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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package org.dromara.config;
public class TfConfig {
private int maxLength = 25;//最大语句长度
private int multiNumber = 8;//多头数量
private int featureDimension = 50;//词向量维度
private int allDepth = 1;//深度
private double studyPoint = 0.01;
private int typeNumber;
private boolean showLog = true;
private int times = 10;//循环增强次数
private int regularModel = RZ.NOT_RZ;//正则模式
private double regular = 0;//正则系数
private String splitWord;//词向量默认隔断符,无隔断则会逐字隔断
private boolean selfTimeCode = false;//使用对称三角函数位置编码
private int coreNumber = 1;//是否使用多核并行计算进行提速
private boolean outAllPro = false;//是否输出全概率,注意,若输出全概率只能用来分类概率,否则将消耗大量内存
private double timePunValue = 0.7;//时间惩罚系数
public double getTimePunValue() {
return timePunValue;
public void setTimePunValue(double timePunValue) {
this.timePunValue = timePunValue;
public boolean isOutAllPro() {
return outAllPro;
public void setOutAllPro(boolean outAllPro) {
this.outAllPro = outAllPro;
public int getCoreNumber() {
return coreNumber;
public void setCoreNumber(int coreNumber) {
this.coreNumber = coreNumber;
public boolean isSelfTimeCode() {
return selfTimeCode;
public void setSelfTimeCode(boolean selfTimeCode) {
this.selfTimeCode = selfTimeCode;
public String getSplitWord() {
return splitWord;
public void setSplitWord(String splitWord) {
this.splitWord = splitWord;
public int getRegularModel() {
return regularModel;
public void setRegularModel(int regularModel) {
this.regularModel = regularModel;
public double getRegular() {
return regular;
public void setRegular(double regular) {
this.regular = regular;
public int getTimes() {
return times;
public void setTimes(int times) {
this.times = times;
public int getMaxLength() {
return maxLength;
public void setMaxLength(int maxLength) {
this.maxLength = maxLength;
public int getMultiNumber() {
return multiNumber;
public void setMultiNumber(int multiNumber) {
this.multiNumber = multiNumber;
public int getFeatureDimension() {
return featureDimension;
public void setFeatureDimension(int featureDimension) {
this.featureDimension = featureDimension;
public int getAllDepth() {
return allDepth;
public void setAllDepth(int allDepth) {
this.allDepth = allDepth;
public double getStudyPoint() {
return studyPoint;
public void setStudyPoint(double studyPoint) {
this.studyPoint = studyPoint;
public int getTypeNumber() {
return typeNumber;
public void setTypeNumber(int typeNumber) {
this.typeNumber = typeNumber;
public boolean isShowLog() {
return showLog;
public void setShowLog(boolean showLog) {
this.showLog = showLog;
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package org.dromara.entity;
import org.dromara.rnnJumpNerveCenter.ModelParameter;
public class CreatorModel {
private ModelParameter semanticsModel;
private ModelParameter customModel;
public ModelParameter getSemanticsModel() {
return semanticsModel;
public void setSemanticsModel(ModelParameter semanticsModel) {
this.semanticsModel = semanticsModel;
public ModelParameter getCustomModel() {
return customModel;
public void setCustomModel(ModelParameter customModel) {
this.customModel = customModel;
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package org.dromara.entity;
import org.dromara.nerveCenter.ModelParameter;
import java.util.Map;
* @param
* @Author LiDaPeng
* @Description 食物模型
public class Model {
private ModelParameter modelR;
private ModelParameter modelG;
private ModelParameter modelB;
private ModelParameter modelFood;
private Map<Integer, Integer> mapping;
public Map<Integer, Integer> getMapping() {
return mapping;
public void setMapping(Map<Integer, Integer> mapping) {
this.mapping = mapping;
public ModelParameter getModelR() {
return modelR;
public void setModelR(ModelParameter modelR) {
this.modelR = modelR;
public ModelParameter getModelG() {
return modelG;
public void setModelG(ModelParameter modelG) {
this.modelG = modelG;
public ModelParameter getModelB() {
return modelB;
public void setModelB(ModelParameter modelB) {
this.modelB = modelB;
public ModelParameter getModelFood() {
return modelFood;
public void setModelFood(ModelParameter modelFood) {
this.modelFood = modelFood;
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package org.dromara.entity;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import java.util.List;
public class SemanticsBack implements OutBack {
private Matrix matrix;
private String word;
public String getWord() {
return word;
public Matrix getMatrix() {
return matrix;
public void getBack(double out, int id, long eventId) {
public void getSoftMaxBack(long eventId, List<Double> softMax) {
public void backWord(String word, long eventId) {
this.word = word;
public void getBackMatrix(Matrix matrix, int id, long eventId) {
this.matrix = matrix;
public void getWordVector(int id, double w) {
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package org.dromara.entity;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @param
* @Author LiDaPeng
* @Description
public class WordMatrix implements OutBack {
private final double[] vector;
public WordMatrix(int size) {
vector = new double[size];
public Matrix getVector() throws Exception {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(1, vector.length);
for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
matrix.setNub(0, i, vector[i]);
return matrix;
public List<Double> getList() {
List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (double v : vector) {
return list;
public void getBack(double out, int id, long eventId) {
public void getSoftMaxBack(long eventId, List<Double> softMax) {
public void backWord(String word, long eventId) {
public void getBackMatrix(Matrix matrix, int id, long eventId) {
public void getWordVector(int id, double w) {
vector[id - 1] = w;
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package org.dromara.function;
import org.dromara.i.ActiveFunction;
* @param
* @Author LiDaPeng
* @Description
public class TanHX implements ActiveFunction {
public double function(double x) {
x = x * 0.038;
double x1 = Math.exp(x);
double x2 = Math.exp(-x);
