fix: alter

This commit is contained in:
dawnwinterLiu 2023-12-05 20:38:08 +08:00
parent 8a90072c38
commit 11ee5730d0
20 changed files with 266 additions and 129 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-export([histogram_reset/1, histogram_reset/2, histogram_reset/3]).
-export([init_metrics/1, collect_metrics/4]).
-export([start_metrics/1, inc/3, inc/4, inc/5, dec/3, dec/4, dec/5]).
-export([start_metrics/1, get/2, inc/3, inc/4, inc/5, dec/3, dec/4, dec/5]).
-export([start/1, check_metrics/0, reset_metrics/1]).
@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ histogram_reset(Name, LabelValues) ->
histogram_reset(Registry, Name, LabelValues) ->
prometheus_histogram:reset(Registry, Name, LabelValues).
get(Registry, Name) ->
case dgiot_data:lookup(?DGIOT_METRICS_ETS, {Name, Registry}) of
{error, not_find} ->
{ok, Count1} ->
inc(Registry, Name, Value) ->
{ok, Count} =

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ save_csv_ets(Module, FilePath) ->
case dgiot_httpc:download(Url, DownloadPath) of
{ok, saved_to_file} ->
AtomName = dgiot_utils:to_atom(FileName),
put(count, -1),
Fun = fun(X) ->

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ to_localtime(Time) when is_tuple(Time) ->
to_localtime(NowStamp) when is_integer(NowStamp) ->
to_localtime(<<Y:4/bytes, "-", M:2/bytes, "-", D:2/bytes, "T", H:2/bytes, ":", N:2/bytes, ":", S:2/bytes, ".", _/binary>>) ->
to_localtime(<<Y:4/bytes, "-", M:2/bytes, "-", D:2/bytes, "T", H:2/bytes, ":", N:2/bytes, ":", S:2/bytes, _/binary>>) ->
Data = {{to_int(Y), to_int(M), to_int(D)}, {to_int(H), to_int(N), to_int(S)}},
Ms = localtime_to_unixtime(Data) + timezone() * 60 * 60,

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ get({'before', '*', Args}) ->
end, #{}, Args),
Basic = format(NewData),
%% io:format("~s ~p Basic: ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Basic]),
%% io:format("~s ~p Basic = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Basic]),
get({'after', #{<<"results">> := Response, <<"count">> := Count} = _Data}) ->

View File

@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ handle_info({sub, Client, ProductId, DevAddr}, State) ->
%% #{client_pid => <0.11482.0>, dup => false, packet_id => undefined, payload => <<"{ \"msg\": \"Hello, World!\" }">>, topic =><<"$dg/device/5392ccb3d7/00E0B45BFB4F_usb6-ai15/test">>, properties => undefined,qos => 0, retain => false}
handle_info({publish, Topic, Payload}, #dclient{channel = ChannelId} = State) ->
dgiot_bridge:send_log(ChannelId, "~s ~p cloud to edge Topic ~p Payload ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Topic, Payload]),
dgiot_mqtt:publish(ChannelId, <<"cloud2edge/", Topic/binary>>, Payload),
{noreply, State};
handle_info({dclient_ack, Topic, Payload}, #dclient{client = ClientId, channel = ChannelId} = State) ->

View File

@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ create_device(#{<<"status">> := Status, <<"brand">> := Brand, <<"devModel">> :=
Batch_name = dgiot_utils:to_list(Y) ++ dgiot_utils:to_list(M) ++ dgiot_utils:to_list(D),
<<DeviceSecret:10/binary, _/binary>> = dgiot_utils:to_md5(dgiot_utils:random()),
NewDevice = Device#{
<<"location">> => maps:get(<<"location">>, Device, #{<<"__type">> => <<"GeoPoint">>, <<"longitude">> => 120.161324, <<"latitude">> => 30.262441}),
<<"basedata">> => maps:get(<<"basedata">>, Device, #{}),
<<"content">> => maps:get(<<"content">>, Device, #{}),
<<"profile">> => maps:get(<<"profile">>, Device, #{}),

View File

@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ handle_message({sync_parse, Pid, 'before', post, Token, <<"Device">>, #{<<"locat
MapType = maps:get(<<"mapType">>, Cookie, <<"baidu">>),
NewLocation = dgiot_gps:towgs84(Location, MapType),
NewQueryData = QueryData#{<<"location">> => NewLocation},
dgiot_parse_hook:publish(Pid, NewQueryData),
{ok, State};

