mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 03:07:59 +08:00
feat: support binding context var (#1227)
Co-authored-by: Joel <iamjoel007@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -647,6 +647,76 @@ def update_app_model_configs(batch_size):
@click.option("--batch-size", default=500, help="Number of records to migrate in each batch.")
def migrate_default_input_to_dataset_query_variable(batch_size):
click.secho("Starting...", fg='green')
total_records = db.session.query(AppModelConfig) \
.join(App, App.app_model_config_id == AppModelConfig.id) \
.filter(App.mode == 'completion') \
.filter(AppModelConfig.dataset_query_variable == None) \
if total_records == 0:
click.secho("No data to migrate.", fg='green')
num_batches = (total_records + batch_size - 1) // batch_size
with tqdm(total=total_records, desc="Migrating Data") as pbar:
for i in range(num_batches):
offset = i * batch_size
limit = min(batch_size, total_records - offset)
click.secho(f"Fetching batch {i + 1}/{num_batches} from source database...", fg='green')
data_batch = db.session.query(AppModelConfig) \
.join(App, App.app_model_config_id == AppModelConfig.id) \
.filter(App.mode == 'completion') \
.filter(AppModelConfig.dataset_query_variable == None) \
.order_by(App.created_at) \
if not data_batch:
click.secho("No more data to migrate.", fg='green')
click.secho(f"Migrating {len(data_batch)} records...", fg='green')
for data in data_batch:
config = AppModelConfig.to_dict(data)
tools = config["agent_mode"]["tools"]
dataset_exists = "dataset" in str(tools)
if not dataset_exists:
user_input_form = config.get("user_input_form", [])
for form in user_input_form:
paragraph = form.get('paragraph')
if paragraph \
and paragraph.get('variable') == 'query':
data.dataset_query_variable = 'query'
if paragraph \
and paragraph.get('variable') == 'default_input':
data.dataset_query_variable = 'default_input'
except Exception as e:
click.secho(f"Error while migrating data: {e}, app_id: {data.app_id}, app_model_config_id: {data.id}",
click.secho(f"Successfully migrated batch {i + 1}/{num_batches}.", fg='green')
def register_commands(app):
@ -660,3 +730,4 @@ def register_commands(app):
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ model_config_fields = {
'sensitive_word_avoidance': fields.Raw(attribute='sensitive_word_avoidance_dict'),
'model': fields.Raw(attribute='model_dict'),
'user_input_form': fields.Raw(attribute='user_input_form_list'),
'dataset_query_variable': fields.String,
'pre_prompt': fields.String,
'agent_mode': fields.Raw(attribute='agent_mode_dict'),
@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ class AppListApi(Resource):
model_configuration = AppModelConfigService.validate_configuration(
app = App(
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ class ModelConfigResource(Resource):
model_configuration = AppModelConfigService.validate_configuration(
new_app_model_config = AppModelConfig(
@ -108,12 +108,14 @@ class Completion:
query_for_agent = cls.get_query_for_agent(app, app_model_config, query, inputs)
# run agent executor
agent_execute_result = None
if agent_executor:
should_use_agent = agent_executor.should_use_agent(query)
if query_for_agent and agent_executor:
should_use_agent = agent_executor.should_use_agent(query_for_agent)
if should_use_agent:
agent_execute_result = agent_executor.run(query)
agent_execute_result = agent_executor.run(query_for_agent)
# When no extra pre prompt is specified,
# the output of the agent can be used directly as the main output content without calling LLM again
@ -143,6 +145,13 @@ class Completion:
def get_query_for_agent(cls, app: App, app_model_config: AppModelConfig, query: str, inputs: dict) -> str:
if app.mode != 'completion':
return query
return inputs.get(app_model_config.dataset_query_variable, "")
def run_final_llm(cls, model_instance: BaseLLM, mode: str, app_model_config: AppModelConfig, query: str,
inputs: dict,
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"""add dataset query variable at app model configs.
Revision ID: ab23c11305d4
Revises: 6e2cfb077b04
Create Date: 2023-09-26 12:22:59.044088
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'ab23c11305d4'
down_revision = '6e2cfb077b04'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def upgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
with op.batch_alter_table('app_model_configs', schema=None) as batch_op:
batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('dataset_query_variable', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True))
# ### end Alembic commands ###
def downgrade():
# ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
with op.batch_alter_table('app_model_configs', schema=None) as batch_op:
# ### end Alembic commands ###
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class AppModelConfig(db.Model):
more_like_this = db.Column(db.Text)
model = db.Column(db.Text)
user_input_form = db.Column(db.Text)
dataset_query_variable = db.Column(db.String(255))
pre_prompt = db.Column(db.Text)
agent_mode = db.Column(db.Text)
sensitive_word_avoidance = db.Column(db.Text)
@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ class AppModelConfig(db.Model):
"sensitive_word_avoidance": self.sensitive_word_avoidance_dict,
"model": self.model_dict,
"user_input_form": self.user_input_form_list,
"dataset_query_variable": self.dataset_query_variable,
"pre_prompt": self.pre_prompt,
"agent_mode": self.agent_mode_dict
@ -170,6 +172,7 @@ class AppModelConfig(db.Model):
if model_config.get('sensitive_word_avoidance') else None
self.model = json.dumps(model_config['model'])
self.user_input_form = json.dumps(model_config['user_input_form'])
self.dataset_query_variable = model_config['dataset_query_variable']
self.pre_prompt = model_config['pre_prompt']
self.agent_mode = json.dumps(model_config['agent_mode'])
self.retriever_resource = json.dumps(model_config['retriever_resource']) \
@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ class AppModelConfig(db.Model):
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class AppModelConfigService:
return filtered_cp
def validate_configuration(tenant_id: str, account: Account, config: dict) -> dict:
def validate_configuration(tenant_id: str, account: Account, config: dict, mode: str) -> dict:
# opening_statement
if 'opening_statement' not in config or not config["opening_statement"]:
config["opening_statement"] = ""
@ -336,6 +336,9 @@ class AppModelConfigService:
if not AppModelConfigService.is_dataset_exists(account, tool_item["id"]):
raise ValueError("Dataset ID does not exist, please check your permission.")
