# Server Edition EDITION=SELF_HOSTED # Your App secret key will be used for securely signing the session cookie # Make sure you are changing this key for your deployment with a strong key. # You can generate a strong key using `openssl rand -base64 42`. # Alternatively you can set it with `SECRET_KEY` environment variable. SECRET_KEY= # Console API base URL CONSOLE_API_URL= # Console frontend web base URL CONSOLE_WEB_URL= # Service API base URL SERVICE_API_URL= # Web APP API base URL APP_API_URL= # Web APP frontend web base URL APP_WEB_URL= # celery configuration CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://:difyai123456@localhost:6379/1 # redis configuration REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_USERNAME= REDIS_PASSWORD=difyai123456 REDIS_DB=0 # PostgreSQL database configuration DB_USERNAME=postgres DB_PASSWORD=difyai123456 DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=dify # Storage configuration # use for store upload files, private keys... # storage type: local, s3 STORAGE_TYPE=local STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH=storage S3_ENDPOINT=https://your-bucket-name.storage.s3.clooudflare.com S3_BUCKET_NAME=your-bucket-name S3_ACCESS_KEY=your-access-key S3_SECRET_KEY=your-secret-key S3_REGION=your-region # CORS configuration WEB_API_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS=,* CONSOLE_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS=,* # Cookie configuration COOKIE_HTTPONLY=true COOKIE_SAMESITE=None COOKIE_SECURE=true # Session configuration SESSION_PERMANENT=true SESSION_USE_SIGNER=true ## support redis, sqlalchemy SESSION_TYPE=redis # session redis configuration SESSION_REDIS_HOST=localhost SESSION_REDIS_PORT=6379 SESSION_REDIS_PASSWORD=difyai123456 SESSION_REDIS_DB=2 # Vector database configuration, support: weaviate, qdrant VECTOR_STORE=weaviate # Weaviate configuration WEAVIATE_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080 WEAVIATE_API_KEY=WVF5YThaHlkYwhGUSmCRgsX3tD5ngdN8pkih WEAVIATE_GRPC_ENABLED=false WEAVIATE_BATCH_SIZE=100 # Qdrant configuration, use `path:` prefix for local mode or `https://your-qdrant-cluster-url.qdrant.io` for remote mode QDRANT_URL=path:storage/qdrant QDRANT_API_KEY=your-qdrant-api-key # Mail configuration, support: resend MAIL_TYPE= MAIL_DEFAULT_SEND_FROM=no-reply RESEND_API_KEY= # Sentry configuration SENTRY_DSN= # DEBUG DEBUG=false SQLALCHEMY_ECHO=false # Notion import configuration, support public and internal NOTION_INTEGRATION_TYPE=public NOTION_CLIENT_SECRET=you-client-secret NOTION_CLIENT_ID=you-client-id NOTION_INTERNAL_SECRET=you-internal-secret