double son = x1 - x2;// ArithUtil.sub(x1, x2);
double mother = x1 + x2;// ArithUtil.add(x1, x2);
return son / mother;//ArithUtil.div(son, mother);
public double functionG(double out) {
return 1 - Math.pow(out, 2);
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package org.dromara.function;
import org.dromara.i.ActiveFunction;
public class Tanh implements ActiveFunction {
public double function(double x) {
double x1 = Math.exp(x);
double x2 = Math.exp(-x);
double son = x1 - x2;// ArithUtil.sub(x1, x2);
double mother = x1 + x2;// ArithUtil.add(x1, x2);
return son / mother;//ArithUtil.div(son, mother);
public double functionG(double out) {
return 1 - Math.pow(out, 2);
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package org.dromara.gameRobot;
import java.util.*;
* @author lidapeng
* @description 状态
* @date 10:27 上午 2022/9/12
public class DynamicState {
private int[] stateId;//状态id
private int bestActionId = 1;//该状态的最优动作
private double value = 0;//该状态价值
private int number = 0;//该状态被执行了几次 被执行的时候需要修改
private boolean isFinish = false;//是否是终结态
private Map<Integer, List<DynamicState>> sonStatesMap = new HashMap<>();//动作-子状态集合 被执行的时候需要修改
private Map<Integer, Integer> profitMap = new HashMap<>();//该状态的收益集合,主键是收益,值是次数 被执行的时候需要修改
public void add() {
public int getNumber() {
return number;
public int getBestActionId() {
return bestActionId;
public void setBestActionId(int bestActionId) {
this.bestActionId = bestActionId;
public Map<Integer, List<DynamicState>> getSonStatesMap() {
return sonStatesMap;
public boolean isFinish() {
return isFinish;
public void setFinish(boolean finish) {
isFinish = finish;
public Map<Integer, Integer> getProfitMap() {
return profitMap;
public DynamicState(int[] stateId) {//设置状态id
this.stateId = stateId;
public int[] getStateId() {
return stateId;
public void setStateId(int[] stateId) {
this.stateId = stateId;
public double getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(double value) {
this.value = value;
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package org.dromara.gameRobot;
public class ValueFunction {//价值函数
private int[] stateId;//状态id
private double value;//价值
public int[] getStateId() {
return stateId;
public void setStateId(int[] stateId) {
this.stateId = stateId;
public double getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(double value) {
this.value = value;
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
package org.dromara.naturalLanguage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author lidapeng
* @description 语句分类
* @date 4:14 下午 2020/2/23
public class Talk {
private final List<WorldBody> allWorld;//所有词集合
private final WordTemple wordTemple;
public Talk(WordTemple wordTemple) {
this.wordTemple = wordTemple;
allWorld = wordTemple.getAllWorld();//所有词集合
public List<List<String>> getSplitWord(String sentence) {//单纯进行拆词
List<Sentence> sentences = splitSentence(sentence);
List<List<String>> words = new ArrayList<>();
for (Sentence sentence1 : sentences) {
return words;
private List<Sentence> splitSentence(String sentence) {
String[] sens = sentence.replace(" ", "").split(",|。|?|!|;|、|:");
List<Sentence> sentences = new ArrayList<>();
for (String mySentence : sens) {
List<Sentence> sentenceList = catchSentence(mySentence);
int key = 0;
int nub = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < sentenceList.size(); j++) {
Sentence sentence1 = sentenceList.get(j);
int size = sentence1.getKeyWords().size();
if (size > nub) {
key = j;
nub = size;
return sentences;
private List<Sentence> catchSentence(String sentence) {//把句子拆开
int len = sentence.length();
List<Sentence> sentences = new ArrayList<>();
if (len > 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < len - 1; j++) {
Sentence sentenceWords = new Sentence();
for (int i = j; i < len; i++) {
String word = sentence.substring(j, i + 1);
} else {
Sentence sentenceWords = new Sentence();
return sentences;
private void restructure(Sentence words) {//对句子里面的Word进行词频统计
List<WorldBody> listWord = allWorld;
List<Word> waitWorld = words.getWaitWords();
for (Word word : waitWorld) {
String myWord = word.getWord();
WorldBody body = getBody(myWord, listWord);
if (body == null) {//已经无法查找到对应的词汇了
listWord = body.getWorldBodies();//这个body报了一次空指针
Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(wordTemple);
private WorldBody getBody(String word, List<WorldBody> worlds) {
//TODO 这里有个BUG 当myBody出现空的时候断词已经找不到了
WorldBody myBody = null;
for (WorldBody body : worlds) {
if (body.getWordName().hashCode() == word.hashCode() && body.getWordName().equals(word)) {
myBody = body;
return myBody;
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package org.dromara.naturalLanguage.languageCreator;
import org.dromara.gameRobot.Action;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class WordLeft extends Action {
private final List<String> keyWords;
private final List<String> finishWords;//终结态词集合
public WordLeft(List<String> keyWords, List<String> finishWords) {
this.keyWords = keyWords;
this.finishWords = finishWords;
private boolean isFinish(String myWord) {
boolean isHere = false;
for (String finishWord : finishWords) {
if (finishWord.hashCode() == myWord.hashCode() && finishWord.equals(myWord)) {
isHere = true;
return isHere;
public int getActionId() {
return super.getActionId();
public void setActionId(int actionId) {
public List<int[]> action(int[] stateId) {
int id = stateId[0];
String myWord = keyWords.get(id - 1);
int len = myWord.length() + 1;
int size = keyWords.size();
List<int[]> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
String word = keyWords.get(i);
if (word.length() == len && word.substring(1).equals(myWord)) {
list.add(new int[]{i + 1});
return list;
protected int getProfit(int[] stateId) {
int allProfit = 0;
List<int[]> states = action(stateId);
if (states.isEmpty()) {
allProfit = -10;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
int nextID = states.get(i)[0];
if (nextID > 0) {
String myWord = keyWords.get(nextID - 1);//查看是否为终结态
if (isFinish(myWord)) {//是终结态
allProfit = allProfit + 10;
} else {
allProfit = allProfit - 10;
allProfit = allProfit / states.size();
