mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 12:18:30 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ delete({'after', Data}) ->
%%excludeKeys Exclude specific fields from the returned query
%%include Use on Pointer columns to return the full object
format(#{<<"orderBy">> := OrderBy} = Data) ->
format(#{<<"orderBy">> := OrderBy} = Data) when byte_size(OrderBy) >0->
NewData = maps:without([<<"orderBy">>], Data),
format(NewData#{<<"order">> => [OrderBy]});
format(#{<<"order">> := [Order | _], <<"orderDir">> := OrderDir} = Data) ->
format(#{<<"order">> := [Order | _], <<"orderDir">> := OrderDir} = Data) when byte_size(Order) >0 ->
NewData = maps:without([<<"orderDir">>], Data),
NewOrder =
case OrderDir of
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
%% Channel callback
-export([init/3, handle_init/1, handle_event/3, handle_message/2, stop/3]).
-export([get_id/2, after_handle/4, handle_data/8, get_card_data/2]).
-export([get_id/2, after_handle/4, handle_data/8]).
-export([get_sub_product/1, get_new_acl/2, init_worker_device/3]).
%% 注册通道类型
@ -186,22 +186,15 @@ handle_data(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId, BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, BatchAdd
io:format("~s ~p BatchDeviceId = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, BatchDeviceId]),
NewPayLoad = run_factory_hook(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId, BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, PersonType, NewData, ChannelId),
dgiot_data:insert(?FACTORY_ORDER, {BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, PersonType}, NewPayLoad),
OldData = get_card_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId),
record_device_log(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, NewPayLoad),
OldData =dgiot_factory_utils: get_card_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId),
%% io:format("~s ~p keys = ~p.~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, maps:keys(OldData)]),
ALlData = dgiot_map:merge(OldData, NewPayLoad),
dgiot_factory_statis:do_statis(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId, PersonType, NewPayLoad),
save2parse(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, ALlData),
dgiot_factory_utils:save2td(BatchProductId, BatchAddr, ALlData).
get_card_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId) ->
DevcieTypeList = dgiot_product:get_devicetype(BatchProductId) -- [<<"quality">>],
fun(DeviceType, Acc) ->
case dgiot_data:get(?FACTORY_ORDER, {BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, DeviceType}) of
not_find ->
Res ->
dgiot_map:merge(Acc, maps:without([<<"quality">>], Res))
end, #{}, DevcieTypeList).
process_data(FlatMap, PersonType, Token, TaskDeviceId) ->
case dgiot_parse:get_object(<<"Device">>, TaskDeviceId) of
@ -395,3 +388,40 @@ init_worker_device(ProductId, WorkerNum, WorkerName) ->
record_device_log(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId, AllContent) ->
ACL = case dgiot_device_cache:lookup(TaskDeviceId) of
{ok, #{<<"acl">> := AclList}} ->
fun(Role, Acc) ->
Acc#{Role => #{
<<"read">> => true,
<<"write">> => false}}
end, #{}, AclList);
_ ->
#{<<"*">> => #{<<"read">> => true}}
Product = #{
<<"__type">> => <<"Pointer">>,
<<"className">> => <<"Product">>,
<<"objectId">> => TaskProductId},
Device = #{
<<"__type">> => <<"Pointer">>,
<<"className">> => <<"Device">>,
<<"objectId">> => TaskDeviceId},
Devaddr = dgiot_utils:to_binary(dgiot_datetime:nowstamp()),
LogId = dgiot_parse_id:get_devicelogid(TaskDeviceId, Devaddr),
DeviceLog = #{
<<"objectId">> => LogId,
<<"devaddr">> => Devaddr,
<<"ACL">> => ACL,
<<"createtime">> => dgiot_utils:to_binary(dgiot_datetime:nowstamp()),
<<"data">> => AllContent,
<<"product">> => Product,
<<"device">> => Device
_R = dgiot_parse:create_object(<<"Devicelog">>, DeviceLog),
io:format("~s ~p _R ~p ~n ", [?FILE, ?LINE, _R]).
