%% -*- mode: erlang -*- %% This config file is the very basic config to compile emqx %% This allows emqx to be used as a dependency for other applications %% such as emqx module/plugin develpments and tests. %% With the help of EMQ's rebar3 fork, the config is extended %% with rebar.config.erl module. Final result is written to %% rebar.config.rendered if environment DEBUG is set. {minimum_otp_vsn, "23"}. {edoc_opts, [{preprocess, true}]}. {erl_opts, [warn_unused_vars, warn_shadow_vars, warn_unused_import, warn_obsolete_guard, compressed, {d, snk_kind, msg}]}. {extra_src_dirs, [{"etc", [{recursive, true}]}]}. {xref_checks, [undefined_function_calls, undefined_functions, locals_not_used, deprecated_function_calls, warnings_as_errors, deprecated_functions]}. {dialyzer, [ {warnings, [unmatched_returns, error_handling]}, {plt_location, "."}, {plt_prefix, "emqx_dialyzer"}, {plt_apps, all_apps}, {statistics, true} ] }. {cover_opts, [verbose]}. {cover_export_enabled, true}. {cover_excl_mods, [emqx_exproto_pb, emqx_exhook_pb]}. {provider_hooks, [{pre, [{release, {relup_helper, gen_appups}}]}]}. {post_hooks, []}. {erl_first_files, ["src/emqx_logger.erl", "src/emqx_rule_actions_trans.erl"]}. {deps, [ {gpb, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/gpb", {tag, "4.11.2"}}} %% gpb only used to build, but not for release, pin it here to avoid fetchin g a wrong version due to rebar plugins scattered in all the deps ,{neotoma, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/neotoma", {tag, "1.7.3"}}} , {erlfmt, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/erlfmt", {tag, "v1.1.0"}}} , {redbug, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/redbug.git", {tag, "2.0.7"}}} , {ehttpc, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/ehttpc", {tag, "0.3.0"}}} , {gun, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/gun", {tag, "2.0.0"}}} , {gproc, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/gproc", {tag, "0.8.0"}}} , {jiffy, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/jiffy", {tag, "1.0.5"}}} , {cowboy, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/cowboy", {tag, "2.9.1"}}} , {esockd, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/esockd", {tag, "5.8.7"}}} , {ekka, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/ekka", {tag, ""}}} , {gen_rpc, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/gen_rpc", {tag, "2.8.1"}}} , {cuttlefish, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/cuttlefish", {tag, "v4.3.7"}}} , {minirest, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/minirest", {tag, "0.3.10"}}} , {ecpool, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/ecpool", {tag, "0.5.2"}}} , {replayq, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/replayq", {tag, "0.3.4"}}} , {pbkdf2, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/erlang-pbkdf2.git", {branch, "2.0.4"}}} , {emqtt, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/emqtt", {tag, ""}}} , {rulesql, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/rulesql", {tag, "0.1.5"}}} , {recon, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/recon", {tag, "2.5.1"}}} , {observer_cli, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/observer_cli", {tag, "1.6.1"}}} % NOTE: depends on recon 2.5.1 , {rebar3_hex, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/rebar3_hex", {tag, "v7.0.2"}}} , {getopt, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/getopt.git", {tag, "v1.0.1"}}} , {snabbkaffe, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/snabbkaffe.git", {tag, "1.0.1"}}} , {lc, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/lc.git", {tag, "0.3.2"}}} , {throttle, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/throttle.git", {tag, "0.3.0"}}} ]}. {xref_ignores, [ %% schema registry is for enterprise {emqx_schema_registry, get_all_schemas, 0}, {emqx_schema_api, format_schema, 1}, {emqx_schema_api, make_schema_params, 1}, {emqx_schema_parser, decode, 3}, {emqx_schema_parser, encode, 3}, {emqx_schema_registry, add_schema, 1}, emqx_exhook_pb, % generated code for protobuf emqx_exproto_pb % generated code for protobuf ]}.