return allProfit;
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package org.dromara.nerveCenter;
import org.dromara.nerveEntity.DymNerveStudy;
import org.dromara.nerveEntity.NerveStudy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author lidapeng
* @description 学习结果
* @date 3:33 下午 2020/1/8
public class ModelParameter {
private List<List<NerveStudy>> depthNerves = new ArrayList<>();//隐层神经元
private List<NerveStudy> outNerves = new ArrayList<>();//输出神经元
private List<List<DymNerveStudy>> dymNerveStudies = new ArrayList<>();//动态神经元隐层
public List<List<NerveStudy>> getDepthNerves() {
return depthNerves;
public void setDepthNerves(List<List<NerveStudy>> depthNerves) {
this.depthNerves = depthNerves;
public List<NerveStudy> getOutNerves() {
return outNerves;
public void setOutNerves(List<NerveStudy> outNerves) {
this.outNerves = outNerves;
public List<List<DymNerveStudy>> getDymNerveStudies() {
return dymNerveStudies;
public void setDymNerveStudies(List<List<DymNerveStudy>> dymNerveStudies) {
this.dymNerveStudies = dymNerveStudies;
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package org.dromara.nerveEntity;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.MatrixOperation;
import org.dromara.i.ActiveFunction;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author lidapeng
* 隐层神经元
* @date 9:30 上午 2019/12/21
public class HiddenNerve extends Nerve {
private final boolean isConvFinish;//卷积最后一层
private final MatrixOperation matrixOperation = new MatrixOperation();
public HiddenNerve(int id, int depth, int upNub, int downNub, double studyPoint,
boolean init, ActiveFunction activeFunction, boolean isDynamic, int rzType, double lParam
, int step, int kernLen, int matrixX, int matrixY, boolean isConvFinish, int coreNumber) throws Exception {//隐层神经元
super(id, upNub, "HiddenNerve", downNub, studyPoint,
init, activeFunction, isDynamic, rzType, lParam, step, kernLen, depth, matrixX, matrixY
, coreNumber);
this.isConvFinish = isConvFinish;
public void input(long eventId, double parameter, boolean isKernelStudy, Map<Integer, Double> E
, OutBack outBack) throws Exception {//接收上一层的输入
boolean allReady = insertParameter(eventId, parameter);
if (allReady) {//参数齐了,开始计算 sigma - threshold
double sigma = calculation(eventId);
double out = activeFunction.function(sigma);//激活函数输出数值
if (isKernelStudy) {
outNub = out;
} else {
sendMessage(eventId, out, isKernelStudy, E, outBack);
protected void inputMatrixFeature(long eventId, List<Double> parameters, boolean isStudy, Map<Integer, Double> E, OutBack imageBack) throws Exception {
boolean allReady = insertParameters(eventId, parameters);
if (allReady) {//参数齐了,开始计算 sigma - threshold
double sigma = calculation(eventId);
double out = activeFunction.function(sigma);//激活函数输出数值
if (isStudy) {
outNub = out;
} else {
sendMessage(eventId, out, isStudy, E, imageBack);
protected void inputMatrix(long eventId, Matrix matrix, boolean isStudy
, Map<Integer, Double> E, OutBack outBack, boolean needMatrix) throws Exception {
Matrix myMatrix = conv(matrix);//处理过的矩阵
if (isConvFinish) {
if (!isStudy && needMatrix) {
outBack.getBackMatrix(myMatrix, getId(), eventId);
sendMatrixList(eventId, matrixOperation.matrixToList(myMatrix), isStudy, E, outBack);
} else {
sendMatrix(eventId, myMatrix, isStudy, E, outBack, needMatrix);
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package org.dromara.nerveEntity;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author lidapeng
* @description
* @date 3:36 下午 2020/1/8
public class NerveStudy {
private Map<String, Double> dendrites = new HashMap<>();//上一层权重(需要取出)
private double threshold;//此神经元的阈值需要取出
public Map<String, Double> getDendrites() {
return dendrites;
public void setDendrites(Map<String, Double> dendrites) {
this.dendrites = dendrites;
public double getThreshold() {
return threshold;
public void setThreshold(double threshold) {
this.threshold = threshold;
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package org.dromara.rnnJumpNerveCenter;
import org.dromara.rnnJumpNerveEntity.NerveStudy;
import java.util.List;
public class RnnOutNerveStudy {
private int depth;//深度
private List<NerveStudy> nerveStudies;
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public void setDepth(int depth) {
this.depth = depth;
public List<NerveStudy> getNerveStudies() {
return nerveStudies;
public void setNerveStudies(List<NerveStudy> nerveStudies) {
this.nerveStudies = nerveStudies;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package org.dromara.rnnJumpNerveEntity;
import java.util.List;
public class RnnOutNerveBody {
private int depth;//深度
private List<Nerve> outNerves;//输出神经元集合
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public void setDepth(int depth) {
this.depth = depth;
public List<Nerve> getOutNerves() {
return outNerves;
public void setOutNerves(List<Nerve> outNerves) {
this.outNerves = outNerves;
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@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
package org.dromara.rnnNerveCenter;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.ActiveFunction;
import org.dromara.rnnNerveEntity.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* 神经网络管理工具
* 创建神经网络
* @author lidapeng
* @date 11:05 上午 2019/12/21
public class NerveManager {
private final int hiddenNerveNub;//隐层神经元个数
private final int sensoryNerveNub;//输入神经元个数
private final int outNerveNub;//输出神经元个数
private final int hiddenDepth;//隐层深度
private final List<SensoryNerve> sensoryNerves = new ArrayList<>();//感知神经元
private final List<List<Nerve>> depthNerves = new ArrayList<>();//隐层神经元
private final List<Nerve> outNerves = new ArrayList<>();//输出神经元
private final List<RnnOutNerveBody> rnnOutNerveBodies = new ArrayList<>();//rnn输出层神经元
private boolean initPower;
private double studyPoint = 0.1;//学习率
private final ActiveFunction activeFunction;
private Map<Integer, Matrix> matrixMap = new HashMap<>();//主键与期望矩阵的映射
private final boolean isDynamic;//是否是动态神经网络
private boolean isRnn = false;//是否为rnn网络
private List<Double> studyList = new ArrayList<>();
private final int rzType;//正则化类型,默认不进行正则化