# dataset_query_variable
AppModelConfigService.is_dataset_query_variable_valid(config, mode)
# Filter out extra parameters
filtered_config = {
"opening_statement": config["opening_statement"],
@ -351,8 +354,25 @@ class AppModelConfigService:
"completion_params": config["model"]["completion_params"]
"user_input_form": config["user_input_form"],
"dataset_query_variable": config["dataset_query_variable"],
"pre_prompt": config["pre_prompt"],
"agent_mode": config["agent_mode"]
return filtered_config
def is_dataset_query_variable_valid(config: dict, mode: str) -> None:
# Only check when mode is completion
if mode != 'completion':
agent_mode = config.get("agent_mode", {})
tools = agent_mode.get("tools", [])
dataset_exists = "dataset" in str(tools)
dataset_query_variable = config.get("dataset_query_variable")
if dataset_exists and not dataset_query_variable:
raise ValueError("Dataset query variable is required when dataset is exist")
@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ class CompletionService:
model_config = AppModelConfigService.validate_configuration(
app_model_config = AppModelConfig(
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
'use client'
import React, { FC } from 'react'
const VarIcon: FC = () => {
return (
<svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M3.71922 2.96714C3.91321 3.05239 4.06546 3.21112 4.14255 3.4085C4.21964 3.60588 4.21528 3.82578 4.13042 4.01994C3.51419 5.43299 3.1974 6.95838 3.20002 8.49994C3.20002 10.0943 3.53282 11.6087 4.13122 12.9799C4.20853 13.173 4.20766 13.3885 4.1288 13.5809C4.04993 13.7732 3.89927 13.9274 3.70873 14.0106C3.51819 14.0938 3.30274 14.0995 3.10802 14.0266C2.91331 13.9537 2.75464 13.8078 2.66562 13.6199C1.96073 12.0052 1.59791 10.2619 1.60002 8.49994C1.60002 6.68074 1.98002 4.94794 2.66562 3.37994C2.70767 3.28364 2.76829 3.19658 2.84401 3.12371C2.91973 3.05085 3.00906 2.99361 3.1069 2.95528C3.20474 2.91694 3.30917 2.89826 3.41424 2.9003C3.5193 2.90233 3.62293 2.92505 3.71922 2.96714ZM10.368 6.09994C10.0082 6.10002 9.65293 6.18102 9.32862 6.33695C9.0043 6.49288 8.7192 6.71974 8.49441 7.00074L8.23201 7.32874L8.14321 7.10554C8.02447 6.80879 7.81958 6.55441 7.55494 6.37518C7.2903 6.19594 6.97804 6.10008 6.65841 6.09994H6.40001C6.18784 6.09994 5.98436 6.18423 5.83433 6.33426C5.6843 6.48429 5.60002 6.68777 5.60002 6.89994C5.60002 7.11212 5.6843 7.3156 5.83433 7.46563C5.98436 7.61566 6.18784 7.69994 6.40001 7.69994H6.65841L7.08401 8.76394L6.25602 9.79994C6.18103 9.8936 6.08594 9.96919 5.97779 10.0211C5.86964 10.073 5.75119 10.1 5.63122 10.0999H5.60002C5.38784 10.0999 5.18436 10.1842 5.03433 10.3343C4.8843 10.4843 4.80001 10.6878 4.80001 10.8999C4.80001 11.1121 4.8843 11.3156 5.03433 11.4656C5.18436 11.6157 5.38784 11.6999 5.60002 11.6999H5.63122C5.99107 11.6999 6.34629 11.6189 6.67061 11.4629C6.99493 11.307 7.28003 11.0801 7.50481 10.7991L7.76721 10.4711L7.85601 10.6943C7.97481 10.9912 8.17982 11.2457 8.44462 11.4249C8.70942 11.6042 9.02185 11.7 9.34161 11.6999H9.60001C9.81219 11.6999 10.0157 11.6157 10.1657 11.4656C10.3157 11.3156 10.4 11.1121 10.4 10.8999C10.4 10.6878 10.3157 10.4843 10.1657 10.3343C10.0157 10.1842 9.81219 10.0999 9.60001 10.0999H9.34161L8.91602 9.03594L9.74401 7.99994C9.819 7.90629 9.91409 7.8307 10.0222 7.77877C10.1304 7.72684 10.2488 7.6999 10.3688 7.69994H10.4C10.6122 7.69994 10.8157 7.61566 10.9657 7.46563C11.1157 7.3156 11.2 7.11212 11.2 6.89994C11.2 6.68777 11.1157 6.48429 10.9657 6.33426C10.8157 6.18423 10.6122 6.09994 10.4 6.09994H10.3688H10.368ZM11.8672 4.01994C11.7837 3.82571 11.7804 3.6063 11.8581 3.40966C11.9359 3.21303 12.0883 3.05517 12.2821 2.97059C12.4759 2.88602 12.6953 2.8816 12.8923 2.9583C13.0894 3.03501 13.248 3.1866 13.3336 3.37994C14.0388 4.99468 14.4019 6.73795 14.4 8.49994C14.4 10.3191 14.02 12.0519 13.3344 13.6199C13.2946 13.7194 13.2352 13.8098 13.1597 13.8859C13.0843 13.9619 12.9943 14.0221 12.8952 14.0627C12.7961 14.1033 12.6898 14.1236 12.5827 14.1224C12.4756 14.1212 12.3698 14.0985 12.2716 14.0556C12.1735 14.0127 12.0849 13.9506 12.0112 13.8728C11.9375 13.7951 11.8802 13.7033 11.8426 13.603C11.805 13.5027 11.788 13.3959 11.7925 13.2888C11.797 13.1818 11.8229 13.0768 11.8688 12.9799C12.4853 11.567 12.8024 10.0416 12.8 8.49994C12.8 6.90554 12.4672 5.39114 11.868 4.01994H11.8672Z" fill="#FF8A4C" />
export default React.memo(VarIcon)
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
'use client'
import type { FC } from 'react'
import React from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import WarningMask from '.'
import Button from '@/app/components/base/button'
export type IFormattingChangedProps = {
onConfirm: () => void
const FormattingChanged: FC<IFormattingChangedProps> = ({
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
return (
<div className='flex space-x-2'>
<Button type='primary' className='flex items-center justify-start !h-8 !w-[96px]' onClick={onConfirm}>
<span className='text-[13px] font-medium'>{t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.ok')}</span>
export default React.memo(FormattingChanged)
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
'use client'
import React, { FC } from 'react'
import type { FC } from 'react'
import React from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import WarningMask from '.'
