2022-07-25 10:50:41 +08:00

545 lines
18 KiB

do(Dir, CONFIG) ->
case iolist_to_binary(Dir) of
<<".">> ->
{HasElixir, C1} = deps(CONFIG),
Config = dialyzer(C1),
maybe_dump(Config ++ [{overrides, overrides()}] ++ coveralls() ++ config(HasElixir));
_ ->
bcrypt() ->
{bcrypt, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/erlang-bcrypt.git", {branch, "0.6.0"}}}.
deps(Config) ->
{deps, OldDeps} = lists:keyfind(deps, 1, Config),
MoreDeps = case provide_bcrypt_dep() of
true -> [bcrypt()];
false -> []
{HasElixir, ExtraDeps} = extra_deps(),
{HasElixir, lists:keystore(deps, 1, Config, {deps, OldDeps ++ MoreDeps ++ ExtraDeps})}.
extra_deps() ->
{ok, Proplist} = file:consult("lib-extra/plugins"),
ErlPlugins0 = proplists:get_value(erlang_plugins, Proplist),
ExPlugins0 = proplists:get_value(elixir_plugins, Proplist),
Filter = string:split(os:getenv("EMQX_EXTRA_PLUGINS", ""), ",", all),
ErlPlugins = filter_extra_deps(ErlPlugins0, Filter),
ExPlugins = filter_extra_deps(ExPlugins0, Filter),
{ExPlugins =/= [], ErlPlugins ++ ExPlugins}.
filter_extra_deps(AllPlugins, ["all"]) ->
filter_extra_deps(AllPlugins, Filter) ->
filter_extra_deps(AllPlugins, Filter, []).
filter_extra_deps([], _, Acc) ->
filter_extra_deps([{Plugin, _} = P | More], Filter, Acc) ->
case lists:member(atom_to_list(Plugin), Filter) of
true ->
filter_extra_deps(More, Filter, [P | Acc]);
false ->
filter_extra_deps(More, Filter, Acc)
overrides() ->
[{add, [{extra_src_dirs, [{"etc", [{recursive, true}]}]}
, {erl_opts, [{compile_info, [{emqx_vsn, get_vsn()}]}]}
, {add, snabbkaffe,
[{erl_opts, common_compile_opts()}]}
] ++ community_plugin_overrides().
community_plugin_overrides() ->
[{add, App, [{erl_opts, [{i, "include"}]}]} || App <- relx_plugin_apps_extra()].
config(HasElixir) ->
[{cover_enabled, is_cover_enabled()}
, {profiles, profiles()}
, {project_app_dirs, project_app_dirs()}
, {plugins, plugins(HasElixir)}
| [{provider_hooks, [{pre, [{compile, {mix, find_elixir_libs}}]}
, {post, [{compile, {mix, consolidate_protocols}}]}
]} || HasElixir]
is_cover_enabled() ->
case os:getenv("ENABLE_COVER_COMPILE") of
"1" -> true;
"true" -> true;
_ -> false
is_enterprise() ->
alternative_lib_dir() ->
case is_enterprise() of
true -> "lib-ee";
false -> "lib-ce"
project_app_dirs() ->
["apps/*", alternative_lib_dir() ++ "/*", "."].
plugins(HasElixir) ->
[{relup_helper, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/relup_helper", {tag, "2.0.0"}}}
, {er_coap_client, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/er_coap_client", {tag, "v1.0"}}}
%% emqx main project does not require port-compiler
%% pin at root level for deterministic
, {pc, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/port_compiler.git", {tag, "v1.11.1"}}}
| [rebar_mix || HasElixir]
%% test plugins are concatenated to default profile plugins
%% otherwise rebar3 test profile runs are super slow
++ test_plugins().