@ -17,261 +17,6 @@
-export([get_history_data/12, filter_data/1, filter_data/3]).
-export([select/4, get_thing_list/2, limit_skip/2]).
%% API
%% get_card_data/2,
%% get_card_data/3,
%% get_td_sheet/10
%% get_cache_data/3
%%-export([get_ThingMap/2, thinglist2binary/1, get_history/9, get_device_list/1, get_example/2, filter_data/3, filter_data/1]).
%%get_card_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId) ->
%% DevcieTypeList = dgiot_product:get_devicetype(BatchProductId),
%% lists:foldl(
%% fun(DeviceType, Acc) ->
%% case dgiot_data:get(?FACTORY_ORDER, {BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, DeviceType}) of
%% not_find ->
%% Acc;
%% Res ->
%% maps:merge(Acc, Res)
%% end
%% end, #{}, DevcieTypeList).
%%get_card_data(ProductId, RollId, DeviceType) ->
%% case dgiot_data:get(?FACTORY_ORDER, {ProductId, RollId, DeviceType}) of
%% not_find ->
%% get_td_last(ProductId, RollId, DeviceType);
%% Data ->
%% Data
%% end.
%%get_td_last(ProductId, Type, DeviceId) ->
%% case dgiot_product:get_device_thing(ProductId, Type) of
%% not_find ->
%% error;
%% ThingMap ->
%% case get_history(Channel, ProductId, DeviceId, ThingMap, Type) of
%% {ok, #{<<"results">> := HistoryData}} ->
%% NamedData = dgiot_product_enum:turn_name(HistoryData, ThingMap),
%%%% {Total, Res} = filter_data(Limit, Skip, NamedData),
%% {ok, {Total, filter_data(Res)}};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end
%% end.
%%get_td_sheet(ProductId, Type, Start, End, Channel, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, New) ->
%% case dgiot_product:get_device_thing(ProductId, Type) of
%% not_find ->
%% error;
%% ThingMap ->
%% case get_history(Channel, ProductId, DeviceId, ThingMap, Where, Start, End, Type, New) of
%% {ok, #{<<"results">> := HistoryData}} ->
%% NamedData = dgiot_product_enum:turn_name(HistoryData, ThingMap),
%% {Total, Res} = filter_data(Limit, Skip, NamedData),
%% {ok, {Total, filter_data(Res)}};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end
%% end.
%%get_td_sheet(ProductId, Type, Start, End, Channel, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, New) ->
%% case dgiot_product:get_device_thing(ProductId, Type) of
%% not_find ->
%% error;
%% ThingMap ->
%% case get_history(Channel, ProductId, DeviceId, ThingMap, Where, Start, End, Type, New) of
%% {ok, #{<<"results">> := HistoryData}} ->
%% NamedData = dgiot_product_enum:turn_name(HistoryData, ThingMap),
%% {Total, Res} = filter_data(Limit, Skip, NamedData),
%% {ok, {Total, filter_data(Res)}};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end
%% end.
%%merge_data(Data) ->
%% ReversList = lists:reverse(Data),
%% {Order, MapData} = lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, {List, Map}) ->
%% case maps:find(<<"person_sheetsid">>, X) of
%% {ok, Id} ->
%% case lists:member(Id, List) of
%% true ->
%%%% io:format("~s ~p List=~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,List]),
%%%% io:format("~s ~p Map=~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,Map]),
%% Old = maps:get(Id, Map, #{}),
%% New = maps:merge(Old, filter_data(X)),
%% {List, Map#{Id => New}};
%% _ ->
%%%% io:format("~s ~p List=~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,List]),
%%%% io:format("~s ~p Map=~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,Map]),
%% {List ++ [Id], Map#{Id => filter_data(X)}}
%% end;
%% _ ->
%% {List, Map}
%% end
%% end, {[], #{}}, ReversList),
%% lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% case maps:find(X, MapData) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% Acc ++ [Res];
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, [], lists:reverse(Order)).