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ encode_profile(ProductId, Profile) ->
case maps:find(Identifier, Profile) of
{ok, V} ->
Index => #{
dgiot_utils:to_int(Index) => #{
<<"value">> => V,
<<"identifier">> => Identifier,
<<"name">> => Name,

View File

@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ put(Device) ->
{ok, #{<<"status">> := Status, <<"state">> := State, <<"acl">> := Acl, <<"isEnable">> := IsEnable, <<"devaddr">> := Devaddr, <<"time">> := Oldtime,
<<"productid">> := ProductId, <<"devicesecret">> := DeviceSecret, <<"node">> := Node, <<"longitude">> := Longitude, <<"latitude">> := Latitude}} ->
NewIsEnable = maps:get(<<"isEnable">>, Device, IsEnable),
Location = maps:get(<<"location">>, Device, #{<<"longitude">> => Longitude, <<"latitude">> => Latitude}),
NewLongitude = maps:get(<<"longitude">>, Location, Longitude),
NewLatitude = maps:get(<<"latitude">>, Location, Latitude),
{NewStatus, Now} = check_time(Status, Device, Oldtime),
NewAcl =
case maps:find(<<"ACL">>, Device) of
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ put(Device) ->
_ ->
insert_mnesia(DeviceId, NewAcl, NewStatus, State, Now, NewIsEnable, ProductId, Devaddr, DeviceSecret, Node, Longitude, Latitude);
insert_mnesia(DeviceId, NewAcl, NewStatus, State, Now, NewIsEnable, ProductId, Devaddr, DeviceSecret, Node, NewLongitude, NewLatitude);
_ ->

View File

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ post_properties(Things, AtomName, ProductId, ProductName) ->
<<"dataType">> => #{
<<"das">> => [],
<<"type">> => to_lower(Type),
<<"size">> => 99,
<<"specs">> => #{
<<"min">> => Min,
<<"max">> => Max,
@ -244,10 +245,12 @@ get_accessmode(_AccessMode) ->
get_min_max(Min_Max) ->
case binary:split(Min_Max, <<$->>, [global, trim]) of
[<<>>, Min, Max] ->
{-dgiot_utils:to_int(Min), dgiot_utils:to_int(Max)};
[Min, Max] ->
{dgiot_utils:to_int(Min), dgiot_utils:to_int(Max)};
_ ->
{0, 999}
{-65535, 65535}
%%get_operatetype(Operatetype) ->

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"type": "radios",
"value": "true"
"value": "false"
"horizontal": null,
@ -71,16 +71,8 @@
"value": ""
"label": "质检",
"value": "c5858f08bf"
"label": "开发者(测试)",
"value": "ccf5456562"
"label": "运维部(test)",
"value": "9470abe2e7"
"label": "智慧车间",
"value": "8f7191ca2d"
"readOnly": true,
@ -225,7 +217,7 @@
"type": "radios",
"value": "true"
"value": "false"
"hint": "",
@ -394,7 +386,7 @@
"type": "radios",
"value": "true"
"value": "false"
"autoComplete": false,
@ -601,6 +593,127 @@
"title": "工单配置"
"body": [
"api": {
"data": null,
"dataType": "json",
"headers": {
"dgiotReplace": "parse_view_objectid",
"store": "localStorage"
"method": "put",
"requestAdaptor": "return {\r\n ...api,\r\n data:{\r\n \r\n }\r\n}",
"url": "/iotapi/classes/View/parse_view_objectid"
"body": [
"checkAll": false,
"id": "u:de68a1c03290",
"joinValues": true,
"label": "是否推送",
"mode": "horizontal",
"name": "otherpush.ispush",
"options": [
"label": "推送",
"value": "true"
"label": "不推送",
"value": "false"
"type": "radios",
"value": "false"
"checkAll": false,
"id": "u:4fcc58963f83",
"label": "推送类型",
"mode": "horizontal",
"name": "otherpush.type",
"options": [
"label": "mqtt",
"value": "mqtt"
"label": "api",
"value": "api"
"size": "lg",
"type": "select",
"value": "mqtt"
"hint": "",
"id": "u:32dded637284",
"label": "第三方topic",
"mode": "horizontal",
"name": "otherpush.topic",
"size": "lg",
"type": "input-text",
"value": "/devWar/up",
"visibleOn": "this.otherpush.type == \"mqtt\""
"hint": "",
"id": "u:616e61bbae74",
"label": "第三方api",
"mode": "horizontal",
"name": "otherpush.api",
"size": "lg",
"type": "input-text",
"value": "",
"visibleOn": "this.otherpush.type == \"api\""
"checkAll": false,
"id": "u:450ee0bc94e2",
"label": "告警等级",
"mode": "horizontal",
"name": "otherpush.level",
"options": [
"label": "一级",
"value": "一级"
"label": "二级",
"value": "二级"
"label": "三级",
"value": "三级"
"size": "lg",
"type": "select",
"value": "一级"
"checkAll": false,
"id": "u:073a9a76df1c",
"label": "告警描述",
"mode": "horizontal",
"name": "otherpush.description",
"size": "lg",
"type": "input-text"
"id": "u:4ae24134beb4",
"initApi": "",
"multiLine": false,
"name": "alarm_form",
"title": "",
"type": "form"
"title": "第三方推送"
"type": "tabs"

