
This commit is contained in:
lidapeng 2020-01-09 21:08:06 +08:00
parent 9c6b2eb171
commit ae8bdcce71
9 changed files with 382 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,63 @@
package org.wlld;
import org.wlld.nerveCenter.NerveManager;
import org.wlld.MatrixTools.Matrix;
import org.wlld.imageRecognition.Operation;
import org.wlld.imageRecognition.Picture;
import org.wlld.imageRecognition.TempleConfig;
import org.wlld.test.Ma;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* 测试入口类!
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public static void createNerveTest() throws Exception {
NerveManager nerveManager =
new NerveManager(2, 2, 1, 1);
public static void testPic() throws Exception {
Picture picture = new Picture();
TempleConfig templeConfig = new TempleConfig();
Ma ma = new Ma();//创建一个回调类
//注册输出结果回调类 必写
//全连接层深度,默认为2 选填
//要学习几种分类 默认为1 选填
//设置图像行列比例的行默认为5 选填
//设置图像行列比例的列默认为3 选填
//对模版进行初始化 Ps:初始化一定要在所有参数设置完成后设置否则设置无效
// 使用默认值模型参数注入除外
Operation operation = new Operation(templeConfig);
Map<Integer, Double> rightTagging = new HashMap<>();//分类标注
Map<Integer, Double> wrongTagging = new HashMap<>();//分类标注
rightTagging.put(1, 1.0);
wrongTagging.put(1, 0.0);
for (int i = 1; i < 999; i++) {
System.out.println("开始学习1==" + i);
Matrix right = picture.getImageMatrixByLocal("/Users/lidapeng/Desktop/myDocment/c/c" + i + ".png");
Matrix wrong = picture.getImageMatrixByLocal("/Users/lidapeng/Desktop/myDocment/b/b" + i + ".png");
operation.study(right, rightTagging);
operation.study(wrong, wrongTagging);
Matrix right = picture.getImageMatrixByLocal("/Users/lidapeng/Desktop/myDocment/c/c1000.png");
Matrix wrong = picture.getImageMatrixByLocal("/Users/lidapeng/Desktop/myDocment/b/b1000.png");
operation.look(right, 2);
operation.look(wrong, 3);

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package org.wlld.config;
* @author lidapeng
* @description 图检索配置常量表
* @date 9:41 上午 2020/1/7
public class GraphConfig {
public static final double Cut_Threshold = 10;

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package org.wlld.config;
import org.wlld.MatrixTools.Matrix;
import org.wlld.tools.ArithUtil;
public class Kernel {
private static final String Vertical_Number = "[-1,0,1]#[-2,0,2]#[-1,0,1]#";//竖卷积核
private static final String Horizontal_Number = "[-1,-2,-1]#[0,0,0]#[1,2,1]#";//横卷积核
private static final String All_Number = "[1,-2,1]#[-2,4,-2]#[1,-2,1]#";//角卷积
private static final String All_Number2 = "[-1,0,-1]#[0,4,0]#[-1,0,-1]#";
public static Matrix Vertical;
public static Matrix Horizontal;
public static Matrix All;
public static Matrix ALL_Two;
public static final int Unit = 100;
public static final double Pi = ArithUtil.div(ArithUtil.div(Math.PI, 2), Unit);
private Kernel() {
static {
try {
ALL_Two = new Matrix(3, 3, All_Number2);
All = new Matrix(3, 3, All_Number);
Vertical = new Matrix(3, 3, Vertical_Number);
Horizontal = new Matrix(3, 3, Horizontal_Number);
} catch (Exception e) {

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package org.wlld.imageRecognition;
import org.wlld.MatrixTools.Matrix;
import org.wlld.MatrixTools.MatrixOperation;
import org.wlld.config.Kernel;
* @author lidapeng
* 图像卷积
* @date 9:23 上午 2020/1/2
public class Convolution {
public Matrix getFeatures(Matrix matrix, int maxNub) throws Exception {
do {
matrix = convolution(matrix, Kernel.ALL_Two);
while (matrix.getX() > maxNub && matrix.getY() > maxNub);
return matrix;
private Matrix convolution(Matrix matrix, Matrix kernel) throws Exception {
int x = matrix.getX() - 2;//求导后矩阵的行数
int y = matrix.getY() - 2;//求导后矩阵的列数
Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(x, y);//最终合成矩阵
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {//遍历行
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++) {//遍历每行的列
double dm = MatrixOperation.convolution(matrix, kernel, i, j);
if (dm > 0) {//存在边缘
myMatrix.setNub(i, j, dm);
return late(myMatrix);
public Matrix late(Matrix matrix) throws Exception {//迟化处理
int xn = matrix.getX();
int yn = matrix.getY();
int x = xn / 2;//求导后矩阵的行数
int y = yn / 2;//求导后矩阵的列数
Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(x, y);//迟化后的矩阵
for (int i = 0; i < xn - 2; i += 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < yn - 2; j += 2) {
Matrix matrix1 = matrix.getSonOfMatrix(i, j, 2, 2);
double maxNub = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < matrix1.getX(); t++) {
for (int k = 0; k < matrix1.getY(); k++) {
double nub = matrix1.getNumber(t, k);
if (nub > maxNub) {
maxNub = nub;
//迟化的最大值是 MAXNUB
myMatrix.setNub(i / 2, j / 2, maxNub);
return myMatrix;