import Button from '@/app/components/base/button'
export interface IFormattingChangedProps {
export type IFormattingChangedProps = {
onConfirm: () => void
onCancel: () => void
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ const icon = (
const FormattingChanged: FC<IFormattingChangedProps> = ({
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
@ -5,19 +5,24 @@ import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { Cog8ToothIcon, TrashIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'
import { useBoolean } from 'ahooks'
import type { Timeout } from 'ahooks/lib/useRequest/src/types'
import { useContext } from 'use-context-selector'
import Panel from '../base/feature-panel'
import OperationBtn from '../base/operation-btn'
import VarIcon from '../base/icons/var-icon'
import EditModal from './config-modal'
import IconTypeIcon from './input-type-icon'
import type { IInputTypeIconProps } from './input-type-icon'
import s from './style.module.css'
import { BracketsX as VarIcon } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/line/development'
import Tooltip from '@/app/components/base/tooltip'
import type { PromptVariable } from '@/models/debug'
import { DEFAULT_VALUE_MAX_LEN, getMaxVarNameLength } from '@/config'
import { checkKeys, getNewVar } from '@/utils/var'
import Switch from '@/app/components/base/switch'
import Toast from '@/app/components/base/toast'
import { HelpCircle } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/line/general'
import ConfirmModal from '@/app/components/base/confirm/common'
import ConfigContext from '@/context/debug-configuration'
import { AppType } from '@/types/app'
export type IConfigVarProps = {
promptVariables: PromptVariable[]
@ -29,6 +34,11 @@ let conflictTimer: Timeout
const ConfigVar: FC<IConfigVarProps> = ({ promptVariables, readonly, onPromptVariablesChange }) => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
const {
} = useContext(ConfigContext)
const hasVar = promptVariables.length > 0
const promptVariableObj = (() => {
const obj: Record<string, boolean> = {}
@ -127,10 +137,23 @@ const ConfigVar: FC<IConfigVarProps> = ({ promptVariables, readonly, onPromptVar
onPromptVariablesChange?.([...promptVariables, newVar])
const handleRemoveVar = (index: number) => {
const [isShowDeleteContextVarModal, { setTrue: showDeleteContextVarModal, setFalse: hideDeleteContextVarModal }] = useBoolean(false)
const [removeIndex, setRemoveIndex] = useState<number | null>(null)
const didRemoveVar = (index: number) => {
onPromptVariablesChange?.(promptVariables.filter((_, i) => i !== index))
const handleRemoveVar = (index: number) => {
const removeVar = promptVariables[index]
if (mode === AppType.completion && dataSets.length > 0 && removeVar.is_context_var) {
const [currKey, setCurrKey] = useState<string | null>(null)
const currItem = currKey ? promptVariables.find(item => item.key === currKey) : null
const [isShowEditModal, { setTrue: showEditModal, setFalse: hideEditModal }] = useBoolean(false)
@ -143,18 +166,17 @@ const ConfigVar: FC<IConfigVarProps> = ({ promptVariables, readonly, onPromptVar
<VarIcon />
<VarIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-primary-500'/>
<div className='flex items-center gap-2'>
<div className='flex items-center'>
<div className='ml-1 mr-1'>{t('appDebug.variableTitle')}</div>
{!readonly && (
<Tooltip htmlContent={<div className='w-[180px]'>
</div>} selector='config-var-tooltip'>
<svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M8.66667 11.1667H8V8.5H7.33333M8 5.83333H8.00667M14 8.5C14 9.28793 13.8448 10.0681 13.5433 10.7961C13.2417 11.5241 12.7998 12.1855 12.2426 12.7426C11.6855 13.2998 11.0241 13.7417 10.2961 14.0433C9.56815 14.3448 8.78793 14.5 8 14.5C7.21207 14.5 6.43185 14.3448 5.7039 14.0433C4.97595 13.7417 4.31451 13.2998 3.75736 12.7426C3.20021 12.1855 2.75825 11.5241 2.45672 10.7961C2.15519 10.0681 2 9.28793 2 8.5C2 6.9087 2.63214 5.38258 3.75736 4.25736C4.88258 3.13214 6.4087 2.5 8 2.5C9.5913 2.5 11.1174 3.13214 12.2426 4.25736C13.3679 5.38258 14 6.9087 14 8.5Z" stroke="#9CA3AF" strokeWidth="1.5" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" />
<HelpCircle className='w-3.5 h-3.5 text-gray-400'/>
@ -185,7 +207,7 @@ const ConfigVar: FC<IConfigVarProps> = ({ promptVariables, readonly, onPromptVar
<tr key={index} className="h-9 leading-9">
<td className="w-[160px] border-b border-gray-100 pl-3">
<div className='flex items-center space-x-1'>
<IconTypeIcon type={type as IInputTypeIconProps['type']} />
<IconTypeIcon type={type as IInputTypeIconProps['type']} className='text-gray-400' />
? (
@ -260,6 +282,20 @@ const ConfigVar: FC<IConfigVarProps> = ({ promptVariables, readonly, onPromptVar
{isShowDeleteContextVarModal && (
title={t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.deleteContextVarTitle', { varName: promptVariables[removeIndex as number]?.name })}
desc={t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.deleteContextVarTip') as string}
confirmBtnClassName='bg-[#B42318] hover:bg-[#B42318]'
onConfirm={() => {
didRemoveVar(removeIndex as number)
@ -1,31 +1,25 @@
'use client'
import React from 'react'
import type { FC } from 'react'
import { Paragraph, TypeSquare } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/solid/editor'
import { CheckDone01 } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/solid/general'
export type IInputTypeIconProps = {
type: 'string' | 'select'
className: string
const IconMap = (type: IInputTypeIconProps['type']) => {
const IconMap = (type: IInputTypeIconProps['type'], className: string) => {
const classNames = `w-3.5 h-3.5 ${className}`
const icons = {
string: (
