/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Haulmont Technology Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Haulmont Technology proprietary and confidential. * Use is subject to license terms. */ allprojects { ext.artifactGroup = 'com.haulmont.cuba' ext.artifactVersion = '4.0.0' ext.isSnapshot = true //ext.tomcatDir = rootDir.absolutePath + '/../tomcat' } buildscript { repositories { mavenLocal() maven { credentials { username System.getenv('HAULMONT_REPOSITORY_USER') password System.getenv('HAULMONT_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD') } url "http://repository.haulmont.com:8587/nexus/content/groups/work" } } dependencies { classpath group: 'com.haulmont.gradle', name: 'cuba-plugin', version: '1.4.1' // see also cuba-plugin in global module dependencies classpath group: 'com.haulmont.gradle', name: 'doc-plugin', version: '1.1.0' } } apply(plugin: 'base') apply(plugin: 'maven') apply(plugin: 'idea') apply(plugin: 'cuba') apply(plugin: 'doc') def sharedLibModule = project(':cuba-shared-lib') def globalModule = project(':cuba-global') def coreModule = project(':cuba-core') def clientModule = project(':cuba-client') def guiModule = project(':cuba-gui') def webToolkitModule = project(':cuba-web-toolkit') def webModule = project(':cuba-web') def desktopModule = project(':cuba-desktop') def uiTestModule = project(':cuba-test-ui') def portalModule = project(':cuba-portal') def servletApi = [group: 'org.apache.tomcat', name: 'servlet-api', version: '6.0.20'] def vaadin = [group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'vaadin', version: ''] def popupbutton = [group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'popupbutton', version: '1.0.0'] def gwtUser = [group: 'com.google.gwt', name: 'gwt-user', version: '2.3.0'] def gwtDev = [group: 'com.google.gwt', name: 'gwt-dev', version: '2.3.0'] def gwtServlets = [group: 'com.google.gwt', name: 'gwt-servlet', version: '2.3.0'] def validationApi = [group: 'javax.validation', name: 'validation-api', version: '1.0.0.GA'] def groovyArtifact = [group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy', version: '1.7.10'] def asm = [group: 'asm', name: 'asm', version: '3.2'] def poi = [group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'poi', version: '3.7.20110830'] def postgres = [group: 'postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: '9.1-901.jdbc4'] def hsqldb = [group: 'hsqldb', name: 'hsqldb', version: ''] configure([sharedLibModule, globalModule, coreModule, clientModule, guiModule, webToolkitModule, webModule, desktopModule, uiTestModule, portalModule]) { apply(plugin: 'java') apply(plugin: 'idea') apply(plugin: 'maven') apply(plugin: 'code-quality') apply(plugin: 'cuba') dependencies { compile(group: 'commons-logging', name: 'commons-logging', version: '1.1.1') compile(group: 'commons-lang', name: 'commons-lang', version: '2.4') compile(group: 'commons-collections', name: 'commons-collections', version: '3.2.1') compile(group: 'commons-io', name: 'commons-io', version: '1.4') compile(group: 'commons-codec', name: 'commons-codec', version: '1.3') compile(group: 'commons-cli', name: 'commons-cli', version: '1.2') compile(group: 'commons-pool', name: 'commons-pool', version: '1.5.1') compile(group: 'dom4j', name: 'dom4j', version: '1.6.1') compile(group: 'javax.mail', name: 'mail', version: '1.4.1') compile(group: 'log4j', name: 'log4j', version: '1.2.16') compile(group: 'org.perf4j', name: 'perf4j', version: '0.9.10') compile(group: 'net.sourceforge.findbugs', name: 'jsr305', version: '1.3.2') compile(group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'javaee-api', version: '6.0.20091228') compile(group: 'org.codehaus.groovy', name: 'groovy', version: '1.7.10') compile(group: 'antlr', name: 'antlr', version: '2.7.7') compile(asm) compile(group: 'com.google.guava', name: 'guava', version: 'r07') compile(group: 'org.apache.openjpa', name: 'openjpa', version: '2.2.0') compile(group: 'net.sourceforge.serp', name: 'serp', version: '1.13.1') compile(group: 'org.antlr', name: 'antlr-runtime', version: '3.2') compile(group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version: '2.3.16') compile(group: 'aopalliance', name: 'aopalliance', version: '1.0') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-core', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-beans', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-context', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-web', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') testCompile(group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'jmockit', version: '0.999.10') testCompile(group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.5') } task sourceJar(type: Jar) { from file('src') classifier = 'sources' } artifacts { archives sourceJar } String checkstyleConfigDir = '../../config/checkstyle' checkstyleConfigFileName = "$checkstyleConfigDir/checkstyle.xml" checkstyleProperties.checkstyleConfigDir = checkstyleConfigFile.parentFile // Required for suppressions.xml linking checkstyleMain << { def checkstyleDir = "${project.buildDir}/checkstyle".toString() ant.xslt('in': "$checkstyleDir/main.xml", out: "$checkstyleDir/$project.name-checkstyle.html", style: "$checkstyleConfigDir/checkstyle.xsl") } } configure(sharedLibModule) { dependencies { jdbc(postgres) jdbc(hsqldb) } } configure(globalModule) { dependencies { // This dependency is required by CubaEnhancing task provided(group: 'com.haulmont.gradle', name: 'cuba-plugin', version: '1.4.1') } task enhance(type: CubaEnhancing) { persistenceXml = "$globalModule.projectDir/src/cuba-persistence.xml" metadataXml = "$globalModule.projectDir/src/cuba-metadata.xml" } compileJava << { enhance.execute() Date releaseDate = new Date() String timeStamp = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(releaseDate) File releaseFile = new File("$buildDir/classes/main/com/haulmont/cuba/core/global/release.timestamp") releaseFile.delete() releaseFile.write(timeStamp) } } configure(coreModule) { dependencies { compile(globalModule) compile(sharedLibModule) compile(group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'xstream', version: '') runtime(group: 'xpp3', name: 'xpp3_min', version: '1.1.4c') runtime(group: 'xmlpull', name:'xmlpull', version: '') compile(group: 'org.jgroups', name: 'jgroups', version: '2.12.1.Final') compile(group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-compress', version: '1.1') compile(group: 'org.aspectj', name: 'aspectjrt', version: '1.6.12') compile(group: 'org.aspectj', name: 'aspectjweaver', version: '1.6.12') compile(group: 'org.mybatis', name: 'mybatis', version: '3.0.5') compile(group: 'org.mybatis', name: 'mybatis-spring', version: '1.0.1') compile(group: 'org.json', name: 'json', version: '20090211') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-context-support', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-orm', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-tx', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-webmvc', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(poi) // POI is actually not required by core, but remains here to simplify dependencies for reports project provided(servletApi) jdbc(postgres) jdbc(hsqldb) testRuntime(servletApi) testRuntime(hsqldb) } test { scanForTestClasses = false includes = ['**/*Test.class'] jvmArgs '-XX:-UseSplitVerifier' } task testsJar(dependsOn: testClasses, type: Jar) { from sourceSets.main.output.classesDir from sourceSets.test.output.classesDir from sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir from sourceSets.test.output.resourcesDir classifier = 'tests' } assembleDbScripts << { copy { from new File(projectDir, 'db') into "$buildDir/db/10-cuba" } } artifacts { archives testsJar } task deploy(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDeployment) { appName = 'cuba-core' appJars('cuba-global', 'cuba-core') } } configure(clientModule) { dependencies { compile(globalModule) } task testsJar(dependsOn: testClasses, type: Jar) { from sourceSets.main.output.classesDir from sourceSets.test.output.classesDir classifier = 'tests' } artifacts { archives testsJar } } configure(guiModule) { apply(plugin: 'groovy') sourceSets { main { groovy { srcDir 'src' } } } dependencies { compile(globalModule) compile(clientModule) compile(poi) compile(group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents', name: 'httpclient', version: '4.0.1') groovy(groovyArtifact) groovy(asm) testCompile(clientModule.sourceSets.test.output) } test { scanForTestClasses = false includes = ['**/*Test.class'] jvmArgs '-XX:-UseSplitVerifier' } } configure(webToolkitModule) { dependencies { compile(vaadin) compile(popupbutton) provided(gwtUser) provided(gwtDev) provided(gwtServlets) provided(validationApi) } jar { manifest { attributes("Vaadin-Widgetsets": "com.haulmont.cuba.toolkit.gwt.WidgetSet") } } } configure(webModule) { configurations { gwtBuilding } dependencies { compile(sharedLibModule) compile(globalModule) compile(clientModule) compile(guiModule) compile(group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'jespa', version: '1.0.7') compile(group: 'commons-fileupload', name: 'commons-fileupload', version: '1.2.2') compile(group: 'org.jasig.cas', name: 'cas-client-core', version: '3.1.10') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-webmvc', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(vaadin) compile(popupbutton) runtime(group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'jcifs', version: '1.3.10') provided(webToolkitModule) provided(gwtUser) provided(gwtDev) provided(gwtServlets) provided(validationApi) provided(servletApi) gwtBuilding(validationApi + [classifier: 'sources']) } jar { manifest { attributes("Vaadin-Widgetsets": "com.haulmont.cuba.toolkit.gwt.WidgetSet") } } task buildThemes(dependsOn: compileJava, type: CubaWebThemeCreation) { themes = [ [themeName: 'peyto', destFile: 'styles-include.css'], [themeName: 'havana', destFile: 'styles-include.css'] ] cssDir = 'css/VAADIN/themes' destDir = "$buildDir/web/VAADIN/themes" } File webOutDir = new File("$buildDir/web") task buildGwt(dependsOn: buildThemes, type: CubaWebToolkit) { widgetSetsDir = "$webOutDir/VAADIN/widgetsets" widgetSetModules = [webToolkitModule] widgetSetClass = 'com.haulmont.cuba.toolkit.gwt.WidgetSet' // jvmArgs('-Xdebug', '-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000') // compilerArgs = ['-style' : 'PRETTY', '-localWorkers' : '2'] } assemble.dependsOn buildGwt task webArchive(dependsOn: buildGwt, type: Zip) { from file('web') from webOutDir exclude '**/web.xml', '**/app.properties' classifier = 'web' } artifacts { archives webArchive } task deploy(dependsOn: assemble, type: CubaDeployment) { appName = 'cuba' appJars('cuba-global', 'cuba-client', 'cuba-gui', 'cuba-web') } deploy << { delete { "$tomcatDir/webapps/cuba/VAADIN/widgetsets" } copy { from "$buildDir/web" into "$tomcatDir/webapps/cuba" } } } configure(desktopModule) { apply(plugin: 'application') mainClassName = 'com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.App' dependencies { compile(globalModule) compile(clientModule) compile(guiModule) compile(group: 'com.miglayout', name: 'miglayout-swing', version: '4.2') compile(group: 'com.haulmont.thirdparty', name: 'glazedlists', version: '1.9.20110801') compile(group: 'org.swinglabs', name: 'swingx-core', version: '1.6.2-2') assemble.dependsOn = [classes] } installApp { into("$buildDir/app/" + applicationName) } task desktopInstall(dependsOn: assemble) << { jar.execute() startScripts.execute() installApp.execute() } task desktopDist(dependsOn: assemble) << { distZip.execute() } task desktopStart(dependsOn: desktopInstall) << { run.execute() } } configure(uiTestModule) { dependencies { } } configure(portalModule) { apply(plugin: 'groovy') sourceSets { main { groovy { srcDir 'src' } } } def springSecurityVersion = '3.1.1.RELEASE' dependencies { compile(globalModule) compile(clientModule) compile(sharedLibModule) provided(servletApi) compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-webmvc', version: springSecurityVersion) compile(group: 'org.springframework.security', name: 'spring-security-core', version: springSecurityVersion) compile(group: 'org.springframework.security', name: 'spring-security-web', version: springSecurityVersion) compile(group: 'org.springframework.security', name: 'spring-security-config', version: springSecurityVersion) compile(group: 'org.springframework.security', name: 'spring-security-taglibs', version: springSecurityVersion) groovy(groovyArtifact) groovy(asm) compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-tx', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') compile(group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-jdbc', version: '3.1.1.RELEASE') testCompile(clientModule.sourceSets.test.output) } test { scanForTestClasses = false includes = ['**/*Test.class'] } } task restart(dependsOn: ['stop', ':cuba-core:deploy', ':cuba-web:deploy'], description: 'Redeploys applications and restarts local Tomcat') << { ant.waitfor(maxwait: 6, maxwaitunit: 'second', checkevery: 2, checkeveryunit: 'second') { not { socket(server: 'localhost', port: '8787') } } start.execute() } /***************************** Database related stuff *****************************/ configurations { jdbc } dependencies { jdbc(hsqldb) } def dbName = 'cubadb' def File dbDataDir = file('data') def File dbSqlDir = file('modules/core/db/init/sql') def dbClasspath = configurations.jdbc.fileCollection { true }.asPath task startDb(description: 'Starts local HSQLDB server') << { dbDataDir.mkdirs() if ('linux'.equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty('os.name'))) { ant.exec(dir: dbDataDir.absolutePath, executable: '/bin/sh', spawn: true) { arg(line: "$projectDir/modules/core/db/run-hsqldb.sh $dbClasspath $dbName") } } else { ant.exec(dir: dbDataDir.absolutePath, executable: 'cmd.exe', spawn: true) { arg(line: "/c start $projectDir/modules/core/db/run-hsqldb.bat $dbClasspath $dbName") } } Thread.sleep(1000) } task stopDb(description: 'Stops local HSQLDB server') << { try { ant.sql(classpath: dbClasspath, delimiter: ";", driver: 'org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver', url: "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/$dbName", userid: 'sa', password: '', autocommit: true, 'shutdown' ) Thread.sleep(1000) } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(">>> error stopping local HSQLDB server: $e") } } task removeDb(description: 'Removes local HSQL database') << { delete { dbDataDir } } task createDb(description: 'Creates local HSQL database') << { ant.sql(classpath: dbClasspath, src: "$dbSqlDir/create-db.sql", delimiter: ";", driver: 'org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver', url: "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/$dbName", userid: 'sa', password: '', autocommit: true ) } /***************************** Documentation *****************************/ // These variables must be the project properties ext.docSrcDir = file('doc/content') ext.docToolsDir = file('doc/tools') ext.docCssDir = new File(docToolsDir, 'css') ext.docDstDir = new File("$buildDir/doc") ext.docTmpDir = new File("$buildDir/tmp/doc") task transformManual(type: TransformDocbook) { sourceDir = new File(docSrcDir, 'manual/ru') sourceFile = new File(sourceDir, 'manual.xml') destFile = new File(docTmpDir, 'manual/ru/manual.xml') classpath = configurations.buildDoc } task transformSecurity(type: TransformDocbook) { sourceDir = new File(docSrcDir, 'security/ru') sourceFile = new File(sourceDir, 'security.xml') destFile = new File(docTmpDir, 'security/ru/security.xml') classpath = configurations.buildDoc } task buildSecurityXhtml(type: Docbook2Xhtml, dependsOn: transformSecurity) { source transformSecurity.destFile destFile = new File(docTmpDir, 'security-pdf/security-pdf.html') stylesheetName = 'pdf.xsl' resources = fileTree(new File(docSrcDir, 'security/ru')) { include 'img/*.png' include 'img/*.jpg' } resources += fileTree(docCssDir) { include '*.css' } } task buildSecurityPdf(type: Xhtml2Pdf, dependsOn: buildSecurityXhtml) { inputs.dir docCssDir sourceFile = buildSecurityXhtml.destFile destFile = new File(docDstDir, 'security/ru/pdf/security.pdf') classpath = configurations.buildDoc fonts = zipTree(configurations.docFonts.singleFile) } task buildManualHtml(type: Docbook2Xhtml, dependsOn: transformManual) { source transformManual.destFile destDir = new File(docDstDir, 'manual/ru/html') stylesheetName = 'html.xsl' resources = fileTree(new File(docSrcDir, 'manual/ru')) { include 'img/*.png' include 'img/*.jpg' } resources += fileTree(docCssDir) { include '*.css' } } task buildSecurityHtml(type: Docbook2Xhtml, dependsOn: transformSecurity) { source transformSecurity.destFile destDir = new File(docDstDir, 'security/ru/html') stylesheetName = 'html.xsl' resources = fileTree(new File(docSrcDir, 'security/ru')) { include 'img/*.png' include 'img/*.jpg' } resources += fileTree(docCssDir) { include '*.css' } } task buildManualSingleHtml(type: Docbook2Xhtml, dependsOn: transformManual) { source transformManual.destFile destFile = new File(docDstDir, 'manual/ru/html-single/manual.html') stylesheetName = 'html-single.xsl' resources = fileTree(new File(docSrcDir, 'manual/ru')) { include 'img/**/*.png' include 'img/**/*.jpg' } resources += fileTree(docCssDir) { include '*.css' } } task buildSecuritySingleHtml(type: Docbook2Xhtml, dependsOn: transformSecurity) { source transformSecurity.destFile destFile = new File(docDstDir, 'security/ru/html-single/security.html') stylesheetName = 'html-single.xsl' resources = fileTree(new File(docSrcDir, 'security/ru')) { include 'img/**/*.png' include 'img/**/*.jpg' } resources += fileTree(docCssDir) { include '*.css' } } task buildDoc(type: Zip, description: 'Build documentation', //dependsOn: [buildPlatformSingleHtml]) { dependsOn: [buildManualSingleHtml,buildSecuritySingleHtml,buildSecurityPdf]) { from 'build/doc' destinationDir = file('build/distributions') baseName = 'cuba-doc' version = artifactVersion + (isSnapshot ? '-SNAPSHOT' : '') } artifacts { if (Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("buildDoc"))) archives buildDoc } // This is required until fixed in CubaPlugin by applying this configuration to all projects, not just modules uploadArchives.configure { repositories.mavenDeployer { name = 'httpDeployer' configuration = configurations.deployerJars repository(url: "$repositoryUrl/repositories/" + (isSnapshot ? 'snapshots' : 'releases')) { authentication(userName: repositoryUser, password: repositoryPassword) } } }