:::demo Bind `v-model` to a `Boolean` typed variable. The `--el-switch-on-color` and `--el-switch-off-color` CSS variables decides the background color in two states.
Use the `active-icon` and `inactive-icon` attribute to add icon. You can pass either string for the component name (registered in advance) or the component itself which is a SVG Vue component. Element Plus has provided a set of icon that you can find at [icon](/en-US/component/icon)
| model-value / v-model | binding value, it should be equivalent to either `active-value` or `inactive-value`, by default it's `boolean` type | boolean / string / number | — | — |
| loading | whether Switch is in loading state | boolean | — | false |
| size | size of Switch | string | large / default / small | default |
| width | width of Switch | number / string | — | — |
| inline-prompt | whether icon or text is displayed inside dot, only the first character will be rendered for text | boolean | — | false |
| active-icon | component of the icon displayed when in `on` state, overrides `active-text` | `string \| Component` | — | — |
| inactive-icon | component of the icon displayed when in `off` state, overrides `inactive-text` | `string \| Component` | — | — |
| active-text | text displayed when in `on` state | string | — | — |
| inactive-text | text displayed when in `off` state | string | — | — |
| active-value | switch value when in `on` state | boolean / string / number | — | true |
| inactive-value | switch value when in `off` state | boolean / string / number | — | false |
| active-color | background color when in `on` state ( deprecated, use CSS var `--el-switch-on-color` instead ) | string | — | — |
| inactive-color | background color when in `off` state ( deprecated, use CSS var `--el-switch-off-color` instead ) | string | — | — |
| border-color | border color of the switch ( deprecated, use CSS var `--el-switch-border-color` instead ) | string | — | — |
| name | input name of Switch | string | — | — |
| validate-event | whether to trigger form validation | boolean | — | true |
| before-change | before-change hook before the switch state changes. If `false` is returned or a `Promise` is returned and then is rejected, will stop switching | `() => Promise<boolean> \| boolean` | — | — |