test_plugins() ->
{coveralls, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/coveralls-erl", {branch, "fix-git-info"}}}
test_deps() ->
[{bbmustache, "1.10.0"}
, {emqx_ct_helpers, {git, "https://gitee.com/fastdgiot/emqx-ct-helpers", {tag, "1.3.9"}}}
, meck
common_compile_opts() ->
[debug_info % alwyas include debug_info
, {compile_info, [{emqx_vsn, get_vsn()}]}
, {d, snk_kind, msg}
] ++
[{d, 'EMQX_ENTERPRISE'} || is_enterprise()] ++
[{d, 'EMQX_BENCHMARK'} || os:getenv("EMQX_BENCHMARK") =:= "1"].
prod_compile_opts() ->
, deterministic
, warnings_as_errors
| common_compile_opts()
prod_overrides() ->
[{add, [{erl_opts, [deterministic]}]}].
relup_deps(Profile) ->
{post_hooks, [{"(linux|darwin|solaris|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd)", compile, "scripts/inject-deps.escript " ++ atom_to_list(Profile)}]}.
profiles() ->
Vsn = get_vsn(),
[{'emqx', [{erl_opts, prod_compile_opts()}
, {relx, relx(Vsn, cloud, bin)}
, {overrides, prod_overrides()}
, relup_deps('emqx')
, {'emqx-pkg', [{erl_opts, prod_compile_opts()}
, {relx, relx(Vsn, cloud, pkg)}
, {overrides, prod_overrides()}
, relup_deps('emqx-pkg')
, {'emqx-edge', [{erl_opts, prod_compile_opts()}
, {relx, relx(Vsn, edge, bin)}
, {overrides, prod_overrides()}
, relup_deps('emqx-edge')
, {'emqx-edge-pkg', [{erl_opts, prod_compile_opts()}
, {relx, relx(Vsn, edge, pkg)}
, {overrides, prod_overrides()}
, relup_deps('emqx-edge-pkg')
, {check, [{erl_opts, common_compile_opts()}
, {test, [{deps, test_deps()}
, {erl_opts, common_compile_opts() ++ erl_opts_i()}
, {extra_src_dirs, [{"test", [{recursive, true}]}]}
] ++ ee_profiles(Vsn).
%% RelType: cloud (full size) | edge (slim size)
%% PkgType: bin | pkg
relx(Vsn, RelType, PkgType) ->
IsEnterprise = is_enterprise(),
[{include_src, false}
, {include_erts, true}
, {extended_start_script, false}
, {generate_start_script, false}
, {sys_config, false}
, {vm_args, false}
, {release, {emqx, Vsn}, relx_apps(RelType)}
, {overlay, relx_overlay(RelType)}
, {overlay_vars, [{built_on_arch, rebar_utils:get_arch()}
, {emqx_description, emqx_description(RelType, IsEnterprise)}
| overlay_vars(RelType, PkgType, IsEnterprise)]}
emqx_description(cloud, true) -> "EMQ X Enterprise";
emqx_description(cloud, false) -> "EMQ X Broker";
emqx_description(edge, _) -> "EMQ X Edge".
overlay_vars(_RelType, PkgType, true) ->
overlay_vars(RelType, PkgType, false) ->
overlay_vars_rel(RelType) ++ overlay_vars_pkg(PkgType).
