# Changelog ## 3.6.4 / 2017-04-28 * fix(util): correctly clean up duplicate slashes, fixed ([#153](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/153) ## 3.6.3 / 2017-04-25 * fix(external-script): script attrs ## 3.6.2/ 2017-04-12 * feat(external-script): detect more than one script dom, fixed ([#146](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/146) * GA: Send hash instead of complete href (#147) ## 3.6.1 / 2017-04-09 * feat(event): Collapse the sidebar when click outside element in the small screen ## 3.6.0 / 2017-04-09 * feat(render): add mergeNavbar option, close ([#125](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/125) ## 3.5.2/ 2017-04-05 * add optional current route param to toURL and use it to properly compose local anchor links * fix code style by removing semicolons * in toURL test for anchor links and if so prepend the currentPath to the generated path. fixes ([#142](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/142)) ## 3.5.1 / 2017-03-25 * fix: .md file extension regex ## 3.5.0 / 2017-03-25 * feat(route): auto remove .md extension * fix: adjust display on small screens [@jrappen](https://github.com/jrappen) * fix: navbar labels for German [@jrappen](https://github.com/jrappen) ## 3.4.4 / 2017-03-17 * fix(search): fix input style * fix search plugin match bug ## 3.4.3 / 2017-03-16 * Add ability to ignore headers when generating toc ([#127](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/127) [@christopherwk210](https://github.com/christopherwk210)) * fix external-script not inserting script at right place [@Leopoldthecoder](https://github.com/Leopoldthecoder) * add German docs [@jrappen](https://github.com/jrappen) ## 3.4.2 / 2017-03-11 * feat(emojify): add no-emoji option ## 3.4.1 / 2017-03-10 * fix(dom): Disable the dom cache when vue is present, fixed [#119](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/119) * update english docs, [@jrappen](https://github.com/jrappen) ## 3.4.0 / 2017-03-09 * feat(zoom-image): add plugin ## 3.3.0 / 2017-03-07 * add front-matter plugin * add external-script plugin, [@Leopoldthecoder](https://github.com/Leopoldthecoder) * Fix nav showing while loading ([#112](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/112)) ## 3.2.0 / 2017-02-28 * fix(render): Toc rendering error, fixed [#106](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/106) * feat(search): Localization for no data tip, close [#103](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/103) * fix(fetch): load sidebar and navbar for parent path, fixed [#100](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/100) * feat(render) nameLink for each route, fixed [#99](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/99) ## 3.1.2 / 2017-02-27 * fix(search): dont search nameLink, fixed [#102](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/102) ## 3.1.1 / 2017-02-24 * fix(search): dont search nameLink, fixed [#102](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/102) * fix(render): custom cover background image * fix(tpl): extra character, fixed [#101](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/101) ## 3.1.0 / 2017-02-22 * fix(search): incorrect anchor link, fixed [#90](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/90) * feat(emoji): add emoji plugin ## 3.0.5 / 2017-02-21 * feat(pwa): add sw.js * fix(layout.css): loading style * fix(event): highlight sidebar when clicked, fixed [#86](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/86) * fix(gen-tree): cache toc list, fixed [#88](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/88) ## 3.0.4 / 2017-02-20 * fix(render): execute script * fix(render): disable rendering sub list when loadSidebar is false ## 3.0.3 / 2017-02-19 * fixed look of links in blockquote * fix(scroll) highlight bug ## 3.0.2 / 2017-02-19 * fix(search): add lazy input * fix(compiler): link ## 3.0.1 / 2017-02-19 * fix(route): empty alias ## 3.0.0 / 2017-02-19 ##### Breaking change * Not support IE9 * The route becomes: `/#/page?id=slug`. The previous route will be redirected ##### Features * Faster rendering * Clearer source code * More powerful API * Auto header for each page [#78](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/78) * Localization for search plugin [#80](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/80) * Execute the script in markdown (see `executeScript`)