View File

@ -64,20 +64,61 @@
zh => <<"服务器端口"/utf8>>
<<"filepath">> => #{
<<"slaveid">> => #{
order => 3,
type => upload,
type => integer,
required => true,
default => <<"">>,
default => 1,
title => #{
zh => <<"csv文件"/utf8>>
zh => <<"从机地址"/utf8>>
description => #{
zh => <<"上传csv点位文件"/utf8>>
zh => <<"从机地址"/utf8>>
<<"function">> => #{
order => 4,
type => string,
required => true,
default => #{<<"value">> => <<"readHregs">>, <<"label">> => <<"0X03:读保持寄存器"/utf8>>},
enum => [#{<<"value">> => <<"readCoils">>, <<"label">> => <<"0X01:读线圈"/utf8>>},
#{<<"value">> => <<"readInputs">>, <<"label">> => <<"0X02:读离散量输入"/utf8>>},
#{<<"value">> => <<"readHregs">>, <<"label">> => <<"0X03:读保持寄存器"/utf8>>},
#{<<"value">> => <<"readIregs">>, <<"label">> => <<"0X04:读输入寄存器"/utf8>>}
title => #{
zh => <<"功能码"/utf8>>
description => #{
zh => <<"功能码"/utf8>>
<<"address">> => #{
order => 5,
type => integer,
required => true,
default => 0,
title => #{
zh => <<"起始地址"/utf8>>
description => #{
zh => <<"起始地址"/utf8>>
<<"quantity">> => #{
order => 6,
type => integer,
required => true,
default => 100,
title => #{
zh => <<"长度"/utf8>>
description => #{
zh => <<"长度"/utf8>>
<<"freq">> => #{
order => 4,
order => 7,
type => integer,
required => true,
default => 60,
@ -88,6 +129,18 @@
zh => <<"采集频率/秒"/utf8>>
<<"filepath">> => #{
order => 8,
type => upload,
required => true,
default => <<"">>,
title => #{
zh => <<"csv文件"/utf8>>
description => #{
zh => <<"上传csv点位文件"/utf8>>
<<"ico">> => #{
order => 102,
type => string,
@ -111,6 +164,10 @@ start(ChannelId, ChannelArgs) ->
init(?TYPE, ChannelId, #{
<<"ip">> := Ip,
<<"port">> := Port,
<<"slaveid">> := SlaveId,
<<"function">> := Function,
<<"address">> := Address,
<<"quantity">> := Quantity,
<<"freq">> := Freq,
<<"Size">> := Size
} = Args) ->
@ -128,6 +185,10 @@ init(?TYPE, ChannelId, #{
<<"port">> => Port,
<<"mod">> => dgiot_modbusc_tcp,
<<"child">> => #{
slaveid => SlaveId,
function => Function,
address => dgiot_utils:to_int(Address),
quantity => Quantity,
filename => FileName,
data => <<>>,
freq => Freq,
@ -160,6 +221,7 @@ handle_message(_Message, State) ->
{ok, State}.
stop(ChannelType, ChannelId, _State) ->
dgiot_data:delete({start_client, ChannelId}),
?LOG(info, "channel stop ~p,~p", [ChannelType, ChannelId]),

