CUBA Platform

Java RAD framework for enterprise web applications

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[CUBA Platform]( is a high level framework for rapid development of enterprise applications with rich web interface. The simplest way to start using the platform is to [download]( CUBA Studio and create a new project in it. A released version of the platform will be downloaded automatically from the artifact repository. You can also build a snapshot version of the platform from the source code and use it in your project. To contribute, first refer to [Contributing Code]( for general instructions and requirements for contributing code to the platform. ## Building from Source In order to build the platform from source, you need to install the following: * Java 8 Development Kit (JDK) * [CUBA Gradle Plugin]( Let's assume that you have cloned CUBA Gradle Plugin and CUBA into the following directories: ``` work/ cuba/ cuba-gradle-plugin/ ``` Open terminal in the `work` directory and run the following command to build and install the plugin into your local Maven repository (`~/.m2`): ``` cd cuba-gradle-plugin gradlew install ``` After that, go to the CUBA directory and build and install it with the same command: ``` cd ../cuba gradlew install ``` ## Using Snapshot Version Edit the `build.gradle` file of your project. Change the `ext.cubaVersion` property and add `mavenLocal()` to the `repositories` section, for example: ``` buildscript { ext.cubaVersion = '6.10-SNAPSHOT' repositories { mavenLocal() maven { ... ``` That's all. Now you can generate IDE project files and build and deploy your application based on the snapshot version of the platform from your local repository: ``` gradlew idea gradlew deploy ``` ## Third-party dependencies The platform uses a number of forked third-party libraries. They can be found in the following source code repositories: * [eclipselink]( * [vaadin]( * [vaadin-dragdroplayouts]( * [vaadin-aceeditor]( * [swingx-core]( All dependencies are also located in our artifacts repository, so you don't have to build them from sources in order to build and use the platform.