[Core] [UI] Merge grid

This commit is contained in:
qianmoQ 2024-04-16 20:30:00 +08:00
parent b231dac452
commit 4576201695
4 changed files with 550 additions and 554 deletions

View File

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
export default {
selectAll: '(Select All)',
selectAllSearchResults: '(Select All Search Results)',
searchOoo: 'Search...',
blanks: '(Blanks)',
noMatches: 'No matches',
filterOoo: 'Filter...',
equals: 'Equals',
notEqual: 'Not equal',
blank: 'Blank',
notBlank: 'Not blank',
empty: 'Choose One',
lessThan: 'Less than',
greaterThan: 'Greater than',
lessThanOrEqual: 'Less than or equal',
greaterThanOrEqual: 'Greater than or equal',
inRange: 'In range',
inRangeStart: 'from',
inRangeEnd: 'to',
contains: 'Contains',
notContains: 'Not contains',
startsWith: 'Starts with',
endsWith: 'Ends with',
dateFormatOoo: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
andCondition: 'AND',
orCondition: 'OR',
applyFilter: 'Apply',
resetFilter: 'Reset',
clearFilter: 'Clear',
cancelFilter: 'Cancel',
textFilter: 'Text Filter',
numberFilter: 'Number Filter',
dateFilter: 'Date Filter',
setFilter: 'Set Filter',
columns: 'Columns',
filters: 'Filters',
pivotMode: 'Pivot Mode',
groups: 'Row Groups',
rowGroupColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set row groups',
values: 'Values',
valueColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to aggregate',
pivots: 'Column Labels',
pivotColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set column labels',
group: 'Group',
rowDragRow: 'row',
rowDragRows: 'rows',
loadingOoo: 'Loading...',
loadingError: 'ERR',
noRowsToShow: 'No Rows To Show',
enabled: 'Enabled',
pinColumn: 'Pin Column',
pinLeft: 'Pin Left',
pinRight: 'Pin Right',
noPin: 'No Pin',
valueAggregation: 'Value Aggregation',
autosizeThiscolumn: 'Autosize This Column',
autosizeAllColumns: 'Autosize All Columns',
groupBy: 'Group by',
ungroupBy: 'Un-Group by',
addToValues: 'Add ${variable} to values',
removeFromValues: 'Remove ${variable} from values',
addToLabels: 'Add ${variable} to labels',
removeFromLabels: 'Remove ${variable} from labels',
resetColumns: 'Reset Columns',
expandAll: 'Expand All',
collapseAll: 'Close All',
copy: 'Copy',
ctrlC: 'Ctrl+C',
copyWithHeaders: 'Copy With Headers',
copyWithGroupHeaders: 'Copy with Group Headers',
paste: 'Paste',
ctrlV: 'Ctrl+V',
export: 'Export',
csvExport: 'CSV Export',
excelExport: 'Excel Export',
sum: 'Sum',
min: 'Min',
max: 'Max',
none: 'None',
count: 'Count',
avg: 'Average',
filteredRows: 'Filtered',
selectedRows: 'Selected',
totalRows: 'Total Rows',
totalAndFilteredRows: 'Rows',
more: 'More',
to: 'to',
of: 'of',
page: 'Page',
nextPage: 'Next Page',
lastPage: 'Last Page',
firstPage: 'First Page',
previousPage: 'Previous Page',
pivotColumnGroupTotals: 'Total',
pivotChartAndPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart & Pivot Mode',
pivotChart: 'Pivot Chart',
chartRange: 'Chart Range',
columnChart: 'Column',
groupedColumn: 'Grouped',
stackedColumn: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumn: '100% Stacked',
barChart: 'Bar',
groupedBar: 'Grouped',
stackedBar: 'Stacked',
normalizedBar: '100% Stacked',
pieChart: 'Pie',
pie: 'Pie',
doughnut: 'Doughnut',
line: 'Line',
xyChart: 'X Y (Scatter)',
scatter: 'Scatter',
bubble: 'Bubble',
areaChart: 'Area',
area: 'Area',
stackedArea: 'Stacked',
normalizedArea: '100% Stacked',
histogramChart: 'Histogram',
histogramFrequency: "Frequency",
combinationChart: 'Combination',
columnLineCombo: 'Column & Line',
AreaColumnCombo: 'Area & Column',
pivotChartTitle: 'Pivot Chart',
rangeChartTitle: 'Range Chart',
settings: 'Settings',
data: 'Data',
format: 'Format',
categories: 'Categories',
defaultCategory: '(None)',
series: 'Series',
xyValues: 'X Y Values',
paired: 'Paired Mode',
axis: 'Axis',
navigator: 'Navigator',
color: 'Color',
thickness: 'Thickness',
xType: 'X Type',
automatic: 'Automatic',
category: 'Category',
number: 'Number',
time: 'Time',
autoRotate: 'Auto Rotate',
xRotation: 'X Rotation',
yRotation: 'Y Rotation',
ticks: 'Ticks',
width: 'Width',
height: 'Height',
length: 'Length',
padding: 'Padding',
spacing: 'Spacing',
chart: 'Chart',
title: 'Title',
titlePlaceholder: 'Chart title - double click to edit',
background: 'Background',
font: 'Font',
top: 'Top',
