/** * File: image_gen.c * Author: AWTK Develop Team * Brief: bitmap image generator * * Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co.,Ltd. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * License file for more details. * */ /** * History: * ================================================================ * 2018-01-27 Li XianJing created * */ #include "tkc/mem.h" #include "tkc/utils.h" #include "common/utils.h" #include "image_gen/image_gen.h" #include "base/image_manager.h" #include "base/assets_manager.h" #include "image_loader/image_loader_stb.h" ret_t image_gen(bitmap_t* image, const char* output_filename, const char* theme, bool_t mono) { uint32_t size = 0; wbuffer_t wbuffer; wbuffer_init_extendable(&wbuffer); ret_t ret = RET_OK; size = image_gen_buff(image, &wbuffer, mono); if (size) { output_res_c_source(output_filename, theme, ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE, ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE_RAW, wbuffer.data, size); } else { ret = RET_FAIL; } wbuffer_deinit(&wbuffer); return ret; } uint32_t image_gen_buff(bitmap_t* image, wbuffer_t* wbuffer, bool_t mono) { size_t size = 0; uint8_t* image_data = NULL; return_value_if_fail(image != NULL, 0); uint32_t header_size = sizeof(bitmap_header_t) - 4; bitmap_header_t* header = (bitmap_header_t*)TKMEM_ALLOC(header_size); memset(header, 0, header_size); wbuffer_write_binary(wbuffer, header, header_size); header->w = image->w; header->h = image->h; header->flags = image->flags; image_data = bitmap_lock_buffer_for_read(image); if (!mono) { size = bitmap_get_line_length(image) * image->h; header->format = image->format; wbuffer_write_binary(wbuffer, image_data, size); } else { bitmap_t b; uint8_t* bdata = NULL; bitmap_init_from_rgba(&b, image->w, image->h, BITMAP_FMT_MONO, image_data, 4); header->format = b.format; size = bitmap_get_line_length(&b) * b.h; bdata = bitmap_lock_buffer_for_read(&b); wbuffer_write_binary(wbuffer, bdata, size); bitmap_mono_dump(bdata, b.w, b.h); bitmap_unlock_buffer(&b); bitmap_destroy(&b); } bitmap_unlock_buffer(image); int32_t cursor = wbuffer->cursor; wbuffer->cursor = 0; wbuffer_write_binary(wbuffer, header, header_size); wbuffer->cursor = cursor; TKMEM_FREE(header); return size + sizeof(bitmap_header_t); }