import os import sys import copy import glob import shutil import platform from PIL import Image ########################### DPI = '' ACTION = 'all' ASSET_C = '' BIN_DIR = '' ASSETS_ROOT = '' AWTK_ROOT = '' INPUT_DIR = '' OUTPUT_DIR = '' IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS = '' ########################### def to_var_name(s): out = '' for c in s: if(c.isalpha() or c.isdigit()): out += c else: out += '_' return out def fix_output_file_name(name): filename, extname = os.path.splitext(name) basename = os.path.basename(filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) newname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( dirname, to_var_name(basename) + extname)) return newname def joinPath(root, subdir): return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, subdir)) OS_NAME = platform.system() def toExe(name): if OS_NAME == 'Windows': return joinPath(BIN_DIR, name+'.exe') else: return joinPath(BIN_DIR, name) def buildAll(): os.system('scons') def removeDir(path): if os.path.isdir(path): print('rmdir:' + path) shutil.rmtree(path) def prepareOutputDir(name): fullpath = joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, name) if os.path.exists(fullpath): print(fullpath+" exist.") else: os.makedirs(fullpath) def prepare(): prepareOutputDir('styles') prepareOutputDir('images') prepareOutputDir('fonts') prepareOutputDir('strings') prepareOutputDir('ui') prepareOutputDir('scripts') prepareOutputDir('data') prepareOutputDir('xml') def execCmd(cmd): print(cmd) os.system(cmd) def themegen(raw, inc): execCmd(toExe('themegen') + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, raw) + ' ' + joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, inc)) def themegen_bin(raw, bin): execCmd(toExe('themegen') + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, raw) + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, bin) + ' bin') def strgen(raw, inc): execCmd(toExe('strgen') + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, raw) + ' ' + joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, inc)) def strgen_bin(raw, bin): execCmd(toExe('strgen') + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, raw) + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, bin) + ' bin') def resgen(raw, inc): execCmd(toExe('resgen') + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, raw) + ' ' + joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, inc)) def fontgen(raw, text, inc, size): execCmd(toExe('fontgen') + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, raw) + ' ' + joinPath(INPUT_DIR, text) + ' ' + joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, inc) + ' ' + str(size)) def imagegen(raw, inc): execCmd(toExe('imagegen') + ' ' + raw + ' ' + inc + ' ' + IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS) inc = inc.replace('.data', '.res') resgen(raw, inc) def svggen(raw, inc, bin): execCmd(toExe('bsvggen') + ' ' + raw + ' ' + inc) execCmd(toExe('bsvggen') + ' ' + raw + ' ' + bin + ' bin') def xml_to_ui(raw, inc): execCmd(toExe('xml_to_ui') + ' ' + raw + ' ' + inc) def xml_to_ui_bin(raw, bin): execCmd(toExe('xml_to_ui') + ' ' + raw + ' ' + bin + ' bin') def gen_res_all_style(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'styles/*.xml')): inc = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) bin = copy.copy(f) inc = inc.replace('.xml', '.data') inc = inc.replace(INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR) inc = fix_output_file_name(inc) themegen(raw, inc) bin = bin.replace('.xml', '.bin') themegen_bin(raw, bin) def gen_res_svg(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'images/svg/*.svg')): inc = copy.copy(f) bin = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) basename = os.path.basename(inc) inc = joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/'+basename) inc = inc.replace('.svg', '.bsvg') inc = fix_output_file_name(inc) bin = bin.replace('.svg', '.bsvg') svggen(raw, inc, bin) def gen_res_png_jpg(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'images/'+DPI+'/*.*')): inc = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) basename = os.path.basename(inc) inc = joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/'+basename) inc = inc.replace('.png', '.data') inc = inc.replace('.jpg', '.data') inc = inc.replace('.bmp', '.data') inc = inc.replace('.gif', '.data') inc = fix_output_file_name(inc) imagegen(raw, inc) def gen_res_all_image(): gen_res_png_jpg() gen_res_svg() def gen_res_all_ui(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'ui/*.xml')): inc = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) bin = copy.copy(f) inc = inc.replace('.xml', '.data') inc = inc.replace(INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR) inc = fix_output_file_name(inc) xml_to_ui(raw, inc) bin = bin.replace('.xml', '.bin') xml_to_ui_bin(raw, bin) def gen_res_all_data(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'data/*.