# Configuration You can configure the `window.$docsify`. ```html ``` ## el - Type: `String` - Default: `#app` The DOM element to be mounted on initialization. It can be a CSS selector string or an actual HTMLElement. ```js window.$docsify = { el: '#app' }; ``` ## repo - Type: `String` - Default: `null` Configure the repository url or a string of `username/repo` can add the [GitHub Corner](http://tholman.com/github-corners/) widget in the top right corner of the site. ```js window.$docsify = { repo: 'docsifyjs/docsify', // or repo: 'https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/' }; ``` ## maxLevel - Type: `Number` - Default: `6` Maximum Table of content level. ```js window.$docsify = { maxLevel: 4 }; ``` ## loadNavbar - Type: `Boolean|String` - Default: `false` Loads navbar from the Markdown file `_navbar.md` if **true**, or else from the path specified. ```js window.$docsify = { // load from _navbar.md loadNavbar: true, // load from nav.md loadNavbar: 'nav.md' }; ``` ## loadSidebar - Type: `Boolean|String` - Default: `false` Loads sidebar from the Markdown file `_sidebar.md` if **true**, or else from the path specified. ```js window.$docsify = { // load from _sidebar.md loadSidebar: true, // load from summary.md loadSidebar: 'summary.md' }; ``` ## subMaxLevel - Type: `Number` - Default: `0` Add table of contents (TOC) in custom sidebar. ```js window.$docsify = { subMaxLevel: 2 }; ``` ## auto2top - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `false` Scrolls to the top of the screen when the route is changed. ```js window.$docsify = { auto2top: true }; ``` ## homepage - Type: `String` - Default: `README.md` `README.md` in your docs folder will be treated as homepage for your website, but sometimes you may need to serve another file as your homepage. ```js window.$docsify = { // Change to /home.md homepage: 'home.md', // Or use the readme in your repo homepage: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docsifyjs/docsify/master/README.md' }; ``` ## basePath - Type: `String` Base path of the website. You can set it to another directory or another domain name. ```js window.$docsify = { basePath: '/path/', // Load the files from another site basePath: 'https://docsify.js.org/', // Even can load files from other repo basePath: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript/master/' }; ``` ## relativePath - Type: `Boolean` - Default: `false` If **true** links are relative to the current context. For example, the directory structure is as follows: ```text . └── docs ├── README.md ├── guide.md └── zh-cn ├── README.md ├── guide.md └── config └── example.md ``` With relative path **enabled** and current URL `http://domain.com/zh-cn/README`, given links will resolve to: ```text guide.md => http://domain.com/zh-cn/guide config/example.md => http://domain.com/zh-cn/config/example ../README.md => http://domain.com/README /README.md => http://domain.com/README ``` ```js window.$docsify = { // Relative path enabled relativePath: true, // Relative path disabled (default value) relativePath: false }; ``` ## coverpage - Type: `Boolean|String|String[]|Object` - Default: `false` Activate the [cover feature](cover.md). If true, it will load from `_coverpage.md`. ```js window.$docsify = { coverpage: true, // Custom file name coverpage: 'cover.md', // mutiple covers coverpage: ['/', '/zh-cn/'], // mutiple covers and custom file name coverpage: { '/': 'cover.md', '/zh-cn/': 'cover.md' } }; ``` ## logo - Type: `String` Website logo as it appears in the sidebar, you can resize by CSS. ```js window.$docsify = { logo: '/_media/icon.svg' }; ``` ## name - Type: `String` Website name as it appears in the sidebar. ```js window.$docsify = { name: 'docsify' }; ``` ## nameLink - Type: `String` - Default: `window.location.pathname` The name of the link. ```js window.$docsify = { nameLink: '/', // For each route nameLink: { '/zh-cn/': '/zh-cn/', '/': '/' } }; ``` ## markdown - Type: `Function` See [Markdown configuration](markdown.md). ```js window.