%%get_ThingMap(<<"all">>, ProductId) ->
%% case dgiot_product:get(<<"Product">>, ProductId) of
%% {ok, #{<<"thing">> := #{<<"properties">> := Properties}}} ->
%% ThingList = lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% case X of
%% #{<<"isstorage">> := true, <<"identifier">> := Identifier, <<"dataType">> := #{<<"type">> := DateType}} ->
%% Acc#{Identifier => DateType};
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, #{}, Properties),
%% case maps:size(ThingList) of
%% 0 ->
%% {error, not_find_thing};
%% _ ->
%% {ok, ThingList}
%% end;
%% _ ->
%% {error, not_find_thing}
%% end;
%%get_ThingMap(Type, ProductId) ->
%% case dgiot_parse:get_object(<<"Product">>, ProductId) of
%% {ok, #{<<"thing">> := #{<<"properties">> := Properties}}} ->
%% ThingList = lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% case X of
%% #{<<"devicetype">> := ?PERSON, <<"isstorage">> := true, <<"identifier">> := Identifier, <<"dataType">> := #{<<"type">> := DateType}} ->
%% Acc#{Identifier => DateType};
%% #{<<"devicetype">> := Type, <<"isstorage">> := true, <<"identifier">> := Identifier, <<"dataType">> := #{<<"type">> := DateType}} ->
%% Acc#{Identifier => DateType};
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, #{}, Properties),
%% case maps:size(ThingList) of
%% 0 ->
%% {error, not_find_thing};
%% _ ->
%% {ok, ThingList}
%% end;
%% _ ->
%% {error, not_find_thing}
%% end.
%%thinglist2binary(_ThingList) ->
%%%% Str = lists:foldl(
%%%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%%%% Acc ++ " ," ++ dgiot_utils:to_list(X)
%%%% end, [], ThingList),
%%%% dgiot_utils:to_binary(lists:nthtail(2, Str))
%% <<" * ">>.
%%get_history(Channel, ProductId, DeviceId, ThingMap, Where, Start, End, Type, New) ->
%% case dgiot_data:get({tdengine_os, Channel}) of
%% <<"windows">> ->
%% {error, wrong_td_platform};
%% _ ->
%% DB = dgiot_tdengine_select:format_db(?Database(ProductId)),
%% TableName = case DeviceId of
%% undefined ->
%% ?Table(ProductId);
%% _ ->
%% ?Table(DeviceId)
%% end,
%% Quality = case dgiot_product:get_device_thing(ProductId, <<"quality">>) of
%% not_find ->
%% #{};
%% Res ->
%% Res
%% end,
%% Person = case dgiot_product:get_device_thing(ProductId, <<"person">>) of
%% not_find ->
%% #{};
%% Res1 ->
%% Res1
%% end,
%% AllThngMap = maps:merge(ThingMap, maps:merge(Quality, Person)),
%% List = maps:keys(AllThngMap) ++ [<<"createdat">>],
%% Select = thinglist2binary(List),
%% From = get_from(New, List, DB, TableName),
%%%% io:format("~s ~p From = ~ts ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, From]),
%% WHERE = get_where(Where, AllThngMap, Type, ProductId, Start, End),
%%%% io:format("~s ~p WHERE = ~ts ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, WHERE]),
%%%% LimitSkip = get_limit_skip(Limit, Skip),
%% Order = <<" ORDER BY createdat DESC ">>,
%% dgiot_tdengine:transaction(Channel,
%% fun(Context) ->
%% Sql = <<"SELECT ", Select/binary, " FROM ", From/binary, WHERE/binary, Order/binary, ";">>,
%% dgiot_tdengine_pool:run_sql(Context#{<<"channel">> => Channel}, execute_query, Sql)
%% end)
%% end.
%%get_limit_skip(undefined, undefined) ->
%% <<" limit 10 ">>;
%%get_limit_skip(Limit, Skip) ->
%% BinLimit = dgiot_utils:to_binary(Limit),
%% BinSkip = dgiot_utils:to_binary(Skip),
%% <<" limit ", BinLimit/binary, " offset ", BinSkip/binary>>.