right: 'Right',
bottom: 'Bottom',
left: 'Left',
labels: 'Labels',
size: 'Size',
minSize: 'Minimum Size',
maxSize: 'Maximum Size',
legend: 'Legend',
position: 'Position',
markerSize: 'Marker Size',
markerStroke: 'Marker Stroke',
markerPadding: 'Marker Padding',
itemSpacing: 'Item Spacing',
itemPaddingX: 'Item Padding X',
itemPaddingY: 'Item Padding Y',
layoutHorizontalSpacing: 'Horizontal Spacing',
layoutVerticalSpacing: 'Vertical Spacing',
strokeWidth: 'Stroke Width',
lineDash: 'Line Dash',
offset: 'Offset',
offsets: 'Offsets',
tooltips: 'Tooltips',
callout: 'Callout',
markers: 'Markers',
shadow: 'Shadow',
blur: 'Blur',
xOffset: 'X Offset',
yOffset: 'Y Offset',
lineWidth: 'Line Width',
normal: 'Normal',
bold: 'Bold',
italic: 'Italic',
boldItalic: 'Bold Italic',
predefined: 'Predefined',
fillOpacity: 'Fill Opacity',
strokeOpacity: 'Line Opacity',
histogramBinCount: 'Bin count',
columnGroup: 'Column',
barGroup: 'Bar',
pieGroup: 'Pie',
lineGroup: 'Line',
scatterGroup: 'X Y (Scatter)',
areaGroup: 'Area',
histogramGroup: 'Histogram',
combinationGroup: 'Combination',
groupedColumnTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedColumnTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumnTooltip: '100% Stacked',
groupedBarTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedBarTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedBarTooltip: '100% Stacked',
pieTooltip: 'Pie',
doughnutTooltip: 'Doughnut',
lineTooltip: 'Line',
groupedAreaTooltip: 'Area',
stackedAreaTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedAreaTooltip: '100% Stacked',
scatterTooltip: 'Scatter',
bubbleTooltip: 'Bubble',
histogramTooltip: 'Histogram',
columnLineComboTooltip: 'Column & Line',
areaColumnComboTooltip: 'Area & Column',
customComboTooltip: 'Custom Combination',
noDataToChart: 'No data available to be charted.',
pivotChartRequiresPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart requires Pivot Mode enabled.',
chartSettingsToolbarTooltip: 'Menu',
chartLinkToolbarTooltip: 'Linked to Grid',
chartUnlinkToolbarTooltip: 'Unlinked from Grid',
chartDownloadToolbarTooltip: 'Download Chart',
seriesChartType: 'Series Chart Type',
seriesType: 'Series Type',
secondaryAxis: 'Secondary Axis',
ariaChecked: 'checked',
ariaColumn: 'Column',
ariaColumnGroup: 'Column Group',
ariaColumnList: 'Column List',
ariaColumnSelectAll: 'Toggle Select All Columns',
ariaDateFilterInput: 'Date Filter Input',
ariaDefaultListName: 'List',
ariaFilterColumnsInput: 'Filter Columns Input',
ariaFilterFromValue: 'Filter from value',
ariaFilterInput: 'Filter Input',
ariaFilterList: 'Filter List',
ariaFilterToValue: 'Filter to value',
ariaFilterValue: 'Filter Value',
ariaFilteringOperator: 'Filtering Operator',
ariaHidden: 'hidden',
ariaIndeterminate: 'indeterminate',
ariaInputEditor: 'Input Editor',
ariaMenuColumn: 'Press CTRL ENTER to open column menu.',
ariaRowDeselect: 'Press SPACE to deselect this row',
ariaRowSelectAll: 'Press Space to toggle all rows selection',
ariaRowToggleSelection: 'Press Space to toggle row selection',
ariaRowSelect: 'Press SPACE to select this row',
ariaSearch: 'Search',
ariaSortableColumn: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaToggleVisibility: 'Press SPACE to toggle visibility',
ariaUnchecked: 'unchecked',
ariaVisible: 'visible',
ariaSearchFilterValues: 'Search filter values',
ariaRowGroupDropZonePanelLabel: 'Row Groups',
ariaValuesDropZonePanelLabel: 'Values',
ariaPivotDropZonePanelLabel: 'Column Labels',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentDescription: 'Press DELETE to remove',
ariaDropZoneColumnValueItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to change the aggregation type',
ariaDropZoneColumnGroupItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeperator: ' of ',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortAscending: 'ascending',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortDescending: 'descending',
ariaLabelColumnMenu: 'Column Menu',
ariaLabelCellEditor: 'Cell Editor',
ariaLabelDialog: 'Dialog',
ariaLabelSelectField: 'Select Field',
ariaLabelTooltip: 'Tooltip',
ariaLabelContextMenu: 'Context Menu',
ariaLabelSubMenu: 'SubMenu',
ariaLabelAggregationFunction: 'Aggregation Function',
thousandSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.'

