$(shell $(CURDIR)/scripts/git-hooks-init.sh) REBAR_VERSION = 3.14.3-emqx-7 REBAR = $(CURDIR)/rebar3 BUILD = $(CURDIR)/build SCRIPTS = $(CURDIR)/scripts export PKG_VSN ?= $(shell $(CURDIR)/pkg-vsn.sh) export EMQX_DESC ?= EMQ X export EMQX_CE_DASHBOARD_VERSION ?= v4.3.8 ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) export REBAR_COLOR=none endif GET_DASHBOARD=$(SCRIPTS)/get-dashboard.sh PROFILE ?= emqx REL_PROFILES := emqx emqx-edge PKG_PROFILES := emqx-pkg emqx-edge-pkg PROFILES := $(REL_PROFILES) $(PKG_PROFILES) default ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) QUIKRUN=$(CURDIR)/_build/$(PROFILE)/rel/emqx/bin/emqx.cmd console else QUIKRUN=$(CURDIR)/_build/$(PROFILE)/rel/emqx/bin/emqx console endif export REBAR_GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS += --depth=1 .PHONY: default default: $(REBAR) $(PROFILE) .PHONY: all all: $(REBAR) $(PROFILES) .PHONY: ensure-rebar3 ensure-rebar3: @$(SCRIPTS)/fail-on-old-otp-version.escript @$(SCRIPTS)/ensure-rebar3.sh $(REBAR_VERSION) $(REBAR): ensure-rebar3 .PHONY: get-dashboard get-dashboard: @$(GET_DASHBOARD) .PHONY: eunit eunit: $(REBAR) @ENABLE_COVER_COMPILE=1 $(REBAR) eunit -v -c .PHONY: proper proper: $(REBAR) @ENABLE_COVER_COMPILE=1 $(REBAR) proper -d test/props -c .PHONY: ct ct: $(REBAR) @ENABLE_COVER_COMPILE=1 $(REBAR) ct --name 'test@' -c -v APPS=$(shell $(CURDIR)/scripts/find-apps.sh) ## app/name-ct targets are intended for local tests hence cover is not enabled .PHONY: $(APPS:%=%-ct) define gen-app-ct-target $1-ct: $(REBAR) ct --name 'test@' -v --suite $(shell $(CURDIR)/scripts/find-suites.sh $1) endef $(foreach app,$(APPS),$(eval $(call gen-app-ct-target,$(app)))) ## apps/name-prop targets .PHONY: $(APPS:%=%-prop) define gen-app-prop-target $1-prop: $(REBAR) proper -d test/props -v -m $(shell $(CURDIR)/scripts/find-props.sh $1) endef $(foreach app,$(APPS),$(eval $(call gen-app-prop-target,$(app)))) .PHONY: cover cover: $(REBAR) @ENABLE_COVER_COMPILE=1 $(REBAR) cover .PHONY: coveralls coveralls: $(REBAR) @ENABLE_COVER_COMPILE=1 $(REBAR) as test coveralls send .PHONY: $(REL_PROFILES) $(REL_PROFILES:%=%): $(REBAR) get-dashboard @$(REBAR) as $(@) do compile,release ## Not calling rebar3 clean because ## 1. rebar3 clean relies on rebar3, meaning it reads config, fetches dependencies etc. ## 2. it's slow ## NOTE: this does not force rebar3 to fetch new version dependencies ## make clean-all to delete all fetched dependencies for a fresh start-over .PHONY: clean $(PROFILES:%=clean-%) clean: $(PROFILES:%=clean-%) $(PROFILES:%=clean-%): @if [ -d _build/$(@:clean-%=%) ]; then \ rm -rf _build/$(@:clean-%=%)/rel; \ find _build/$(@:clean-%=%) -name '*.beam' -o -name '*.so' -o -name '*.app' -o -name '*.appup' -o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.d' -type f | xargs rm -f; \ fi .PHONY: clean-all clean-all: @rm -rf _build .PHONY: deps-all deps-all: $(REBAR) $(PROFILES:%=deps-%) ## deps- is used in CI scripts to download deps and the ## share downloads between CI steps and/or copied into containers ## which may not have the right credentials .PHONY: $(PROFILES:%=deps-%) $(PROFILES:%=deps-%): $(REBAR) get-dashboard @$(REBAR) as $(@:deps-%=%) get-deps .PHONY: xref xref: $(REBAR) @$(REBAR) as check xref .PHONY: dialyzer dialyzer: $(REBAR) @$(REBAR) as check dialyzer COMMON_DEPS := $(REBAR) get-dashboard $(CONF_SEGS) ## rel target is to create release package without relup .PHONY: $(REL_PROFILES:%=%-rel) $(PKG_PROFILES:%=%-rel) $(REL_PROFILES:%=%-rel) $(PKG_PROFILES:%=%-rel): $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(BUILD) $(subst -rel,,$(@)) rel ## relup target is to create relup instructions .PHONY: $(REL_PROFILES:%=%-relup) define gen-relup-target $1-relup: $(COMMON_DEPS) @$(BUILD) $1 relup endef ALL_ZIPS = $(REL_PROFILES) $(foreach zt,$(ALL_ZIPS),$(eval $(call gen-relup-target,$(zt)))) ## zip target is to create a release package .zip with relup .PHONY: $(REL_PROFILES:%=%-zip) define gen-zip-target $1-zip: $1-relup @$(BUILD) $1 zip endef ALL_ZIPS = $(REL_PROFILES) $(foreach zt,$(ALL_ZIPS),$(eval $(call gen-zip-target,$(zt)))) ## A pkg target depend on a regular release .PHONY: $(PKG_PROFILES) define gen-pkg-target $1: $1-rel @$(BUILD) $1 pkg endef $(foreach pt,$(PKG_PROFILES),$(eval $(call gen-pkg-target,$(pt)))) .PHONY: run run: $(PROFILE) quickrun .PHONY: quickrun quickrun: @$(QUIKRUN) include docker.mk