| width | column width, the width of the same column in different rows is set by the max value (If no `border`, width contains label and content) | string / number | — | — |
| min-width | column minimum width, columns with `width` has a fixed width, while columns with `min-width` has a width that is distributed in proportion (If no`border`, width contains label and content) | string / number | — | — |
| align | column content alignment (If no `border`, effective for both label and content) | string | left / center / right | left |
| label-align | column label alignment, if omitted, the value of the above `align` attribute will be applied (If no `border`, please use `align` attribute) | string | left / center / right | — |
| class-name | column content custom class name | string | — | — |
| label-class-name | column label custom class name | string | — | — |