%%(Where, ThingMap, Type, ProductId, Start, End)
%%get_where(Where, _ProductId) when is_map(Where) ->
%% case maps:size(Where) /= 0 of
%% true ->
%% <<" and ", Where1/binary>> = maps:fold(
%% fun(K, Map, Acc) ->
%% BinOption = dgiot_utils:to_binary(lists:nth(1, maps:keys(Map))),
%% V = lists:nth(1, maps:values(Map)),
%% Type = maps:get(K, ThingMap),
%% BinV = format_value(Type, V),
%% <<Acc/binary, " and ", K/binary, " ", BinOption/binary, " ", BinV/binary>>
%% end, <<"">>, maps:remove(<<"product">>, Where)),
%% case get_time(Start, End) of
%% error ->
%% <<"where ", Where1/binary>>;
%% Time ->
%% <<" where ", Where1/binary, " and ", Time/binary>>
%% end;
%% _ ->
%% case get_time(Start, End) of
%% error ->
%% <<" ">>;
%% Time ->
%% <<" where ", Time/binary>>
%% end
%% end.
%%get_time(undefined, undefined) ->
%% error;
%%get_time(undefined, End) ->
%% BinEnd = dgiot_utils:to_binary(End * 1000),
%% <<" createdat < ", BinEnd/binary, " ">>;
%%get_time(Start, undefined) ->
%% BinStart = dgiot_utils:to_binary(Start * 1000),
%% <<" createdat > ", BinStart/binary, " ">>;
%%get_time(Start, End) ->
%% BinStart = dgiot_utils:to_binary(Start * 1000),
%% BinEnd = dgiot_utils:to_binary(End * 1000),
%% <<" createdat > ", BinStart/binary, " and createdat < ", BinEnd/binary, " ">>.
filter_data(undefined, _, HistoryData) ->
Total = length(HistoryData),
@ -301,285 +46,6 @@ filter_data(Data) when is_list(Data) ->
filter_data(Data) when is_map(Data) ->
maps:filter(fun(_, V) -> (V /= <<"null">>) and (V /= null) end, Data).
%%get_device_list(ProductId) ->
%% case dgiot_parse:query_object(<<"Device">>, #{<<"where">> => #{<<"product">> => ProductId}}) of
%% {ok, #{<<"results">> := Results}} ->
%% Res = lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% case X of #{<<"objectId">> := DevId} ->
%% Acc ++ [DevId];
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, [], Results),
%% {ok, Res};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end.
%%get_from(<<"true">>, List, DB, TableName) ->
%% DevcieTypeList = dgiot_product:get_devicetype(ProductId),
%% List = lists:foldl(
%% fun(DeviceType, Acc) ->
%% case dgiot_product:get_device_thing(ProductId, DeviceType) of
%% not_find ->
%% Acc;
%% ThingMap ->
%% Acc ++ maps:keys(ThingMap)
%% end
%% end, [], DevcieTypeList),
%% io:format("~s ~p List = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, length(List)]),
%% Last = lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% L = dgiot_utils:to_list(X),
%% Acc ++ " ,last(" ++ L ++ " ) as " ++ L
%% end, [], List),
%% Select = dgiot_utils:to_binary(lists:nthtail(2, Last)),
%% Group = <<"person_sheetsid">>,
%% <<"( select ", Select/binary, " from ", DB/binary, TableName/binary, " group by ", Group/binary, " ) ">>;
%%get_from(_, _, DB, TableName) ->
%% <<DB/binary, TableName/binary>>.
%%get_example(Type, ProductId) ->
%% Map = case get_ThingMap(Type, ProductId) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% maps:fold(
%% fun(K, V, Acc) ->
%% case V of
%% <<"text">> ->
%% Acc#{K => <<"text">>};
%% <<"enum">> ->
%% Acc#{K => <<"text">>};
%% _ ->
%% Acc#{K => 2.55}
%% end
%% end, #{}, Res)
%% end,
%% io:format("~ts ~n", [unicode:characters_to_list(jsx:encode(Map))]).