<svg width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M3.52593 0.166672H8.47411C8.94367 0.166665 9.33123 0.166659 9.64692 0.192452C9.97481 0.219242 10.2762 0.276738 10.5593 0.420991C10.9984 0.644695 11.3553 1.00165 11.579 1.44069C11.7233 1.72381 11.7808 2.02522 11.8076 2.35311C11.8334 2.6688 11.8334 3.05634 11.8334 3.5259V8.47411C11.8334 8.94367 11.8334 9.33121 11.8076 9.6469C11.7808 9.97479 11.7233 10.2762 11.579 10.5593C11.3553 10.9984 10.9984 11.3553 10.5593 11.579C10.2762 11.7233 9.97481 11.7808 9.64692 11.8076C9.33123 11.8334 8.94369 11.8333 8.47413 11.8333H3.52592C3.05636 11.8333 2.66882 11.8334 2.35312 11.8076C2.02523 11.7808 1.72382 11.7233 1.44071 11.579C1.00167 11.3553 0.644711 10.9984 0.421006 10.5593C0.276753 10.2762 0.219257 9.97479 0.192468 9.6469C0.166674 9.33121 0.16668 8.94366 0.166687 8.4741V3.52591C0.16668 3.05635 0.166674 2.6688 0.192468 2.35311C0.219257 2.02522 0.276753 1.72381 0.421006 1.44069C0.644711 1.00165 1.00167 0.644695 1.44071 0.420991C1.72382 0.276738 2.02523 0.219242 2.35312 0.192452C2.66882 0.166659 3.05637 0.166665 3.52593 0.166672ZM3.08335 3.08334C3.08335 2.76117 3.34452 2.50001 3.66669 2.50001H8.33335C8.65552 2.50001 8.91669 2.76117 8.91669 3.08334C8.91669 3.4055 8.65552 3.66667 8.33335 3.66667H6.58335V8.91667C6.58335 9.23884 6.32219 9.5 6.00002 9.5C5.67785 9.5 5.41669 9.23884 5.41669 8.91667V3.66667H3.66669C3.34452 3.66667 3.08335 3.4055 3.08335 3.08334Z" fill="#98A2B3" />
<TypeSquare className={classNames} />
paragraph: (
<svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M1.16669 5.83329C1.16669 5.51113 1.42785 5.24996 1.75002 5.24996H9.33335C9.65552 5.24996 9.91669 5.51113 9.91669 5.83329C9.91669 6.15546 9.65552 6.41663 9.33335 6.41663H1.75002C1.42785 6.41663 1.16669 6.15546 1.16669 5.83329Z" fill="#98A2B3"/>
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M1.16669 3.49996C1.16669 3.17779 1.42785 2.91663 1.75002 2.91663H11.6667C11.9889 2.91663 12.25 3.17779 12.25 3.49996C12.25 3.82213 11.9889 4.08329 11.6667 4.08329H1.75002C1.42785 4.08329 1.16669 3.82213 1.16669 3.49996Z" fill="#98A2B3"/>
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M1.16669 8.16663C1.16669 7.84446 1.42785 7.58329 1.75002 7.58329H11.6667C11.9889 7.58329 12.25 7.84446 12.25 8.16663C12.25 8.48879 11.9889 8.74996 11.6667 8.74996H1.75002C1.42785 8.74996 1.16669 8.48879 1.16669 8.16663Z" fill="#98A2B3"/>
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M1.16669 10.5C1.16669 10.1778 1.42785 9.91663 1.75002 9.91663H9.33335C9.65552 9.91663 9.91669 10.1778 9.91669 10.5C9.91669 10.8221 9.65552 11.0833 9.33335 11.0833H1.75002C1.42785 11.0833 1.16669 10.8221 1.16669 10.5Z" fill="#98A2B3"/>
<Paragraph className={classNames} />
select: (
<svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M7.48913 4.08334H3.01083C2.70334 4.08333 2.43804 4.08333 2.21955 4.10118C1.98893 4.12002 1.75955 4.16162 1.53883 4.27408C1.20955 4.44186 0.941831 4.70958 0.774053 5.03886C0.66159 5.25958 0.619989 5.48896 0.601147 5.71958C0.583295 5.93807 0.583304 6.20334 0.583313 6.51084V10.9892C0.583304 11.2967 0.583295 11.5619 0.601147 11.7804C0.619989 12.0111 0.66159 12.2404 0.774053 12.4612C0.941831 12.7904 1.20955 13.0582 1.53883 13.2259C1.75955 13.3384 1.98893 13.38 2.21955 13.3988C2.43803 13.4167 2.70329 13.4167 3.01077 13.4167H7.48912C7.7966 13.4167 8.06193 13.4167 8.28041 13.3988C8.51103 13.38 8.74041 13.3384 8.96113 13.2259C9.29041 13.0582 9.55813 12.7904 9.72591 12.4612C9.83837 12.2404 9.87997 12.0111 9.89882 11.7804C9.91667 11.5619 9.91666 11.2967 9.91665 10.9892V6.51087C9.91666 6.20336 9.91667 5.93808 9.89882 5.71958C9.87997 5.48896 9.83837 5.25958 9.72591 5.03886C9.55813 4.70958 9.29041 4.44186 8.96113 4.27408C8.74041 4.16162 8.51103 4.12002 8.28041 4.10118C8.06192 4.08333 7.79663 4.08333 7.48913 4.08334ZM7.70413 7.70416C7.93193 7.47635 7.93193 7.107 7.70413 6.8792C7.47632 6.65139 7.10697 6.65139 6.87917 6.8792L4.66665 9.09172L3.91246 8.33753C3.68465 8.10973 3.31531 8.10973 3.0875 8.33753C2.8597 8.56534 2.8597 8.93468 3.0875 9.16249L4.25417 10.3292C4.48197 10.557 4.85132 10.557 5.07913 10.3292L7.70413 7.70416Z" fill="#98A2B3" />
<path d="M10.9891 0.583344H6.51083C6.20334 0.583334 5.93804 0.583326 5.71955 0.601177C5.48893 0.620019 5.25955 0.66162 5.03883 0.774084C4.70955 0.941862 4.44183 1.20958 4.27405 1.53886C4.16159 1.75958 4.11999 1.98896 4.10115 2.21958C4.08514 2.41545 4.08349 2.64892 4.08333 2.91669L7.51382 2.91668C7.79886 2.91662 8.10791 2.91654 8.37541 2.9384C8.67818 2.96314 9.07818 3.02436 9.49078 3.23459C10.0396 3.51422 10.4858 3.96041 10.7654 4.50922C10.9756 4.92182 11.0369 5.32182 11.0616 5.62459C11.0835 5.8921 11.0834 6.20115 11.0833 6.48619L11.0833 9.91666C11.3511 9.9165 11.5845 9.91485 11.7804 9.89885C12.011 9.88 12.2404 9.8384 12.4611 9.72594C12.7904 9.55816 13.0581 9.29045 13.2259 8.96116C13.3384 8.74044 13.38 8.51106 13.3988 8.28044C13.4167 8.06196 13.4167 7.7967 13.4166 7.48922V3.01087C13.4167 2.70339 13.4167 2.43807 13.3988 2.21958C13.38 1.98896 13.3384 1.75958 13.2259 1.53886C13.0581 1.20958 12.7904 0.941862 12.4611 0.774084C12.2404 0.66162 12.011 0.620019 11.7804 0.601177C11.5619 0.583326 11.2966 0.583334 10.9891 0.583344Z" fill="#98A2B3" />
<CheckDone01 className={classNames} />
@ -34,8 +28,9 @@ const IconMap = (type: IInputTypeIconProps['type']) => {
const InputTypeIcon: FC<IInputTypeIconProps> = ({
}) => {
const Icon = IconMap(type)
const Icon = IconMap(type, className)
return Icon
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
'use client'
import type { FC } from 'react'
import React from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import cn from 'classnames'
import type { Props } from './var-picker'
import VarPicker from './var-picker'
import { BracketsX } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/line/development'
import Tooltip from '@/app/components/base/tooltip'
import { HelpCircle } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/line/general'
const ContextVar: FC<Props> = (props) => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
const { value, options } = props
const currItem = options.find(item => item.value === value)
const notSetVar = !currItem
return (
<div className={cn(notSetVar ? 'rounded-bl-xl rounded-br-xl bg-[#FEF0C7] border-[#FEF0C7]' : 'border-gray-200', 'flex justify-between items-center h-12 px-3 border-t ')}>