View File

@ -42,12 +42,11 @@ handle_info(connection_ready, #dclient{child = ChildState} = Dclient) ->
handle_info(tcp_closed, #dclient{child = ChildState} = Dclient) ->
{noreply, Dclient#dclient{child = ChildState}};
handle_info(read, #dclient{channel = ChannelId, client = ClientId, child = #{minaddr := MinAddr, maxaddr := Maxaddr} = ChildState} = Dclient) ->
%% _Address1 = modbus_tcp:get_addr(ChannelId, MinAddr, Maxaddr, 124),
Address = maps:get(di, ChildState, MinAddr),
handle_info(read, #dclient{channel = ChannelId, client = ClientId, child = #{slaveid := SlaveId, function := Operatetype, address := StartAddr, maxaddr := Maxaddr} = ChildState} = Dclient) ->
Address = maps:get(di, ChildState, StartAddr),
Step = maps:get(step, ChildState, 100),
Registersnumber =
case Address + Step >= Maxaddr of
case (Address + Step) >= Maxaddr of
true ->
Maxaddr - Address + 1;
_ ->
@ -56,28 +55,29 @@ handle_info(read, #dclient{channel = ChannelId, client = ClientId, child = #{min
DataSource =
<<"registersnumber">> => Registersnumber,
<<"slaveid">> => <<"0X01">>,
<<"operatetype">> => <<"readHregs">>,
<<"slaveid">> => SlaveId,
<<"operatetype">> => Operatetype,
<<"address">> => Address
Data = modbus_tcp:to_frame(DataSource),
dgiot_tcp_client:send(ChannelId, ClientId, Data),
%% io:format("~s ~p Read Data = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(Data)]),
dgiot_bridge:send_log(ChannelId, "Channel sends ~p to DTU", [dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(Data)]),
dgiot_bridge:send_log(dgiot_utils:to_binary(ChannelId), "~p Channel sends ~p to DTU", [dgiot_datetime:format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS"), dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(Data)]),
%% io:format("~s ~p Address = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Address]),
{noreply, Dclient#dclient{child = ChildState#{minaddr => MinAddr, maxaddr => Maxaddr, di => Address, step => Step}}};
{noreply, Dclient#dclient{child = ChildState#{di => Address, step => Step}}};
handle_info({tcp, Buff}, #dclient{channel = ChannelId,
child = #{freq := Freq, minaddr := MinAddr, maxaddr := Maxaddr, di := Address, filename := FileName, data := OldData, step := Step} = ChildState} = Dclient) ->
dgiot_bridge:send_log(ChannelId, "returns [~p] to Channel", [dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(Buff)]),
child = #{freq := Freq, maxaddr := Maxaddr, di := Address, filename := FileName, address := StartAddr, data := OldData, step := Step} = ChildState} = Dclient) ->
%% io:format("~s ~p Buff = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(Buff)]),
Data = modbus_tcp:parse_frame(Buff),
case Address + Step >= Maxaddr of
true ->
EndData = <<OldData/binary, Data/binary>>,
%% io:format("~s ~p EndData = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(EndData)]),
modbus_tcp:parse_frame(FileName, EndData),
dgiot_bridge:send_log(dgiot_utils:to_binary(ChannelId), "~p recv EndData ~p", [dgiot_datetime:format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS"), dgiot_utils:binary_to_hex(EndData)]),
AllData = modbus_tcp:parse_frame(StartAddr, FileName, EndData),
dgiot_bridge:send_log(dgiot_utils:to_binary(ChannelId), "~p AllData ~ts", [dgiot_datetime:format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS"), unicode:characters_to_list(jsx:encode(AllData))]),
erlang:send_after(Freq * 1000, self(), read),
{noreply, Dclient#dclient{child = ChildState#{di => MinAddr, data => <<>>}}};
{noreply, Dclient#dclient{child = ChildState#{di => StartAddr, data => <<>>}}};
_ ->
erlang:send_after(1 * 1500, self(), read),
{noreply, Dclient#dclient{child = ChildState#{di => Address + Step, data => <<OldData/binary, Data/binary>>}}}
@ -91,4 +91,3 @@ handle_info(_Info, #dclient{child = _ChildState} = Dclient) ->
terminate(_Reason, _Dclient) ->

