*DGIOT* is the first lightweight open source industrial IoT continuous integration platform in China
Before 2016, the Shuwa team had been crawling on the Internet and the mobile Internet for many years. In 2016, it began to enter the Internet of Things crawling. It hopes to share many years of crawling experience through this open source platform and make multidisciplinary industrial Internet projects easier.
+ Let rich engineers to complete industrial Internet projects with simpler requirements through window interaction
+ Let the majority of junior front-end engineers to undertake industrial Internet projects with more complex requirements through the serverless method
+ Let Python, Java, Go, C junior background engineers undertake complex industrial Internet projects through web programming development channels
# Vision
The DGIOT team hopes to achieve the following visions through the Shuwa Industrial Internet continuous integration platform
+ Through engineers, front-end engineers, and junior back-office engineers to actually complete small and medium-sized industrial Internet projects in no more than 1 month
+ Ensure high-quality delivery through multiple methods such as open source code, free software, document sharing, technical certification, product certification, operation and maintenance hosting, etc.
+ Experts in the technical field continue to integrate the industry's excellent technical framework, and experts in the business field continue to optimize business models and processes, and build a multidisciplinary open platform
+ The IoT platform can finally be simple and easy to use, returning to the essence of tooling
Bulid *DGIOT* Need Erlang/OTP R21+, Windows download[msys64](http://dgiot-1253666439.cos.ap-shanghai-fsi.myqcloud.com/msys64/msys64.rar),After downloading, unzip it to the root directory of Disk D, and operate strictly in accordance with the following figure: