feat: channel log

This commit is contained in:
dawnwinterLiu 2022-12-05 19:33:40 +08:00
parent 543d85d5cb
commit a8c41d83b8
6 changed files with 11 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-export([start/0, start_channel/2, start_channel/3, register_channel/2, get_behaviour/1, do_global_message/1]).
-export([get_product_info/1, get_products/1, get_acl/1, apply_channel/5, apply_product/3, parse_frame/3, to_frame/3]).
-export([get_data/2, send_log/3, send_log/4, send_log/5]).
-export([get_all_channel/0, control_channel/2, list/0, get_proctol_channel/1, control_uniapp/2, uniapp_report/1]).
-export([get_all_channel/0, control_channel/3, list/0, get_proctol_channel/1, control_uniapp/2, uniapp_report/1]).
init_ets() ->
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ list() ->
lists:sort(dgiot_plugin:check_module(Fun, [])).
control_channel(ChannelId, Action) ->
control_channel(ChannelId, Action, SessionToken) ->
{IsEnable, Result} =
case Action of
<<"disable">> ->
@ -365,11 +365,13 @@ control_channel(ChannelId, Action) ->
dgiot_mqtt:publish(ChannelId, Topic, Payload),
{true, <<"success">>};
<<"start_logger">> ->
dgiot_mqtt:subscribe_route_key([<<"$dg/user/channel/", ChannelId/binary, "/#">>], SessionToken),
Topic = <<"channel/", ChannelId/binary>>,
Payload = jsx:encode(#{<<"channelId">> => ChannelId, <<"action">> => <<"start_logger">>}),
dgiot_mqtt:publish(ChannelId, Topic, Payload),
{true, <<"success">>};
<<"stop_logger">> ->
Topic = <<"channel/", ChannelId/binary>>,
Payload = jsx:encode(#{<<"channelId">> => ChannelId, <<"action">> => <<"stop_logger">>}),
dgiot_mqtt:publish(ChannelId, Topic, Payload),

View File

@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ handle(OperationID, Args, Context, Req) ->
do_request(post_control_channel, #{<<"id">> := ChannelId, <<"action">> := Action}, #{<<"sessionToken">> := SessionToken} = _Context, _Req)
when Action == <<"enable">>; Action == <<"disable">>; Action == <<"update">>; Action == <<"start_logger">>; Action == <<"stop_logger">> ->
dgiot_mqtt:subscribe_route_key([<<"$dg/user/channel/", ChannelId/binary, "/#">>], SessionToken),
dgiot_bridge:control_channel(ChannelId, Action);
dgiot_bridge:control_channel(ChannelId, Action, SessionToken);
%% Decoder : :ID关联的解码器获取指令集
%% OperationId:get_cmd_productid

View File

@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ handle_message({sync_parse, _Pid, 'before', delete, _Token, <<"Channel">>, Objec
%% io:format("~s ~p ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, ObjectId]),
case dgiot_parse:get_object(<<"Channel">>, ObjectId) of
{ok, #{<<"isEnable">> := true}} ->
dgiot_bridge:control_channel(ObjectId, <<"disable">>);
dgiot_bridge:control_channel(ObjectId, <<"disable">>, <<>>);
_ -> pass
{ok, State};

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ read_csv(ChannelId, FilePath) ->
dgiot_product_csv:post_thing(FileName, ProductIds),
dgiot_bridge:control_channel(TdChannelId, <<"update">>),
dgiot_bridge:control_channel(TdChannelId, <<"update">>, <<>>),
%% dgiot_product_csv:read_from_csv(<<"/dgiot_file/product/csv/modbustcp.csv">>)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ create_device(FileName, Devicemap, ProductIds) ->
{ok, #{<<"ACL">> := Acl}} ->
_ ->
#{<<114,111,108,101,58,229,188,128,229,143,145,232,128,133>> => #{<<"read">> => true, <<"write">> => true}}
#{<<114, 111, 108, 101, 58, 229, 188, 128, 229, 143, 145, 232, 128, 133>> => #{<<"read">> => true, <<"write">> => true}}
lists:foldl(fun(Devaddr, _Acc1) ->

View File

@ -177,19 +177,8 @@ do_request(get_dlinkjson, #{<<"type">> := Type}, _Context, _Req) ->
DlinkJson = dgiot_dlink:get_json(Type),
{200, DlinkJson};
do_request(post_topic, #{<<"topic">> := Topic} = _Args, #{<<"sessionToken">> := _SessionToken} = _Context, _Req) ->
%% TopicKey =
%% case is_list(Topic) of
%% true ->
%% <<"dev_states">>;
%% false ->
%% [_Head, _User, Key | _] = re:split(Topic, "/"),
%% <<"dg_user_", Key/binary>>
%% end,
%% PubTopic = <<"dgiot_topics/", SessionToken/binary>>,
%% Payload = jsx:encode(#{<<"topic">> => Topic, <<"topickey">> => TopicKey}),
%% dgiot_mqtt:publish(self(), PubTopic, Payload),
%% timer:sleep(100),
do_request(post_topic, #{<<"topic">> := Topic} = _Args, #{<<"sessionToken">> := SessionToken} = _Context, _Req) ->
dgiot_mqtt:subscribe_route_key([Topic], SessionToken),
{200, #{<<"message">> => <<"订阅成功"/utf8>>, <<"Topic">> => Topic, <<"TopicKey">> => <<"TopicKey">>}};
do_request(get_thingecho, _Args, _Context, _Req) ->

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ handle_info({tcp, Buff}, #tcp{socket = Socket, state = #state{id = ChannelId, dt
case DtuAddr of
<<>> ->
{noreply, TCPState#tcp{buff = <<>>}};
_ ->
dgiot_meter:create_dtu(DtuAddr, ChannelId, DTUIP),
{DtuProductId, _, _} = dgiot_data:get({dtu, ChannelId}),
%% $dg/device/{productId}/{deviceAddr}/profile