View File

@ -1,13 +1,286 @@
import state from '@/i18n/langs/en/state'
import query from '@/i18n/langs/en/query'
import source from '@/i18n/langs/en/source'
import grid from '@/i18n/langs/en/grid'
export default {
state: state,
query: query,
source: source,
grid: grid,
grid: {
selectAll: '(Select All)',
selectAllSearchResults: '(Select All Search Results)',
searchOoo: 'Search...',
blanks: '(Blanks)',
noMatches: 'No matches',
filterOoo: 'Filter...',
equals: 'Equals',
notEqual: 'Not equal',
blank: 'Blank',
notBlank: 'Not blank',
empty: 'Choose One',
lessThan: 'Less than',
greaterThan: 'Greater than',
lessThanOrEqual: 'Less than or equal',
greaterThanOrEqual: 'Greater than or equal',
inRange: 'In range',
inRangeStart: 'from',
inRangeEnd: 'to',
contains: 'Contains',
notContains: 'Not contains',
startsWith: 'Starts with',
endsWith: 'Ends with',
dateFormatOoo: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
andCondition: 'AND',
orCondition: 'OR',
applyFilter: 'Apply',
resetFilter: 'Reset',
clearFilter: 'Clear',
cancelFilter: 'Cancel',
textFilter: 'Text Filter',
numberFilter: 'Number Filter',
dateFilter: 'Date Filter',
setFilter: 'Set Filter',
columns: 'Columns',
filters: 'Filters',
pivotMode: 'Pivot Mode',
groups: 'Row Groups',
rowGroupColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set row groups',
values: 'Values',
valueColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to aggregate',
pivots: 'Column Labels',
pivotColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set column labels',
group: 'Group',
rowDragRow: 'row',
rowDragRows: 'rows',
loadingOoo: 'Loading...',
loadingError: 'ERR',
noRowsToShow: 'No Rows To Show',
enabled: 'Enabled',
pinColumn: 'Pin Column',
pinLeft: 'Pin Left',
pinRight: 'Pin Right',
noPin: 'No Pin',
valueAggregation: 'Value Aggregation',
autosizeThiscolumn: 'Autosize This Column',
autosizeAllColumns: 'Autosize All Columns',
groupBy: 'Group by',
ungroupBy: 'Un-Group by',
addToValues: 'Add ${variable} to values',
removeFromValues: 'Remove ${variable} from values',
addToLabels: 'Add ${variable} to labels',
removeFromLabels: 'Remove ${variable} from labels',
resetColumns: 'Reset Columns',
expandAll: 'Expand All',
collapseAll: 'Close All',
copy: 'Copy',
ctrlC: 'Ctrl+C',
copyWithHeaders: 'Copy With Headers',
copyWithGroupHeaders: 'Copy with Group Headers',
paste: 'Paste',
ctrlV: 'Ctrl+V',
export: 'Export',
csvExport: 'CSV Export',
excelExport: 'Excel Export',
sum: 'Sum',
min: 'Min',
max: 'Max',
none: 'None',
count: 'Count',
avg: 'Average',
filteredRows: 'Filtered',
selectedRows: 'Selected',
totalRows: 'Total Rows',
totalAndFilteredRows: 'Rows',
more: 'More',
to: 'to',
of: 'of',
page: 'Page',
nextPage: 'Next Page',
lastPage: 'Last Page',
firstPage: 'First Page',
previousPage: 'Previous Page',
pivotColumnGroupTotals: 'Total',
pivotChartAndPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart & Pivot Mode',
pivotChart: 'Pivot Chart',
chartRange: 'Chart Range',
columnChart: 'Column',
groupedColumn: 'Grouped',
stackedColumn: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumn: '100% Stacked',
barChart: 'Bar',
groupedBar: 'Grouped',
stackedBar: 'Stacked',
normalizedBar: '100% Stacked',
pieChart: 'Pie',
pie: 'Pie',
doughnut: 'Doughnut',
line: 'Line',
xyChart: 'X Y (Scatter)',
scatter: 'Scatter',
bubble: 'Bubble',
areaChart: 'Area',
area: 'Area',
stackedArea: 'Stacked',
normalizedArea: '100% Stacked',
histogramChart: 'Histogram',
histogramFrequency: 'Frequency',
combinationChart: 'Combination',
columnLineCombo: 'Column & Line',
AreaColumnCombo: 'Area & Column',
pivotChartTitle: 'Pivot Chart',
rangeChartTitle: 'Range Chart',
settings: 'Settings',
data: 'Data',
format: 'Format',
categories: 'Categories',
defaultCategory: '(None)',
series: 'Series',
xyValues: 'X Y Values',
paired: 'Paired Mode',
axis: 'Axis',
navigator: 'Navigator',
color: 'Color',
thickness: 'Thickness',
xType: 'X Type',
automatic: 'Automatic',
category: 'Category',
number: 'Number',
time: 'Time',
autoRotate: 'Auto Rotate',
xRotation: 'X Rotation',
yRotation: 'Y Rotation',
ticks: 'Ticks',
width: 'Width',
height: 'Height',
length: 'Length',
padding: 'Padding',
spacing: 'Spacing',
chart: 'Chart',
title: 'Title',
titlePlaceholder: 'Chart title - double click to edit',
background: 'Background',
font: 'Font',
top: 'Top',
