const translation = { pageTitle: "Prompt Engineering", operation: { applyConfig: "Publish", resetConfig: "Reset", addFeature: "Add Feature", stopResponding: "Stop responding", }, notSetAPIKey: { title: "LLM provider key has not been set", trailFinished: "Trail finished", description: "The LLM provider key has not been set, and it needs to be set before debugging.", settingBtn: "Go to settings", }, trailUseGPT4Info: { title: 'Does not support gpt-4 now', description: 'Use gpt-4, please set API Key.', }, feature: { groupChat: { title: 'Chat enhance', description: 'Add pre-conversation settings for apps can enhance user experience.' }, groupExperience: { title: 'Experience enhance', }, conversationOpener: { title: "Conversation remakers", description: "In a chat app, the first sentence that the AI actively speaks to the user is usually used as a welcome." }, suggestedQuestionsAfterAnswer: { title: 'Follow-up', description: 'Setting up next questions suggestion can give users a better chat.', resDes: '3 suggestions for user next question.', tryToAsk: 'Try to ask', }, moreLikeThis: { title: "More like this", description: "Generate multiple texts at once, and then edit and continue to generate", generateNumTip: "Number of each generated times", tip: "Using this feature will incur additional tokens overhead" }, dataSet: { title: "Context", noData: "You can import datasets as context", words: "Words", textBlocks: "Text Blocks", selectTitle: "Select reference dataset", selected: "Datasets selected", noDataSet: "No dataset found", toCreate: "Go to create", notSupportSelectMulti: 'Currently only support one dataset' } }, resetConfig: { title: "Confirm reset?", message: "Reset discards changes, restoring the last published configuration.", }, errorMessage: { nameOfKeyRequired: "name of the key: {{key}} required", valueOfVarRequired: "Variables value can not be empty", queryRequired: "Request text is required.", waitForResponse: "Please wait for the response to the previous message to complete.", }, chatSubTitle: "Pre Prompt", completionSubTitle: "Prefix Prompt", promptTip: "Prompts guide AI responses with instructions and constraints. Insert variables like {{input}}. This prompt won't be visible to users.", formattingChangedTitle: "Formatting changed", formattingChangedText: "Modifying the formatting will reset the debug area, are you sure?", variableTitle: "Variables", variableTip: "Users fill variables in a form, automatically replacing variables in the prompt.", notSetVar: "Variables allow users to introduce prompt words or opening remarks when filling out forms. You can try entering \"{{input}}\" in the prompt words.", autoAddVar: "Undefined variables referenced in pre-prompt, are you want to add them in user input form?", variableTable: { key: "Variable Key", name: "User Input Field Name", optional: "Optional", type: "Input Type", action: "Actions", typeString: "String", typeSelect: "Select", }, varKeyError: { canNoBeEmpty: "Variable key can not be empty", tooLong: "Variable key: {{key}} too length. Can not be longer then 16 characters", notValid: "Variable key: {{key}} is invalid. Can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores", notStartWithNumber: "Variable key: {{key}} can not start with a number", }, variableConig: { modalTitle: "Field settings", description: "Setting for variable {{varName}}", fieldType: 'Field type', string: 'Text', select: 'Select', notSet: 'Not set, try typing {{input}} in the prefix prompt', stringTitle: "Form text box options", maxLength: "Max length", options: "Options", addOption: "Add option", }, openingStatement: { title: "Opening remarks", add: "Add", writeOpner: "Write remarks", placeholder: "Write your remarks message here", noDataPlaceHolder: "Starting the conversation with the user can help AI establish a closer connection with them in conversational applications.", varTip: 'You can use variables, try type {{variable}}', tooShort: "At least 20 words of initial prompt are required to generate an opening remarks for the conversation.", notIncludeKey: "The initial prompt does not include the variable: {{key}}. Please add it to the initial prompt.", }, modelConfig: { model: "Model", setTone: "Set tone of responses", title: "Model and Parameters", }, inputs: { title: "Debugging and Previewing", noPrompt: "Try write some prompt in pre-prompt input", userInputField: "User Input Field", noVar: "Fill in the value of the variable, which will be automatically replaced in the prompt word every time a new session is started.", chatVarTip: "Fill in the value of the variable, which will be automatically replaced in the prompt word every time a new session is started", completionVarTip: "Fill in the value of the variable, which will be automatically replaced in the prompt words every time a question is submitted.", previewTitle: "Prompt preview", queryTitle: "Query content", queryPlaceholder: "Please enter the request text.", run: "RUN", }, result: "Output Text", }; export default translation;