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synced 2024-12-05 13:47:46 +08:00
408 lines
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Protocol Buffer
408 lines
8.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 EMQ Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "Emqx.Exhook.V1";
option go_package = "emqx.io/grpc/exhook";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.emqx.exhook";
option java_outer_classname = "EmqxExHookProto";
package emqx.exhook.v1;
service HookProvider {
rpc OnProviderLoaded(ProviderLoadedRequest) returns (LoadedResponse) {};
rpc OnProviderUnloaded(ProviderUnloadedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnClientConnect(ClientConnectRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnClientConnack(ClientConnackRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnClientConnected(ClientConnectedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnClientDisconnected(ClientDisconnectedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnClientAuthenticate(ClientAuthenticateRequest) returns (ValuedResponse) {};
rpc OnClientCheckAcl(ClientCheckAclRequest) returns (ValuedResponse) {};
rpc OnClientSubscribe(ClientSubscribeRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnClientUnsubscribe(ClientUnsubscribeRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionCreated(SessionCreatedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionSubscribed(SessionSubscribedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionUnsubscribed(SessionUnsubscribedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionResumed(SessionResumedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionDiscarded(SessionDiscardedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionTakeovered(SessionTakeoveredRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnSessionTerminated(SessionTerminatedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnMessagePublish(MessagePublishRequest) returns (ValuedResponse) {};
rpc OnMessageDelivered(MessageDeliveredRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnMessageDropped(MessageDroppedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
rpc OnMessageAcked(MessageAckedRequest) returns (EmptySuccess) {};
// Request & Response
message ProviderLoadedRequest {
BrokerInfo broker = 1;
message LoadedResponse {
repeated HookSpec hooks = 1;
message ProviderUnloadedRequest { }
message ClientConnectRequest {
ConnInfo conninfo = 1;
// MQTT CONNECT packet's properties (MQTT v5.0)
// It should be empty on MQTT v3.1.1/v3.1 or others protocol
repeated Property props = 2;
message ClientConnackRequest {
ConnInfo conninfo = 1;
string result_code = 2;
repeated Property props = 3;
message ClientConnectedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
message ClientDisconnectedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
string reason = 2;
message ClientAuthenticateRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
bool result = 2;
message ClientCheckAclRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
enum AclReqType {
AclReqType type = 2;
string topic = 3;
bool result = 4;
message ClientSubscribeRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
repeated Property props = 2;
repeated TopicFilter topic_filters = 3;
message ClientUnsubscribeRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
repeated Property props = 2;
repeated TopicFilter topic_filters = 3;
message SessionCreatedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
message SessionSubscribedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
string topic = 2;
SubOpts subopts = 3;
message SessionUnsubscribedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
string topic = 2;
message SessionResumedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
message SessionDiscardedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
message SessionTakeoveredRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
message SessionTerminatedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
string reason = 2;
message MessagePublishRequest {
Message message = 1;
message MessageDeliveredRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
Message message = 2;
message MessageDroppedRequest {
Message message = 1;
string reason = 2;
message MessageAckedRequest {
ClientInfo clientinfo = 1;
Message message = 2;
// Basic data types
message EmptySuccess { }
message ValuedResponse {
// The responsed value type
// - contiune: Use the responsed value and execute the next hook
// - ignore: Ignore the responsed value
// - stop_and_return: Use the responsed value and stop the chain executing
enum ResponsedType {
ResponsedType type = 1;
oneof value {
// Boolean result, used on the 'client.authenticate', 'client.check_acl' hooks
bool bool_result = 3;
// Message result, used on the 'message.*' hooks
Message message = 4;
message BrokerInfo {
string version = 1;
string sysdescr = 2;
string uptime = 3;
string datetime = 4;
message HookSpec {
// The registered hooks name
// Available value:
// "client.connect", "client.connack"
// "client.connected", "client.disconnected"
// "client.authenticate", "client.check_acl"
// "client.subscribe", "client.unsubscribe"
// "session.created", "session.subscribed"
// "session.unsubscribed", "session.resumed"
// "session.discarded", "session.takeovered"
// "session.terminated"
// "message.publish", "message.delivered"
// "message.acked", "message.dropped"
string name = 1;
// The topic filters for message hooks
repeated string topics = 2;
message ConnInfo {
string node = 1;
string clientid = 2;
string username = 3;
string peerhost = 4;
uint32 sockport = 5;
string proto_name = 6;
string proto_ver = 7;
uint32 keepalive = 8;
message ClientInfo {
string node = 1;
string clientid = 2;
string username = 3;
string password = 4;
string peerhost = 5;
uint32 sockport = 6;
string protocol = 7;
string mountpoint = 8;
bool is_superuser = 9;
bool anonymous = 10;
// common name of client TLS cert
string cn = 11;
// subject of client TLS cert
string dn = 12;
message Message {
string node = 1;
string id = 2;
uint32 qos = 3;
string from = 4;
string topic = 5;
bytes payload = 6;
uint64 timestamp = 7;
message Property {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
message TopicFilter {
string name = 1;
uint32 qos = 2;
message SubOpts {
// The QoS level
uint32 qos = 1;
// The group name for shared subscription
string share = 2;
// The Retain Handling option (MQTT v5.0)
// 0 = Send retained messages at the time of the subscribe
// 1 = Send retained messages at subscribe only if the subscription does
// not currently exist
// 2 = Do not send retained messages at the time of the subscribe
uint32 rh = 3;
// The Retain as Published option (MQTT v5.0)
// If 1, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription keep the
// RETAIN flag they were published with.
// If 0, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription have the
// RETAIN flag set to 0.
// Retained messages sent when the subscription is established have the RETAIN flag set to 1.
uint32 rap = 4;
// The No Local option (MQTT v5.0)
// If the value is 1, Application Messages MUST NOT be forwarded to a
// connection with a ClientID equal to the ClientID of the publishing
uint32 nl = 5;