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synced 2024-12-04 13:09:14 +08:00
297 lines
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297 lines
8.4 KiB
this.D = this.D || {};
(function () {
'use strict';
var INDEXS = {};
var helper;
function escapeHtml (string) {
var entityMap = {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'"': '"',
'\'': ''',
'/': '/'
return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (s) { return entityMap[s]; })
function getAllPaths (router) {
var paths = [];
.map(function (node) {
var href = node.href;
var originHref = node.getAttribute('href');
var path = router.parse(href).path;
if (path &&
paths.indexOf(path) === -1 &&
!Docsify.util.isAbsolutePath(originHref)) {
return paths
function saveData (maxAge) {
localStorage.setItem('docsify.search.expires', Date.now() + maxAge);
localStorage.setItem('docsify.search.index', JSON.stringify(INDEXS));
function genIndex (path, content, router) {
if ( content === void 0 ) content = '';
var tokens = window.marked.lexer(content);
var slugify = window.Docsify.slugify;
var index = {};
var slug;
tokens.forEach(function (token) {
if (token.type === 'heading' && token.depth <= 2) {
slug = router.toURL(path, { id: slugify(token.text) });
index[slug] = { slug: slug, title: token.text, body: '' };
} else {
if (!slug) { return }
if (!index[slug]) {
index[slug] = { slug: slug, title: '', body: '' };
} else {
if (index[slug].body) {
index[slug].body += '\n' + (token.text || '');
} else {
index[slug].body = token.text;
return index
function search (keywords) {
var matchingResults = [];
var data = [];
Object.keys(INDEXS).forEach(function (key) {
data = data.concat(Object.keys(INDEXS[key]).map(function (page) { return INDEXS[key][page]; }));
keywords = [].concat(keywords, keywords.trim().split(/[\s\-\,\\/]+/));
var loop = function ( i ) {
var post = data[i];
var isMatch = false;
var resultStr = '';
var postTitle = post.title && post.title.trim();
var postContent = post.body && post.body.trim();
var postUrl = post.slug || '';
if (postTitle && postContent) {
keywords.forEach(function (keyword, i) {
var regEx = new RegExp(keyword, 'gi');
var indexTitle = -1;
var indexContent = -1;
indexTitle = postTitle && postTitle.search(regEx);
indexContent = postContent && postContent.search(regEx);
if (indexTitle < 0 && indexContent < 0) {
isMatch = false;
} else {
isMatch = true;
if (indexContent < 0) { indexContent = 0; }
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
start = indexContent < 11 ? 0 : indexContent - 10;
end = start === 0 ? 70 : indexContent + keyword.length + 60;
if (end > postContent.length) { end = postContent.length; }
var matchContent = '...' +
.substring(start, end)
.replace(regEx, ("<em class=\"search-keyword\">" + keyword + "</em>")) +
resultStr += matchContent;
if (isMatch) {
var matchingPost = {
title: escapeHtml(postTitle),
content: resultStr,
url: postUrl
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) loop( i );
return matchingResults
function init$1 (config, vm) {
helper = Docsify;
var isAuto = config.paths === 'auto';
var isExpired = localStorage.getItem('docsify.search.expires') < Date.now();
INDEXS = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('docsify.search.index'));
if (isExpired) {
INDEXS = {};
} else if (!isAuto) {
var paths = isAuto ? getAllPaths(vm.router) : config.paths;
var len = paths.length;
var count = 0;
paths.forEach(function (path) {
if (INDEXS[path]) { return count++ }
.then(function (result) {
INDEXS[path] = genIndex(path, result, vm.router);
len === ++count && saveData(config.maxAge);
var NO_DATA_TEXT = '';
function style () {