right: 'Right',
bottom: 'Bottom',
left: 'Left',
labels: 'Labels',
size: 'Size',
minSize: 'Minimum Size',
maxSize: 'Maximum Size',
legend: 'Legend',
position: 'Position',
markerSize: 'Marker Size',
markerStroke: 'Marker Stroke',
markerPadding: 'Marker Padding',
itemSpacing: 'Item Spacing',
itemPaddingX: 'Item Padding X',
itemPaddingY: 'Item Padding Y',
layoutHorizontalSpacing: 'Horizontal Spacing',
layoutVerticalSpacing: 'Vertical Spacing',
strokeWidth: 'Stroke Width',
lineDash: 'Line Dash',
offset: 'Offset',
offsets: 'Offsets',
tooltips: 'Tooltips',
callout: 'Callout',
markers: 'Markers',
shadow: 'Shadow',
blur: 'Blur',
xOffset: 'X Offset',
yOffset: 'Y Offset',
lineWidth: 'Line Width',
normal: 'Normal',
bold: 'Bold',
italic: 'Italic',
boldItalic: 'Bold Italic',
predefined: 'Predefined',
fillOpacity: 'Fill Opacity',
strokeOpacity: 'Line Opacity',
histogramBinCount: 'Bin count',
columnGroup: 'Column',
barGroup: 'Bar',
pieGroup: 'Pie',
lineGroup: 'Line',
scatterGroup: 'X Y (Scatter)',
areaGroup: 'Area',
histogramGroup: 'Histogram',
combinationGroup: 'Combination',
groupedColumnTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedColumnTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumnTooltip: '100% Stacked',
groupedBarTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedBarTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedBarTooltip: '100% Stacked',
pieTooltip: 'Pie',
doughnutTooltip: 'Doughnut',
lineTooltip: 'Line',
groupedAreaTooltip: 'Area',
stackedAreaTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedAreaTooltip: '100% Stacked',
scatterTooltip: 'Scatter',
bubbleTooltip: 'Bubble',
histogramTooltip: 'Histogram',
columnLineComboTooltip: 'Column & Line',
areaColumnComboTooltip: 'Area & Column',
customComboTooltip: 'Custom Combination',
noDataToChart: 'No data available to be charted.',
pivotChartRequiresPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart requires Pivot Mode enabled.',
chartSettingsToolbarTooltip: 'Menu',
chartLinkToolbarTooltip: 'Linked to Grid',
chartUnlinkToolbarTooltip: 'Unlinked from Grid',
chartDownloadToolbarTooltip: 'Download Chart',
seriesChartType: 'Series Chart Type',
seriesType: 'Series Type',
secondaryAxis: 'Secondary Axis',
ariaChecked: 'checked',
ariaColumn: 'Column',
ariaColumnGroup: 'Column Group',
ariaColumnList: 'Column List',
ariaColumnSelectAll: 'Toggle Select All Columns',
ariaDateFilterInput: 'Date Filter Input',
ariaDefaultListName: 'List',
ariaFilterColumnsInput: 'Filter Columns Input',
ariaFilterFromValue: 'Filter from value',
ariaFilterInput: 'Filter Input',
ariaFilterList: 'Filter List',
ariaFilterToValue: 'Filter to value',
ariaFilterValue: 'Filter Value',
ariaFilteringOperator: 'Filtering Operator',
ariaHidden: 'hidden',
ariaIndeterminate: 'indeterminate',
ariaInputEditor: 'Input Editor',
ariaMenuColumn: 'Press CTRL ENTER to open column menu.',
ariaRowDeselect: 'Press SPACE to deselect this row',
ariaRowSelectAll: 'Press Space to toggle all rows selection',
ariaRowToggleSelection: 'Press Space to toggle row selection',
ariaRowSelect: 'Press SPACE to select this row',
ariaSearch: 'Search',
ariaSortableColumn: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaToggleVisibility: 'Press SPACE to toggle visibility',
ariaUnchecked: 'unchecked',
ariaVisible: 'visible',
ariaSearchFilterValues: 'Search filter values',
ariaRowGroupDropZonePanelLabel: 'Row Groups',
ariaValuesDropZonePanelLabel: 'Values',
ariaPivotDropZonePanelLabel: 'Column Labels',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentDescription: 'Press DELETE to remove',
ariaDropZoneColumnValueItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to change the aggregation type',
ariaDropZoneColumnGroupItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeperator: ' of ',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortAscending: 'ascending',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortDescending: 'descending',
ariaLabelColumnMenu: 'Column Menu',
ariaLabelCellEditor: 'Cell Editor',
ariaLabelDialog: 'Dialog',
ariaLabelSelectField: 'Select Field',
ariaLabelTooltip: 'Tooltip',
ariaLabelContextMenu: 'Context Menu',
ariaLabelSubMenu: 'SubMenu',
ariaLabelAggregationFunction: 'Aggregation Function',
thousandSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.'