*')): inc = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) _, extname = os.path.splitext(inc) uextname = extname.replace('.', '_') inc = inc.replace(extname, uextname+'.data') inc = inc.replace(INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR) inc = fix_output_file_name(inc) resgen(raw, inc) def gen_res_all_xml(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'xml/*.xml')): inc = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) inc = inc.replace('.xml', '.data') inc = inc.replace(INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR) inc = fix_output_file_name(inc) resgen(raw, inc) def gen_res_all_font(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'fonts/*.ttf')): res = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) res = res.replace(INPUT_DIR, '.') res = res.replace('.ttf', '.res') raw = raw.replace(INPUT_DIR, '.') resgen(raw, res) fontgen('fonts/default_full.ttf', 'fonts/text.txt', 'fonts/', 18) def gen_res_all_script(): for f in glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'scripts/*.js')): res = copy.copy(f) raw = copy.copy(f) res = res.replace(INPUT_DIR, '.') res = res.replace('.js', '.res') raw = raw.replace(INPUT_DIR, '.') raw = fix_output_file_name(raw) resgen(raw, res) def gen_res_all_string(): print('gen_res_all_string'); strgen('strings/strings.xml', 'strings') strgen_bin('strings/strings.xml', 'strings') def gen_gpinyin(): execCmd(toExe('resgen') + ' ' + joinPath('3rd', 'gpinyin/data/gpinyin.dat') + ' ' + joinPath('3rd', 'gpinyin/src/')) execCmd(toExe('resgen') + ' ' + joinPath('tools', 'word_gen/words.bin') + ' ' + joinPath('src', 'input_methods/')) execCmd(toExe('resgen') + ' ' + joinPath('tools', 'word_gen/words.bin') + ' ' + joinPath('tests', '')) def gen_res_all(): gen_res_all_string() gen_res_all_font() gen_res_all_script() gen_res_all_image() gen_res_all_ui() gen_res_all_style() gen_res_all_data() gen_res_all_xml() def writeResult(str): with open(ASSET_C, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(str); def writeResultJSON(str): with open('assets.js', "w") as text_file: text_file.write(str); def genIncludes(files): str1 = "" for f in files: incf = copy.copy(f) incf = incf.replace(os.path.dirname(ASSETS_ROOT), ".") incf = incf.replace('\\', '/') incf = incf.replace('./', '') str1 += '#include "'+incf+'"\n' return str1 def gen_add_assets(files): result = "" for f in files: incf = copy.copy(f) basename = incf.replace(OUTPUT_DIR, '.') basename = basename.replace('\\', '/') basename = basename.replace('/fonts/', '/font/') basename = basename.replace('/images/', '/image/') basename = basename.replace('/styles/', '/style/') basename = basename.replace('./', '') basename = basename.replace('/', '_') basename = basename.replace('.data', '') basename = basename.replace('.bsvg', '') if basename == 'font_default': result += ' assets_manager_add(rm, font_default);\n' else: result += ' assets_manager_add(rm, '+basename+');\n' return result def gen_res_c(): result = '#include "awtk.h"\n' result += '#include "base/assets_manager.h"\n' result += '#ifndef WITH_FS_RES\n' files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'strings/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'styles/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'ui/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'xml/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'data/*.data')) result += genIncludes(files) result += "#ifdef WITH_STB_IMAGE\n" files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/*.res')) result += genIncludes(files) result += "#else\n" files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/*.data')) result += genIncludes(files) result += '#endif/*WITH_STB_IMAGE*/\n' result += "#ifdef WITH_VGCANVAS\n" files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/*.bsvg')) result += genIncludes(files) result += '#endif/*WITH_VGCANVAS*/\n' result += "#if defined(WITH_STB_FONT) || defined(WITH_FT_FONT)\n" files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'fonts/default.res')) result += genIncludes(files) result += "#else/*WITH_STB_FONT or WITH_FT_FONT*/\n" files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'fonts/*.data')) result += genIncludes(files) result += '#endif/*WITH_STB_FONT or WITH_FT_FONT*/\n' result += '#endif/*WITH_FS_RES*/\n' result += '\n' result += 'ret_t assets_init(void) {\n' result += ' assets_manager_t* rm = assets_manager();\n\n' result += '' result += '#ifdef WITH_FS_RES\n' result += ' assets_manager_preload(rm, ASSET_TYPE_FONT, "default");\n' result += ' assets_manager_preload(rm, ASSET_TYPE_STYLE, "default");\n' result += '#else\n' files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, '**/*.data')) result += gen_add_assets(files) result += "#ifdef WITH_VGCANVAS\n" files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/*.bsvg')) result += gen_add_assets(files) result += '#endif/*WITH_VGCANVAS*/\n' result += '#endif\n' result += '\n' result += ' tk_init_assets();\n' result += ' return RET_OK;\n' result += '}\n' writeResult(result) def gen_res_web_c(): result = '#include "awtk.h"\n' result += '#include "base/assets_manager.h"\n' files = glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'images/*.bsvg')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'strings/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'styles/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'ui/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'xml/*.data')) \ + glob.glob(joinPath(OUTPUT_DIR, 