var code = "\n.sidebar {\n padding-top: 0;\n}\n\n.search {\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n padding: 6px;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\n}\n\n.search .results-panel {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.search .results-panel.show {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.search input {\n outline: none;\n border: none;\n width: 100%;\n padding: 7px;\n line-height: 22px;\n font-size: 14px;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n -moz-appearance: none;\n appearance: none;\n}\n\n.search h2 {\n font-size: 17px;\n margin: 10px 0;\n}\n\n.search a {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: inherit;\n}\n\n.search .matching-post {\n border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\n}\n\n.search .matching-post:last-child {\n border-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n.search p {\n font-size: 14px;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n display: -webkit-box;\n -webkit-line-clamp: 2;\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\n}\n\n.search p.empty {\n text-align: center;\n}";
var style = Docsify.dom.create('style', code);
Docsify.dom.appendTo(Docsify.dom.head, style);
function tpl (opts, defaultValue) {
if ( defaultValue === void 0 ) defaultValue = '';
var html =
"<input type=\"search\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\" />" +
'<div class="results-panel"></div>' +
var el = Docsify.dom.create('div', html);
var aside = Docsify.dom.find('aside');
Docsify.dom.toggleClass(el, 'search');
Docsify.dom.before(aside, el);
function doSearch (value) {
var $search = Docsify.dom.find('div.search');
var $panel = Docsify.dom.find($search, '.results-panel');
if (!value) {
$panel.innerHTML = '';
var matchs = search(value);
var html = '';
matchs.forEach(function (post) {
html += "<div class=\"matching-post\">\n<h2><a href=\"" + (post.url) + "\">" + (post.title) + "</a></h2>\n<p>" + (post.content) + "</p>\n</div>";
$panel.innerHTML = html || ("<p class=\"empty\">" + NO_DATA_TEXT + "</p>");
function bindEvents () {
var $search = Docsify.dom.find('div.search');
var $input = Docsify.dom.find($search, 'input');
var timeId;
// Prevent to Fold sidebar
Docsify.dom.on($search, 'click',
function (e) { return e.target.tagName !== 'A' && e.stopPropagation(); });
Docsify.dom.on($input, 'input', function (e) {
timeId = setTimeout(function (_) { return doSearch(e.target.value.trim()); }, 100);
function updatePlaceholder (text, path) {
var $input = Docsify.dom.getNode('.search input[type="search"]');
if (!$input) { return }
if (typeof text === 'string') {
$input.placeholder = text;
} else {
var match = Object.keys(text).filter(function (key) { return path.indexOf(key) > -1; })[0];
$input.placeholder = text[match];
function updateNoData (text, path) {
if (typeof text === 'string') {
NO_DATA_TEXT = text;
} else {
var match = Object.keys(text).filter(function (key) { return path.indexOf(key) > -1; })[0];
NO_DATA_TEXT = text[match];
function init$$1 (opts, vm) {
var keywords = vm.router.parse().query.s;
tpl(opts, keywords);
keywords && setTimeout(function (_) { return doSearch(keywords); }, 500);
function update (opts, vm) {
updatePlaceholder(opts.placeholder, vm.route.path);
updateNoData(opts.noData, vm.route.path);
var CONFIG = {
placeholder: 'Type to search',
noData: 'No Results!',
paths: 'auto',
maxAge: 86400000 // 1 day
var install = function (hook, vm) {
var util = Docsify.util;
var opts = vm.config.search || CONFIG;
if (Array.isArray(opts)) {
CONFIG.paths = opts;
} else if (typeof opts === 'object') {
CONFIG.paths = Array.isArray(opts.paths) ? opts.paths : 'auto';
CONFIG.maxAge = util.isPrimitive(opts.maxAge) ? opts.maxAge : CONFIG.maxAge;
CONFIG.placeholder = opts.placeholder || CONFIG.placeholder;
CONFIG.noData = opts.noData || CONFIG.noData;
var isAuto = CONFIG.paths === 'auto';
hook.mounted(function (_) {
init$$1(CONFIG, vm);
!isAuto && init$1(CONFIG, vm);
hook.doneEach(function (_) {
update(CONFIG, vm);
isAuto && init$1(CONFIG, vm);
$docsify.plugins = [].concat(install, $docsify.plugins);