heatmap: {
common: {
jan: 'Jan',

View File

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
export default {
selectAll: '(选择全部)',
selectAllSearchResults: '(选择全部查询结果)',
searchOoo: '搜索...',
blanks: '(Blanks)',
noMatches: '未找到',
filterOoo: '过滤...',
equals: '等于',
notEqual: '不等于',
blank: 'Blank',
notBlank: 'Not blank',
empty: 'Choose One',
lessThan: '小于',
greaterThan: '大于',
lessThanOrEqual: '小于或等于',
greaterThanOrEqual: '大于或等于',
inRange: 'In range',
inRangeStart: 'from',
inRangeEnd: 'to',
contains: '包含',
notContains: '不包含',
startsWith: '以 ... 开始',
endsWith: '以 ... 结束',
dateFormatOoo: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
andCondition: 'AND',
orCondition: 'OR',
applyFilter: '应用',
resetFilter: '重置',
clearFilter: '清空',
cancelFilter: '取消',
textFilter: 'Text Filter',
numberFilter: 'Number Filter',
dateFilter: 'Date Filter',
setFilter: 'Set Filter',
columns: 'Columns',
filters: 'Filters',
pivotMode: 'Pivot Mode',
groups: 'Row Groups',
rowGroupColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set row groups',
values: 'Values',
valueColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to aggregate',
pivots: 'Column Labels',
pivotColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set column labels',
group: 'Group',
rowDragRow: 'row',
rowDragRows: 'rows',
loadingOoo: 'Loading...',
loadingError: 'ERR',
noRowsToShow: 'No Rows To Show',
enabled: 'Enabled',
pinColumn: 'Pin Column',
pinLeft: 'Pin Left',
pinRight: 'Pin Right',
noPin: 'No Pin',
valueAggregation: 'Value Aggregation',
autosizeThiscolumn: 'Autosize This Column',
autosizeAllColumns: 'Autosize All Columns',
groupBy: 'Group by',
ungroupBy: 'Un-Group by',
addToValues: 'Add ${variable} to values',
removeFromValues: 'Remove ${variable} from values',
addToLabels: 'Add ${variable} to labels',
removeFromLabels: 'Remove ${variable} from labels',
resetColumns: 'Reset Columns',
expandAll: 'Expand All',
collapseAll: 'Close All',
copy: 'Copy',
ctrlC: 'Ctrl+C',
copyWithHeaders: 'Copy With Headers',
copyWithGroupHeaders: 'Copy with Group Headers',
paste: 'Paste',
ctrlV: 'Ctrl+V',
export: 'Export',
csvExport: 'CSV Export',
excelExport: 'Excel Export',
sum: 'Sum',
min: 'Min',
max: 'Max',
none: 'None',
count: 'Count',
avg: 'Average',
filteredRows: 'Filtered',
selectedRows: 'Selected',
totalRows: '总行数',
totalAndFilteredRows: 'Rows',
more: '更多',
to: '-',
of: '至',
page: '当前页',
nextPage: '下一页',
lastPage: '最后一页',
firstPage: '第一页',
previousPage: '上一页',
pivotColumnGroupTotals: '总数',
pivotChartAndPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart & Pivot Mode',
pivotChart: 'Pivot Chart',
chartRange: 'Chart Range',
columnChart: 'Column',
groupedColumn: 'Grouped',
stackedColumn: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumn: '100% Stacked',
barChart: 'Bar',
groupedBar: 'Grouped',
stackedBar: 'Stacked',
normalizedBar: '100% Stacked',
pieChart: 'Pie',
pie: 'Pie',
doughnut: 'Doughnut',
line: 'Line',
xyChart: 'X Y (Scatter)',
scatter: 'Scatter',
bubble: 'Bubble',
areaChart: 'Area',
area: 'Area',
stackedArea: 'Stacked',
normalizedArea: '100% Stacked',
histogramChart: 'Histogram',
histogramFrequency: "Frequency",
combinationChart: 'Combination',
columnLineCombo: 'Column & Line',
AreaColumnCombo: 'Area & Column',
pivotChartTitle: 'Pivot Chart',
rangeChartTitle: 'Range Chart',
settings: 'Settings',
data: 'Data',
format: 'Format',
categories: 'Categories',
defaultCategory: '(None)',
series: 'Series',
xyValues: 'X Y Values',
paired: 'Paired Mode',
axis: 'Axis',
navigator: 'Navigator',
color: 'Color',
thickness: 'Thickness',
xType: 'X Type',
automatic: 'Automatic',
category: 'Category',
number: 'Number',
time: 'Time',
autoRotate: 'Auto Rotate',
xRotation: 'X Rotation',
yRotation: 'Y Rotation',
ticks: 'Ticks',
width: 'Width',
height: 'Height',
length: 'Length',
padding: 'Padding',
spacing: 'Spacing',
chart: 'Chart',
title: 'Title',
titlePlaceholder: 'Chart title - double click to edit',
background: 'Background',
font: 'Font',
top: 'Top',
right: 'Right',
bottom: 'Bottom',
left: 'Left',
labels: 'Labels',
size: 'Size',
minSize: 'Minimum Size',
maxSize: 'Maximum Size',
legend: 'Legend',
position: 'Position',