private final double lParam;//正则参数
private boolean isSoftMax = true;
public void setSoftMax(boolean softMax) {
isSoftMax = softMax;
public List<Double> getStudyList() {//查看每一次的学习率
return studyList;
public void setStudyList(List<Double> studyList) {//设置每一层的学习率
this.studyList = studyList;
public void setMatrixMap(Map<Integer, Matrix> matrixMap) {
this.matrixMap = matrixMap;
private Map<String, Double> conversion(Map<Integer, Double> map) {
Map<String, Double> cMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : map.entrySet()) {
cMap.put(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
return cMap;
private Map<Integer, Double> unConversion(Map<String, Double> map) {
Map<Integer, Double> cMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : map.entrySet()) {
cMap.put(Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
return cMap;
private ModelParameter getDymModelParameter() throws Exception {//获取动态神经元参数
ModelParameter modelParameter = new ModelParameter();
List<DymNerveStudy> dymNerveStudies = new ArrayList<>();//动态神经元隐层
DymNerveStudy dymOutNerveStudy = new DymNerveStudy();//动态神经元输出层
for (List<Nerve> nerve : depthNerves) {
Nerve depthNerve = nerve.get(0);//隐层神经元
DymNerveStudy deepNerveStudy = new DymNerveStudy();//动态神经元输出层
List<Double> list = deepNerveStudy.getList();
Matrix matrix = depthNerve.getNerveMatrix();
insertWList(matrix, list);
Nerve outNerve = outNerves.get(0);
Matrix matrix = outNerve.getNerveMatrix();
List<Double> list = dymOutNerveStudy.getList();
insertWList(matrix, list);
return modelParameter;
private void insertWList(Matrix matrix, List<Double> list) throws Exception {//
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getX(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matrix.getY(); j++) {
list.add(matrix.getNumber(i, j));
public ModelParameter getModelParameter() throws Exception {
if (isRnn) {
return getRnnModelParameter();
} else if (isDynamic) {
return getDymModelParameter();
} else {
return getStaticModelParameter();
private ModelParameter getRnnModelParameter() {//获取rnn当前模型参数
ModelParameter modelParameter = new ModelParameter();
List<List<NerveStudy>> studyDepthNerves = new ArrayList<>();//隐层神经元模型
List<RnnOutNerveStudy> rnnOutNerveStudies = new ArrayList<>();
for (RnnOutNerveBody rnnOutNerveBody : rnnOutNerveBodies) {
List<NerveStudy> nerveStudies = new ArrayList<>();
RnnOutNerveStudy rnnOutNerveStudy = new RnnOutNerveStudy();
List<Nerve> outNerveList = rnnOutNerveBody.getOutNerves();
getRnnOutNerveModel(nerveStudies, outNerveList);
return modelParameter;
private void getRnnOutNerveModel(List<NerveStudy> nerveStudies, List<Nerve> outNerveList) {
for (Nerve nerve : outNerveList) {
NerveStudy nerveStudy = new NerveStudy();
private void getHiddenNerveModel(List<List<NerveStudy>> studyDepthNerves) {
for (List<Nerve> depthNerve : depthNerves) {
List<NerveStudy> deepNerve = new ArrayList<>();
for (Nerve nerve : depthNerve) {
NerveStudy nerveStudy = new NerveStudy();
private ModelParameter getStaticModelParameter() {//获取当前模型参数
ModelParameter modelParameter = new ModelParameter();
List<List<NerveStudy>> studyDepthNerves = new ArrayList<>();//隐层神经元模型
List<NerveStudy> outStudyNerves = new ArrayList<>();//输出神经元
getRnnOutNerveModel(outStudyNerves, outNerves);
return modelParameter;
public void insertModelParameter(ModelParameter modelParameter) throws Exception {
if (isRnn) {
} else if (isDynamic) {
} else {
private void insertConvolutionModelParameter(ModelParameter modelParameter) throws Exception {
List<DymNerveStudy> dymNerveStudyList = modelParameter.getDymNerveStudies();
DymNerveStudy dymOutNerveStudy = modelParameter.getDymOutNerveStudy();
for (int i = 0; i < depthNerves.size(); i++) {
Nerve depthNerve = depthNerves.get(i).get(0);
DymNerveStudy dymNerveStudy = dymNerveStudyList.get(i);
List<Double> list = dymNerveStudy.getList();
Matrix nerveMatrix = depthNerve.getNerveMatrix();
insertMatrix(nerveMatrix, list);
Nerve outNerve = outNerves.get(0);
Matrix outNerveMatrix = outNerve.getNerveMatrix();
List<Double> list = dymOutNerveStudy.getList();
insertMatrix(outNerveMatrix, list);
private void insertMatrix(Matrix matrix, List<Double> list) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
matrix.setNub(i, 0, list.get(i));
private void insertRnnModelParameter(ModelParameter modelParameter) {
List<List<NerveStudy>> depthStudyNerves = modelParameter.getDepthNerves();//隐层神经元
List<RnnOutNerveStudy> rnnOutNerveStudies = modelParameter.getRnnOutNerveStudies();
for (int i = 0; i < depthNerves.size(); i++) {
List<NerveStudy> depth = depthStudyNerves.get(i);//对应的学习结果
List<Nerve> depthNerve = depthNerves.get(i);//深度隐层神经元
for (int j = 0; j < depthNerve.size(); j++) {//遍历当前深度神经元
Nerve nerve = depthNerve.get(j);
NerveStudy nerveStudy = depth.get(j);
Map<Integer, Double> studyDendrites = unConversion(nerveStudy.getDendrites());
Map<Integer, Double> dendrites = nerve.getDendrites();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : dendrites.entrySet()) {
int key = entry.getKey();
dendrites.put(key, studyDendrites.get(key));//注入隐层权重
for (RnnOutNerveStudy rnnOutNerveStudy : rnnOutNerveStudies) {
RnnOutNerveBody rnnOutNerveBody = getRnnOutNerveBody(rnnOutNerveStudy.getDepth());
List<NerveStudy> outStudyNerves = rnnOutNerveStudy.getNerveStudies();
List<Nerve> outNerveBody = rnnOutNerveBody.getOutNerves();
for (int i = 0; i < outNerveBody.size(); i++) {
Nerve outNerve = outNerveBody.get(i);
NerveStudy nerveStudy = outStudyNerves.get(i);
Map<Integer, Double> dendrites = outNerve.getDendrites();
Map<Integer, Double> studyDendrites = unConversion(nerveStudy.getDendrites());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> outEntry : dendrites.entrySet()) {
int key = outEntry.getKey();
dendrites.put(key, studyDendrites.get(key));
private RnnOutNerveBody getRnnOutNerveBody(int depth) {
RnnOutNerveBody myRnnOutNerveBody = null;
for (RnnOutNerveBody rnnOutNerveBody : rnnOutNerveBodies) {
if (rnnOutNerveBody.getDepth() == depth) {
myRnnOutNerveBody = rnnOutNerveBody;
return myRnnOutNerveBody;
private void insertBpModelParameter(ModelParameter modelParameter) {