%% vars per release type, cloud or edge
overlay_vars_rel(RelType) ->
VmArgs = case RelType of
cloud -> "vm.args";
edge -> "vm.args.edge"
[{enable_plugin_emqx_rule_engine, RelType =:= cloud}
, {enable_plugin_emqx_bridge_mqtt, RelType =:= edge}
, {enable_plugin_emqx_modules, false} %% modules is not a plugin in ce
, {enable_plugin_emqx_recon, true}
, {enable_plugin_emqx_retainer, true}
, {enable_plugin_emqx_web_hook, true}
, {enable_plugin_emqx_telemetry, true}
%% dgiot base plugin
, {enable_plugin_dgiot, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_bridge, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_parse, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_api, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_tdengine, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_task, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_device, true}
%% dgiot base plugin
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_http, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_topo, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_dlink, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_evidence, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_opc, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_meter, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_modbus, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_ffmpeg, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_gb26875, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_hjt212, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_bacnet, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_bamis, true}
, {enable_plugin_dgiot_factory, true}
, {vm_args_file, VmArgs}
%% vars per packaging type, bin(zip/tar.gz/docker) or pkg(rpm/deb)
overlay_vars_pkg(bin) ->
[{platform_bin_dir, "bin"}
, {platform_data_dir, "data"}
, {platform_etc_dir, "etc"}
, {platform_lib_dir, "lib"}
, {platform_log_dir, "log"}
, {platform_plugins_dir, "etc/plugins"}
, {runner_root_dir, "$(cd $(dirname $(readlink $0 || echo $0))/..; pwd -P)"}
, {runner_bin_dir, "$RUNNER_ROOT_DIR/bin"}
, {runner_etc_dir, "$RUNNER_ROOT_DIR/etc"}
, {runner_lib_dir, "$RUNNER_ROOT_DIR/lib"}
, {runner_log_dir, "$RUNNER_ROOT_DIR/log"}
, {runner_data_dir, "$RUNNER_ROOT_DIR/data"}
, {runner_user, ""}
overlay_vars_pkg(pkg) ->
[{platform_bin_dir, ""}
, {platform_data_dir, "/var/lib/emqx"}
, {platform_etc_dir, "/etc/emqx"}
, {platform_lib_dir, ""}
, {platform_log_dir, "/var/log/emqx"}
, {platform_plugins_dir, "/var/lib/emqx/plugins"}
, {runner_root_dir, "/usr/lib/emqx"}
, {runner_bin_dir, "/usr/bin"}
, {runner_etc_dir, "/etc/emqx"}
, {runner_lib_dir, "$RUNNER_ROOT_DIR/lib"}
, {runner_log_dir, "/var/log/emqx"}
, {runner_data_dir, "/var/lib/emqx"}
, {runner_user, "emqx"}
relx_apps(ReleaseType) ->
, sasl
, crypto
, public_key
, asn1
, syntax_tools
, ssl
, os_mon
, inets
, compiler
, runtime_tools
, cuttlefish
, jsx
, jesse
, jwerl
, odbc
, erlydtl
, erlport
, ecpool
, grpc
, gpb
, poolboy
, ibrowse
, gen_smtp
, emqx
, {mnesia, load}
, {ekka, load}
, {emqx_plugin_libs, load}
, observer_cli
++ [emqx_modules || not is_enterprise()]
++ [emqx_license || is_enterprise()]
++ [bcrypt || provide_bcrypt_release(ReleaseType)]
++ relx_apps_per_rel(ReleaseType)
++ [{N, load} || N <- relx_plugin_apps(ReleaseType)].
relx_apps_per_rel(cloud) ->
, xmerl
| [{observer, load} || is_app(observer)]
relx_apps_per_rel(edge) ->
is_app(Name) ->
case application:load(Name) of
ok -> true;
{error, {already_loaded, _}} -> true;
_ -> false
relx_plugin_apps(ReleaseType) ->
, emqx_management
, emqx_dashboard
, emqx_bridge_mqtt
, emqx_recon
, emqx_rule_engine
, emqx_sasl
, emqx_exhook
, emqx_web_hook
, emqx_auth_mnesia
++ [emqx_telemetry || not is_enterprise()]
++ relx_plugin_apps_per_rel(ReleaseType)
++ relx_plugin_apps_enterprise(is_enterprise())
++ relx_plugin_apps_extra().
relx_plugin_apps_per_rel(cloud) ->
, emqx_lua_hook
, emqx_exhook
, emqx_prometheus
, emqx_psk_file
, emqx_auth_mnesia
, dgiot
, dgiot_api
, dgiot_parse
, dgiot_bridge
, dgiot_device
, dgiot_tdengine
, dgiot_http
, dgiot_task
, dgiot_dlink
, dgiot_topo
, dgiot_bamis
, dgiot_evidence
, dgiot_opc
, dgiot_meter
, dgiot_modbus
, dgiot_ffmpeg
, dgiot_gb26875
, dgiot_hjt212
, dgiot_bacnet
, dgiot_factory
relx_plugin_apps_per_rel(edge) ->
relx_plugin_apps_enterprise(true) ->
[list_to_atom(A) || A <- filelib:wildcard("*", "lib-ee"),
filelib:is_dir(filename:join(["lib-ee", A]))];
relx_plugin_apps_enterprise(false) -> [].