markerSize: 'Marker Size',
markerStroke: 'Marker Stroke',
markerPadding: 'Marker Padding',
itemSpacing: 'Item Spacing',
itemPaddingX: 'Item Padding X',
itemPaddingY: 'Item Padding Y',
layoutHorizontalSpacing: 'Horizontal Spacing',
layoutVerticalSpacing: 'Vertical Spacing',
strokeWidth: 'Stroke Width',
lineDash: 'Line Dash',
offset: 'Offset',
offsets: 'Offsets',
tooltips: 'Tooltips',
callout: 'Callout',
markers: 'Markers',
shadow: 'Shadow',
blur: 'Blur',
xOffset: 'X Offset',
yOffset: 'Y Offset',
lineWidth: 'Line Width',
normal: 'Normal',
bold: 'Bold',
italic: 'Italic',
boldItalic: 'Bold Italic',
predefined: 'Predefined',
fillOpacity: 'Fill Opacity',
strokeOpacity: 'Line Opacity',
histogramBinCount: 'Bin count',
columnGroup: 'Column',
barGroup: 'Bar',
pieGroup: 'Pie',
lineGroup: 'Line',
scatterGroup: 'X Y (Scatter)',
areaGroup: 'Area',
histogramGroup: 'Histogram',
combinationGroup: 'Combination',
groupedColumnTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedColumnTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumnTooltip: '100% Stacked',
groupedBarTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedBarTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedBarTooltip: '100% Stacked',
pieTooltip: 'Pie',
doughnutTooltip: 'Doughnut',
lineTooltip: 'Line',
groupedAreaTooltip: 'Area',
stackedAreaTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedAreaTooltip: '100% Stacked',
scatterTooltip: 'Scatter',
bubbleTooltip: 'Bubble',
histogramTooltip: 'Histogram',
columnLineComboTooltip: 'Column & Line',
areaColumnComboTooltip: 'Area & Column',
customComboTooltip: 'Custom Combination',
noDataToChart: 'No data available to be charted.',
pivotChartRequiresPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart requires Pivot Mode enabled.',
chartSettingsToolbarTooltip: 'Menu',
chartLinkToolbarTooltip: 'Linked to Grid',
chartUnlinkToolbarTooltip: 'Unlinked from Grid',
chartDownloadToolbarTooltip: 'Download Chart',
seriesChartType: 'Series Chart Type',
seriesType: 'Series Type',
secondaryAxis: 'Secondary Axis',
ariaChecked: 'checked',
ariaColumn: 'Column',
ariaColumnGroup: 'Column Group',
ariaColumnList: 'Column List',
ariaColumnSelectAll: 'Toggle Select All Columns',
ariaDateFilterInput: 'Date Filter Input',
ariaDefaultListName: 'List',
ariaFilterColumnsInput: 'Filter Columns Input',
ariaFilterFromValue: 'Filter from value',
ariaFilterInput: 'Filter Input',
ariaFilterList: 'Filter List',
ariaFilterToValue: 'Filter to value',
ariaFilterValue: 'Filter Value',
ariaFilteringOperator: 'Filtering Operator',
ariaHidden: 'hidden',
ariaIndeterminate: 'indeterminate',
ariaInputEditor: 'Input Editor',
ariaMenuColumn: 'Press CTRL ENTER to open column menu.',
ariaRowDeselect: 'Press SPACE to deselect this row',
ariaRowSelectAll: 'Press Space to toggle all rows selection',
ariaRowToggleSelection: 'Press Space to toggle row selection',
ariaRowSelect: 'Press SPACE to select this row',
ariaSearch: 'Search',
ariaSortableColumn: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaToggleVisibility: 'Press SPACE to toggle visibility',
ariaUnchecked: 'unchecked',
ariaVisible: 'visible',
ariaSearchFilterValues: 'Search filter values',
ariaRowGroupDropZonePanelLabel: 'Row Groups',
ariaValuesDropZonePanelLabel: 'Values',
ariaPivotDropZonePanelLabel: 'Column Labels',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentDescription: 'Press DELETE to remove',
ariaDropZoneColumnValueItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to change the aggregation type',
ariaDropZoneColumnGroupItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeperator: ' of ',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortAscending: 'ascending',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortDescending: 'descending',
ariaLabelColumnMenu: 'Column Menu',
ariaLabelCellEditor: 'Cell Editor',
ariaLabelDialog: 'Dialog',
ariaLabelSelectField: 'Select Field',
ariaLabelTooltip: 'Tooltip',
ariaLabelContextMenu: 'Context Menu',
ariaLabelSubMenu: 'SubMenu',
ariaLabelAggregationFunction: 'Aggregation Function',
thousandSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.'

