This component is still under testing, if you found any bug or issue please report it at [GitHub]( for us to fix.
You can collapse tags to a text by using `collapse-tags` attribute. You can check them when mouse hover collapse text by using `collapse-tags-tooltip` attribute.
By using the `allow-create` attribute, users can create new items by typing in the input box. Note that for `allow-create` to work, `filterable` must be `true`.
It will be better to set `:reserve-keyword="false"` when use `allow-create`
:::demo Set the value of `filterable` and `remote` with `true` to enable remote search, and you should pass the `remote-method`. `remote-method` is a `Function` that gets called when the input value changes, and its parameter is the current input value.
| collapse-tags-tooltip | whether show all selected tags when mouse hover text of collapse-tags. To use this, `collapse-tags` must be true | boolean | true / false | false |
| allow-create | whether creating new items is allowed. To use this, `filterable` must be true | boolean | — | false |
| reserve-keyword | whether reserve the keyword after select filtered option. | boolean | — | true |
| no-data-text | displayed text when there is no options, you can also use slot empty | string | — | No Data |
| popper-class | custom class name for Select's dropdown | string | — | — |
| popper-append-to-body(deprecated) | whether to append the popper menu to body. If the positioning of the popper is wrong, you can try to set this prop to false | boolean | - | false |
| teleported | whether select dropdown is teleported to the body | boolean | true / false | true |
| popper-options | Customized popper option see more at [popper.js]( | object | - | - |
| automatic-dropdown | for non-filterable Select, this prop decides if the option menu pops up when the input is focused | boolean | - | false |
| height | The height of the dropdown panel, 34px for each item | number | - | 170 |
| scrollbar-always-on | Controls whether the scrollbar is always displayed | boolean | - | false |
| remote | whether search data from server | boolean | — | false |
| remote-method | function that gets called when the input value changes. Its parameter is the current input value. To use this, `filterable` must be true | function(keyword: string) | — | — |