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package org.wlld.imageRecognition;
import org.wlld.MatrixTools.Matrix;
import org.wlld.nerveEntity.SensoryNerve;
import org.wlld.tools.ArithUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Operation {//进行计算
private TempleConfig templeConfig;//配置初始化参数模板
private Convolution convolution = new Convolution();
public Operation(TempleConfig templeConfig) {
this.templeConfig = templeConfig;
public List<Double> convolution(Matrix matrix) throws Exception {
int maxNub = 0;
if (templeConfig.getRow() >= templeConfig.getColumn()) {
maxNub = templeConfig.getRow();
} else {
maxNub = templeConfig.getColumn();
Matrix matrix1 = convolution.getFeatures(matrix, maxNub);
return sub(matrix1);
public void study(Matrix matrix, Map<Integer, Double> tagging) throws Exception {
List<Double> list = convolution(matrix);
intoNerve(1, list, templeConfig.getSensoryNerves(), true, tagging);
public void look(Matrix matrix, long eventId) throws Exception {
List<Double> list = convolution(matrix);
intoNerve(eventId, list, templeConfig.getSensoryNerves(), false, null);
private List<Double> sub(Matrix matrix) throws Exception {//
List<Double> list = new ArrayList<>();
int x = matrix.getX() - 1;
int y = matrix.getY() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < templeConfig.getRow(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < templeConfig.getColumn(); j++) {
if (i > x || j > y) {
} else {
double nub = ArithUtil.div(matrix.getNumber(i, j), 10000000);
return list;
private void intoNerve(long eventId, List<Double> featurList, List<SensoryNerve> sensoryNerveList
, boolean isStudy, Map<Integer, Double> map) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < sensoryNerveList.size(); i++) {
sensoryNerveList.get(i).postMessage(eventId, featurList.get(i), isStudy, map);

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package org.wlld.imageRecognition;
import org.wlld.MatrixTools.Matrix;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
public class Picture {
private int pictureWidth;
private int pictureHeight;
public Matrix getImageMatrixByLocal(String fileURL) throws Exception {
File file = new File(fileURL);
BufferedImage bi = null;
try {
bi = ImageIO.read(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
return getImage(bi);
public Matrix getImageMatrixByIo(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception {
BufferedImage bi = null;
try {
bi = ImageIO.read(inputStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
return getImage(bi);
private Matrix getImage(BufferedImage bi) throws Exception {
int width = bi.getWidth();//最大宽度
int height = bi.getHeight();//最大高度
pictureWidth = width;
pictureHeight = height;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(height, width);//
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
int pixel = bi.getRGB(j, i);// 下面三行代码将一个数字转换为RGB数字
double grab = dimensionReduction(pixel);//抽取灰度
matrix.setNub(i, j, grab);
return matrix;
public double dimensionReduction(int pixel) {//提取灰度进行降维
int r = (pixel & 0xff0000) >> 16;//R
int g = (pixel & 0xff00) >> 8;//G
int b = (pixel & 0xff);//B
double gray = (r * 38 + g * 75 + b * 15) >> 7;
return gray;
public int getPictureWidth() {
return pictureWidth;
public void setPictureWidth(int pictureWidth) {
this.pictureWidth = pictureWidth;
public int getPictureHeight() {
return pictureHeight;
public void setPictureHeight(int pictureHeight) {
this.pictureHeight = pictureHeight;

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package org.wlld.imageRecognition;
import org.wlld.i.OutBack;
import org.wlld.nerveCenter.NerveManager;
import org.wlld.nerveEntity.SensoryNerve;
import java.util.List;
public class TempleConfig {
private NerveManager nerveManager;
public double cutThreshold = 10;//切割阈值默认值
public int row = 5;//行的最小比例
public int column = 3;//列的最小比例
public int deep = 2;//默认深度
public int classificationNub = 1;//分类的数量
private OutBack outBack;
public void initNerveManager(boolean initPower) throws Exception {//初始化神经网络
if (row >= 5 || column >= 5) {
nerveManager = new NerveManager(row * column, 6, classificationNub, deep);
} else {
throw new Exception("row or column is too min");
public List<SensoryNerve> getSensoryNerves() {//获取感知神经元
return nerveManager.getSensoryNerves();
public void setStudy(double studyPoint) throws Exception {//设置学习率
public double getCutThreshold() {
return cutThreshold;
public void setCutThreshold(double cutThreshold) {
this.cutThreshold = cutThreshold;
public int getRow() {
return row;
public void setRow(int row) {
this.row = row;
public int getColumn() {
return column;
public void setColumn(int column) {
this.column = column;
public int getDeep() {
return deep;
public void setDeep(int deep) {
this.deep = deep;
public int getClassificationNub() {
return classificationNub;
public void setClassificationNub(int classificationNub) {
this.classificationNub = classificationNub;
public OutBack getOutBack() {
return outBack;
public void setOutBack(OutBack outBack) {
this.outBack = outBack;

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@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
package org.wlld.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.wlld.i.OutBack;
* @author lidapeng
* @description
* @date 2:12 下午 2020/1/7
public class Ma {
private int x;
private int y;
private List<Ma> mas = new ArrayList<>();
public class Ma implements OutBack {
private int nub;
Ma(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void setNub(int nub) {
this.nub = nub;
public void getBack(double out, int id, long eventId) {
System.out.println("id==" + id + ",out==" + out + ",nub==" + nub);

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@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ package org.wlld.test;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long a = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 12100000; i++) {
Ma ma = new Ma(1, 1);
long b = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(b - a);