View File

@ -1,13 +1,286 @@
import state from '@/i18n/langs/zhCn/state'
import query from '@/i18n/langs/zhCn/query'
import source from '@/i18n/langs/zhCn/source'
import grid from '@/i18n/langs/zhCn/grid'
export default {
state: state,
query: query,
source: source,
grid: grid,
grid: {
selectAll: '(选择全部)',
selectAllSearchResults: '(选择全部查询结果)',
searchOoo: '搜索...',
blanks: '(Blanks)',
noMatches: '未找到',
filterOoo: '过滤...',
equals: '等于',
notEqual: '不等于',
blank: 'Blank',
notBlank: 'Not blank',
empty: 'Choose One',
lessThan: '小于',
greaterThan: '大于',
lessThanOrEqual: '小于或等于',
greaterThanOrEqual: '大于或等于',
inRange: 'In range',
inRangeStart: 'from',
inRangeEnd: 'to',
contains: '包含',
notContains: '不包含',
startsWith: '以 ... 开始',
endsWith: '以 ... 结束',
dateFormatOoo: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
andCondition: 'AND',
orCondition: 'OR',
applyFilter: '应用',
resetFilter: '重置',
clearFilter: '清空',
cancelFilter: '取消',
textFilter: 'Text Filter',
numberFilter: 'Number Filter',
dateFilter: 'Date Filter',
setFilter: 'Set Filter',
columns: 'Columns',
filters: 'Filters',
pivotMode: 'Pivot Mode',
groups: 'Row Groups',
rowGroupColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set row groups',
values: 'Values',
valueColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to aggregate',
pivots: 'Column Labels',
pivotColumnsEmptyMessage: 'Drag here to set column labels',
group: 'Group',
rowDragRow: 'row',
rowDragRows: 'rows',
loadingOoo: 'Loading...',
loadingError: 'ERR',
noRowsToShow: 'No Rows To Show',
enabled: 'Enabled',
pinColumn: 'Pin Column',
pinLeft: 'Pin Left',
pinRight: 'Pin Right',
noPin: 'No Pin',
valueAggregation: 'Value Aggregation',
autosizeThiscolumn: 'Autosize This Column',
autosizeAllColumns: 'Autosize All Columns',
groupBy: 'Group by',
ungroupBy: 'Un-Group by',
addToValues: 'Add ${variable} to values',
removeFromValues: 'Remove ${variable} from values',
addToLabels: 'Add ${variable} to labels',
removeFromLabels: 'Remove ${variable} from labels',
resetColumns: 'Reset Columns',
expandAll: 'Expand All',
collapseAll: 'Close All',
copy: 'Copy',
ctrlC: 'Ctrl+C',
copyWithHeaders: 'Copy With Headers',
copyWithGroupHeaders: 'Copy with Group Headers',
paste: 'Paste',
ctrlV: 'Ctrl+V',
export: 'Export',
csvExport: 'CSV Export',
excelExport: 'Excel Export',
sum: 'Sum',
min: 'Min',
max: 'Max',
none: 'None',
count: 'Count',
avg: 'Average',
filteredRows: 'Filtered',
selectedRows: 'Selected',
totalRows: '总行数',
totalAndFilteredRows: 'Rows',
more: '更多',
to: '-',
of: '至',
page: '当前页',
nextPage: '下一页',
lastPage: '最后一页',
firstPage: '第一页',
previousPage: '上一页',
pivotColumnGroupTotals: '总数',
pivotChartAndPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart & Pivot Mode',
pivotChart: 'Pivot Chart',
chartRange: 'Chart Range',
columnChart: 'Column',
groupedColumn: 'Grouped',
stackedColumn: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumn: '100% Stacked',
barChart: 'Bar',
groupedBar: 'Grouped',
stackedBar: 'Stacked',
normalizedBar: '100% Stacked',
pieChart: 'Pie',
pie: 'Pie',
doughnut: 'Doughnut',
line: 'Line',
xyChart: 'X Y (Scatter)',
scatter: 'Scatter',
bubble: 'Bubble',
areaChart: 'Area',
area: 'Area',
stackedArea: 'Stacked',
normalizedArea: '100% Stacked',
histogramChart: 'Histogram',
histogramFrequency: 'Frequency',
combinationChart: 'Combination',
columnLineCombo: 'Column & Line',
AreaColumnCombo: 'Area & Column',
pivotChartTitle: 'Pivot Chart',
rangeChartTitle: 'Range Chart',
settings: 'Settings',
data: 'Data',
format: 'Format',
categories: 'Categories',
defaultCategory: '(None)',
series: 'Series',
xyValues: 'X Y Values',
paired: 'Paired Mode',
axis: 'Axis',
navigator: 'Navigator',
color: 'Color',
thickness: 'Thickness',
xType: 'X Type',
automatic: 'Automatic',
category: 'Category',
number: 'Number',
time: 'Time',
autoRotate: 'Auto Rotate',
xRotation: 'X Rotation',
yRotation: 'Y Rotation',
ticks: 'Ticks',
width: 'Width',
height: 'Height',
length: 'Length',
padding: 'Padding',
spacing: 'Spacing',
chart: 'Chart',
title: 'Title',
titlePlaceholder: 'Chart title - double click to edit',
background: 'Background',
font: 'Font',
top: 'Top',
right: 'Right',
bottom: 'Bottom',
left: 'Left',
labels: 'Labels',
size: 'Size',