List<List<NerveStudy>> depthStudyNerves = modelParameter.getDepthNerves();//隐层神经元
List<NerveStudy> outStudyNerves = modelParameter.getOutNerves();//输出神经元
for (int i = 0; i < depthNerves.size(); i++) {
List<NerveStudy> depth = depthStudyNerves.get(i);//对应的学习结果
List<Nerve> depthNerve = depthNerves.get(i);//深度隐层神经元
for (int j = 0; j < depthNerve.size(); j++) {//遍历当前深度神经元
Nerve nerve = depthNerve.get(j);
NerveStudy nerveStudy = depth.get(j);
Map<Integer, Double> studyDendrites = unConversion(nerveStudy.getDendrites());
Map<Integer, Double> dendrites = nerve.getDendrites();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : dendrites.entrySet()) {
int key = entry.getKey();
dendrites.put(key, studyDendrites.get(key));//注入隐层权重
for (int i = 0; i < outNerves.size(); i++) {
Nerve outNerve = outNerves.get(i);
NerveStudy nerveStudy = outStudyNerves.get(i);
Map<Integer, Double> dendrites = outNerve.getDendrites();
Map<Integer, Double> studyDendrites = unConversion(nerveStudy.getDendrites());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> outEntry : dendrites.entrySet()) {
int key = outEntry.getKey();
dendrites.put(key, studyDendrites.get(key));
* 初始化神经元参数
* @param sensoryNerveNub 输入神经元个数
* @param hiddenNerveNub 隐层神经元个数
* @param outNerveNub 输出神经元个数
* @param hiddenDepth 隐层深度
* @param activeFunction 激活函数
* @param isDynamic 是否是动态神经元
* @param rzType 正则函数
* @param lParam 正则系数
* @throws Exception 如果参数错误则抛异常
public NerveManager(int sensoryNerveNub, int hiddenNerveNub, int outNerveNub
, int hiddenDepth, ActiveFunction activeFunction, boolean isDynamic,
double studyPoint, int rzType, double lParam) throws Exception {
if (sensoryNerveNub > 0 && hiddenNerveNub > 0 && outNerveNub > 0 && hiddenDepth > 0 && activeFunction != null) {
this.hiddenNerveNub = hiddenNerveNub;
this.sensoryNerveNub = sensoryNerveNub;
this.outNerveNub = outNerveNub;
this.hiddenDepth = hiddenDepth;
this.activeFunction = activeFunction;
this.isDynamic = isDynamic;
this.rzType = rzType;
this.lParam = lParam;
if (studyPoint > 0 && studyPoint < 1) {
this.studyPoint = studyPoint;
} else {
throw new Exception("param is null");
public List<SensoryNerve> getSensoryNerves() {//获取感知神经元集合
return sensoryNerves;
* 初始化
* @param initPower 是否是第一次注入
* @param isMatrix 参数是否是一个矩阵
* @param isShowLog 是否打印学习参数
* @param isSoftMax 最后一层是否用softMax激活
* @param step 卷积步长
* @param kernLen 卷积核长
public void init(boolean initPower, boolean isMatrix, boolean isShowLog, boolean isSoftMax
, int step, int kernLen) throws Exception {//进行神经网络的初始化构建
this.initPower = initPower;
initDepthNerve(isMatrix, step, kernLen);//初始化深度隐层神经元
List<Nerve> nerveList = depthNerves.get(0);//第一层隐层神经元
List<Nerve> lastNerveList = depthNerves.get(depthNerves.size() - 1);
List<OutNerve> outNerveList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < outNerveNub + 1; i++) {
OutNerve outNerve = new OutNerve(i, hiddenNerveNub, 0, studyPoint, initPower,
activeFunction, isMatrix, isShowLog, rzType, lParam, isSoftMax, step, kernLen);
if (isMatrix) {//是卷积层神经网络
createSoftMax(isShowLog, isSoftMax, outNerveList, outNerves);
//最后一层隐层神经元 与输出神经元进行连接
for (Nerve nerve : lastNerveList) {
for (int i = 1; i < sensoryNerveNub + 1; i++) {
SensoryNerve sensoryNerve = new SensoryNerve(i, 0);
private void createSoftMax(boolean isShowLog, boolean isSoftMax, List<OutNerve> outNerveList, List<Nerve> outNerves) throws Exception {
if (isSoftMax) {
List<Nerve> softMaxList = new ArrayList<>();
SoftMax softMax = new SoftMax(outNerveNub, false, outNerveList, isShowLog);
for (Nerve nerve : outNerves) {
private void createRnnOutNerve(boolean initPower, boolean isShowLog, List<Nerve> nerveList, int depth) throws Exception {
RnnOutNerveBody rnnOutNerveBody = new RnnOutNerveBody();
List<Nerve> rnnOutNerves = new ArrayList<>();
List<OutNerve> outNerveList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < outNerveNub + 1; i++) {
OutNerve outNerve = new OutNerve(i, hiddenNerveNub, 0, studyPoint, initPower,
activeFunction, false, isShowLog, rzType, lParam, isSoftMax, 0, 0);
outNerve.connectFather(nerveList);//每一层的输出神经元 链接每一层的隐层神经元
createSoftMax(isShowLog, isSoftMax, outNerveList, rnnOutNerves);
for (Nerve nerve : nerveList) {
public void initRnn(boolean initPower, boolean isShowLog) throws Exception {
isRnn = true;
this.initPower = initPower;
initDepthNerve(false, 0, 0);//初始化深度隐层神经元
for (int i = 0; i < depthNerves.size(); i++) {
createRnnOutNerve(initPower, isShowLog, depthNerves.get(i), i + 1);
List<Nerve> nerveList = depthNerves.get(0);//第一层隐层神经元
for (int i = 1; i < sensoryNerveNub + 1; i++) {
SensoryNerve sensoryNerve = new SensoryNerve(i, 0);
private void initDepthNerve(boolean isMatrix, int step, int kernLen) throws Exception {//初始化隐层神经元1
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenDepth; i++) {//遍历深度
List<Nerve> hiddenNerveList = new ArrayList<>();
double studyPoint = this.studyPoint;
if (studyList.contains(i)) {//加载每一层的学习率
studyPoint = studyList.get(i);
if (studyPoint <= 0 || studyPoint > 1) {
throw new Exception("studyPoint Values range from 0 to 1");
for (int j = 1; j < hiddenNerveNub + 1; j++) {//遍历同级
int upNub;
int downNub;
if (i == 0) {
upNub = sensoryNerveNub;
} else {
upNub = hiddenNerveNub;
if (i == hiddenDepth - 1) {//最后一层隐层神经元z
downNub = outNerveNub;
} else {
downNub = hiddenNerveNub;
HiddenNerve hiddenNerve = new HiddenNerve(j, i + 1, upNub, downNub, studyPoint, initPower, activeFunction, isMatrix
, rzType, lParam, step, kernLen, outNerveNub);
private void initHiddenNerve() {//初始化隐层神经元2
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenDepth - 1; i++) {//遍历深度
List<Nerve> hiddenNerveList = depthNerves.get(i);//当前遍历隐层神经元
List<Nerve> nextHiddenNerveList = depthNerves.get(i + 1);//当前遍历的下一层神经元
for (Nerve hiddenNerve : hiddenNerveList) {
for (Nerve nextHiddenNerve : nextHiddenNerveList) {
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package org.dromara.tools;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.entity.RGBNorm;
* @param
* @Author LiDaPeng
* @Description
public class GMClustering extends MeanClustering {
private double regionSize;//单区域面积
public double getRegionSize() {
return regionSize;
