If you need more pages, you can simply create more markdown files in your docsify directory. If you create a file named `guide.md`, then it is accessible via `/#/guide`.
By default, the table of contents in the sidebar is automatically generated based on your markdown files. If you need a custom sidebar, then you can create your own `_sidebar.md` (see [this documentation's sidebar](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/blob/master/docs/_sidebar.md) for an example):
`_sidebar.md` is loaded from each level directory. If the current directory doesn't have `_sidebar.md`, it will fall back to the parent directory. If, for example, the current path is `/guide/quick-start`, the `_sidebar.md` will be loaded from `/guide/_sidebar.md`.
A custom sidebar can also automatically generate a table of contents by setting a `subMaxLevel`. Details are available in the [max-level configuration paragraph](configuration#sub-max-level).