minSize: 'Minimum Size',
maxSize: 'Maximum Size',
legend: 'Legend',
position: 'Position',
markerSize: 'Marker Size',
markerStroke: 'Marker Stroke',
markerPadding: 'Marker Padding',
itemSpacing: 'Item Spacing',
itemPaddingX: 'Item Padding X',
itemPaddingY: 'Item Padding Y',
layoutHorizontalSpacing: 'Horizontal Spacing',
layoutVerticalSpacing: 'Vertical Spacing',
strokeWidth: 'Stroke Width',
lineDash: 'Line Dash',
offset: 'Offset',
offsets: 'Offsets',
tooltips: 'Tooltips',
callout: 'Callout',
markers: 'Markers',
shadow: 'Shadow',
blur: 'Blur',
xOffset: 'X Offset',
yOffset: 'Y Offset',
lineWidth: 'Line Width',
normal: 'Normal',
bold: 'Bold',
italic: 'Italic',
boldItalic: 'Bold Italic',
predefined: 'Predefined',
fillOpacity: 'Fill Opacity',
strokeOpacity: 'Line Opacity',
histogramBinCount: 'Bin count',
columnGroup: 'Column',
barGroup: 'Bar',
pieGroup: 'Pie',
lineGroup: 'Line',
scatterGroup: 'X Y (Scatter)',
areaGroup: 'Area',
histogramGroup: 'Histogram',
combinationGroup: 'Combination',
groupedColumnTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedColumnTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedColumnTooltip: '100% Stacked',
groupedBarTooltip: 'Grouped',
stackedBarTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedBarTooltip: '100% Stacked',
pieTooltip: 'Pie',
doughnutTooltip: 'Doughnut',
lineTooltip: 'Line',
groupedAreaTooltip: 'Area',
stackedAreaTooltip: 'Stacked',
normalizedAreaTooltip: '100% Stacked',
scatterTooltip: 'Scatter',
bubbleTooltip: 'Bubble',
histogramTooltip: 'Histogram',
columnLineComboTooltip: 'Column & Line',
areaColumnComboTooltip: 'Area & Column',
customComboTooltip: 'Custom Combination',
noDataToChart: 'No data available to be charted.',
pivotChartRequiresPivotMode: 'Pivot Chart requires Pivot Mode enabled.',
chartSettingsToolbarTooltip: 'Menu',
chartLinkToolbarTooltip: 'Linked to Grid',
chartUnlinkToolbarTooltip: 'Unlinked from Grid',
chartDownloadToolbarTooltip: 'Download Chart',
seriesChartType: 'Series Chart Type',
seriesType: 'Series Type',
secondaryAxis: 'Secondary Axis',
ariaChecked: 'checked',
ariaColumn: 'Column',
ariaColumnGroup: 'Column Group',
ariaColumnList: 'Column List',
ariaColumnSelectAll: 'Toggle Select All Columns',
ariaDateFilterInput: 'Date Filter Input',
ariaDefaultListName: 'List',
ariaFilterColumnsInput: 'Filter Columns Input',
ariaFilterFromValue: 'Filter from value',
ariaFilterInput: 'Filter Input',
ariaFilterList: 'Filter List',
ariaFilterToValue: 'Filter to value',
ariaFilterValue: 'Filter Value',
ariaFilteringOperator: 'Filtering Operator',
ariaHidden: 'hidden',
ariaIndeterminate: 'indeterminate',
ariaInputEditor: 'Input Editor',
ariaMenuColumn: 'Press CTRL ENTER to open column menu.',
ariaRowDeselect: 'Press SPACE to deselect this row',
ariaRowSelectAll: 'Press Space to toggle all rows selection',
ariaRowToggleSelection: 'Press Space to toggle row selection',
ariaRowSelect: 'Press SPACE to select this row',
ariaSearch: 'Search',
ariaSortableColumn: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaToggleVisibility: 'Press SPACE to toggle visibility',
ariaUnchecked: 'unchecked',
ariaVisible: 'visible',
ariaSearchFilterValues: 'Search filter values',
ariaRowGroupDropZonePanelLabel: 'Row Groups',
ariaValuesDropZonePanelLabel: 'Values',
ariaPivotDropZonePanelLabel: 'Column Labels',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentDescription: 'Press DELETE to remove',
ariaDropZoneColumnValueItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to change the aggregation type',
ariaDropZoneColumnGroupItemDescription: 'Press ENTER to sort',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentAggFuncSeperator: ' of ',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortAscending: 'ascending',
ariaDropZoneColumnComponentSortDescending: 'descending',
ariaLabelColumnMenu: 'Column Menu',
ariaLabelCellEditor: 'Cell Editor',
ariaLabelDialog: 'Dialog',
ariaLabelSelectField: 'Select Field',
ariaLabelTooltip: 'Tooltip',
ariaLabelContextMenu: 'Context Menu',
ariaLabelSubMenu: 'SubMenu',
ariaLabelAggregationFunction: 'Aggregation Function',
thousandSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.'
heatmap: {
common: {
jan: '一月',