<div className='flex items-center space-x-1 shrink-0'>
<div className='p-1'>
<BracketsX className='w-4 h-4 text-primary-500'/>
<div className='mr-1 text-sm font-medium text-gray-800'>{t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.title')}</div>
htmlContent={<div className='w-[180px]'>
<HelpCircle className='w-3.5 h-3.5 text-gray-400'/>
<VarPicker {...props} />
export default React.memo(ContextVar)
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
.trigger:hover .dropdownIcon {
color: #98A2B3;
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
'use client'
import type { FC } from 'react'
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { ChevronDownIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'
import cn from 'classnames'
import s from './style.module.css'
import {
} from '@/app/components/base/portal-to-follow-elem'
import type { IInputTypeIconProps } from '@/app/components/app/configuration/config-var/input-type-icon'
import IconTypeIcon from '@/app/components/app/configuration/config-var/input-type-icon'
type Option = { name: string; value: string; type: string }
export type Props = {
value: string | undefined
options: Option[]
onChange: (value: string) => void
const VarItem: FC<{ item: Option }> = ({ item }) => (
<div className='flex items-center h-[18px] px-1 bg-[#EFF8FF] rounded space-x-1'>
<IconTypeIcon type={item.type as IInputTypeIconProps['type']} className='text-[#1570EF]' />
<div className='flex text-xs font-medium text-[#1570EF]'>
<span className='opacity-60'>{'{{'}</span>
<span className='max-w-[150px] truncate'>{item.value}</span>
<span className='opacity-60'>{'}}'}</span>
const VarPicker: FC<Props> = ({
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const currItem = options.find(item => item.value === value)
const notSetVar = !currItem
return (
mainAxis: 8,
<PortalToFollowElemTrigger onClick={() => setOpen(v => !v)}>
<div className={cn(
notSetVar ? 'bg-[#FFFCF5] border-[#FEDF89] text-[#DC6803]' : ' hover:bg-gray-50 border-gray-200 text-primary-600',
open ? 'bg-gray-50' : 'bg-white',
flex items-center h-8 justify-center px-2 space-x-1 rounded-lg border shadow-xs cursor-pointer
text-[13px] font-medium
? (
<VarItem item={currItem as Option} />
: (<div>
<ChevronDownIcon className={cn(s.dropdownIcon, open && 'rotate-180 text-[#98A2B3]', 'w-3.5 h-3.5')} />
<PortalToFollowElemContent style={{ zIndex: 1000 }}>
{options.length > 0
? (<div className='w-[240px] max-h-[50vh] overflow-y-auto p-1 border bg-white border-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow-lg'>
{options.map(({ name, value, type }, index) => (
className='px-3 py-1 flex rounded-lg hover:bg-gray-50 cursor-pointer'
onClick={() => {
<VarItem item={{ name, value, type }} />
: (
<div className='w-[240px] p-6 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow-lg'>
<div className='mb-1 text-sm font-medium text-gray-700'>{t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.noVar')}</div>
<div className='text-xs leading-normal text-gray-500'>{t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.noVarTip')}</div>
export default React.memo(VarPicker)
@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ import FeaturePanel from '../base/feature-panel'
import OperationBtn from '../base/operation-btn'
import CardItem from './card-item'
import SelectDataSet from './select-dataset'
import ContextVar from './context-var'
import ConfigContext from '@/context/debug-configuration'
import type { DataSet } from '@/models/datasets'
import { AppType } from '@/types/app'
const Icon = (
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
@ -23,9 +25,12 @@ const Icon = (
const DatasetConfig: FC = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
const {
dataSets: dataSet,
setDataSets: setDataSet,
} = useContext(ConfigContext)
const selectedIds = dataSet.map(item => item.id)
@ -60,6 +65,25 @@ const DatasetConfig: FC = () => {
const promptVariables = modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables
const promptVariablesToSelect = promptVariables.map(item => ({
name: item.name,
type: item.type,
value: item.key,
const selectedContextVar = promptVariables?.find(item => item.is_context_var)
const handleSelectContextVar = (selectedValue: string) => {
const newModelConfig = produce(modelConfig, (draft) => {
draft.configs.prompt_variables = modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables.map((item) => {
return ({
is_context_var: item.key === selectedValue,
return (
@ -67,10 +91,11 @@ const DatasetConfig: FC = () => {
headerRight={<OperationBtn type="add" onClick={showSelectDataSet} />}
? (
<div className='flex flex-wrap justify-between'>
<div className='flex flex-wrap mt-1 px-3 justify-between'>
{dataSet.map(item => (
@ -82,9 +107,19 @@ const DatasetConfig: FC = () => {
: (
<div className='pt-2 pb-1 text-xs text-gray-500'>{t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.noData')}</div>
<div className='mt-1 px-3 pb-3'>
<div className='pt-2 pb-1 text-xs text-gray-500'>{t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.noData')}</div>
{mode === AppType.completion && dataSet.length > 0 && (
{isShowSelectDataSet && (
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import HasNotSetAPIKEY from '../base/warning-mask/has-not-set-api'
import FormattingChanged from '../base/warning-mask/formatting-changed'
import GroupName from '../base/group-name'
import CannotQueryDataset from '../base/warning-mask/cannot-query-dataset'
import { AppType } from '@/types/app'
import PromptValuePanel, { replaceStringWithValues } from '@/app/components/app/configuration/prompt-value-panel'
import type { IChatItem } from '@/app/components/app/chat/type'
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ import { promptVariablesToUserInputsForm } from '@/utils/model-config'
import TextGeneration from '@/app/components/app/text-generate/item'
import { IS_CE_EDITION } from '@/config'
import { useProviderContext } from '@/context/provider-context'
type IDebug = {
hasSetAPIKEY: boolean
