fix: post_device

This commit is contained in:
jhonliu 2022-06-08 10:48:16 +08:00
parent e35f6ef352
commit 95c87909c0
2 changed files with 19 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ handle_message(check, #state{env = #{<<"offline">> := OffLine, <<"checktime">> :
handle_message({sync_parse, Pid, 'after', get, _Token, <<"Device">>, #{<<"results">> := Results} = ResBody}, State) -> handle_message({sync_parse, Pid, 'after', get, _Token, <<"Device">>, #{<<"results">> := Results} = ResBody}, State) ->
%% io:format("~s ~p ~p ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Pid,Header]), %% io:format("~s ~p ~p ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Pid,Results]),
NewResults = lists:foldl(fun(#{<<"objectId">> := DeviceId} = Device, Acc) -> NewResults = lists:foldl(fun(#{<<"objectId">> := DeviceId} = Device, Acc) ->
case dgiot_device:lookup(DeviceId) of case dgiot_device:lookup(DeviceId) of
{ok, #{<<"status">> := Status, <<"isEnable">> := IsEnable, <<"longitude">> := Longitude, <<"latitude">> := Latitude, <<"time">> := Time}} -> {ok, #{<<"status">> := Status, <<"isEnable">> := IsEnable, <<"longitude">> := Longitude, <<"latitude">> := Latitude, <<"time">> := Time}} ->

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@ -101,29 +101,30 @@ post(Device) ->
IsEnable = maps:get(<<"isEnable">>, Device, false), IsEnable = maps:get(<<"isEnable">>, Device, false),
insert_mnesia(DeviceId, dgiot_role:get_acls(Device), Status, dgiot_datetime:now_secs(), IsEnable, ProductId, Devaddr, DeviceSecret, node(), Longitude, Latitude). insert_mnesia(DeviceId, dgiot_role:get_acls(Device), Status, dgiot_datetime:now_secs(), IsEnable, ProductId, Devaddr, DeviceSecret, node(), Longitude, Latitude).
post(#{<<"ACL">> := _Acl} = Device, _SessionToken) ->
post(Device, SessionToken) -> post(Device, SessionToken) ->
Devaddr = maps:get(<<"devaddr">>, Device), Devaddr = maps:get(<<"devaddr">>, Device),
Product = maps:get(<<"product">>, Device), Product = maps:get(<<"product">>, Device),
ProductId = maps:get(<<"objectId">>, Product), ProductId = maps:get(<<"objectId">>, Product),
DeviceId = maps:get(<<"objectId">>, Device, dgiot_parse_id:get_deviceid(ProductId, Devaddr)), DeviceId = maps:get(<<"objectId">>, Device, dgiot_parse_id:get_deviceid(ProductId, Devaddr)),
ACL = maps:get(<<"ACL">>, Product, #{}), SetAcl =
DefaultAcl = #{<<"*">> => #{<<"read">> => true}, <<"role:admin">> => #{<<"read">> => true, <<"write">> => true}}, case dgiot_auth:get_session(dgiot_utils:to_binary(SessionToken)) of
SetAcl = case dgiot_auth:get_session(dgiot_utils:to_binary(SessionToken)) of
#{<<"roles">> := Roles} = _User -> #{<<"roles">> := Roles} = _User ->
[#{<<"name">> := Role} | _] = maps:values(Roles), [#{<<"name">> := Role} | _] = maps:values(Roles),
GetAcl = ACL#{ #{
<<"role:", Role/binary>> => #{ <<"role:", Role/binary>> => #{
<<"read">> => true, <<"read">> => true,
<<"write">> => true <<"write">> => true
} }
}, };
Err -> Err ->
io:format("~s ~p R = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Err]), ?LOG(error, "~s ~p DeviceId ~p Err = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, DeviceId, Err]),
DefaultAcl #{<<"role:admin">> => #{<<"read">> => true, <<"write">> => true}}
end, end,
dgiot_parse:update_object(<<"Device">>, DeviceId, #{<<"ACL">> => SetAcl}), dgiot_parse:update_object(<<"Device">>, DeviceId, #{<<"ACL">> => SetAcl}),
dgiot_device_cache:post(Device). dgiot_device_cache:post(Device#{<<"ACL">> => SetAcl}).
put(Device) -> put(Device) ->
DeviceId = maps:get(<<"objectId">>, Device), DeviceId = maps:get(<<"objectId">>, Device),