View File

@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ create_device(DeviceId, ProductId, DTUMAC, DTUIP, Dtutype) ->
<<"product">> => ProductId,
<<"ACL">> => Acl,
<<"status">> => <<"ONLINE">>,
<<"location">> => #{<<"__type">> => <<"GeoPoint">>, <<"longitude">> => 120.161324, <<"latitude">> => 30.262441},
<<"brand">> => Dtutype,
<<"devModel">> => DevType

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
@ -272,14 +271,15 @@ set_params(Payload, _ProductId, _DevAddr) ->
parse_frame(<<_TransactionId:16, _ProtocolId:16, _Size1:16, _Slaveid:8, _FunCode:8, DataLen:8, Data:DataLen/bytes, _/bytes>>) ->
%% 00 03 64 5c
parse_frame(FileName, Data) ->
%% 00000001000200030004000540C0000041000000412000004140000041600000418000004190000041A0000041B0000041C0000041D0000041E000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000063
%% 3F800000400000004080000040C0000041000000412000004140000041600000418000004190000041A0000041B0000041C0000041D0000041E0000041F00000420000004208000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000426000004268000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000630000000000000000000000000000006B
parse_frame(StartAddr, FileName, Data) ->
AtomName = dgiot_utils:to_atom(FileName),
Things = ets:match(AtomName, {'$1', ['_', '_', '_', '_', '$2', '_', '_', '_', '$3', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '$4' | '_']}),
AllData =
lists:foldl(fun([Number, Devaddr, Address, Originaltype | _], Acc) ->
lists:foldl(fun([_Number, Devaddr, Address, Originaltype | _], Acc) ->
ProductId = dgiot_data:get(AtomName, {addr, Address}),
IntOffset = dgiot_utils:to_int(Number) - 1,
IntOffset = (dgiot_utils:to_int(Address) + 1) - StartAddr,
Thing = #{
<<"identifier">> => Address,
<<"dataSource">> => #{
@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ parse_frame(FileName, Data) ->
<<"originaltype">> => Originaltype
IntLen = get_len(1, Originaltype),
Value =
case IntOffset of
0 ->
@ -303,11 +302,13 @@ parse_frame(FileName, Data) ->
_ ->
NewIntOffset = get_len(IntOffset, Originaltype),
%% NewIntOffset = get_len(IntOffset, Originaltype),
NewIntOffset = IntOffset * 2,
case Data of
<<_:NewIntOffset/binary, V:IntLen/binary, _/binary>> ->
case format_value(V, Thing, #{}) of
{Value1, _Rest} ->
%% io:format("~s ~p ~p => ~p => ~p => ~p => ~p => ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Address, IntOffset, NewIntOffset, IntLen, V, Value1]),
_ ->
@ -316,18 +317,25 @@ parse_frame(FileName, Data) ->
case Value of
null ->
_ ->
%% io:format("~s ~p Devaddr ~p. => Value = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Devaddr, Value]),
NewData = change_data(ProductId, #{Address => dgiot_utils:to_float(Value, 3)}),
dgiot_task:save_td(ProductId, Devaddr, NewData, #{<<"interval">> => 30}),
Acc ++ [NewData]
NewData = change_data(ProductId, #{Address => Value}),
{ProductId, Devaddr, OldData} = maps:get(<<ProductId/binary, Devaddr/binary>>, Acc, {ProductId, Devaddr, #{}}),
Acc#{<<ProductId/binary, Devaddr/binary>> => {ProductId, Devaddr, maps:merge(OldData, NewData)}}
end, [], Things),