'data/*.data')) result += genIncludes(files) result += '\n' result += 'ret_t assets_init(void) {\n' result += ' assets_manager_t* rm = assets_manager();\n\n' result += '' result += gen_add_assets(files) result += '\n' result += ' tk_init_assets();\n' result += ' return RET_OK;\n' result += '}\n' global ASSET_C ASSET_C = ASSET_C.replace('.c', '_web.c'); writeResult(result) def gen_res_json_one(res_type, files): result= "\n " + res_type + ': [\n' for f in files: uri = f.replace(os.getcwd(), "")[1:] uri = uri.replace('\\', '/'); filename, extname = os.path.splitext(uri) basename = os.path.basename(filename) result = result + ' {name:"' + basename + '\", uri:"' + uri; if res_type == 'image' and extname != '.svg' and extname != '.bsvg': img = w, h = img.size result = result + '", w:' + str(w) + ', h:' + str(h)+ '},\n'; else: result = result + '"},\n'; result = result + ' ],' return result; def gen_res_json(): result = 'const g_awtk_assets = {'; result = result + gen_res_json_one("image", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'images/*/*.*'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("ui", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'ui/*.bin'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("style", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'styles/*.bin'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("string", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'strings/*.bin'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("xml", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'xml/*.xml'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("data", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'data/*.*'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("script", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'scripts/*.*'))); result = result + gen_res_json_one("font", glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, 'fonts/*.ttf'))); result = result + '\n};'; global ASSET_C ASSET_C = ASSET_C.replace('.c', '_web.js'); writeResult(result); def gen_res(): prepare() gen_res_all() gen_res_c() def init(awtk_root, assets_root, asset_c): global DPI global ASSET_C global BIN_DIR global ASSETS_ROOT global AWTK_ROOT global INPUT_DIR global OUTPUT_DIR global IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS ASSET_C = asset_c AWTK_ROOT = awtk_root ASSETS_ROOT = assets_root BIN_DIR = joinPath(AWTK_ROOT, 'bin') INPUT_DIR = joinPath(ASSETS_ROOT, 'raw') OUTPUT_DIR = joinPath(ASSETS_ROOT, 'inc') def dumpArgs(): print('ASSETS_ROOT='+ASSETS_ROOT) print('AWTK_ROOT='+AWTK_ROOT) print('INPUT_DIR='+INPUT_DIR) print('OUTPUT_DIR='+OUTPUT_DIR) print('ASSET_C='+ASSET_C) print('DPI='+DPI) print('IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS='+IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS) print('BIN_DIR='+BIN_DIR) def updateRes(): global ACTION if ACTION == 'all': removeDir(OUTPUT_DIR) gen_res() elif ACTION == 'clean': cleanRes() elif ACTION == 'web': gen_res_web_c() elif ACTION == 'json': gen_res_json() elif ACTION == 'string': prepare() gen_res_all_string() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == "font": prepare() gen_res_all_font() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == "script": prepare() gen_res_all_script() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == 'image': prepare() gen_res_all_image() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == 'ui': prepare() gen_res_all_ui() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == 'style': prepare() gen_res_all_style() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == 'data': prepare() gen_res_all_data() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == 'xml': prepare() gen_res_all_xml() gen_res_c() elif ACTION == 'pinyin': prepare() gen_gpinyin() gen_res_c() dumpArgs() def cleanRes(): print("==================================================================") resFiles = glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, '*/*.bin')) + \ glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, '*/*/*.bin')) for f in resFiles: print("remove: " + f) os.remove(f) resFiles = glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, '*/*.bin')) + \ glob.glob(joinPath(INPUT_DIR, '*/*/*.bsvg')) for f in resFiles: print("remove: " + f) os.remove(f) removeDir(OUTPUT_DIR) print("==================================================================") def showUsage(): global DPI global ACTION global IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS args = ' action[clean|web|json|all|font|image|ui|style|string|script|data|xml] dpi[x1|x2] image_options[rgba|bgra+bgr565]' if len(sys.argv) == 1: print('=========================================================') print('Usage: '+sys.argv[0] + args) print('Example:') print(sys.argv[0] + ' all') print(sys.argv[0] + ' clean') print(sys.argv[0] + ' style') print(sys.argv[0] + ' all x1 bgra+bgr565') print('=========================================================') sys.exit(0) else: ACTION = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 2: DPI = sys.argv[2] else: DPI = 'x1' if len(sys.argv) > 3: IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS = sys.argv[3] else: IMAGEGEN_OPTIONS = 'bgra+bgr565' showUsage()