3.0.2 / 2017-02-19 ================== * fix(search): add lazy input * fix(compiler): link 3.0.1 / 2017-02-19 ================== * fix(route): empty alias 3.0.0 / 2017-02-19 ================== #### Breaking change - Not support IE9 - The route becomes: `/#/page?id=slug`. The previous route will be redirected #### Features - Faster rendering - Clearer source code - More powerful API - Auto header for each page [#78](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/78) - Localization for search plugin [#80](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/80) - Execute the script in markdown (see `executeScript`)