mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 03:07:59 +08:00
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from models.model import UploadFile
cache = TTLCache(maxsize=None, ttl=30)
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['txt', 'markdown', 'md', 'pdf', 'html', 'htm', 'xlsx']
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['txt', 'markdown', 'md', 'pdf', 'html', 'htm', 'xlsx', 'docx', 'csv']
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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@ -89,7 +89,9 @@
.fileIcon.csv {
background-image: url(../assets/csv.svg);
.fileIcon.docx {
background-image: url(../assets/docx.svg);
.fileIcon.xls {
background-image: url(../assets/xlsx.svg);
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ const EmbeddingProcess: FC<Props> = ({ datasetId, batchId, documents = [], index
<div className={s.progressContainer}>
{indexingStatusBatchDetail.map(indexingStatusDetail => (
<div className={cn(
<div key={indexingStatusDetail.id} className={cn(
indexingStatusDetail.indexing_status === 'error' && s.error,
indexingStatusDetail.indexing_status === 'completed' && s.success,
@ -98,7 +98,9 @@
.fileIcon.csv {
background-image: url(../assets/csv.svg);
.fileIcon.docx {
background-image: url(../assets/docx.svg);
.fileIcon.xls {
background-image: url(../assets/xlsx.svg);
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ const ACCEPTS = [
// '.xls',
// '.csv',
const FileUploader = ({
@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ const FileUploader = ({
fileItem.progress < 100 && s.uploading,
// s.active,
{fileItem.progress < 100 && (
@ -274,33 +273,6 @@ const FileUploader = ({
{/* {currentFile && (
// onClick={() => onPreview(currentFile)}
uploading && s.uploading,
// s.active,
{uploading && (
<div className={s.progressbar} style={{ width: `${percent}%` }}/>
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<div className={cn(s.fileIcon, s[getFileType(currentFile)])}/>
<div className={s.filename}>{currentFile.name}</div>
<div className={s.size}>{getFileSize(currentFile.size)}</div>
<div className={s.actionWrapper}>
{uploading && (
<div className={s.percent}>{`${percent}%`}</div>
{!uploading && (
<div className={s.remove} onClick={() => removeFile(index)}/>
)} */}
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ const StepOne = ({
const { dataset } = useDatasetDetailContext()
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false)
const [currentFile, setCurrentFile] = useState<File | undefined>()
const [currentNotionPage, setCurrentNotionPage] = useState<Page | undefined>()
const [currentNotionPage, setCurrentNotionPage] = useState<NotionPage | undefined>()
const { t } = useTranslation()
const modalShowHandle = () => setShowModal(true)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const StepOne = ({
const updateCurrentPage = (page: Page) => {
const updateCurrentPage = (page: NotionPage) => {
@ -290,6 +290,10 @@
background-image: url(../assets/csv.svg);
.fileIcon.docx {
background-image: url(../assets/docx.svg);
.fileIcon.xls {
background-image: url(../assets/xlsx.svg);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type ISegmentCardProps = {
scene?: UsageScene
className?: string
archived?: boolean
embeddingAvailable: boolean
embeddingAvailable?: boolean
const SegmentCard: FC<ISegmentCardProps> = ({
@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
.csvIcon {
background-image: url(~@/assets/csv.svg);
.docxIcon {
background-image: url(~@/assets/docx.svg);
.statusItemDetail {
@apply h-8 font-medium border border-gray-200 inline-flex items-center rounded-lg pl-3 pr-4 mr-2;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const translation = {
title: 'Upload text file',
button: 'Drag and drop file, or',
browse: 'Browse',
tip: 'Supports txt, html, markdown, xlsx, and pdf. Max {{size}}MB each.',
tip: 'Supports txt, html, markdown, xlsx, csv, docx and pdf. Max {{size}}MB each.',
validation: {
typeError: 'File type not supported',
size: 'File too large. Maximum is {{size}}MB',
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const translation = {
title: '上传文本文件',
button: '拖拽文件至此,或者',
browse: '选择文件',
tip: '已支持 TXT、 HTML、 Markdown、 PDF、 XLSX,每个文件不超过 {{size}}MB。',
tip: '已支持 TXT、 HTML、 Markdown、 PDF、 XLSX、CSV、DOCX,每个文件不超过 {{size}}MB。',
validation: {
typeError: '文件类型不支持',
size: '文件太大了,不能超过 {{size}}MB',
Reference in New Issue
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