public void setRegionSize(double regionSize) {
this.regionSize = regionSize;
public GMClustering(int speciesQuantity, int maxTimes) throws Exception {
super(speciesQuantity, maxTimes);
public int getProbabilityDensity(double[] feature) throws Exception {//获取簇id
double maxPower = 0;
int id = 0;
int index = 0;
for (RGBNorm rgbNorm : matrices) {
double power = rgbNorm.getGMProbability(feature);
if (power > maxPower) {
maxPower = power;
id = index;
return id;
public void start() throws Exception {
for (RGBNorm rgbNorm : matrices) {//高斯系数初始化
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
public void insertParameter(Matrix matrix) throws Exception {
int y = matrix.getY();
int size = y / speciesQuantity;
for (int i = 0; i <= y - size; i += size) {
double[] feature = new double[size];
RGBNorm rgbNorm = new RGBNorm();
for (int j = i; j < i + size; j++) {
feature[j - i] = matrix.getNumber(0, j);
private void clear() {
for (RGBNorm rgbNorm : matrices) {//高斯系数初始化
private void gmClustering() throws Exception {//进行gm聚类
for (double[] rgb : matrixList) {//遍历当前集合
double allProbability = 0;//全概率
double[] pro = new double[speciesQuantity];
for (int i = 0; i < speciesQuantity; i++) {
RGBNorm rgbNorm = matrices.get(i);
double probability = rgbNorm.getGMProbability(rgb);
//System.out.println("pro===" + probability);
allProbability = allProbability + probability;
pro[i] = probability;
for (int i = 0; i < speciesQuantity; i++) {
pro[i] = pro[i] / allProbability;
int index = 0;
double max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < speciesQuantity; i++) {
if (pro[i] > max) {
max = pro[i];
index = i;
matrices.get(index).setGmFeature(rgb, pro[index]);
for (RGBNorm rgbNorm : matrices) {//高斯系数初始化
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
package org.dromara.tools;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.MatrixOperation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* @author lidapeng
* @description LVQ 向量量化
* @date 5:36 下午 2020/2/4
public class LVQ {
private int typeNub;//原型聚类个数,即分类个数(需要模型返回)
private MatrixBody[] model;//原型向量(需要模型返回)
private final List<MatrixBody> matrixList = new ArrayList<>();
private final double studyPoint;//量化学习率
private int length;//向量长度(需要返回)
private boolean isReady = false;
private final int lvqNub;
private final MatrixOperation matrixOperation = new MatrixOperation();
public void setTypeNub(int typeNub) {
this.typeNub = typeNub;
public void setModel(MatrixBody[] model) {
this.model = model;
public void setLength(int length) {
this.length = length;
public void setReady(boolean ready) {
isReady = ready;
public boolean isReady() {
return isReady;
public int getTypeNub() {
return typeNub;
public int getLength() {
return length;
public LVQ(int typeNub, int lvqNub, double studyPoint) {
this.typeNub = typeNub;
this.lvqNub = lvqNub;
this.studyPoint = studyPoint;
model = new MatrixBody[typeNub];
public MatrixBody[] getModel() throws Exception {
if (!isReady) {
throw new Exception("not study");
return model;
public void insertMatrixBody(MatrixBody matrixBody) throws Exception {
if (matrixBody.getMatrix().isVector() && matrixBody.getMatrix().isRowVector()) {
Matrix matrix = matrixBody.getMatrix();
if (matrixList.size() == 0) {
length = matrix.getY();
} else {
if (length == matrix.getY()) {
} else {
throw new Exception("vector length is different");
} else {
throw new Exception("this matrix is not vector or rowVector");
private void study() throws Exception {
for (MatrixBody matrixBody : matrixList) {
Matrix matrix = matrixBody.getMatrix();//特征向量
long type = matrixBody.getId();//类别
double distEnd = 0;
int id = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < typeNub; i++) {
MatrixBody modelBody = model[i];
Matrix modelMatrix = modelBody.getMatrix();
double dist = vectorEqual(modelMatrix, matrix);
if (distEnd == 0 || dist < distEnd) {
id = modelBody.getId();
distEnd = dist;
MatrixBody modelBody = model[id];
Matrix modelMatrix = modelBody.getMatrix();
boolean isRight = id == type;
Matrix matrix1 = op(matrix, modelMatrix, isRight);
public double vectorEqual(Matrix matrix1, Matrix matrix2) throws Exception {
Matrix matrix = matrixOperation.sub(matrix1, matrix2);
return matrixOperation.getNorm(matrix);
private Matrix op(Matrix matrix, Matrix modelMatrix, boolean isRight) throws Exception {
Matrix matrix1 = matrixOperation.sub(matrix, modelMatrix);
matrixOperation.mathMul(matrix1, studyPoint);
Matrix matrix2;
if (isRight) {
matrix2 = matrixOperation.add(modelMatrix, matrix1);
} else {
matrix2 = matrixOperation.sub(modelMatrix, matrix1);
return matrix2;
public void start() throws Exception {//开始向量量化聚类
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < typeNub; i++) {
MatrixBody matrixBody = new MatrixBody();
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(1, length);
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
matrix.setNub(0, j, random.nextDouble());
model[i] = matrixBody;
for (int i = 0; i < lvqNub; i++) {
isReady = true;
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
package org.dromara.tools;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.MatrixOperation;
* @param
* @Author LiDaPeng
* @Description rgb回归 Y = r *wr + g * wg + b* wb
public class RgbRegression extends MatrixOperation {
private double wr;
private double wg;
private double b;
private Matrix RG;//rg矩阵
private Matrix B;//b矩阵
private Matrix RGB;//rgb矩阵
private int xIndex = 0;//记录插入数量
private boolean isRegression = false;//是否进行了回归
private int regionNub;
private int x;
private int y;
public Matrix getRGB() {
return RGB;
public int getX() {
return x;
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;
public int getY() {
return y;
public void setY(int y) {
this.y = y;
public Matrix getRGMatrix() {
return RG;
public Matrix getBMatrix() {
return B;
public void clear(int size) {
RG = new Matrix(size, 3);
RGB = new Matrix(size, 3);
B = new Matrix(size, 1);
xIndex = 0;
regionNub = size;
public int getRegionNub() {
return regionNub;
public void setRegionNub(int regionNub) {
this.regionNub = regionNub;
public double getWr() {
return wr;
public double getWg() {
return wg;
public double getB() {
return b;
