Checkbox can be used alone to switch between two states.
:::demo Define `v-model`(bind variable) in `el-checkbox`. The default value is a `Boolean` for single `checkbox`, and it becomes `true` when selected. Content inside the `el-checkbox` tag will become the description following the button of the checkbox.
## Disabled State
Disabled state for checkbox.
:::demo Set the `disabled` attribute.
## Checkbox group
It is used for multiple checkboxes which are bound in one group, and indicates whether one option is selected by checking if it is checked.
:::demo `checkbox-group` element can manage multiple checkboxes in one group by using `v-model` which is bound as an `Array`. Inside the `el-checkbox` element, `label` is the value of the checkbox. If no content is nested in that tag, `label` will be rendered as the description following the button of the checkbox. `label` also corresponds with the element values in the array. It is selected if the specified value exists in the array, and vice versa.
## Indeterminate
The `indeterminate` property can help you to achieve a 'check all' effect.
## Minimum / Maximum items checked
The `min` and `max` properties can help you to limit the number of checked items.
## Button style
Checkbox with button styles.
:::demo You just need to change `el-checkbox` element into `el-checkbox-button` element. We also provide `size` attribute.
## With borders
:::demo The `border` attribute adds a border to Checkboxes.