%%format_value(<<"text">>, V) ->
%% <<"\"", V/binary, "\"">>;
%%format_value(_, V) ->
%% dgiot_utils:to_binary(V).
%%get_work_sheet(ProductId, ProcessType, Start, End, Channel, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, New) ->
%% case get_cache_data(ProductId, DeviceId, ProcessType) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% {ok, Res};
%% _ ->
%% get_td_sheet(ProductId, ProcessType, Start, End, Channel, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, New)
%% end.
%%get_cache_data(ProductId, DeviceId, <<"quality">>) ->
%% case dgiot_data:get(?FACTORY_QUALITY, {ProductId, DeviceId, '-'}) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% Res;
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end;
%%get_cache_data(ProductId, DeviceId, Type) ->
%% case dgiot_data:get(?FACTORY_QUALITY, {ProductId, DeviceId, Type}) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% Res;
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end.
%%get_cache_data(<<"all">>, ProductId, Start, End, _, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, _) ->
%% Dev = case DeviceId of
%% undefined ->
%% '_';
%% _ ->
%% DeviceId
%% end,
%% DeviceTypeList = dgiot_product:get_devicetype(ProductId),
%% AllData = lists:foldl(
%% fun(DevType, Acc) ->
%% case dgiot_data:match(?FACTORY_ORDER, {{ProductId, Dev, '_', DevType}, '$1'}) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% Acc ++ Res;
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, [], DeviceTypeList),
%% MergedData = merge_data(AllData),
%% FiltedData = filter_cache_data(MergedData, Start, End, Where),
%% {Total, Result} = filter_data(Limit, Skip, FiltedData),
%% {ok, {Total, Result}};
%%get_cache_data(ProductId, Type, Start, End, _, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, <<"true">>) ->
%% io:format("~s ~p Type = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Type]),
%% Dev = case DeviceId of
%% undefined ->
%% '_';
%% _ ->
%% DeviceId
%% end,
%% case dgiot_data:match(?FACTORY_ORDER, {{ProductId, Dev, '_', Type}, '$1'}) of
%% {ok, [Res]} ->
%%%% io:format("~s ~p length = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,length(Res)]),
%% FiltedData = filter_cache_data(Res, Start, End, Where),
%%%% io:format("~s ~p length = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,length(FiltedData)]),
%% {Total, Result} = filter_data(Limit, Skip, FiltedData),
%%%% io:format("~s ~p length = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE,length(Result)]),
%% {ok, {Total, Result}};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end;
%%get_cache_data(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
%% error.
%%filter_cache_data(Data, undefined, _, Where) ->
%% lists:foldl(
%% fun([X, _], Acc) ->
%% case Where of
%% undefined ->
%% Acc ++ [X];
%% _ ->
%% case maps:merge(X, Where) == X of
%% true ->
%% Acc ++ [X];
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end
%% end, [], Data);
%%filter_cache_data(Data, Start, End, Where) ->
%% lists:foldl(
%% fun([X, Date], Acc) ->
%% case (Date > End) and (Date < Start) of
%% true ->
%% case maps:merge(X, Where) == X of
%% true ->
%% Acc ++ [X];
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end;
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, [], Data).
%%merge_data(ParseData, HistoryData, DeviceList, _ThingMap) when is_list(DeviceList) ->
%% lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% DeviceId = maps:get(<<"person_deviceid">>, X, <<"">>),
%% case maps:find(DeviceId, ParseData) of
%% {ok, Parse} ->
%% Acc ++ [maps:merge(Parse, X)];
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, [], HistoryData);
%%merge_data(ParseData, HistoryData, _, _ThingMap) ->
%% lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% Acc ++ [maps:merge(ParseData, X)]
%% end, [], HistoryData).