public RgbRegression(int size) {//初始化rgb矩阵
RG = new Matrix(size, 3);
RGB = new Matrix(size, 3);
B = new Matrix(size, 1);
regionNub = size;
xIndex = 0;
public void insertRGB(double[] rgb) throws Exception {//rgb插入矩阵
if (rgb.length == 3) {
RGB.setNub(xIndex, 0, rgb[0]);
RGB.setNub(xIndex, 1, rgb[1]);
RGB.setNub(xIndex, 2, rgb[2]);
RG.setNub(xIndex, 0, rgb[0]);
RG.setNub(xIndex, 1, rgb[1]);
RG.setNub(xIndex, 2, 1.0);
B.setNub(xIndex, 0, rgb[2]);
} else {
throw new Exception("rgb length is not equals three");
public boolean regression() throws Exception {//开始进行回归
if (xIndex > 0) {
Matrix ws = getLinearRegression(RG, B);
if (ws.getX() == 1 && ws.getY() == 1) {//矩阵奇异
isRegression = false;
} else {
wr = ws.getNumber(0, 0);
wg = ws.getNumber(1, 0);
b = ws.getNumber(2, 0);
isRegression = true;
return isRegression;
// System.out.println("wr==" + wr + ",wg==" + wg + ",b==" + b);
} else {
throw new Exception("regression matrix size is zero");
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
import java.util.List;
public class CodecBlockModel {
private MultiSelfAttentionModel multiSelfAttentionModel;//注意力层model
private LayNormModel attentionLayNormModel;//残差1层model
private List<double[][]> fistNervesModel;//FNN层第一层model
private List<double[][]> secondNervesModel;//FNN层第二层model
private LayNormModel lineLayNormModel;//残差层最后2层model
public MultiSelfAttentionModel getMultiSelfAttentionModel() {
return multiSelfAttentionModel;
public void setMultiSelfAttentionModel(MultiSelfAttentionModel multiSelfAttentionModel) {
this.multiSelfAttentionModel = multiSelfAttentionModel;
public LayNormModel getAttentionLayNormModel() {
return attentionLayNormModel;
public void setAttentionLayNormModel(LayNormModel attentionLayNormModel) {
this.attentionLayNormModel = attentionLayNormModel;
public List<double[][]> getFistNervesModel() {
return fistNervesModel;
public void setFistNervesModel(List<double[][]> fistNervesModel) {
this.fistNervesModel = fistNervesModel;
public List<double[][]> getSecondNervesModel() {
return secondNervesModel;
public void setSecondNervesModel(List<double[][]> secondNervesModel) {
this.secondNervesModel = secondNervesModel;
public LayNormModel getLineLayNormModel() {
return lineLayNormModel;
public void setLineLayNormModel(LayNormModel lineLayNormModel) {
this.lineLayNormModel = lineLayNormModel;
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
public class FirstDecoderModel {
private MultiSelfAttentionModel multiSelfAttentionModel;//注意力层model
private LayNormModel attentionLayNormModel;//残差1层model
public MultiSelfAttentionModel getMultiSelfAttentionModel() {
return multiSelfAttentionModel;
public void setMultiSelfAttentionModel(MultiSelfAttentionModel multiSelfAttentionModel) {
this.multiSelfAttentionModel = multiSelfAttentionModel;
public LayNormModel getAttentionLayNormModel() {
return attentionLayNormModel;
public void setAttentionLayNormModel(LayNormModel attentionLayNormModel) {
this.attentionLayNormModel = attentionLayNormModel;
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
public class LayNormModel {
private double[][] bTa;//模型需要保存
private double[][] power;//模型需要保存
public double[][] getbTa() {
return bTa;
public void setbTa(double[][] bTa) {
this.bTa = bTa;
public double[][] getPower() {
return power;
public void setPower(double[][] power) {
this.power = power;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
import java.util.List;
public class LineBlockModel {
private List<double[][]> hiddenNervesModel;//隐层model
private List<double[][]> outNervesModel;//输出层model
public List<double[][]> getHiddenNervesModel() {
return hiddenNervesModel;
public void setHiddenNervesModel(List<double[][]> hiddenNervesModel) {
this.hiddenNervesModel = hiddenNervesModel;
public List<double[][]> getOutNervesModel() {
return outNervesModel;
public void setOutNervesModel(List<double[][]> outNervesModel) {
this.outNervesModel = outNervesModel;
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
import java.util.List;
public class MultiSelfAttentionModel {
private double[][] powerModel;
private List<QKVModel> qkvModelList;
private int depth;
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public void setDepth(int depth) {
this.depth = depth;
public double[][] getPowerModel() {
return powerModel;
public void setPowerModel(double[][] powerModel) {
this.powerModel = powerModel;
public List<QKVModel> getQkvModelList() {
return qkvModelList;
public void setQkvModelList(List<QKVModel> qkvModelList) {
this.qkvModelList = qkvModelList;
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
public class QKVModel {
private double[][] Q;
private double[][] K;
private double[][] V;
private int selfID;
public int getSelfID() {
return selfID;
public void setSelfID(int selfID) {
this.selfID = selfID;
public double[][] getQ() {
return Q;
public void setQ(double[][] q) {
Q = q;
public double[][] getK() {
return K;
public void setK(double[][] k) {
K = k;
public double[][] getV() {
return V;
public void setV(double[][] v) {
V = v;
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.model;
import java.util.List;
public class TransFormerModel {
private List<CodecBlockModel> encoderBlockModels;//编码器模块
private List<CodecBlockModel> decoderBlockModels;//解码器模块
private FirstDecoderModel firstDecoderBlockModel;//第一个解码器模块
private LineBlockModel lineBlockModel;//线性分类层
public List<CodecBlockModel> getEncoderBlockModels() {
return encoderBlockModels;
public void setEncoderBlockModels(List<CodecBlockModel> encoderBlockModels) {
this.encoderBlockModels = encoderBlockModels;
public List<CodecBlockModel> getDecoderBlockModels() {
return decoderBlockModels;
public void setDecoderBlockModels(List<CodecBlockModel> decoderBlockModels) {
this.decoderBlockModels = decoderBlockModels;
public FirstDecoderModel getFirstDecoderBlockModel() {
return firstDecoderBlockModel;
public void setFirstDecoderBlockModel(FirstDecoderModel firstDecoderBlockModel) {
this.firstDecoderBlockModel = firstDecoderBlockModel;
public LineBlockModel getLineBlockModel() {
return lineBlockModel;
public void setLineBlockModel(LineBlockModel lineBlockModel) {