onSetting: () => void
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
} = useContext(ConfigContext)
const { speech2textDefaultModel } = useProviderContext()
const [chatList, setChatList, getChatList] = useGetState<IChatItem[]>([])
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
const [isResponsing, { setTrue: setResponsingTrue, setFalse: setResponsingFalse }] = useBoolean(false)
const [abortController, setAbortController] = useState<AbortController | null>(null)
const [isShowFormattingChangeConfirm, setIsShowFormattingChangeConfirm] = useState(false)
const [isShowCannotQueryDataset, setShowCannotQueryDataset] = useState(false)
const [isShowSuggestion, setIsShowSuggestion] = useState(false)
const [messageTaskId, setMessageTaskId] = useState('')
const [hasStopResponded, setHasStopResponded, getHasStopResponded] = useGetState(false)
@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
const postModelConfig: BackendModelConfig = {
pre_prompt: modelConfig.configs.prompt_template,
user_input_form: promptVariablesToUserInputsForm(modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables),
dataset_query_variable: '',
opening_statement: introduction,
more_like_this: {
enabled: false,
@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
}, [controlClearChatMessage])
const [completionRes, setCompletionRes] = useState('')
const [messageId, setMessageId] = useState<string | null>(null)
const sendTextCompletion = async () => {
if (isResponsing) {
@ -305,6 +309,11 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
return false
if (dataSets.length > 0 && !hasSetContextVar) {
return true
if (!checkCanSend())
@ -314,10 +323,12 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
const contextVar = modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables.find(item => item.is_context_var)?.key
const postModelConfig: BackendModelConfig = {
pre_prompt: modelConfig.configs.prompt_template,
user_input_form: promptVariablesToUserInputsForm(modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables),
dataset_query_variable: contextVar || '',
opening_statement: introduction,
suggested_questions_after_answer: suggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig,
speech_to_text: speechToTextConfig,
@ -340,13 +351,15 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
const res: string[] = []
sendCompletionMessage(appId, data, {
onData: (data: string) => {
onData: (data: string, _isFirstMessage: boolean, { messageId }) => {
onCompleted() {
@ -415,6 +428,7 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
isLoading={!completionRes && isResponsing}
@ -425,6 +439,11 @@ const Debug: FC<IDebug> = ({
{isShowCannotQueryDataset && (
onConfirm={() => setShowCannotQueryDataset(false)}
{!hasSetAPIKEY && (<HasNotSetAPIKEY isTrailFinished={!IS_CE_EDITION} onSetting={onSetting} />)}
@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ const Configuration: FC = () => {
const [dataSets, setDataSets] = useState<DataSet[]>([])
const contextVar = modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables.find(item => item.is_context_var)?.key
const hasSetContextVar = !!contextVar
const syncToPublishedConfig = (_publishedConfig: PublichConfig) => {
const modelConfig = _publishedConfig.modelConfig
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ const Configuration: FC = () => {
model_id: model.name,
configs: {
prompt_template: modelConfig.pre_prompt,
prompt_variables: userInputsFormToPromptVariables(modelConfig.user_input_form),
prompt_variables: userInputsFormToPromptVariables(modelConfig.user_input_form, modelConfig.dataset_query_variable),
opening_statement: modelConfig.opening_statement,
more_like_this: modelConfig.more_like_this,
@ -196,16 +197,22 @@ const Configuration: FC = () => {
}, [appId])
const cannotPublish = mode === AppType.completion && !modelConfig.configs.prompt_template
const promptEmpty = mode === AppType.completion && !modelConfig.configs.prompt_template
const contextVarEmpty = mode === AppType.completion && dataSets.length > 0 && !hasSetContextVar
const cannotPublish = promptEmpty || contextVarEmpty
const saveAppConfig = async () => {
const modelId = modelConfig.model_id
const promptTemplate = modelConfig.configs.prompt_template
const promptVariables = modelConfig.configs.prompt_variables
if (cannotPublish) {
if (promptEmpty) {
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('appDebug.otherError.promptNoBeEmpty'), duration: 3000 })
if (contextVarEmpty) {
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('appDebug.feature.dataSet.queryVariable.contextVarNotEmpty'), duration: 3000 })
const postDatasets = dataSets.map(({ id }) => ({
dataset: {
enabled: true,
@ -217,6 +224,7 @@ const Configuration: FC = () => {
const data: BackendModelConfig = {
pre_prompt: promptTemplate,
user_input_form: promptVariablesToUserInputsForm(promptVariables),
dataset_query_variable: contextVar || '',
opening_statement: introduction || '',
more_like_this: moreLikeThisConfig,
suggested_questions_after_answer: suggestedQuestionsAfterAnswerConfig,
@ -298,6 +306,7 @@ const Configuration: FC = () => {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { useContext } from 'use-context-selector'
import {
} from '@heroicons/react/24/solid'
import VarIcon from '../base/icons/var-icon'
import { BracketsX as VarIcon } from '@/app/components/base/icons/src/vender/line/development'
import ConfigContext from '@/context/debug-configuration'
import type { PromptVariable } from '@/models/debug'
import { AppType } from '@/types/app'
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ const PromptValuePanel: FC<IPromptValuePanelProps> = ({
`${!userInputFieldCollapse && 'mb-2'}`
<div className='flex items-center space-x-1 cursor-pointer' onClick={() => setUserInputFieldCollapse(!userInputFieldCollapse)}>
<div className='flex items-center justify-center w-4 h-4'><VarIcon /></div>
<div className='flex items-center justify-center w-4 h-4'><VarIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-primary-500'/></div>
