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synced 2024-12-05 05:37:40 +08:00
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"Dgiot helps developers quickly connect subsystems to achieve data aggregation with a few lines of code, and can also achieve common device access with zero code": {
"message": "DGIOT帮助开发者用简单的几行代码可以快速对接子系统实现数据汇聚,也可以零代码实现常见设备接入"
"theme.ErrorPageContent.title": {
"message": "This page crashed.",
"description": "The title of the fallback page when the page crashed"
"theme.ErrorPageContent.tryAgain": {
"message": "Try again",
"description": "The label of the button to try again when the page crashed"
"theme.NotFound.title": {
"message": "Page Not Found",
"description": "The title of the 404 page"
"theme.NotFound.p1": {
"message": "We could not find what you were looking for.",
"description": "The first paragraph of the 404 page"
"theme.NotFound.p2": {
"message": "Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.",
"description": "The 2nd paragraph of the 404 page"
"theme.BackToTopButton.buttonAriaLabel": {
"message": "Scroll back to top",
"description": "The ARIA label for the back to top button"
"theme.blog.archive.title": {
"message": "Archive",
"description": "The page & hero title of the blog archive page"
"theme.blog.archive.description": {
"message": "Archive",
"description": "The page & hero description of the blog archive page"
"theme.AnnouncementBar.closeButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "Close",
"description": "The ARIA label for close button of announcement bar"
"theme.blog.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
"message": "Blog list page navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog pagination"
"theme.blog.paginator.newerEntries": {
"message": "Newer Entries",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the newer blog posts page (previous page)"
"theme.blog.paginator.olderEntries": {
"message": "Older Entries",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the older blog posts page (next page)"
"theme.blog.post.readingTime.plurals": {
"message": "One min read|{readingTime} min read",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{readingTime} min read\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.blog.post.readMoreLabel": {
"message": "Read more about {title}",
"description": "The ARIA label for the link to full blog posts from excerpts"
"theme.blog.post.readMore": {
"message": "Read More",
"description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
"message": "Blog post page navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog posts pagination"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.newerPost": {
"message": "Newer Post",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the newer/previous post"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.olderPost": {
"message": "Older Post",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the older/next post"
"theme.blog.sidebar.navAriaLabel": {
"message": "Blog recent posts navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for recent posts in the blog sidebar"
"theme.blog.post.plurals": {
"message": "One post|{count} posts",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} posts\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.blog.tagTitle": {
"message": "{nPosts} tagged with \"{tagName}\"",
"description": "The title of the page for a blog tag"
"theme.tags.tagsPageLink": {
"message": "View All Tags",
"description": "The label of the link targeting the tag list page"
"theme.CodeBlock.copyButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "Copy code to clipboard",
"description": "The ARIA label for copy code blocks button"
"theme.CodeBlock.copied": {
"message": "Copied",
"description": "The copied button label on code blocks"
"theme.CodeBlock.copy": {
"message": "Copy",
"description": "The copy button label on code blocks"
"theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel": {
"message": "Switch between dark and light mode (currently {mode})",
"description": "The ARIA label for the navbar color mode toggle"
"theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel.mode.dark": {
"message": "dark mode",
"description": "The name for the dark color mode"
"theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel.mode.light": {
"message": "light mode",
"description": "The name for the light color mode"
"theme.docs.DocCard.categoryDescription": {
"message": "{count} items",
"description": "The default description for a category card in the generated index about how many items this category includes"
"theme.docs.sidebar.expandButtonTitle": {
"message": "Expand sidebar",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
"theme.docs.sidebar.expandButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "Expand sidebar",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
"theme.docs.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
"message": "Docs pages navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for the docs pagination"
"theme.docs.paginator.previous": {
"message": "Previous",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the previous doc"
"theme.docs.paginator.next": {
"message": "Next",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the next doc"
"theme.docs.sidebar.collapseButtonTitle": {
"message": "Collapse sidebar",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"theme.docs.sidebar.collapseButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "Collapse sidebar",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": {
"message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'",
"description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category"
"theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle.nDocsTagged": {
"message": "One doc tagged|{count} docs tagged",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} docs tagged\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle": {
"message": "{nDocsTagged} with \"{tagName}\"",
"description": "The title of the page for a docs tag"
"theme.docs.versionBadge.label": {
"message": "Version: {versionLabel}"
"theme.docs.versions.unreleasedVersionLabel": {
"message": "This is unreleased documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel} version.",
"description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unreleased doc version"
"theme.docs.versions.unmaintainedVersionLabel": {
"message": "This is documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel}, which is no longer actively maintained.",
"description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unmaintained doc version"
"theme.docs.versions.latestVersionSuggestionLabel": {
"message": "For up-to-date documentation, see the {latestVersionLink} ({versionLabel}).",
"description": "The label used to tell the user to check the latest version"
"theme.docs.versions.latestVersionLinkLabel": {
"message": "latest version",
"description": "The label used for the latest version suggestion link label"
"theme.common.editThisPage": {
"message": "Edit this page",
"description": "The link label to edit the current page"
"theme.common.headingLinkTitle": {
"message": "Direct link to heading",
"description": "Title for link to heading"
"theme.lastUpdated.atDate": {
"message": " on {date}",
"description": "The words used to describe on which date a page has been last updated"
"theme.lastUpdated.byUser": {
"message": " by {user}",
"description": "The words used to describe by who the page has been last updated"
"theme.lastUpdated.lastUpdatedAtBy": {
"message": "Last updated{atDate}{byUser}",
"description": "The sentence used to display when a page has been last updated, and by who"
"theme.navbar.mobileSidebarSecondaryMenu.backButtonLabel": {
"message": "← Back to main menu",
"description": "The label of the back button to return to main menu, inside the mobile navbar sidebar secondary menu (notably used to display the docs sidebar)"
"theme.navbar.mobileVersionsDropdown.label": {
"message": "Versions",
"description": "The label for the navbar versions dropdown on mobile view"
"theme.common.skipToMainContent": {
"message": "Skip to main content",
"description": "The skip to content label used for accessibility, allowing to rapidly navigate to main content with keyboard tab/enter navigation"
"theme.TOCCollapsible.toggleButtonLabel": {
"message": "On this page",
"description": "The label used by the button on the collapsible TOC component"
"theme.tags.tagsListLabel": {
"message": "Tags:",
"description": "The label alongside a tag list"
"theme.navbar.mobileLanguageDropdown.label": {
"message": "Languages",
"description": "The label for the mobile language switcher dropdown"
"theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": {
"message": "Tags",
"description": "The title of the tag list page"
"theme.docs.breadcrumbs.home": {
"message": "主页面",
"description": "The ARIA label for the home page in the breadcrumbs"
"theme.docs.breadcrumbs.navAriaLabel": {
"message": "页面路径",
"description": "The ARIA label for the breadcrumbs"
"theme.CodeBlock.wordWrapToggle": {
"message": "切换自动换行",
"description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines"
"theme.SearchBar.seeAll": {
"message": "查看全部 {count} 个结果"
"theme.SearchBar.label": {
"message": "搜索",
"description": "The ARIA label and placeholder for search button"
"theme.SearchPage.documentsFound.plurals": {
"message": "找到 {count} 份文件",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} documents found\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.SearchPage.existingResultsTitle": {
"message": "「{query}」的搜索结果",
"description": "The search page title for non-empty query"
"theme.SearchPage.emptyResultsTitle": {
"message": "在文档中搜索",
"description": "The search page title for empty query"
"theme.SearchPage.inputPlaceholder": {
"message": "在此输入搜索字词",
"description": "The placeholder for search page input"
"theme.SearchPage.inputLabel": {
"message": "搜索",
"description": "The ARIA label for search page input"
"theme.SearchPage.algoliaLabel": {
"message": "通过 Algolia 搜索",
"description": "The ARIA label for Algolia mention"
"theme.SearchPage.noResultsText": {
"message": "未找到任何结果",
"description": "The paragraph for empty search result"
"theme.SearchPage.fetchingNewResults": {
"message": "正在获取新的搜索结果...",
"description": "The paragraph for fetching new search results"
"theme.IdealImageMessage.loading": {
"message": "加载中……",
"description": "When the full-scale image is loading"
"theme.IdealImageMessage.load": {
"message": "点击加载图片{sizeMessage}",
"description": "To prompt users to load the full image. sizeMessage is a parenthesized size figure."
"theme.IdealImageMessage.offline": {
"message": "你的浏览器处于离线状态。图片未加载",
"description": "When the user is viewing an offline document"
"theme.IdealImageMessage.404error": {
"message": "未找到图片",
"description": "When the image is not found"
"theme.IdealImageMessage.error": {
"message": "出现错误,点击重试",
"description": "When the image fails to load for unknown error"
"theme.PwaReloadPopup.info": {
"message": "有可用的新版本",
"description": "The text for PWA reload popup"
"theme.PwaReloadPopup.refreshButtonText": {
"message": "刷新",
"description": "The text for PWA reload button"
"theme.PwaReloadPopup.closeButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "关闭",
"description": "The ARIA label for close button of PWA reload popup"