this.lineBlockModel = lineBlockModel;
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.nerve;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author lidapeng
* @description 动态神经元模型参数
* @date 8:14 上午 2020/1/18
public class DymNerveStudy {
private List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Double> getList() {
return list;
public void setList(List<Double> list) {
this.list = list;
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.nerve;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.ActiveFunction;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import org.dromara.transFormer.LineBlock;
import java.util.List;
* @author lidapeng
* 隐层神经元
* @date 9:30 上午 2019/12/21
public class HiddenNerve extends Nerve {
public HiddenNerve(int id, int depth, double studyPoint, ActiveFunction activeFunction, int sensoryNerveNub,
int outNerveNub, LineBlock lineBlock, int regularModel, double regular
, int coreNumber) throws Exception {//隐层神经元
super(id, "HiddenNerve", studyPoint, activeFunction, sensoryNerveNub, 0,
outNerveNub, lineBlock, regularModel, regular, coreNumber);
this.depth = depth;
public void receiveErrorMatrix(Matrix g, long eventId, Matrix allError) throws Exception {//
updatePower(eventId, g, allError);
public void receive(Matrix feature, long eventId, boolean isStudy, OutBack outBack,
List<Integer> E, Matrix encoderFeature, boolean outAllPro) throws Exception {//接收上一个残差层传过来得参数
Matrix out = opMatrix(feature, isStudy);
sendMessage(eventId, out, isStudy, feature, outBack, E, encoderFeature, outAllPro);
protected void input(long eventId, Matrix parameter, boolean isStudy, Matrix allFeature, OutBack outBack,
List<Integer> E, Matrix encoderFeature, boolean outAllPro) throws Exception {//第二层收到参数
boolean allReady = insertMatrixParameter(eventId, parameter);
if (allReady) {//参数齐了,开始计算
Matrix out = opMatrix(reMatrixFeatures.get(eventId), isStudy);
beforeLayNorm.addNormFromNerve(eventId, isStudy, out, allFeature, outBack, E, encoderFeature, outAllPro);
public void postMessage(long eventId, Matrix feature, boolean isStudy, OutBack outBack, List<Integer> E, boolean outAllPro) throws Exception {
Matrix out = opMatrix(feature, isStudy);
sendOutMessage(eventId, out, isStudy, outBack, E, outAllPro);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.nerve;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import java.util.List;
* @author lidapeng
* 输出神经元
* @date 11:25 上午 2019/12/21
public class OutNerve extends Nerve {
private final SoftMax softMax;
public OutNerve(int id, double studyPoint, int sensoryNerveNub, int hiddenNerveNub, int outNerveNub,
SoftMax softMax, int regularModel, double regular, int coreNumber) throws Exception {
super(id, "OutNerve", studyPoint, null, sensoryNerveNub,
hiddenNerveNub, outNerveNub, null, regularModel, regular, coreNumber);
this.softMax = softMax;
void getGBySoftMax(Matrix g, long eventId) throws Exception {//接收softMax层回传梯度
updatePower(eventId, g, null);
protected void toOut(long eventId, Matrix parameter, boolean isStudy, OutBack outBack, List<Integer> E, boolean outAllPro) throws Exception {
boolean allReady = insertMatrixParameter(eventId, parameter);
if (allReady) {
Matrix out = opMatrix(reMatrixFeatures.get(eventId), isStudy);
softMax.toOut(eventId, out, isStudy, outBack, E, outAllPro);
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package org.dromara.transFormer.nerve;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import org.dromara.transFormer.CodecBlock;
import org.dromara.transFormer.FirstDecoderBlock;
import java.util.List;
* 感知神经元输入层
* @author lidapeng
* @date 9:29 上午 2019/12/21
public class SensoryNerve {
private final CodecBlock firstEncoderBlock;
private final FirstDecoderBlock firstDecoderBlock;
public SensoryNerve(CodecBlock firstEncoderBlock, FirstDecoderBlock firstDecoderBlock) throws Exception {
this.firstEncoderBlock = firstEncoderBlock;
this.firstDecoderBlock = firstDecoderBlock;
* @param eventId 唯一的事件id
* @param encoderParameter 编码器输入特征
* @param decoderParameter 解码器输入特征
* @param isStudy 是否是学习 (学习状态没有输出)
* @param E 标注
* @param outBack 回调结果
public void postMessage(long eventId, Matrix encoderParameter, Matrix decoderParameter, boolean isStudy, List<Integer> E
, OutBack outBack, boolean outAllPro) throws Exception {//感知神经元输入
firstEncoderBlock.sendInputMatrix(eventId, encoderParameter, isStudy, outBack, E, null, outAllPro);
firstDecoderBlock.sendInputMatrix(eventId, decoderParameter, isStudy, outBack, E, outAllPro);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package org.dromara.voice;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
public class VoiceTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException {
File file = new File("D:\\sondTest\\wo.wav");
WaveFile wav = new WaveFile(file);
int amplitudeExample = wav.getSampleInt(140); // 140th amplitude value.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package org.dromara.yolo;
import java.util.List;
public class YoloSample {
private String locationURL;//图片本地url
private List<YoloBody> yoloBodies;
public String getLocationURL() {
return locationURL;
public void setLocationURL(String locationURL) {
this.locationURL = locationURL;
public List<YoloBody> getYoloBodies() {
return yoloBodies;
public void setYoloBodies(List<YoloBody> yoloBodies) {
this.yoloBodies = yoloBodies;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package org.dromara.yolo;
import org.dromara.matrixTools.Matrix;
import org.dromara.i.OutBack;
import java.util.List;
public class YoloTypeBack implements OutBack {
private double out = -1;
private int id = 0;
public double getOut() {
return out;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void clear() {
out = -1;
id = 0;
public void getBack(double out, int id, long eventId) {
if (out > this.out) {
this.out = out;
this.id = id;
public void getSoftMaxBack(long eventId, List<Double> softMax) {
public void backWord(String word, long eventId) {
public void getBackMatrix(Matrix matrix, int id, long eventId) {
public void getWordVector(int id, double w) {
Reference in New Issue
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