relx_plugin_apps_extra() ->
{_HasElixir, ExtraDeps} = extra_deps(),
[Plugin || {Plugin, _} <- ExtraDeps].
relx_overlay(ReleaseType) ->
[{mkdir, "log/"}
, {mkdir, "data/"}
, {mkdir, "data/mnesia"}
, {mkdir, "data/configs"}
, {mkdir, "data/patches"}
, {mkdir, "data/scripts"}
, {template, "data/loaded_plugins.tmpl", "data/loaded_plugins"}
, {template, "data/loaded_modules.tmpl", "data/loaded_modules"}
, {template, "data/emqx_vars", "releases/emqx_vars"}
, {copy, "bin/emqx", "bin/emqx"}
, {copy, "bin/emqx_ctl", "bin/emqx_ctl"}
, {copy, "bin/node_dump", "bin/node_dump"}
, {copy, "bin/install_upgrade.escript", "bin/install_upgrade.escript"}
, {copy, "bin/emqx", "bin/emqx-{{release_version}}"} %% for relup
, {copy, "bin/emqx_ctl", "bin/emqx_ctl-{{release_version}}"} %% for relup
, {copy, "bin/install_upgrade.escript", "bin/install_upgrade.escript-{{release_version}}"} %% for relup
, {template, "bin/emqx.cmd", "bin/emqx.cmd"}
, {template, "bin/emqx_ctl.cmd", "bin/emqx_ctl.cmd"}
, {copy, "bin/nodetool", "bin/nodetool"}
, {copy, "bin/nodetool", "bin/nodetool-{{release_version}}"}
, {copy, "_build/default/lib/cuttlefish/cuttlefish", "bin/cuttlefish"}
, {copy, "_build/default/lib/cuttlefish/cuttlefish", "bin/cuttlefish-{{release_version}}"}
, {copy, "priv/emqx.schema", "releases/{{release_version}}/"}
] ++ case is_enterprise() of
true -> ee_etc_overlay(ReleaseType);
false -> etc_overlay(ReleaseType)
etc_overlay(ReleaseType) ->
PluginApps = relx_plugin_apps(ReleaseType),
Templates = emqx_etc_overlay(ReleaseType) ++
lists:append([plugin_etc_overlays(App) || App <- PluginApps]) ++
[community_plugin_etc_overlays(App) || App <- relx_plugin_apps_extra()],
[{mkdir, "etc/"}
, {mkdir, "etc/plugins"}
, {template, "etc/BUILT_ON", "releases/{{release_version}}/BUILT_ON"}
, {copy, "{{base_dir}}/lib/emqx/etc/certs", "etc/"}
] ++
fun({From, To}) -> {template, From, To};
(FromTo) -> {template, FromTo, FromTo}
end, Templates)
++ extra_overlay(ReleaseType).
extra_overlay(cloud) ->
[{copy, "{{base_dir}}/lib/emqx_lwm2m/lwm2m_xml", "etc/"}
, {copy, "{{base_dir}}/lib/emqx_psk_file/etc/psk.txt", "etc/psk.txt"}
extra_overlay(edge) ->
emqx_etc_overlay(cloud) ->
emqx_etc_overlay_common() ++
[{"etc/emqx_cloud/vm.args", "etc/vm.args"}
emqx_etc_overlay(edge) ->
emqx_etc_overlay_common() ++
[{"etc/emqx_edge/vm.args", "etc/vm.args"}
emqx_etc_overlay_common() ->
["etc/acl.conf", "etc/emqx.conf", "etc/ssl_dist.conf",
%% TODO: check why it has to end with .paho
%% and why it is put to etc/plugins dir
{"etc/acl.conf.paho", "etc/plugins/acl.conf.paho"}].
plugin_etc_overlays(App0) ->
App = atom_to_list(App0),
ConfFiles = find_conf_files(App),
%% NOTE: not filename:join here since relx translates it for windows
[{"{{base_dir}}/lib/" ++ App ++ "/etc/" ++ F, "etc/plugins/" ++ F}
|| F <- ConfFiles].
community_plugin_etc_overlays(App0) ->
App = atom_to_list(App0),
{"{{base_dir}}/lib/" ++ App ++ "/etc/" ++ App ++ ".conf", "etc/plugins/" ++ App ++ ".conf"}.
