fix: remove rand dgiot_http_client

This commit is contained in:
jhonliu 2022-06-09 15:56:41 +08:00
parent 9877b9c566
commit 56dd892557
2 changed files with 4 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -38,17 +38,11 @@ init([#{<<"channel">> := ChannelId, <<"client">> := ClientId, <<"mod">> := Mod}
%% io:format("~s ~p Args ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Args]),
UserData = #connect_state{mod = Mod},
ChildState = maps:get(<<"child">>, Args, #{}),
StartTime = dgiot_client:get_time(maps:get(<<"starttime">>, Args, dgiot_datetime:now_secs())),
EndTime = dgiot_client:get_time(maps:get(<<"endtime">>, Args, dgiot_datetime:now_secs() + 1000000000)),
StartTime = dgiot_client:get_time(maps:get(<<"starttime">>, Args, dgiot_datetime:now_secs())),
EndTime = dgiot_client:get_time(maps:get(<<"endtime">>, Args, dgiot_datetime:now_secs() + 1000000000)),
Freq = maps:get(<<"freq">>, Args, 30),
NextTime = dgiot_client:get_nexttime(StartTime, Freq),
Count = dgiot_client:get_count(StartTime, EndTime, Freq),
Rand =
case maps:get(<<"rand">>, Args, true) of
true -> 0;
_ -> dgiot_client:get_rand(Freq)
Clock = #dclock{freq = Freq, nexttime = NextTime + Rand, count = Count, round = 0},
Clock = #dclock{freq = Freq, nexttime = StartTime, count = Count, round = 0},
Dclient = #dclient{channel = ChannelId, client = ClientId, status = ?DCLIENT_INTIALIZED, clock = Clock, userdata = UserData, child = ChildState},
dgiot_client:add(ChannelId, ClientId),
case Mod:init(Dclient) of

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ start_link(Args) ->
dgiot_client:start_link(?MODULE, Args).
init([#{<<"channel">> := ChannelId, <<"client">> := ClientId, <<"mod">> := Mod} = Args]) ->
%% io:format("~s ~p Args ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Args]),
%% io:format("~s ~p Args ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Args]),
set_uri(dgiot_utils:to_binary(ChannelId), maps:with([<<"proctol">>, <<"host">>, <<"ip">>, <<"port">>], Args)),
UserData = #connect_state{mod = Mod},
ChildState = maps:get(<<"child">>, Args, #{}),