# Deploy Similar to [GitBook](https://www.gitbook.com), you can deploy files to GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages or VPS. ## GitHub Pages There're three places to populate your docs for your Github repository: * `docs/` folder * master branch * gh-pages branch It is recommended that you save your files to the `./docs` subfolder of the `master` branch of your repository. Then select `master branch /docs folder` as your Github Pages source in your repositories' settings page. ![github pages](_images/deploy-github-pages.png) !> You can also save files in the root directory and select `master branch`. You'll need to place a `.nojekyll` file in the deploy location (such as `/docs` or the gh-pages branch ## GitLab Pages If you are deploying your master branch, include `.gitlab-ci.yml` with the following script: ?> The `.public` workaround is so `cp` doesn't also copy `public/` to itself in an infinite loop. ``` YAML pages: stage: deploy script: - mkdir .public - cp -r * .public - mv .public public artifacts: paths: - public only: - master ``` !> You can replace script with `- cp -r docs/. public`, if `./docs` is your Docsify subfolder. ## VPS Try following nginx config. ```nginx server { listen 80; server_name your.domain.com; location / { alias /path/to/dir/of/docs; index index.html; } } ```