end, #{}, Things),
%% io:format("~s ~p AllData = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, AllData]),
NewAllData =
(_, {ProductId1, Devaddr1, Ack}, Ncc) ->
NewData = dgiot_task:save_td(ProductId1, Devaddr1, Ack, #{<<"interval">> => 30}),
Ncc#{Devaddr1 => NewData};
(_, _, Ncc) ->
end, #{}, AllData),
change_data(ProductId, Data) ->
case dgiot_product:lookup_prod(ProductId) of
@ -362,71 +370,6 @@ change_data(ProductId, Data) ->
%rtu modbus
parse_frame(<<>>, Acc, _State) -> {<<>>, Acc};
parse_frame(<<MbAddr:8, BadCode:8, ErrorCode:8, Crc:2/binary>> = Buff, Acc,
#{<<"addr">> := DtuAddr} = State) ->
CheckCrc = dgiot_utils:crc16(<<MbAddr:8, BadCode:8, ErrorCode:8>>),
case CheckCrc =:= Crc of
true ->
Error = case ErrorCode of
?ILLEGAL_FUNCTION -> {error, illegal_function};
?ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS -> {error, illegal_data_address};
?ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE -> {error, illegal_data_value};
?SLAVE_DEVICE_FAILURE -> {error, slave_device_failure};
?ACKNOWLEDGE -> {error, acknowledge};
?SLAVE_DEVICE_BUSY -> {error, slave_device_busy};
?NEGATIVE_ACKNOWLEDGE -> {error, negative_acknowledge};
?MEMORY_PARITY_ERROR -> {error, memory_parity_error};
?GATEWAY_PATH_UNAVAILABLE -> {error, gateway_path_unavailable};
?GATEWAY_TARGET_DEVICE_FAILED_TO_RESPOND -> {error, gateway_target_device_failed_to_respond};
_ -> {error, unknown_response_code}
?LOG(info, "DtuAddr ~p Modbus ~p, BadCode ~p, Error ~p", [DtuAddr, MbAddr, BadCode, Error]),
{<<>>, #{}};
false ->
parse_frame(Buff, Acc, State)
%% modbustcp
%% Buff = <<"000100000006011000000001">>,
parse_frame(<<_TransactionId:16, _ProtocolId:16, Size:16, _ResponseData:Size/bytes>> = Buff, Acc, #{<<"dtuproduct">> := ProductId, <<"address">> := Address} = State) ->
io:format("~s ~p Buff = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Buff]),
case decode_data(Buff, ProductId, Address, Acc) of
{Rest1, Acc1} ->
parse_frame(Rest1, Acc1, State);
[Buff, Acc] ->
[Buff, Acc]
%% dtu物模型的一个指标
parse_frame(<<SlaveId:8, _/binary>> = Buff, Acc, #{<<"dtuproduct">> := ProductId, <<"slaveId">> := SlaveId, <<"dtuaddr">> := _DtuAddr, <<"address">> := Address} = State) ->
case decode_data(Buff, ProductId, Address, Acc) of
{Rest1, Acc1} ->
parse_frame(Rest1, Acc1, State);
[Buff, Acc] ->
[Buff, Acc]
%% dtu上面
parse_frame(<<SlaveId:8, _/binary>> = Buff, Acc, #{<<"dtuaddr">> := DtuAddr, <<"slaveId">> := SlaveId, <<"address">> := Address} = State) ->
case dgiot_device:get_subdevice(DtuAddr, dgiot_utils:to_binary(SlaveId)) of
not_find ->
[<<>>, Acc];
[ProductId, _DevAddr] ->
case decode_data(Buff, ProductId, Address, Acc) of
{Rest1, Acc1} ->
parse_frame(Rest1, Acc1, State);
[Buff, Acc] ->
{Buff, Acc}
%rtu modbus
parse_frame(_Other, Acc, _State) ->
io:format("~s ~p _Other = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, _Other]),
{error, Acc}.
decode_data(<<_TransactionId:16, _ProtocolId:16, _Size1:16, Slaveid:8, _FunCode:8, DataLen:8, Data:DataLen/bytes>>, ProductId, Address, Acc) ->
{<<>>, modbus_tcp_decoder(ProductId, Slaveid, Address, Data, Acc)};

