It is recommended that you save your files to the `./docs` subfolder of the `master` branch of your repository. Then select `master branch /docs folder` as your Github Pages source in your repositories' settings page.
!> You'll need to install the Firebase CLI using `npm i -g firebase-tools` after signing into the [Firebase Console]( using a Google Account.
Using Terminal determine and navigate to the directory for your Firebase Project - this could be `~/Projects/Docs` etc. From there, run `firebase init`, choosing `Hosting` from the menu (use **space** to select, **arrow keys** to change options and **enter** to confirm). Follow the setup instructions.
You should have your `firebase.json` file looking similar to this (I changed the deployment directory from `public` to `site`):
Once finished, build the starting template by running `docsify init ./site` (replacing site with the deployment directory you determined when running `firebase init` - public by default). Add/edit the documentation, then run `firebase deploy` from the base project directory.
2. In the [dashboard]( page, click **New site from Git**.
3. Choose a repository where you store your docs, leave the **Build Command** area blank, fill in the Publish directory area with the directory of your `index.html`, for example it should be docs if you populated it at `docs/index.html`.
When using the HTML5 router, you need to set up redirect rules that redirect all requests to your `index.html`, it's pretty simple when you're using Netlify, create a file named `_redirects` in the docs directory, add this snippet to the file and you're all set:
1. Set the routerMode in the Docsify project `index.html` to *history* mode.
window.$docsify = {
loadSidebar: true,
routerMode: 'history'
2. Login to your [AWS Console](
3. Go to the [AWS Amplify Dashboard](
4. Choose the **Deploy** route to setup your project.
5. When prompted, keep the build settings empty if you're serving your docs within the root directory. If you're serving your docs from a different directory, customise your amplify.yml
6. Add the following Redirect rules in their displayed order. Note that the second record is a PNG image where you can change it with any image format you are using.
You need prepare the initial files instead of making in container.
See the [Quickstart]( section for instructions on how to create these files manually or using [docsify-cli](
- Create dockerfile
FROM node:latest
LABEL description="A demo Dockerfile for build Docsify."
RUN npm install -g docsify-cli@latest
EXPOSE 3000/tcp
ENTRYPOINT docsify serve .
So, current directory structure should be this:
- Build docker image
docker build -f Dockerfile -t docsify/demo .
- Run docker image
docker run -itp 3000:3000 --name=docsify -v $(pwd):/docs docsify/demo