$docsify = { // object markdown: { smartypants: true, renderer: { link: function() { // ... } } }, // function markdown: function(marked, renderer) { // ... return marked; } }; ``` ## themeColor - Type: `String` Customize the theme color. Use [CSS3 variables](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_variables) feature and polyfill in old browser. ```js window.$docsify = { themeColor: '#3F51B5' }; ``` ## alias - Type: `Object` Set the route alias. You can freely manage routing rules. Supports RegExp. ```js window.$docsify = { alias: { '/foo/(+*)': '/bar/$1', // supports regexp '/zh-cn/changelog': '/changelog', '/changelog': 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docsifyjs/docsify/master/CHANGELOG', '/.*/_sidebar.md': '/_sidebar.md' // See #301 } }; ``` ## autoHeader - type: `Boolean` If `loadSidebar` and `autoHeader` are both enabled, for each link in `_sidebar.md`, prepend a header to the page before converting it to html. Compare [#78](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/issues/78). ```js window.$docsify = { loadSidebar: true, autoHeader: true }; ``` ## executeScript - type: `Boolean` Execute the script on the page. Only parse the first script tag([demo](themes)). If Vue is present, it is turned on by default. ```js window.$docsify = { executeScript: true }; ``` ```markdown ## This is test ``` Note that if you are running an external script, e.g. an embedded jsfiddle demo, make sure to include the [external-script](plugins.md?id=external-script) plugin. ## noEmoji - type: `Boolean` Disabled emoji parse. ```js window.$docsify = { noEmoji: true }; ``` ## mergeNavbar - type: `Boolean` Navbar will be merged with the sidebar on smaller screens. ```js window.$docsify = { mergeNavbar: true }; ``` ## formatUpdated - type: `String|Function` We can display the file update date through **{docsify-updated}** variable. And format it by `formatUpdated`. See https://github.com/lukeed/tinydate#patterns ```js window.$docsify = { formatUpdated: '{MM}/{DD} {HH}:{mm}', formatUpdated: function(time) { // ... return time; } }; ``` ## externalLinkTarget - type: `String` - default: `_blank` Target to open external links. Default `'_blank'` (new window/tab) ```js window.$docsify = { externalLinkTarget: '_self' // default: '_blank' }; ``` ## routerMode - type: `String` - default: `hash` ```js window.$docsify = { routerMode: 'history' // default: 'hash' }; ``` ## noCompileLinks - type: `Array` Sometimes we do not want docsify to handle our links. See [#203](https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/issues/203) ```js window.$docsify = { noCompileLinks: ['/foo', '/bar/.*'] }; ``` ## onlyCover - type: `Boolean` Only coverpage is loaded when visiting the home page. ```js window.$docsify = { onlyCover: false }; ``` ## requestHeaders - type: `Object` Set the request resource headers. ```js window.$docsify = { requestHeaders: { 'x-token': 'xxx' } }; ``` ## ext - type: `String` Request file extension. ```js window.$docsify = { ext: '.md' }; ``` ## fallbackLanguages - type: `Array` List of languages that will fallback to the default language when a page is request and didn't exists for the given local. Example: - try to fetch the page of `/de/overview`. If this page exists, it'll be displayed - then try to fetch the default page `/overview` (depending on the default language). If this page exists, it'll be displayed - then display 404 page. ```js window.$docsify = { fallbackLanguages: ['fr', 'de'] }; ``` ## notFoundPage - type: `Boolean` | `String` | `Object` Load the `_404.md` file: ```js window.$docsify = { notFoundPage: true }; ``` Load the customised path of the 404 page: ```js window.$docsify = { notFoundPage: 'my404.md' }; ``` Load the right 404 page according to the localisation: ```js window.$docsify = { notFoundPage: { '/': '_404.md', '/de': 'de/_404.md' } }; ``` > Note: The options with fallbackLanguages didn't work with the `notFoundPage` options.