2020-08-13 15:18:26 +08:00
## Button
Botones comúnmente usados.
### Uso básico
:::demo Use `type` , `plain` ,`round` y `circle` para definir estilos a los botones.
< el-row >
< el-button > Default< / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" > Primary< / el-button >
< el-button type = "success" > Success< / el-button >
< el-button type = "info" > Info< / el-button >
< el-button type = "warning" > Warning< / el-button >
< el-button type = "danger" > Danger< / el-button >
< / el-row >
< el-row >
< el-button plain > Plain< / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" plain > Primary< / el-button >
< el-button type = "success" plain > Success< / el-button >
< el-button type = "info" plain > Info< / el-button >
< el-button type = "warning" plain > Warning< / el-button >
< el-button type = "danger" plain > Danger< / el-button >
< / el-row >
< el-row >
< el-button round > Round< / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" round > Primary< / el-button >
< el-button type = "success" round > Success< / el-button >
< el-button type = "info" round > Info< / el-button >
< el-button type = "warning" round > Warning< / el-button >
< el-button type = "danger" round > Danger< / el-button >
< / el-row >
< el-row >
< el-button icon = "el-icon-search" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-edit" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "success" icon = "el-icon-check" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "info" icon = "el-icon-message" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "warning" icon = "el-icon-star-off" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "danger" icon = "el-icon-delete" circle > < / el-button >
< / el-row >
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### Botón deshabilitado
El atributo `disabled` determina su un botón esta deshabilitado.
:::demo Use el atributo `disabled` para determinar si un botón esta deshabilitado. Acepta un valor `Boolean` .
< el-row >
< el-button disabled > Default< / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" disabled > Primary< / el-button >
< el-button type = "success" disabled > Success< / el-button >
< el-button type = "info" disabled > Info< / el-button >
< el-button type = "warning" disabled > Warning< / el-button >
< el-button type = "danger" disabled > Danger< / el-button >
< / el-row >
< el-row >
< el-button plain disabled > Plain< / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" plain disabled > Primary< / el-button >
< el-button type = "success" plain disabled > Success< / el-button >
< el-button type = "info" plain disabled > Info< / el-button >
< el-button type = "warning" plain disabled > Warning< / el-button >
< el-button type = "danger" plain disabled > Danger< / el-button >
< / el-row >
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### Botón de texto
Botones sin borde ni fondo.
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< el-button type = "text" > Text Button< / el-button >
< el-button type = "text" disabled > Text Button< / el-button >
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### Botón icono
Use iconos para darle mayor significado a Button. Se puede usar simplemente un icono o un icono con texto.
:::demo Use el atributo `icon` para agregar un icono. Puede encontrar el listado de iconos en el componente de iconos. Agregar iconos a la derecha del texto se puede conseguir con un tag `<i>` . También se pueden usar iconos personalizados.
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-edit" > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-share" > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-delete" > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-search" > Search< / el-button >
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< el-button type = "primary"
>Upload< i class = "el-icon-upload el-icon-right" > < /i
>< / el-button >
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### Grupo de botones
Mostrar un grupo de botones puede ser usado para mostrar un grupo de operaciones similares.
:::demo Use el tag `<el-button-group>` para agrupar sus botones.
< el-button-group >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-arrow-left" > Previous Page< / el-button >
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< el-button type = "primary"
>Next Page< i class = "el-icon-arrow-right el-icon-right" > < /i
>< / el-button >
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< / el-button-group >
< el-button-group >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-edit" > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-share" > < / el-button >
< el-button type = "primary" icon = "el-icon-delete" > < / el-button >
< / el-button-group >
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### Botón de descarga
2020-08-13 15:18:26 +08:00
Cuando se hace clic en un botón para descargar datos, el botón muestra un estado de descarga.
:::demo Ajuste el atributo `loading` a `true` para mostrar el estado de descarga.
< el-button type = "primary" :loading = "true" > Loading< / el-button >
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### Tamaños
Además del tamaño por defecto, el componente Button provee tres tamaños adicionales para utilizar en diferentes escenarios.
:::demo Use el atributo `size` para setear tamaños adicionales con `medium` , `small` o `mini` .
< el-row >
< el-button > Default< / el-button >
< el-button size = "medium" > Medium< / el-button >
< el-button size = "small" > Small< / el-button >
< el-button size = "mini" > Mini< / el-button >
< / el-row >
< el-row >
< el-button round > Default< / el-button >
< el-button size = "medium" round > Medium< / el-button >
< el-button size = "small" round > Small< / el-button >
< el-button size = "mini" round > Mini< / el-button >
< / el-row >
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< el-row >
< el-button icon = "el-icon-search" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button icon = "el-icon-search" size = "medium" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button icon = "el-icon-search" size = "small" circle > < / el-button >
< el-button icon = "el-icon-search" size = "mini" circle > < / el-button >
< / el-row >
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### Button Atributos
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| Atributo | Descripción | Tipo | Valores aceptados | Por defecto |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| size | tamaño del botón | string | medium / small / mini | — |
| type | tipo de botón | string | primary / success / warning / danger / info / text | — |
| plain | determinar si es o no un botón plano | boolean | — | false |
| round | determinar si es o no un botón redondo | boolean | — | false |
| circle | determina si es un botón circular | boolean | — | false |
| loading | determinar si es o no un botón de descarga | boolean | — | false |
| disabled | deshabilitar el botón | boolean | — | false |
| icon | nombre de la clase del icono | string | — | — |
| autofocus | misma funcionalidad que la nativa `autofocus` | boolean | — | false |
| native-type | misma funcionalidad que la nativa `type` | string | button / submit / reset | button |
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### Button-Group Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------ | --------------------- | ------- |
| size | control the size of buttons in this button-group | string | medium / small / mini | — |
### Button-Group Slots
| Name | Description |
| ------- | ------------------------------ |
| default | customize button group content |