<div className='text-xs font-medium text-gray-800'>{t('appDebug.inputs.userInputField')}</div>
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ export type ConfirmCommonProps = {
onConfirm?: () => void
showOperate?: boolean
showOperateCancel?: boolean
confirmBtnClassName?: string
confirmText?: string
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ const ConfirmCommon: FC<ConfirmCommonProps> = ({
showOperate = true,
showOperateCancel = true,
}) => {
const { t } = useTranslation()
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ const ConfirmCommon: FC<ConfirmCommonProps> = ({
className={confirmBtnClassName || ''}
{confirmText || CONFIRM_MAP[type].confirmText}
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M18.5708 20C19.8328 20 20.8568 18.977 20.8568 17.714V13.143L21.9998 12L20.8568 10.857V6.286C20.8568 5.023 19.8338 4 18.5708 4M5.429 4C4.166 4 3.143 5.023 3.143 6.286V10.857L2 12L3.143 13.143V17.714C3.143 18.977 4.166 20 5.429 20M15 9L9 15M9 9L15 15" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 443 B |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M2 6.5C2 5.67157 2.67157 5 3.5 5H20.5C21.3284 5 22 5.67157 22 6.5C22 7.32843 21.3284 8 20.5 8H3.5C2.67157 8 2 7.32843 2 6.5Z" fill="black"/>
<path d="M2 12.5C2 11.6716 2.67157 11 3.5 11H20.5C21.3284 11 22 11.6716 22 12.5C22 13.3284 21.3284 14 20.5 14H3.5C2.67157 14 2 13.3284 2 12.5Z" fill="black"/>
<path d="M2 18.5C2 17.6716 2.67157 17 3.5 17H12.5C13.3284 17 14 17.6716 14 18.5C14 19.3284 13.3284 20 12.5 20H3.5C2.67157 20 2 19.3284 2 18.5Z" fill="black"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 571 B |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.7587 2H16.2413C17.0463 1.99999 17.7106 1.99998 18.2518 2.0442C18.8139 2.09012 19.3306 2.18868 19.816 2.43598C20.5686 2.81947 21.1805 3.43139 21.564 4.18404C21.8113 4.66938 21.9099 5.18608 21.9558 5.74818C22 6.28937 22 6.95372 22 7.75868V16.2413C22 17.0463 22 17.7106 21.9558 18.2518C21.9099 18.8139 21.8113 19.3306 21.564 19.816C21.1805 20.5686 20.5686 21.1805 19.816 21.564C19.3306 21.8113 18.8139 21.9099 18.2518 21.9558C17.7106 22 17.0463 22 16.2413 22H7.75868C6.95372 22 6.28937 22 5.74818 21.9558C5.18608 21.9099 4.66938 21.8113 4.18404 21.564C3.43139 21.1805 2.81947 20.5686 2.43598 19.816C2.18868 19.3306 2.09012 18.8139 2.0442 18.2518C1.99998 17.7106 1.99999 17.0463 2 16.2413V7.75869C1.99999 6.95373 1.99998 6.28936 2.0442 5.74818C2.09012 5.18608 2.18868 4.66938 2.43598 4.18404C2.81947 3.43139 3.43139 2.81947 4.18404 2.43598C4.66938 2.18868 5.18608 2.09012 5.74818 2.0442C6.28936 1.99998 6.95375 1.99999 7.7587 2ZM7 7C7 6.44772 7.44772 6 8 6H16C16.5523 6 17 6.44772 17 7C17 7.55229 16.5523 8 16 8H13V17C13 17.5523 12.5523 18 12 18C11.4477 18 11 17.5523 11 17V8H8C7.44772 8 7 7.55229 7 7Z" fill="black"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.8385 7H5.16146C4.63433 6.99998 4.17954 6.99997 3.80497 7.03057C3.40963 7.06287 3.01641 7.13419 2.63803 7.32698C2.07354 7.6146 1.6146 8.07354 1.32698 8.63803C1.13419 9.01641 1.06287 9.40963 1.03057 9.80497C0.999969 10.1795 0.999984 10.6343 1 11.1614V18.8385C0.999984 19.3657 0.999969 19.8205 1.03057 20.195C1.06287 20.5904 1.13419 20.9836 1.32698 21.362C1.6146 21.9265 2.07354 22.3854 2.63803 22.673C3.01641 22.8658 3.40963 22.9371 3.80497 22.9694C4.17952 23 4.63425 23 5.16136 23H12.8385C13.3656 23 13.8205 23 14.195 22.9694C14.5904 22.9371 14.9836 22.8658 15.362 22.673C15.9265 22.3854 16.3854 21.9265 16.673 21.362C16.8658 20.9836 16.9371 20.5904 16.9694 20.195C17 19.8205 17 19.3657 17 18.8385V11.1615C17 10.6343 17 10.1796 16.9694 9.80497C16.9371 9.40963 16.8658 9.01641 16.673 8.63803C16.3854 8.07354 15.9265 7.6146 15.362 7.32698C14.9836 7.13419 14.5904 7.06287 14.195 7.03057C13.8205 6.99997 13.3657 6.99998 12.8385 7ZM13.2071 13.2071C13.5976 12.8166 13.5976 12.1834 13.2071 11.7929C12.8166 11.4024 12.1834 11.4024 11.7929 11.7929L8 15.5858L6.70711 14.2929C6.31658 13.9024 5.68342 13.9024 5.29289 14.2929C4.90237 14.6834 4.90237 15.3166 5.29289 15.7071L7.29289 17.7071C7.68342 18.0976 8.31658 18.0976 8.70711 17.7071L13.2071 13.2071Z" fill="black"/>
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// GENERATE BY script
import * as React from 'react'
import data from './BracketsX.json'
import IconBase from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
import type { IconBaseProps, IconData } from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
const Icon = React.forwardRef<React.MutableRefObject<SVGElement>, Omit<IconBaseProps, 'data'>>((
) => <IconBase {...props} ref={ref} data={data as IconData} />)
Icon.displayName = 'BracketsX'
export default Icon
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
export { default as BracketsX } from './BracketsX'
export { default as Container } from './Container'
export { default as Database01 } from './Database01'
export { default as Database03 } from './Database03'
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"name": "Paragraph"
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// GENERATE BY script
import * as React from 'react'
import data from './Paragraph.json'
import IconBase from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
import type { IconBaseProps, IconData } from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
const Icon = React.forwardRef<React.MutableRefObject<SVGElement>, Omit<IconBaseProps, 'data'>>((
) => <IconBase {...props} ref={ref} data={data as IconData} />)
Icon.displayName = 'Paragraph'
export default Icon
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"fill": "currentColor"
"children": []
"name": "TypeSquare"
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// GENERATE BY script
import * as React from 'react'
import data from './TypeSquare.json'
import IconBase from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
import type { IconBaseProps, IconData } from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
