CONTEXT = "Use the following context as your learned knowledge, inside XML tags.\n\n\n{{#context#}}\n\n\nWhen answer to user:\n- If you don't know, just say that you don't know.\n- If you don't know when you are not sure, ask for clarification.\nAvoid mentioning that you obtained the information from the context.\nAnd answer according to the language of the user's question.\n" BAICHUAN_CONTEXT = "用户在与一个客观的助手对话。助手会尊重找到的材料,给出全面专业的解释,但不会过度演绎。同时回答中不会暴露引用的材料:\n\n```\n{{#context#}}\n```\n\n" CHAT_APP_COMPLETION_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "completion_prompt_config": { "prompt": { "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}\nHere is the chat histories between human and assistant, inside XML tags.\n\n\n{{#histories#}}\n\n\n\nHuman: {{#query#}}\n\nAssistant: " }, "conversation_histories_role": { "user_prefix": "Human", "assistant_prefix": "Assistant" } } } CHAT_APP_CHAT_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "chat_prompt_config": { "prompt": [{ "role": "system", "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}" }] } } COMPLETION_APP_CHAT_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "chat_prompt_config": { "prompt": [{ "role": "user", "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}" }] } } COMPLETION_APP_COMPLETION_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "completion_prompt_config": { "prompt": { "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}" } } } BAICHUAN_CHAT_APP_COMPLETION_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "completion_prompt_config": { "prompt": { "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}\n\n用户和助手的历史对话内容如下:\n```\n{{#histories#}}\n```\n\n\n\n用户:{{#query#}}" }, "conversation_histories_role": { "user_prefix": "用户", "assistant_prefix": "助手" } } } BAICHUAN_CHAT_APP_CHAT_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "chat_prompt_config": { "prompt": [{ "role": "system", "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}" }] } } BAICHUAN_COMPLETION_APP_CHAT_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "chat_prompt_config": { "prompt": [{ "role": "user", "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}" }] } } BAICHUAN_COMPLETION_APP_COMPLETION_PROMPT_CONFIG = { "completion_prompt_config": { "prompt": { "text": "{{#pre_prompt#}}" } } }