_timer(const timer_info_t* timer) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(timer->ctx); uint32_t value = widget_get_prop_int(widget, WIDGET_PROP_VALUE, 0); if (value >= 128) { widget_set_style_color(widget, "normal:fg_color", 0xFF0000FF); } else { widget_set_style_color(widget, "normal:fg_color", 0xFF000000); } return RET_REPEAT; } static ret_t install_one(void* ctx, const void* iter) { widget_t* widget = WIDGET(iter); widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); if (widget->name != NULL) { const char* name = widget->name; if (strstr(name, "open:") == name) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_open_window, (void*)(name + 5)); widget_on(widget, EVT_LONG_PRESS, on_open_window, (void*)(name + 5)); if (tk_str_eq(name, "open:menu_point")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, on_context_menu, win); } } else if (strstr(name, "switch_to:") != NULL) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_switch_to_window, (void*)(name + sizeof("switch_to"))); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "paint_linear_gradient")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_PAINT, on_paint_linear_gradient, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "paint_radial_gradient")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_PAINT, on_paint_radial_gradient, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "paint_stroke_gradient")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_PAINT, on_paint_stroke_gradient, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "paint_vgcanvas")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_PAINT, on_paint_vgcanvas, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "snapshot")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_snapshot, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "memtest")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_mem_test, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "reload_theme")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_reload_theme_test, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "show_fps")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_show_fps, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "clone_self")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_clone_self, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "clone_view")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_clone_view, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "clone_tab")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_clone_tab, win); } else if (strstr(name, "tab_visible:") != NULL) { widget_t* target = find_tab_visible_target(widget, name + strlen("tab_visible:")); widget_set_value_int(widget, widget_get_visible(target) ? 1 : 0); widget_on(widget, EVT_VALUE_CHANGED, on_tab_visible_changed, (void*)target); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "remove_tab")) { if (widget->parent != NULL && tk_str_eq(WIDGET_TYPE_TAB_BUTTON, widget_get_type(widget->parent))) { widget_on(widget, EVT_POINTER_UP, on_remove_tab, widget); } else { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_remove_tab, widget); } } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "remove_tab_by_index")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_remove_tab_by_index, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "remove_self")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_remove_self, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "remove_view")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_remove_view, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "chinese")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_change_locale, (void*)"zh_CN"); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "english")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_change_locale, (void*)"en_US"); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "font_small") || tk_str_eq(name, "font_normal") || tk_str_eq(name, "font_big")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_VALUE_CHANGED, on_change_font_size, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "inc_value")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_inc, win); } else if (strstr(name, "dec_value") != NULL) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_dec, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "close")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_close, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "widget_layout")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_widget_layout, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "fullscreen")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_fullscreen, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "unload_image")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_unload_image, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "start")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_start, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "pause")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_pause, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "stop")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_stop, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "key")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_send_key, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "backspace")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_backspace, NULL); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "quit")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); if (win) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_quit, win); } } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "back_to_home")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); if (win) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_back_to_home, win); } } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "exit")) { widget_t* win = widget_get_window(widget); if (win) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_quit_app, win); } } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "pages")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_WIDGET_ADD_CHILD, on_pages_add_child, widget); } else if (strstr(name, "bind_value:") != NULL) { widget_t* target = find_bind_value_target(widget, name); widget_on(target, EVT_VALUE_CHANGED, on_bind_value_changed, (void*)widget); } else if (strstr(name, "action_list:") != NULL) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_action_list, (void*)widget); } else if (strstr(name, "cursor") != NULL) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_change_cursor, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "ani_interval") && tk_str_eq(widget->vt->type, "image_animation")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_POINTER_DOWN, on_image_animation_set_interval, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, SCROLL_GRID_SCROLL_WIDGT_NAME)) { widget_add_idle(widget, on_idle_scroll_view_set_virtual_wh); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, SCROLL_BAR_H_WIDGT_NAME)) { widget_on(widget, EVT_VALUE_CHANGED, scroll_bar_on_value_changed, widget); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, SCROLL_BAR_V_WIDGT_NAME)) { widget_on(widget, EVT_VALUE_CHANGED, scroll_bar_on_value_changed, widget); } else if (strstr(name, "next_page:") == name) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_click_next_page, (void*)(name + strlen("next_page:"))); } else if (strstr(name, "prev_page:") == name) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_click_prev_page, (void*)(name + strlen("last_page:"))); } else if (strstr(name, "clone_combo_box_ex") == name) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_click_clone_combo_box_ex, win); } else if (strstr(name, "combo_box_ex_for_clone") == name) { combo_box_set_on_item_click(widget, on_combo_box_ex_item_click, win); } else if (tk_str_eq(name, "remove_appoint_index")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_click_slide_view_appoint_remove_evt, widget); } else if (strstr(name, "scroll:") == name) { widget_on(widget, EVT_CLICK, on_click_scroll, (void*)(name + strlen("scroll:"))); } } else if (tk_str_eq(widget->vt->type, "combo_box")) { widget_on(widget, EVT_VALUE_CHANGED, on_combo_box_changed, widget); widget_on(widget, EVT_VALUE_WILL_CHANGE, on_combo_box_will_change, widget); if (tk_str_eq("fruit", (COMBO_BOX(widget))->open_window)) { combo_box_set_on_item_click(widget, on_combo_box_item_click, widget); } } else if (tk_str_eq(widget->vt->type, "progress_circle")) { widget_add_timer(widget, progress_circle_on_timer, 100); } (void)ctx; return RET_OK; } static void install_click_hander(widget_t* widget) { widget_foreach(widget, install_one, widget); } #include "base/idle.h" #include "base/assets_manager.h" static uint32_t s_preload_nr = 0; static const preload_res_t s_preload_res[] = {{ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE, "earth"}, {ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE, "dialog_title"}, {ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE, "rgb"}, {ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE, "rgba"}}; static ret_t timer_preload(const timer_info_t* timer) { char text[64]; widget_t* win = WIDGET(timer->ctx); uint32_t total = ARRAY_SIZE(s_preload_res); widget_t* bar = widget_lookup(win, "bar", TRUE); widget_t* status = widget_lookup(win, "status", TRUE); if (s_preload_nr == total) { #if !defined(MOBILE_APP) window_open("system_bar"); /* window_open("system_bar_bottom");*/ #endif /*MOBILE_APP*/ open_window("top", NULL); open_window(DEMOUI_MAIN_WINDOW_NAME, win); return RET_REMOVE; } else { uint32_t value = 0; const preload_res_t* iter = s_preload_res + s_preload_nr++; switch (iter->type) { case ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE: { bitmap_t img; image_manager_get_bitmap(image_manager(), iter->name, &img); break; } default: { assets_manager_ref(assets_manager(), iter->type, iter->name); break; } } value = (s_preload_nr * 100) / total; tk_snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "Load: %s(%u/%u)", iter->name, s_preload_nr, total); widget_set_value(bar, value); widget_set_text_utf8(status, text); return RET_REPEAT; } } static ret_t show_preload_res_window() { uint32_t interval = 500 / ARRAY_SIZE(s_preload_res); widget_t* win = window_open("preload"); window_manager_set_show_fps(window_manager(), TRUE); timer_add(timer_preload, win, interval); return RET_OK; } static ret_t close_window_on_event(void* ctx, event_t* e) { window_close(WIDGET(ctx)); return RET_REMOVE; } static ret_t on_screen_saver(void* ctx, event_t* e) { widget_t* win = NULL; const char* screen_saver_win = "image_animation"; if (widget_child(window_manager(), screen_saver_win) != NULL) { log_debug("screen saver exist.