%%search_parse(DeviceList, Parse, Type) when is_list(DeviceList) ->
%% Res = lists:foldl(
%% fun(X, Acc) ->
%% case search_parse(X, Parse, Type) of
%% {ok, Res} ->
%% Acc#{X => Res};
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, #{}, DeviceList),
%% {ok, Res};
%%search_parse(DeviceId, undefined, Type) ->
%% case dgiot_parse:get_object(<<"Device">>, DeviceId) of
%% {ok, #{<<"content">> := #{Type := Data}}} ->
%% FlatternMap = dgiot_map:flatten(#{Type => Data}),
%% {ok, FlatternMap#{<<"objectId">> => DeviceId}};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end;
%%search_parse(DeviceId, Parse, Type) ->
%% case maps:size(Parse) of
%% 0 ->
%% search_parse(DeviceId, undefined, Type);
%% Num ->
%% case dgiot_parse:get_object(<<"Device">>, DeviceId) of
%% {ok, #{<<"content">> := Content}} ->
%% FlatMap = dgiot_map:flatten(Content),
%% MatchNum = maps:fold(
%% fun(K, V, Acc) ->
%% case maps:find(K, FlatMap) of
%% {ok, V} ->
%% Acc + 1;
%% _ ->
%% Acc
%% end
%% end, 0, Parse),
%% case MatchNum of
%% Num ->
%% Data = maps:get(<<Type/binary>>, Content),
%% FlatternMap = dgiot_map:flatten(#{Type => Data}),
%% {ok, FlatternMap#{<<"objectId">> => DeviceId}};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end
%% end
%% end.
%%filter_where(undefined, ProductId, Type) ->
%% case get_ThingMap(Type, ProductId) of
%% {ok, ThingMap} ->
%% {undefined, undefined, ThingMap};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end;
%%filter_where(Where, ProductId, Type) ->
%% MapWhere = case is_map(Where) of
%% true ->
%% dgiot_product_enum:turn_num(Where, ProductId, Type);
%% _ ->
%% dgiot_product_enum:turn_num(jsx:decode(Where), ProductId, Type)
%% end,
%% case get_ThingMap(Type, ProductId) of
%% {ok, ThingMap} ->
%% {Parse, Td} = maps:fold(
%% fun(K, V, {Parse, Td}) ->
%% case maps:is_key(K, ThingMap) of
%% true ->
%% {Parse, Td#{K => V}};
%% _ ->
%% {Parse#{K => V}, Td}
%% end
%% end, {#{}, #{}}, MapWhere),
%% TdWithPerson = case maps:is_key(<<"person">>, MapWhere) of
%% true ->
%% Td#{<<"person">> => maps:get(<<"person">>, MapWhere)};
%% false ->
%% Td
%% end,
%% {Parse, TdWithPerson, ThingMap};
%% _ ->
%% error
%% end.
%%get_td_sheet(ProductId, Type, Start, End, Channel, DeviceId, Where, Limit, Skip, New)
get_history_data(ProductId, DeviceId, Type, Function, FunctionMap, Group, Having, Where, Order, Channel, Limit, Skip) ->
DB = dgiot_tdengine:get_database(Channel, ProductId),
@ -597,30 +63,48 @@ get_history_data(ProductId, DeviceId, Type, Function, FunctionMap, Group, Having
Have = have(Having),
WHERE = where(Where),
ORDER = order(Order),
%% LimitAndSkip = limit_skip(Limit, Skip),
LimitAndSkip = limit_skip(Limit, Skip),
LimitAndSkip = limit_skip(Limit, Skip),
Sql = <<"SELECT ", Select/binary, " FROM ", From/binary, WHERE/binary, GROPU/binary, Have/binary, ORDER/binary, LimitAndSkip/binary, ";">>,
CountSql = <<"SELECT count(*) ", " FROM ", From/binary, WHERE/binary, GROPU/binary, Have/binary, ORDER/binary, ";">>,
case run_data_sql(Channel,Sql) of
case run_count_sql(Channel,CountSql) of
{ok,Total} ->
end .