const Icon = React.forwardRef<React.MutableRefObject<SVGElement>, Omit<IconBaseProps, 'data'>>((
) => <IconBase {...props} ref={ref} data={data as IconData} />)
Icon.displayName = 'TypeSquare'
export default Icon
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
export { default as Brush01 } from './Brush01'
export { default as Citations } from './Citations'
export { default as Paragraph } from './Paragraph'
export { default as TypeSquare } from './TypeSquare'
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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"fill": "currentColor"
"children": []
"name": "CheckDone01"
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// GENERATE BY script
import * as React from 'react'
import data from './CheckDone01.json'
import IconBase from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
import type { IconBaseProps, IconData } from '@/app/components/base/icons/IconBase'
const Icon = React.forwardRef<React.MutableRefObject<SVGElement>, Omit<IconBaseProps, 'data'>>((
) => <IconBase {...props} ref={ref} data={data as IconData} />)
Icon.displayName = 'CheckDone01'
export default Icon
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export { default as CheckCircle } from './CheckCircle'
export { default as CheckDone01 } from './CheckDone01'
export { default as Download02 } from './Download02'
export { default as Target04 } from './Target04'
export { default as XCircle } from './XCircle'
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ type IDebugConfiguration = {
setModelConfig: (modelConfig: ModelConfig) => void
dataSets: DataSet[]
setDataSets: (dataSet: DataSet[]) => void
hasSetContextVar: boolean
const DebugConfigurationContext = createContext<IDebugConfiguration>({
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ const DebugConfigurationContext = createContext<IDebugConfiguration>({
setModelConfig: () => { },
dataSets: [],
setDataSets: () => { },
hasSetContextVar: false,
export default DebugConfigurationContext
@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ const translation = {
noDataSet: 'No dataset found',
toCreate: 'Go to create',
notSupportSelectMulti: 'Currently only support one dataset',
queryVariable: {
title: 'Query variable',
tip: 'This variable will be used as the query input for context retrieval, obtaining context information related to the input of this variable.',
choosePlaceholder: 'Choose query variable',
noVar: 'No variables',
noVarTip: 'please create a variable under the Variables section',
unableToQueryDataSet: 'Unable to query the dataset',
unableToQueryDataSetTip: 'Unable to query the dataset successfully, please choose a context query variable in the context section.',
ok: 'OK',
contextVarNotEmpty: 'context query variable can not be empty',
deleteContextVarTitle: 'Delete variable “{{varName}}”?',
deleteContextVarTip: 'This variable has been set as a context query variable, and removing it will impact the normal use of the dataset. If you still need to delete it, please reselect it in the context section.',
automatic: {
@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ const translation = {
noDataSet: '未找到数据集',
toCreate: '去创建',
notSupportSelectMulti: '目前只支持引用一个数据集',
queryVariable: {
title: '查询变量',
tip: '该变量将用作上下文检索的查询输入,获取与该变量的输入相关的上下文信息。',
choosePlaceholder: '请选择变量',
noVar: '没有变量',
noVarTip: '请创建变量',
unableToQueryDataSet: '无法查询数据集',
unableToQueryDataSetTip: '无法成功查询数据集,请在上下文部分选择一个上下文查询变量。',
ok: '好的',
contextVarNotEmpty: '上下文查询变量不能为空',
deleteContextVarTitle: '删除变量“{{varName}}”?',
deleteContextVarTip: '该变量已被设置为上下文查询变量,删除该变量将影响数据集的正常使用。 如果您仍需要删除它,请在上下文部分中重新选择它。',
automatic: {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export type PromptVariable = {
required: boolean
options?: string[]
max_length?: number
is_context_var?: boolean
export type CompletionParams = {
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module.exports = {
200: '#C3DDFD',
300: '#A4CAFE',
400: '#528BFF',
500: '#2970FF',
600: '#1C64F2',
700: '#1A56DB',
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ export type ModelConfig = {
opening_statement: string
pre_prompt: string
user_input_form: UserInputFormItem[]
dataset_query_variable?: string
more_like_this: {
enabled: boolean
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import type { UserInputFormItem } from '@/types/app'
import type { PromptVariable } from '@/models/debug'
export const userInputsFormToPromptVariables = (useInputs: UserInputFormItem[] | null) => {
export const userInputsFormToPromptVariables = (useInputs: UserInputFormItem[] | null, dataset_query_variable?: string) => {
if (!useInputs)
return []
const promptVariables: PromptVariable[] = []
useInputs.forEach((item: any) => {
const isParagraph = !!item.paragraph
const [type, content] = (() => {
if (isParagraph)
return ['paragraph', item.paragraph]
@ -16,6 +17,8 @@ export const userInputsFormToPromptVariables = (useInputs: UserInputFormItem[] |
return ['select', item.select]
const is_context_var = dataset_query_variable === content.variable
if (type === 'string' || type === 'paragraph') {
key: content.variable,
@ -24,6 +27,7 @@ export const userInputsFormToPromptVariables = (useInputs: UserInputFormItem[] |
max_length: content.max_length,
options: [],
else {
@ -33,6 +37,7 @@ export const userInputsFormToPromptVariables = (useInputs: UserInputFormItem[] |
required: content.required,
type: 'select',
options: content.options,
@ -3752,11 +3752,7 @@ mdast-util-from-markdown@^0.8.5:
parse-entities "^2.0.0"
unist-util-stringify-position "^2.0.0"
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
mdast-util-from-markdown@^1.0.0, mdast-util-from-markdown@^1.1.0, mdast-util-from-markdown@^1.3.0:
mdast-util-from-markdown@^1.0.0, mdast-util-from-markdown@^1.1.0:
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@ -5372,14 +5368,6 @@ safe-regex@^2.1.1:
regexp-tree "~0.1.1"
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"safer-buffer@>= 2.1.2 < 3.0.0":
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user