View File

@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ do_put_(Id, Args, Token, Tail) ->
{ok, NewArgs} = receive_put(Args),
case dgiot_parse:get_object(ClassName, Id) of
{ok, Class} ->
Keys = maps:keys(maps:without([<<"id">>, <<"ACL">>], NewArgs)),
Keys = maps:keys(maps:with([<<"profile">>], NewArgs)),
dgiot_map:merge(maps:with(Keys, Class), maps:without([<<"id">>], NewArgs));
_ ->
maps:without([<<"id">>], NewArgs)

View File

@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ del_pnque(DtuId) ->
save_td(ProductId, DevAddr, Ack, _AppData) ->
Topic = <<"$dg/thing/", ProductId/binary, "/", DevAddr/binary, "/properties/report">>,
dgiot_mqtt:send(ProductId, DevAddr, Topic, Ack),
dgiot_mqttc_channel:send(ProductId, DevAddr, Topic, Ack),
case length(maps:to_list(Ack)) of
0 ->

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ login(ChannelId, #{<<"username">> := UserName,
%% WebSocket
insert_sql(#{<<"driver">> := <<"WS">>, <<"ws_pid">> := ConnPid, <<"ws_ref">> := StreamRef} = Context, _Action, Sql) when byte_size(Sql) > 0 ->
%% io:format("~s ~p Sql = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Sql]),
%% io:format("~s ~p insert_sql = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Sql]),
Req_id =
case get(req_id) of
undefined ->
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ insert_sql(#{<<"driver">> := <<"WS">>, <<"ws_pid">> := ConnPid, <<"ws_ref">> :=
#{<<"code">> := _} = R ->
case maps:get(<<"channel">>, Context, <<"">>) of
<<"">> ->
?LOG(debug, "Execute (~ts) ", [unicode:characters_to_list(Sql)]);
%% ?LOG(debug, "Execute (~ts) ", [unicode:characters_to_list(Sql)]);
ChannelId ->
dgiot_bridge:send_log(ChannelId, "Execute (~ts) ~p", [unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), jsx:encode(R)])
@ -67,14 +68,15 @@ insert_sql(_Context, _Action, _Sql) ->
run_sql(#{<<"url">> := Url, <<"username">> := UserName, <<"password">> := Password} = Context, _Action, Sql) when byte_size(Sql) > 0 ->
?LOG(debug, " ~p, ~p, ~p, (~ts)", [Url, UserName, Password, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql)]),
%% io:format("~s ~p Sql = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Sql]),
%% ?LOG(debug, " ~p, ~p, ~p, (~ts)", [Url, UserName, Password, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql)]),
%% io:format("~s ~p run_sql = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Sql]),
case dgiot_tdengine_http:request(Url, UserName, Password, Sql) of
{ok, #{<<"code">> := 0, <<"column_meta">> := Column_meta, <<"data">> := Data} = Result} ->
NewData = get_data(Column_meta, Data),
case maps:get(<<"channel">>, Context, <<"">>) of
<<"">> ->
?LOG(debug, "Execute ~p (~ts) ~p", [Url, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), NewData]);
%% ?LOG(debug, "Execute ~p (~ts) ~p", [Url, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), NewData]);
ChannelId ->
dgiot_bridge:send_log(ChannelId, "Execute ~p (~ts) ~p", [Url, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), jsx:encode(NewData)])
@ -84,7 +86,8 @@ run_sql(#{<<"url">> := Url, <<"username">> := UserName, <<"password">> := Passwo
{ok, Result} ->
case maps:get(<<"channel">>, Context, <<"">>) of
<<"">> ->
?LOG(debug, "Execute ~p (~ts) ~p", [Url, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), Result]);
%% ?LOG(debug, "Execute ~p (~ts) ~p", [Url, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), Result]);
ChannelId ->
dgiot_bridge:send_log(ChannelId, "Execute ~p (~ts) ~p", [Url, unicode:characters_to_list(Sql), jsx:encode(Result)])

View File

@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ check_field(Data, #{<<"identifier">> := Field, <<"dataType">> := #{<<"type">> :=
check_field(_, _) ->
check_validate({_, text}, _) ->
check_validate(null, _) ->
check_validate(Value, #{<<"max">> := Max, <<"min">> := Min}) when is_integer(Max), is_integer(Min) ->

View File

@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ function install_postgres_exporter() {
echo -e "$(date +%F_%T) $LINENO: ${GREEN} pg_stat_statements has installed${NC}"
sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/12/bin/psql -U postgres -d parse -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements SCHEMA public;" &>/dev/null
sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/12/bin/psql -U postgres -d parse -c "CREATE USER postgres_exporter PASSWORD 'password';" &>/dev/null
sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/12/bin/psql -U postgres -d parse -c "CREATE USER postgres_exporter PASSWORD '${pg_pwd}';" &>/dev/null
sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/12/bin/psql -U postgres -d parse -c "ALTER USER postgres_exporter SET SEARCH_PATH TO postgres_exporter,pg_catalog;" &>/dev/null
sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/12/bin/psql -U postgres -d parse -c "CREATE SCHEMA postgres_exporter AUTHORIZATION postgres_exporter;" &>/dev/null
sudo -u postgres /usr/local/pgsql/12/bin/psql -U postgres -d parse -c "CREATE FUNCTION postgres_exporter.f_select_pg_stat_activity()