run_data_sql(Channel,Sql) ->
case dgiot_tdengine:transaction(Channel,
fun(Context) ->
Sql = <<"SELECT ", Select/binary, " FROM ", From/binary, WHERE/binary, GROPU/binary, Have/binary, ORDER/binary, ";">>,
io:format("~s ~p Sql = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Sql]),
dgiot_tdengine_pool:run_sql(Context#{<<"channel">> => Channel}, execute_query, Sql)
end) of
{ok, #{<<"results">> := HistoryData}} ->
NamedData = dgiot_product_enum:turn_name(HistoryData, ProductId),
{Total, FileredRes} = filter_data(Limit, Skip, NamedData),
Data = case dgiot_hook:run_hook({factory, ProductId, afterTd}, [FileredRes]) of
{ok, [{ok, AfteRes}]} ->
_ ->
{ok, {Total, Data}};
_ ->
run_count_sql(Channel,Sql) ->
case dgiot_tdengine:transaction(Channel,
fun(Context) ->
dgiot_tdengine_pool:run_sql(Context#{<<"channel">> => Channel}, execute_query, Sql)
end) of
{ok, #{<<"results">> := [#{<<"count(*)">> :=Total}]}} ->
group(undefined) ->
<<" ">>;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-define(KEY, <<"key">>).
-export([format_data/3, turn_echart/3]).
-export([init_screen_data/0, updata_screen_data/3, format_bar/1]).
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ turn_echart(<<"total">>, #{<<"data">> := Data}, FormatedData) ->
Acc#{Key => 0}
end, #{}, maps:keys(Data)),
Map = maps:fold(
fun(_, DataMap, OldAcc) ->
fun(Key, OldSum, Acc) ->
@ -133,8 +133,19 @@ turn_echart(<<"total">>, #{<<"data">> := Data}, FormatedData) ->
Acc#{Key => OldSum + Num}
end, #{}, OldAcc)
end, InitModel, FormatedData);
end, InitModel, FormatedData),
%% io:format("~s ~p Map = ~p. ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Map]),
case maps:get(<<"statis_produced">>, Map, 0) of
0 ->
Map#{<<"statis_percent">> => 0};
Ptatis_produced ->
Qualified = maps:get(<<"statis_qualitified">>, Map, 0),
%% io:format("~s ~p Qualified = ~p. ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, Qualified]),
NewMap = maps:merge(Map, #{<<"statis_percent">> => dgiot_factory_utils:float(Qualified / Ptatis_produced, 2)}),
%% io:format("~s ~p NewMap = ~p. ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, NewMap]),
turn_echart(<<"bar">>, #{<<"model">> := #{<<"series">> := SeriesMod} = Model}, FormatedData) ->
{XAxis, NewSeries} = maps:fold(
fun(X, Data, {Xlist, SeriesAcc}) ->
@ -142,7 +153,6 @@ turn_echart(<<"bar">>, #{<<"model">> := #{<<"series">> := SeriesMod} = Model}, F
fun(#{?KEY := Key} = OneSeries, Acc) ->
OldList = maps:get(<<"data">>, OneSeries, []),
NewValue = maps:get(Key, Data, 0),
io:format("~s ~p NewValue = ~p. ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, NewValue]),
NewList = OldList ++ [NewValue],
Acc ++ [OneSeries#{<<"data">> => NewList}];
(S, Acc) ->
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ do_statis(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId, PersonType, Payload) ->
NewData = run_statis_hook(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId, PersonType, Payload, DefaultData),
dgiot_data:insert(?FACTORYSTATIS, {TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId}, NewData),
update2parse(TaskDeviceId, NewData),
io:format("~s ~p NewData = ~p. ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, NewData]),
%% io:format("~s ~p NewData = ~p. ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, NewData]),
dgiot_factory_utils:save2td(TaskDeviceId, NewData).
get_old_data(TaskProductId, TaskDeviceId) ->
@ -61,10 +61,9 @@ get_default_data(<<"quality">>, #{<<"quality">> := #{<<"type">> := Process, <<"q
get_default_data(Process, Payload, OldData) ->
ProducedNum = maps:get(<<"num">>, maps:get(Process, Payload, #{}), 0),
OldProduced = maps:get(<<"produced">>, maps:get(<<"statis">>, OldData, #{}), 0),
NewProduced = ProducedNum + OldProduced,
OrderInfo = get_order_info(Process, Payload),
dgiot_map:merge(OldData, #{<<"order">> => OrderInfo, <<"statis">> => #{<<"produced">> => NewProduced}}).
dgiot_map:merge(OldData, #{<<"order">> => OrderInfo, <<"statis">> => #{<<"produced">> => ProducedNum}}).
get_order_info(Process, Payload) ->
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-export([get_json_file/1, unflatten_map/1, flatten_map/1,merge_map/2]).
-export([save2td/3, save2td/2]).
@ -266,10 +266,11 @@ get_sum(BatchList) when is_list(BatchList) ->
get_sum(_) ->
batch_create_worker(ProductId, WorkerList, InitNum) ->
fun(Worker, Num) ->
dgiot_factory_channel:init_worker_device(ProductId, Num, Worker),
dgiot_factory_channel:init_worker_device(ProductId, Num, dgiot_utils:to_binary( Worker)),
Num + 1
end, InitNum, WorkerList).
@ -486,3 +487,49 @@ kill_undefined(Arg) when is_map(Arg) ->
end, #{}, Arg);
kill_undefined(Arg) ->
float(Number, X) ->
N = math:pow(10,X),
get_card_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId) ->
DevcieTypeList = dgiot_product:get_devicetype(BatchProductId),
fun(DeviceType, Acc) ->
Res = case get_cache_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, DeviceType) of
{ok, R} ->
_ ->
dgiot_map:merge(Acc, Res)
end, #{}, DevcieTypeList).
get_cache_data(BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, DeviceType) ->
case dgiot_data:get(?FACTORY_ORDER, {BatchProductId, BatchDeviceId, DeviceType}) of
not_find ->
case dgiot_parse:query_object(<<"Devicelog">>, #{<<"where">> => #{<<"data.person.sheetsid">> => BatchDeviceId, <<"data.person.type">> => DeviceType}, <<"order">> => <<"-createdAt">>, <<"limit">> => 1}) of
{ok, #{<<"results">> := [#{<<"data">>:= Data}]}} ->
_R ->
%% io:format("~s ~p _R ~p~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, _R]),
Res ->
keep_decimal(Float, Num) when is_float(Float) ->
F=fun(_, Base1) ->
Base = lists:foldl(F, 10, lists:seq(1, Num)),
Float2 = Float*Base,
Int = erlang:trunc(Float2),
Rest = Int rem 10,
Keep = Int div 10,
Add = erlang:round((Rest/10)),
keep_decimal(Float, _Num) ->
@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ handle_message({sync_parse, _Pid, 'before', put, _Token, <<"Device">>, #{<<"id">
dgiot_parse_hook:publish(_Pid, NewQueryData),
{ok, State};
handle_message({sync_parse, _Pid, 'after', post, _Token, <<"Device">>, #{<<"objectId">> := DeviceId} = QueryData}, State) ->
handle_message({sync_parse, _Pid, 'after', post, _Token, <<"Device">>, #{<<"basedata">> := BaseData,<<"objectId">> := DeviceId} = QueryData}, State) ->
%% case dgiot_device:lookup(DeviceId) of
%% {ok, #{<<"productid">> := ProductId}} ->
case dgiot_parse:get_object(<<"Device">>, DeviceId) of
{ok, #{<<"product">> := #{<<"objectId">> := ProductId}}} ->
case catch dgiot_hook:run_hook({sync_parse, 'after', post, ProductId}, {QueryData, ProductId, State}) of
{ok, [Res]} ->
io:format("~s ~p DeviceId = ~p ~n", [?FILE, ?LINE, DeviceId]),
{ok, [{ok,Res}]} ->
NewBaseData = dgiot_map:merge(BaseData,Res),
dgiot_parse:update_object(<<"Device">>,DeviceId,#{<<"basedata">> => NewBaseData});
_ ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user