\n"); return RET_OK; } win = window_open(screen_saver_win); widget_on(win, EVT_POINTER_MOVE, close_window_on_event, win); widget_on(win, EVT_POINTER_UP, close_window_on_event, win); widget_on(win, EVT_KEY_UP, close_window_on_event, win); return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_key_long_pressed(void* ctx, event_t* e) { key_event_t* evt = (key_event_t*)e; if (evt->key == TK_KEY_1) { log_debug("TK_KEY_1 long pressed\n"); } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_2) { log_debug("TK_KEY_2 long pressed\n"); } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_3) { log_debug("TK_KEY_3 long pressed\n"); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_key_record_play_events(void* ctx, event_t* e) { key_event_t* evt = (key_event_t*)e; #ifdef WITH_EVENT_RECORDER_PLAYER if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F5) { event_recorder_player_start_record("event_log.bin"); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F6) { event_recorder_player_stop_record(); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F7) { event_recorder_player_start_play("event_log.bin", 0xffff); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F8) { event_recorder_player_stop_play(); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F9) { tk_mem_dump(); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F10) { font_manager_unload_all(font_manager()); image_manager_unload_all(image_manager()); assets_manager_clear_cache(assets_manager(), ASSET_TYPE_UI); tk_mem_dump(); return RET_STOP; } #endif /*WITH_EVENT_RECORDER_PLAYER*/ if (evt->key == TK_KEY_WHEEL) { uint32_t o = system_info()->lcd_orientation + 90; if (o > 270) { o = 0; } #if defined(WITH_FAST_LCD_PORTRAIT) tk_enable_fast_lcd_portrait(TRUE); #endif tk_set_lcd_orientation((lcd_orientation_t)o); } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_f) { static bool_t fullscreen = TRUE; window_manager_set_fullscreen(window_manager(), fullscreen); fullscreen = !fullscreen; } return RET_OK; } static ret_t on_key_back_or_back_to_home(void* ctx, event_t* e) { key_event_t* evt = (key_event_t*)e; if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F2) { window_manager_back(WIDGET(ctx)); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F3) { window_manager_back_to_home(WIDGET(ctx)); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_F4) { window_manager_back_to(WIDGET(ctx), DEMOUI_MAIN_WINDOW_NAME); return RET_STOP; } else if (evt->key == TK_KEY_WHEEL) { log_debug("TK_KEY_WHEEL_DOWN\r\n"); } return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_before_paint(void* ctx, event_t* e) { return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_after_paint(void* ctx, event_t* e) { return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_low_memory(void* ctx, event_t* evt) { log_debug("low memory\n"); return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_out_of_memory(void* ctx, event_t* evt) { log_debug("out of memory\n"); return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_request_quit(void* ctx, event_t* evt) { /* * do some cleanup work here * return RET_STOP to ignore the request */ /*return RET_STOP;*/ return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_ime_start(void* ctx, event_t* evt) { log_debug("wm_on_ime_start\n"); return RET_OK; } static ret_t wm_on_ime_stop(void* ctx, event_t* evt) { log_debug("wm_on_ime_stop\n"); return RET_OK; } ret_t application_init() { char path[MAX_PATH + 1]; widget_t* wm = window_manager(); tk_socket_init(); image_manager_set_max_mem_size_of_cached_images(image_manager(), 8 * 1024 * 1024); /*enable screen saver*/ window_manager_set_screen_saver_time(wm, 180 * 1000); widget_on(wm, EVT_SCREEN_SAVER, on_screen_saver, NULL); widget_on(wm, EVT_KEY_DOWN, on_key_back_or_back_to_home, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_KEY_UP, on_key_record_play_events, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_BEFORE_PAINT, wm_on_before_paint, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_AFTER_PAINT, wm_on_after_paint, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_LOW_MEMORY, wm_on_low_memory, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_OUT_OF_MEMORY, wm_on_out_of_memory, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_REQUEST_QUIT_APP, wm_on_request_quit, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_IM_START, wm_on_ime_start, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_IM_STOP, wm_on_ime_stop, wm); widget_on(wm, EVT_KEY_LONG_PRESS, on_key_long_pressed, wm); { input_device_status_t* ids = window_manager_get_input_device_status(wm); input_device_status_set_key_long_press_time(ids, TK_KEY_1, 2000); input_device_status_set_key_long_press_time(ids, TK_KEY_2, 4000); input_device_status_set_key_long_press_time(ids, TK_KEY_3, 6000); } fs_get_user_storage_path(os_fs(), path); log_debug("user storage path:%s\n", path); #ifdef TK_IS_PC tk_service_start(main_loop_get_event_source_manager(main_loop()), REMOTE_UI_URL, remote_ui_service_create, NULL); #endif /*TK_IS_PC*/ return show_preload_res_window(); } ret_t application_exit() { log_debug("application_exit\n"); tk_socket_deinit(); return RET_OK; } #ifdef WITH_FS_RES #define APP_DEFAULT_FONT "default_full" #endif /*WITH_FS_RES*/ #include "awtk_main.inc"