%% NOTE: for apps fetched as rebar dependency (there is so far no such an app)
%% the overlay should be hand-coded but not to rely on build-time wildcards.
find_conf_files(App) ->
Dir1 = filename:join(["apps", App, "etc"]),
Dir2 = filename:join([alternative_lib_dir(), App, "etc"]),
filelib:wildcard("*.conf", Dir1) ++ filelib:wildcard("*.conf", Dir2).
env(Name, Default) ->
case os:getenv(Name) of
"" -> Default;
false -> Default;
Value -> Value
get_vsn() ->
PkgVsn = case env("PKG_VSN", false) of
false -> os:cmd("./pkg-vsn.sh");
Vsn -> Vsn
re:replace(PkgVsn, "\n", "", [{return, list}]).
maybe_dump(Config) ->
is_debug() andalso file:write_file("rebar.config.rendered", [io_lib:format("~p.\n", [I]) || I <- Config]),
is_debug() -> is_debug("DEBUG") orelse is_debug("DIAGNOSTIC").
is_debug(VarName) ->
case os:getenv(VarName) of
false -> false;
"" -> false;
_ -> true
provide_bcrypt_dep() ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> false;
_ -> true
provide_bcrypt_release(ReleaseType) ->
provide_bcrypt_dep() andalso ReleaseType =:= cloud.
erl_opts_i() ->
[{i, "apps"}] ++
[{i, Dir} || Dir <- filelib:wildcard(filename:join(["apps", "*", "include"]))] ++
[{i, Dir} || Dir <- filelib:wildcard(filename:join([alternative_lib_dir(), "*", "include"]))].
dialyzer(Config) ->
{dialyzer, OldDialyzerConfig} = lists:keyfind(dialyzer, 1, Config),
AppsToAnalyse = case os:getenv("DIALYZER_ANALYSE_APP") of
false ->
Value ->
[list_to_atom(App) || App <- string:tokens(Value, ",")]
AppNames = [emqx | list_dir("apps")] ++ list_dir(alternative_lib_dir()),
KnownApps = [Name || Name <- AppsToAnalyse, lists:member(Name, AppNames)],
AppsToExclude = AppNames -- KnownApps,
case length(AppsToAnalyse) > 0 of
true ->
lists:keystore(dialyzer, 1, Config, {dialyzer, OldDialyzerConfig ++ [{exclude_apps, AppsToExclude}]});
false ->
coveralls() ->
case {os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), os:getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")} of
{"true", Token} when is_list(Token) ->
Cfgs = [{coveralls_repo_token, Token},
{coveralls_service_job_id, os:getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID")},
{coveralls_commit_sha, os:getenv("GITHUB_SHA")},
{coveralls_coverdata, "_build/test/cover/*.coverdata"},
{coveralls_service_name, "github"}],
case os:getenv("GITHUB_EVENT_NAME") =:= "pull_request"
andalso string:tokens(os:getenv("GITHUB_REF"), "/") of
[_, "pull", PRNO, _] ->
[{coveralls_service_pull_request, PRNO} | Cfgs];
_ ->
_ ->
list_dir(Dir) ->
{ok, Names} = file:list_dir(Dir),
[list_to_atom(Name) || Name <- Names, filelib:is_dir(filename:join([Dir, Name]))].
%% ==== Enterprise supports below ==================================================================
ee_profiles(_Vsn) -> [].
ee_etc_overlay(_) -> [].
ee_overlay_vars(_PkgType) -> [].